Mondays - Camren

By fansecrets-revealed

695K 17.5K 14.5K

You smiled to me and I thought: Damn, I'm fucking in love with you... -this is the original version, so there... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26


29.8K 708 697
By fansecrets-revealed

-College Sophomore-

Normani and Dinah entered the packed bar hand in hand. It was Friday night so it wasn't surprising to find the place filled with so many college students. They scanned the area in search of their friend, who they eventually found swiftly moving from table to table serving drinks and picking up empty glasses.

"Mila!" Dinah hollered at the busy girl. Her best friend looked up quickly looking all disheveled and worn out. The Latina pointed at the empty booth near the bar accompanied by a sympathetic smile. She understood what Camila was implying and gave the girl a thumbs up. She pulled Normani behind her as they walked through the thick crowd. When they finally made it in the booth she sighed contently. "Jeez, this place is lit."

"I know right... Look at our little Camilita." Normani crooned as she observed the waitress flying all over the bar. "She's all grown up now."

"Yeah but I heard she drops at least one glass every shift." Dinah snorted.

"Does she really?"

"That's what Lo says."

"Oh my god... doesn't that get deducted from her paycheck?"


"Wow, poor Mila." Normani emitted a deep breath, her brown orbs surveyed the bar before turning to her girlfriend. "Speaking of Lauren, where is that piece of shit? I haven't seen her in couple of months and when we all finally meet up she's late."

Dinah pulled out her phone and swiped it open. She clicked on the messages and saw a new one from the volleyball player.

"She said she had to pick up Ally from the airport but they are on their way." The Polynesian read. She shut it off and placed it on the table. "You want to get something to drink?"

"Hell yeah."

"WAITER!" Dinah screamed at Camila who shot her a pointed look. The petite Latina was wiping the tables when she heard Dinah screaming at her. She scurried away from behind the counter and walked over to her friends.

"What do you want?" Camila growled resting her hand on her hip.

Normani faked a gasp and looked at Dinah. "This place has such poor customer service don't you think?"

Dinah nodded her head in agreement. "The waitress is so rude!"

"Right... I don't know about you but I'm only tipping point one percent." Normani feigned offense.

"Same girl."

"You guys are idiots." Camila chuckled lightly. "But seriously guys, I'm working for like ten more minutes then I have a 15."

"We're just playing, Mila. We actually want drinks though." The dancer smiled warmly. "Two Long Island Ice Teas please."

"Oooo and put it on Lauren's tab." Dinah added with a smirk.

Camila arched an eyebrow at her best friend. "Really Dinah."

"Mila, c'mon, your girlfriend is literally oozing out of scholarship money. She doesn't even use it!" The taller girl retorted.

"Actually, she does. She's the one that pays for all the glasses I break in this place." Camila disclosed with a nervous chuckle rubbing the back of her neck as she bit her lower lip.

"You're kidding." Normani gapped.

"I wish I was... I'm still trying to pay her back for everything."

"Damn, why couldn't I have Lauren as my girlfriend instead of this cheapskate." She pointed at Dinah.

"Hey!" The Polynesian whined.

"I'm joking, baby." Normani cooed and pecked her girlfriend on her cheek. "I love you."

"And on that note, I'm going back to work. Those drinks will be out soon." Camila promised as she started to walk back.

"Mila watch-!" Dinah exclaimed, both her and Normani jumped off their seats.

The waitress bumped into one of the bus boys but was quick to hold the boy in place. She steadied her and the boy just in time. No glass broken. No spilled drinks. She let out a relieved breath and went on her way. "Sorry, Shawn!"

"It's no problem, Camila!" The bus boy shouted back.

It only took the young waitress a few minutes to wait for the drinks for the two girls. She walked carefully to the table and handed them their drinks. "Enjoy." Camila said with a toothy grin, proud that she was able to remain her balance through it all.

"Thanks, Mila." Her friends replied in unison. She tucked the plastic tray in between her arms and was about to turn her heels when she felt a body pressed behind her and hands gripping her waist tightly. A warm breath hit her sweaty neck sending shivers in her spine.

"How's my sexy waitress holding up?" Lauren husked in sultry voice.

"Lauren..." Camila whined, "I'm working, babe."

"Then stop working." Lauren suggested placing a soft kiss on Camila's cheek. "Let me take care of you, please."

Camila turned around to face the pouty green-eyed girl. She cupped the girl's face and squeezed it lovingly. "We talked about this. I'll take care of you and you take care of me. It's a two way street remember?" She pulled the girl's face to make their lips meet briefly then pulled away. She pinched Lauren's cheeks then walked around the girl back to the counter.

