I Love To Hate You

By Robyn-Jay

730K 21.4K 3.5K

Elyon Baker has it tough. She lives alone in a crappy apartment for reasons even she doesn't like to think ab... More

Chapter 1: "Is it national 'hate' day?"
Chapter 2: "Sometimes, I really do love this job."
Chapter 3: "It's gonna cost him."
Chapter 4: "Whatever, the punch was good."
Chapter 5: "Is he killing her in there?"
Chapter 6: "Glad u didn't have to break some poor guys balls Little E."
Chapter 7: "They have some issues in the bedroom department."
Chapter 8: "What is with everyone going all 'Hulk' on my ass lately?"
Chapter 9: "Little annoying freak of a man boob!"
Chapter 10:"They were enacting a Cinderella porno."
Chapter 11: "I feel like something really bad is about to happen."
Chapter 12: "In your face muscle man!"
Chapter 13: "A way to shave every hair from his body and sell it all on EBay!"
Chapter 14: "Whoever this guy is, he must be related to the exorcist."
Chapter 15: "I was in the bad boys den."
Chapter 16:"I'm all for the clown! He could do some crazy shit in the sack."
Chapter 17: "Swap his shampoo for hair removal cream."
Chapter 18: "Did you just compare me to mouldy cheese?"
Chapter 19: "Every Fucker for themselves."
Chapter 20: "He's on his period right now."
Chapter 21: "I guess it's herpes roulette now."
Chapter 22: "You look like you just got into a fight with a twister mat."
Chapter 23: "Why is there a Gremlin casually lying on me?"
Chapter 25: "Dude! Stop feeling me up under the table!"
Chapter 27: "I'm channelling my inner Jaden."
Chapter 28: "Don't be fooled, she could have hidden the body in the lift."
Chapter 29: "I am Jack! Captain Jack Sparrow!"
Extra Chapter: "A banging headache and a weird craving for cheese." (Noah.)
Chapter 30: "Drops her underwear so fast they would hit China."
Chapter 31: "She was looking at me like I was her next kill."
Chapter 32: "That knee deep instinct to boot him in the balls."
Chapter 33: "I'm not talking about a hooker dress and giving you a pole."
Chapter 34: "These fucking jeans are giving me a killer rash."
Chapter 35: "I'll make sure you have small children!"
Chapter 36: "I look like I'm a prostitute on a bender!"
Chapter 37: "You may have no reproductive organs."
Chapter 38: "Don't make me do the airplane noises."
Chapter 39: "Seriously, the girl snores like a horny bear."
Chapter 40: "Grate her face off with a cheese grater."
Chapter 41: "God chose me to repopulate the world with my awesomeness."
Chapter 42: "Everyone has their own scapegoat."
Chapter 43: "The level of awkwardness is enough to shrink my balls."
Chapter 44: "You smile like a five year old meeting Barney."
Chapter 45: "I will shove this very high heel up your whorey ass."
Chapter 46: "I still hate him. I just love doing it."
Chapter 47: "My mouth feels like a piece of sandpaper."
Epilogue: "Ha fucking ha."
Extra Chapter.

Chapter 26: "If you're a girl, you should only eat dust."

13.1K 416 56
By Robyn-Jay

“I’ll have one special ribs, large, two side portions of fries, extra barbeque sauce and some potato salad.” I said glancing down at the menu to check that this was all that I wanted.

The waitress stared at me like I was a talking hippo and wrote my order on her notepad.

“Jesus Christ woman, you could try and act like a female when we eat out.” Jaden said his eyes wide.

“I like to eat, and when you guys are paying why shouldn’t I?” I question taking a sip from my coke and smiling widely.

“Little E...” Noah began but didn’t know what else to say so ordered his meal instead.

The waitress smiled as wide as she could and shoved out the little cleavage she had when it came to taking the guys order. I didn’t miss the flirtatious arm touch she gave Jaden either, neither did he by the way his ego filled the room afterwards.

I decided to just watch her in pity and allow her to continue her weak flirting without any comments; I didn’t really fancy getting my food spat in.

“I thought you said you weren’t hungry?” Nicolas asked turning slightly in his chair to face me.

“I guess I was,” I said with a shrug. I really wasn’t that hungry before, I suppose I was too full thinking about my Dad.

