Percy Jackson- Teenage Rockst...

By Taste_the_Rainbow-

109K 1.5K 367

ALL SONGS FROM THIS STORY ARE NOT MINE. " Thalia what are you singing?" Apollo, the sun god, asked. ... More

Chapter 1: Olympus
The Concert
Backstage suprises

The Real End

7.6K 120 61
By Taste_the_Rainbow-

Ok! This is what all of you have been waiting for!!! A well thought out ending. I am very sorry for my last one, it was not well thought out. So, forget about that one and read this one hopefully it's better. Please comment if you want me to add or delete anything here. 😜

       Percy POV:

      1 year later-

        Things have been good at camp. At first it was crazy! People asked for my autographs and were ogling at me for weeks, but it has gone down to only a few people doing those things.
I was sitting in my bed thinking about all these things when Annabeth came in.

   Nobody's POV:

The people at camp have been getting used to him being there. The 7, (now including Percy because I had to put him in) had an idea. They figured that Percy has been there long enough and know them well enough to put on a personal concert for the camp. Annabeth then went to go get him.

Annabeth's POV:

I went and knocked on Percy's door, "Seaweed Brain!" I yelled then barged in.
When I got in, I found that no one was there. Weird. Then I heard a grumbling noise. I looked behind the door and found Percy sprawled across the floor.
I burst out laughing finding that Percy had a big bump on his head.
"Hey! You didn't have to barge in?! I was coming to get the door!" He grumbled.
"Well I'm glad I did that because that was awesome!" I said still laughing.
" Whatever." He said going to sit on his bed. What do you need to talk about."
"Oh right!" I said remembering what I was here for, " I was wondering, would you be able to to sing your newest album to the camp in the amphitheater- like a private concert?
I saw him ponder for a minute , but then he answered,
"Yea, that's cool."
  I was secretly squealing on the inside, I knew everyone would like this. Also.... I secretly have a crush on him. ~* ^ *~
_________\_\My first line break, ever/_/______

Jason POV (get ready for some brason):

As Annabeth came in, we all awaited an answer. We were a little nervous becuase she came in with a downcast face.
"I'm sorry guys..." She slumped. We were all a little sad, but she continued,
"He will be putting on a concert for all of camp!" She ended happily. Just then, all of us got a little mad and threw all the things we could find at her. But I didn't expect this, this utter atrocity of a spew. This pholly was committed. (Did I spell that right?)
     A...... Brick came out of seemingly no where, smacking me right in the face making it look like I was kissing it!
'Snap', I heard the shutter of a camera. I turned slowly to Leo seeing that he snapped a picture with his phone. (Yes, I am letting them have phones. Let's just say that Leo made them monster proof like every other story. Deal with it.)
   "That's so going on my Instagram!" Leo laughed. Then I grabbed his phone and threw it into the water. Then the water started to bubble and Percy came up with the phone on top of his head.
    "Here you go Leo!!!!!" He quickly rushed to Leo then quickly back with a weird grin on his face, slowly sinking back in.

   Percy POV:

After that day, Annabeth told everyone about the concert. I could tell everyone was anxiously waiting. I was very nervous for the concert. I had a very special surprise at the end, and I didn't know how well it would go.
   Finally, the concert came. I got up on the amphitheaters stage and stared at all the people who came. I didn't think it would be this much! Everyone came. Even the gods!
   Then I started to sing my songs. (I'm not going to put the lyrics in the songs because face it, no one reads it anyways.)
     The songs were;
   It has begun (by Starset)

   Believe in myself (fairytail op)

Kimi No Shinwa (aquarion evol op)

Unchained (by AFl- Prelude)

    Ballad of the Mona Lisa (by panic at the disco)

    Welcome to the black parade (by my chemical romance)

   After the last song I got really nervous. I was finally going to do it! I was going to tell Annabeth I liked her. When everyone settled down, I started to speak,
    "Thank you everyone for coming to this concert! This was new album called The Death of a Batchelor." ****(This is panic at the disco's album! I just really liked the name!!!)*****
  I paused. It was time. I took a deep breath and said, " Annabeth. Ever since I met you I knew you were the one. I know we have only known each other for a year and a couple months, and I know that I could never replace Ryan, but I will give it all I got. Annabeth, will you be my girlfriend?"
I saw her start to tear up and then she ran on stage and kissed me.
"PERCABETH WAS MENT TO BE!!!!" I heard Piper shout. I just laughed and went along with everything.
This was the best night of my life, I got Annabeth as my girlfriend and a whole bunch of friends who I bonded with. Although they never forgot Ryan, I was still happy to know I was now part of the group.
Now, every time I went on concerts bring the 7 with Nico and Will. I had met Nico when he fell into the water and from then on he now hates water. I guess I'm just not his type. Wait...... " NICOOOOOOOOO"

Nobody POV:

Not this again?! Nico whined.

Thank you for reading!!!!!! I finally made a good ending!!! How was it!! Leave comments in the comment section...😜

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