"Wait don't go!" Lauren called after her girlfriend. She dramatically reached out for the girl eliciting a small giggle from Camila.

"I'll be back in five minutes tops." Camila promised before turning her attention to the customer in front of her.

Lauren slid in the booth next to Normani and greeted her friends with a wide smile. "Hallo!"

"Hey Lo!" The couple sang. Normani sent Lauren a deathly glare, "Took you long enough."

"Ally had to be picked up!" The volleyball player huffed. "I would have been here earlier if it wasn't for that!"

"Talking bout what now?" Ally popped out of nowhere and sat across from Lauren next to Dinah.

"They are scolding me for being late." Lauren complained.

"Sorry ya'll that's my fault." Ally apologized.

"Hey Smallz, haven't seen you in a while." Dinah wrapped her arm around the smaller girl and pulled her in a tight hug. "How's Texas treating ya? Last time we went there you were balling your eyes out."

"That was freshman year." Ally dismissed. "We're sophomores now. I'm getting use to it... being away from home and all."

"I'm not." Lauren admitted. She glanced over to the counter and found her girlfriend talking animatedly to Shawn. "I sometimes still miss home." It wasn't the boy that was the problem, it was just the fact that Camila spent most of her time in the bar now to help pay for college. Even though they go to the same school, they barely have time to spend time with each other because of extracurricular activities.

"Lauren what are you talking about? You couldn't wait to get out of Miami..." Normani responded with a curious tone.

The raven-haired girl shifted her gaze and locked eyes with her best friend. "Sometimes home isn't 4 walls, It's 2 eyes and a heartbeat."

"And my cheese ball of a girlfriend strikes again." Camila teased playfully as she overheard the on going conversation between her friends. She slipped in the booth next to Lauren and placed a drink in front of the athlete. "Here, you're favorite made by yours truly." She batted her eyes and smiled smugly at her girl.

"I'm driving, babe." Lauren said sadly, sliding the drink away from her but Camila grabbed her wrist.

"Nooooooo." Camila drawled out. "I'm driving tonight. You." She poked Lauren's nose. "You are going to have fun and get wasted. Okay?"

"Are you sure?"

"You deserve it." Camila kissed Lauren on the cheek then gave all her attention back to the group. "So what'd I miss?"

"Okay so Lauren gets free drinks and we don't. Not cool, Walz. Not cool." Dinah grumbled.

"MILA!" Shawn ran up to where the five girls sat and frantically placed a hand on Camila's shoulder. He shook the girl excitedly as he beamed at the waitress. "I GOT IT!"

Lauren raised an eyebrow and eyed at the boy's hand. She reached around her girlfriend and plucked Shawn's hand off. The boy looked up and gave a sheepish grin, "sorry." He mumbled tucking his hands behind him.

"Hands to yourself, Shawn." Lauren warned.

"I know, know, I'm sorry, but I'm excited. Mila, I think I got the chorus for our song." Shawn shared with much enthusiasm. Camila lit up.

"Wait, really?!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah! You wanna go in the back real quick and hear it?"

Camila looked back at her friends then back to Shawn. "Umm, I'm ki-"

"Go." Lauren butted in, encouraging the girl. She knew how much it meant to Camila.

"A-are you sure?" Her girlfriend asked unsurely.

"Yeah, we'll still be here when you get back." Lauren assured.

Camila gave Lauren a chaste kiss on the lips, "I love you."

"Hmm, I love you too." Lauren replied.

"I'll be right back, I promise."

The Cuban-Mexican said her apologies to her friends and went to the back with the bus boy. Dinah was the first to cut through the thick air.

"So, Shawn..."

Lauren grabbed the drink that Camila had made her and chugged it down in one gulp. After finishing the glass she used the back of her hand to wipe the liquid that had missed her mouth. "Shawn."


"Jesus, Laur. What happened to 'I'm driving'" Camila groaned as she helped carried her girlfriend back to her room. The green-eyed girl had one too many drinks that she will most likely be feeling in the morning. Lauren moaned and leaned farther to Camila causing the petite girl to lose her footing. "Shit, shit, shit." She muttered trying to steady the drunken girl and herself.

"Mila! You need help?" Normani poked her head out of the room.

"No, no, I'm fine. Go help Dinah and Ally!" Camila suggested. The three girls had gone off the crazy side and went from shot to shot, while Normani and Camila decided to remain sober.

"I think I'm going to throw up." Lauren announced causing the brown haired girl to stop her tracks.

"Please, don't." Camila begged. "We're almost to the room."

"Camz... you're not going to leave me when you become famous right?" Lauren slurred as she tried to make eye contact with her girlfriend but the amount of alcohol in her system prevented her from doing so.