I still was, just now I felt a lot more at ease.

“So when are you banging Holly again?” Jaden suddenly asked Nicolas giving him a sly knowing grin.

I grinned and turned to mimic Jaden. The rest of the table grew silent, being the nosy bastards we are: we all wanted to know the answer to this question.

“I don’t know.” Nicolas said casually taking a sip of his own Coke with a small smile.

Noah whistled and slammed his hands onto the table in excitement.

“Oh you have it bad!” He exclaimed laughing slightly.

“I do not!” Nicolas denied.

“Aw, it’s okay Nicky, you can settle down.” Jaden added grinning from ear to ear now.

Nicolas’s eyes widened and he shook his head wildly.

“No! I’ll never settle down! I want to be a whore for the rest of my life! I’ll shag my way through my fifties!” He claimed; denial written all over his face.


Of course that’s when the waitress returns with our food.

We all slowly turn to face her; she was blushing slightly while carrying a tray of food. She stared at Nicolas her eyes slightly wide and her mouth still open.

“Nice one Nicolas, now’s your chance to prove your conviction,” I said, not too quietly, and nudged Nicolas in the ribs and pointed, again not without her noticing, to the waitress.

Everyone but Nicolas struggled to hold in their laughter as the poor girl flushed crimson and set the tray onto the table before mumbling something about sauce and practically running away.

Okay, maybe I did do that for flirting earlier, sue me.

“You are so mean.” Noah said removing the food from the tray and handing it to whom it belonged.

I smiled sweetly and shrugged.

“When I ordered my food she gave me the: ‘if you’re a girl you should only eat dust’ look. I like food.” Sure this was half of the reason but the other half could stay hidden up my ass; where it will stay - for the time being.

“We noticed.” All three of them chimed in at once then proceeded to laugh like the children they were.


Oh my God! These ribs...How do I explain something so orgasmic I was planning on marrying the pieces of deliciousness?

To put it simply: I loved these ribs.

I had practically devoured them - well before any of the guys had finished theirs, including Noah who had only got the regular sized portion.

“Do you even taste your food or do you just inhale it?” Jaden asked when I was moving onto the second plate of fries.

I paused, holding the fry half way between my mouth and plate to glare.

“Yes I taste it.” I retorted throwing the golden crisp of God into my mouth.

Nicolas muttered something too low for me to hear but I knew it was something about me, so I elbowed him, I think I hit a lung because he started choking on air. Revenge bitch.

Everyone ignored Nicolas apparent near death experience and continued to watch how mine and Jaden’s argument would develop.

“The way you eat...It’s impossible to taste it.” He said shaking his head like he was actually trying to think about it.

“Look, if I agree with you we would both be wrong.” I smirked a little and popped another fry into my mouth.

I quirked my eyebrow waiting to see what his reply would be to that.

“No you look, I’m a guy and I don’t eat like you do. Sure I eat a lot, its male nature to be either hungry or horny: when a guy doesn’t have an erection, make him a sandwich.” He nodded thoughtfully smirking at his own joke.

I had to bite down my own laugh actually.

“So you want me to eat like one of those Barbie’s at school and live off of my own self esteem?” I questioned pointing a fry at him genuinely intrigued.

He smiled a little and shook his head.

“Fuck no, I like that you eat like a pig. Means you’re comfortable the way you are. ” He replied

I honestly didn’t know what to say to that. So I resorted in shoving five fries into my mouth and chewing with wide eyes.

I heard Noah chuckling beside me and this removed all doubt that everyone had definitely been listening in on our conversation and they all knew I had lost.


“I hate you.” I muttered finally swallowing my mouthful and pouting slightly. Jaden froze slightly before shrugging.

“Don’t get all petty, I won fair and square.”

I sighed and ate some more fries.

Better to remain silent and be thought of a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

“Right! I need a piss.” Was the lovely exclamation from Nicolas once he drained his glass of Coke.

“Yeah me too.” Luke said standing and stretching waiting for Jaden to let him past.

Once the pissy pants were on their way to the toilet it was just Jaden, Noah and I.

“What time is it?”  I asked wondering how long before my shift starts.

“Half four.” Noah answered looking down at his phone.