"What makes you think I'll be famous?"

"Camzi...." Lauren pouted.

Camila chuckled at how adorable the green-eyed girl looked. "Never."

"Good. I don't know what I would do if you ever did..."

"I would never leave you, Laur. Who else could put up with you and your lame jokes?"

"That's true. You're the only one that understands me."

"Let's get you to bed, yeah?"


"Yes, babe?"

"I'm glad you picked me back."

Camila scrunched her eyebrows together and stared at her girlfriend. "Huh?"

"I picked you. And then you picked me back." Lauren restated. "Out of everyone in our high school, you were the one I picked and I couldn't be anymore happier of my choice."

Camila smiled. She stared at her girlfriend shook her head lovingly. "You were an idiot to pick me."

"Nope." Lauren countered as she smiled lazily. "I was a very s-smart" She hiccupped. "Smart woman."

"Well, thank you for choosing me."

"Yup, any day, baby!"


Years Later

"Are you sure you're okay?" Lauren asked worriedly. She had her phone in between her ear and shoulder as she washed her hands in the sink.

"I can leave if you-" She furrowed her eyebrows while she listened to the person on the other line. "I don't even like these people... I can definitely make up an excuse or some-" She was cut off once again.

"Okay but-" She let out a loud sigh finally giving in to the incessant blabbering. "Fine, Mani. Thanks for doing this again. I don't know what I'd ever do- and she hung up." She scoffed in disbelief before taking the phone off her ear and holding it in front of her. It was a Saturday night and it's the first night she's been out to 'loosen' up in a long time. She didn't want to but Normani insisted, saying that it was necessary. She stared at her wallpaper for a couple of seconds and bit her lower lip.

"I miss you." She sighed at the screen despondently. A woman abruptly came in the bathroom so she quickly locked the phone and slipped into her back pocket.

The green-eyed girl looked at her reflection in the mirror and brushed her hands under her eyes. Those dark circles finally fading away after all those sleepless nights, however, they were still noticeable even with proper makeup. She released a long breath through her tight lips letting them hit each other as the air escaped.

"Smile Lauren, tonight might surprise you." She told herself.

Lauren then walked out of the restroom and made her way to the group of five men sitting by the bar waiting for her. After eleven years, she didn't end up becoming the CEO that Camila and Dinah had predicted but rather took up engineering as her major. With her love of science and research, she became a chemical engineer but more involved in manufacturing medicine than anything else. She loved what she did, she really did, the only down side was she was always surrounded with half witted, arrogant coworkers who did nothing but gloat about their success and belittle those inferior to them.

"Jauregui!" One of the guys in the group yelled. Lauren rolled her eyes and plastered on a fake smile, "Hey Cody."

"Bartender! Get this woman a drink will you!" Cody slammed his open hand on the counter and screamed drunkenly at the girl behind the bar causing her to flinch, dropping the glassware she was holding. "Fuck woman!" He cursed as he felt a drop of liquid pelting his shirt. He wiped it off angrily and stood up from the stool ready to pounce. "Hey, you-"

"Cody." Lauren immediately grabbed the man by his bicep and pulled him back. "It was an accident. Chill out."

"Are you shitting me? She messed up my shirt."

"I'll buy you another one." The woman hissed. "How about you go get us a booth and I'll take care of the drinks." Cody glared at Lauren not budging at the suggestion. She then turned to a tall blonde man for help and gave him a pleading look. "Zack..."

The man nodded.

"C'mon man, let's get a table." Zack placed a hand on his brother's shoulder and pointed back to the tables behind them. Cody grunted with his flared nostrils before storming away from the bar followed by the four other men. Lauren sent Zack a grateful smile and faced the young girl picking up the broken glass off the floor. She rested her elbow on the counter and watched the bartender curiously. The girl appeared to be around her 20s, a college student Lauren assumed.

"You know you should really wear gloves doing that." The engineer said knowingly. She's seen this happen too many times from her days in college. Broken glasses leads to cuts and cuts leads to bleeding wounds.

"It's fine. I'm alright. I'm sorry for what I did to your boyfriend." The girl replied shyly.

"My boyfriend?" Lauren laughed mockingly, dismissing the idea. "That drunken ass doesn't belong to me."

Upon hearing the melodic sound the young girl looked up and stumbled into Lauren's piercing gaze, those green pools causing her to lose her breath.

"Um, Miss? Hello?" Lauren waved her hands at the girl, who had remained silently staring at her for a couple of minutes.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that... I thought I recognized you from somewhere..." The young girl trailed off. "Especially those eyes. I've never seen anything so green."

"So I've been told. Chicks dig it." Lauren replied playfully.

"Chicks dig it, huh?" The bartender stood up straight and fixed her apron. That's when Lauren really got to see the girl's face. She had dirty blonde hair tied in a ponytail, a petite frame with pouty lips and striking blue eyes. She was attractive; Lauren had to say.

"I could say the same to you." Lauren referred to the girl's eyes. "Blue. It suits you."

"Oh yeah? Is that your preference, blue eyes?" The student flirted, seeing that the gorgeous woman was too good to let slip away without a try.

The engineer chuckled at the girl's subtly. "I prefer brown," trying to shut down any advances towards her.

"Brown seems to plain don't you think?"

"Brown is perfect to me." Lauren stood her ground. She could feel herself swimming towards dangerous waters so she steered clear. "Anyway..." She searched for the nametag and lit up when she found it. "Cara... I just wanted to make sure you were alright. You seemed kind off shaken when my coworker yelled at you... Sorry but he had a few drinks before we came here."

"Hmm, that's alright. He was pretty scary. But I bet you can make it up to me."

Lauren crinkled her eyebrows together at the bold insinuation. She ignored the innuendo and asked a different question. "Are you new here?"

"Yup, first day actually. I'm doing this part time just until my modeling career takes off."

"That's funny." Lauren chuckled lightly.

"What?" Cara raised a thick eyebrow challengingly. "You don't think I'll be famous one day?"

"No, no, it's not that. By all means follow your dream."

"Then what."

"My wife said the same thing to me when we were in college." Lauren revealed with a smirk.

Cara's jaw dropped at the revelation. "Y-your, you have a wife? Oh my god. You're married. How old are you?"

"Way too old for you, sweetie."

"And you let me flirt with you!"

"I didn't ask you to flirt with me." Lauren winked at the blue-eyed girl and took out her wallet to avoid any more questions. "Can our table get those beers now?" She extended her arm out to hand her card to the girl exposing her all so infamous tattoo. When Cara went to grab the card she got a glimpse of the permanent ink on the pale skin and gasped.

"Holy fuck!" Cara exclaimed. She looked at Lauren with wide eyes then back at the tattoo then back up to the shimmering green orbs. "Now I know who you are... You're-"

"Alright, alright. Calm down, kid." Lauren launched herself over the counter and clasped the girl's mouth, stopping the girl from drawing any attention to them. She examined the bar to make sure none have taken interest in the conversation between them.

"ommmmhgawd." Cara squealed on Lauren's hand.

"Cara, I'm going to take my hand off now and I need you to promise me not to scream." Lauren said quietly. "Please. Can you do that for me?"

The young girl nodded enthusiastically.

"Ok." Slowly Lauren dropped her hand and watched Cara carefully.

"Can I please take a picture with you?" Cara asked instantly.

"Uh..." Lauren wasn't sure if a picture was a good idea but it was the only way to shut her up. "Sure?" She leaned closer to Cara who took out her phone and aimed it towards herself and Lauren. The older woman gave a shy smile while Cara grinned widely. She took a couple of shots before dropping her phone down.

"How about those drinks, kid?" The green-eyed woman tried once again.

"Huh?" Cara lifted her gaze from her phone screen and saw Lauren with her card in her hand. "Oh yeah, definitely." She took the card and swiped it quickly then began setting up the glasses on the counter. "You know I'm a huge fan of-"

"I'll be over there." Lauren informed the bartender interrupting the girl's rambling. As much as she loved enthusiasm from people, she didn't need that tonight. Cara glanced at her, the smile disappearing and turning into a frown. "It was nice meeting you, Cara."

"Yeah, you too." Came a small reply.

"Keep going on that dream of yours." Lauren turned around but still kept her gaze on the bartender. "Don't let anything stop you... do you, babe."

She saw Cara drop the glass she was holding as the pet name sauntered out her lips. She shook her head and giggled, walking away from the aspiring model and to her acquaintances.


Lauren stuck her keys in the door and pushed in to enter her humble home. It wasn't a mansion but it could pretty much pass as one. Two story high with a pool and a big backyard. "Mani! I'm home."

"Living room." She heard her best friend call out. She dropped her bag by the door and strolled further in the house pass the kitchen and into the living room. The light off the TV illuminated the whole area.

Normani was on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in her hand watching the screen intently. It was on some award show, celebrities walking in the red carpet event with glamorous dresses and slick tuxes. The fans of those said celebrities, flailing their arms to touch their favorite artists as they walked by them.

"Where's Wren?" Lauren tore her gaze away from the screen and focused on the dark skinned girl.

"Shhhh... I'm trying to watch." Normani motioned the woman to leave.