“We had better be going when they come back,” I mumbled through a yawn. All this food has made me sleepy.  

Noah agreed and turned to say something to Jaden but Jaden’s phone rang and he answered it before Noah could speak to him.

I watched as he listened to the person on the other side with a slight frown before sighing.

“Okay wait a minute,” he said before pulling he phone back a bit from his ear.

“I’m gonna take this outside, it’s Lydia.”

Noah nodded and Jaden walked away from the table and out to the little bit of shelter outside.

Who the hell is Lydia?

“You know he was really worried about you?” Noah suddenly said bringing me out of my thoughts.

I turned to look at him with a crease between my brow.

“What?” I really wasn’t sure of what he said.

“Jaden. He caught me just before gym and looked like he was about to lay and egg he was that worried. You scared that shit out of him.”


“Ugh...” What do you say to that?

“Then he phoned Nick and Luke to see if they had saw you, when they said they hadn’t we all went looking for you. They way Jay saw it, you looked like you were about to slit your throat or something.” Noah continued like I hadn’t even spoke. He was looking at Jaden’s figure through the glass doors with a frown.

“Well I’m okay now.” I said my stomach twisting at the unknown feeling bubbling through me.

“Yeah, you are huh?” He replied smiling softly at me but there was still something there that I couldn’t understand.

“I need to pee!” I declared standing up quickly and practically pushing Noah to the floor to get out.

There was too much feelings going on right now and it was making me want to puke.

I didn’t really need to go; I just had to get away from that table for a bit.

When I got to where the toilets where I stopped in my tracks when I noticed Luke standing outside the guys door with his phone pressed tightly to his ear and an angry look on his face.

Now sure I could have just carried on walking to the toilet and acted like I never saw him, but of course I decided to go into stealth mode and use my ninja skills to listen into his conversation.

Leaning against the wall and peeking around the corner I managed to catch little bits of his conversation.

“Yeah...I don’t give two fucks get it fixed before they come home...No...Fine...Just done let them find the stuff...What do you mean it’s going up in price? I can hardly afford it as it is...Okay...Fine. Laters.”

What needs to get fixed? And what the fuck is going up in price?

What the fuck is Luke messed up in?

He must have hung up because I heard him sigh and begin to walk towards me.


I panicked and ran towards the nearest booth and dived into it.

I was too busy peeking around the corner of the seat to notice that the booth I was currently hiding in was occupied. There was a short cough and I slowly turned around to see a little old lady giving me the evil eye.

“Uhm, nice weather huh?” I rubbed the back of my neck nervously and began to slide back out of the seat.

“It’s raining.” She deadpanned still glaring.

How much of a purse snatcher look alike must I be to receive one of these glares?

“Nothing like a bit of healthy rain...Well bye!” I dashed away from there as fast as I could and returned to the table. Everyone was already there.

This little fiasco must never be told to any of these guys.

“Finally! Let’s go, uncle Ray said we don’t have to pay: even if you did try to eat all of his food.” Nicolas said once I was close enough.

I looked around and noticed everyone had their jackets on, well except for Jaden; he was holding his out for me again.

This sudden spurt of niceness is starting to creep me out.

I glanced quickly at Luke: he looked the same as always: closed off. Whatever he is messed up in, I don’t think the rest of the guys even know what it truly is, and if it’s that bad then he is in some serious shit.

I think one of these days I’ll take a trip down Luke lane.

“I didn’t eat that much.” I replied sliding my arms into Jaden’s jacket and zipping it up.

“You ate more than me, and that’s saying something.” Nicolas retorted as we left. We all waved to Ray; since he was dealing with a customer we couldn’t say goodbye properly.

“Seriously guys, I am getting sick of you all hinting I’m fat.” I snapped walking out into the rain.

They just laugh and say nothing meaning I hit the nail on the head. With another long sigh I somehow refrain from bludgeoning them all to death and slide into the car.

I swear I’m one more fat hint from shoving my cutlery up their asses.

Damn bitches.


Yay! Quick update!

So pretty short chapter, I just wanted to get one out there as soon as possible.

A filler chapter with a few hints of what’s to come: meaning Lydia and Luke’s goods.

Next chapter will be longer, much funnier and Cassidy which means more drama!

Thanks for reading J

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Robyn x 

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