Lauren rolled her eyes and grabbed a throw pillow nearby, chucking it over to her best friend. The pillow hit Normani in the face along with the bowl of popcorn knocking it off her grasp.

"LAUREN!" The other girl scolded. She snapped her head at the engineer and sent her a deathly glare. She pointed at the popcorn now scattered on the couch and floor. "You're cleaning this shit up."

"No I'm not." Lauren responded firmly. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and raised an eyebrow. "You're supposed to be babysitting. I see you sitting but I don't see my baby... Where's Wren?"

"Oh would you relax, he's fast asleep in his room." Normani grumbled as she started to pick up bits of popcorn off the couch putting them back in the bowl. She lifted her head up to stare at the screen afraid to miss something.

"Why are you watching this?" Lauren queried, peeking at the screen. "This is from last week."

"I missed it last week. Now shush!"

"Mani, don't you have a house of your own? Go watch it there!"

"Your TV is bigger."

"You've got to be kidding."

"I'll leave in a minute. Hey, I fed your kid and tucked him to bed, let me have this woman!"

Lauren huffed. "Fine."

"Go check on your son or something." The dancer shooed her best friend away. She took a handful of popcorn from the couch and stuffed it in her mouth.

"Mani, that's gross." Lauren cringed as she saw the girl eat the food from her couch.

"Phivee scheconddd rule!"

"You're so gross." The pale woman chuckled and walked out of the living room to the staircase up the bedrooms. She took her phone out and started dialing her wife's number as she ascended up the stairs, the phone rung a few times before going to voicemail.

"Hey this is Camila, leave me a message."

"Hey baby... I miss you." Lauren talked with a dejected tone. Once she reached the top of the steps, she turned the corner and made her way to her son's bedroom. The door was cracked open and she could hear a faint melody playing in the room. "I think Wren misses you more though." She let out a raspy laugh. "He's playing the song you recorded for him."

Lauren opened her son's door wider and leaned against the doorframe, her eyes focusing on a small boy peacefully sleeping in his car bed. She let out a deep sigh as she combed through her dark locks. "Camz..." She paused. "Is it crazy that I miss you more and more everyday? ... I know it's only been two months but god it seems like forever." A long sigh. "Anyway, I just home from a dinner out with some people in the company, I couldn't refuse. I got Mani to babysit, don't worry... actually you should worry." She chortled. "That idiot is still downstairs watching-"

"Lauren! I'm leaving!" Normani shouted all of a sudden. Lauren jumped at the sound.

"Hold on," she said on the device before covering her phone with her hand to muffle the screams. She craned her head and yelled back softly at her friend, "Lock the door for me, will ya."

"You got it!" The other girl replied followed by a loud slam causing the owner to lift her shoulders.

"Thanks, Mani, break my fucking door, why don't you." Lauren muttered under her breath. She raised her phone back to her ear and was about to continue to talk to the hanging line. She opened her mouth to speak but stopped when she heard a small voice in front her.


The engineer faced forward to find her son sitting up from his bed rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Wren's awake, fucking Mani. I'll call you again tomorrow. I love you." She ended the call and tucked it in her pocket. "Hey sweetie. Did the noise wake you?"

"Hmm." The kid hummed. He stepped out of his bed and trudged over to his mother. "Why are you home so late?"

"I went out with some people from work, didn't Auntie Mani explain?" Lauren said as she knelt down to level with her 3-year-old son. His dark green orbs stared at her blankly.

"She said you were getting wasted... what does 'wasted' mean mommy?"

"Normani." Lauren gritted through her teeth. She put on a fake smile and rubbed the boy's head. "Nothing, honey. Auntie Mani was being a poo poo face."

Wren giggled and shot his mom a lazy smile. "Auntie Mani is silly."

"I know, huh?" Lauren grinned back. "Give mommy a hug." She opened her arms and the little boy didn't hesitate to go in her mother's embrace. His tiny arms wrapped around the woman's neck tightly as he was lifted off the ground. He rested his head on Lauren's shoulder and closed his eyes contently. "You still sleepy?"

"Yeah." Wren replied groggily. "I was listening to mama's voice to help me fall asleep..."

"You miss her?" Lauren asked even though she already knew the answer. She swayed the little boy side to side to try and help him fall back to a deep slumber.

"So much." He admitted weakly.

"Me too, kid." The woman sighed. "Me too."

There was a moment of silence. Lauren guessed that her son had fallen back to sleep and decided it was time to put him down but instead of his bed she carried him to her bedroom. She didn't want to sleep alone tonight. Waking up on Sunday mornings alone was the loneliest feeling in the world.

"My bedroom is that way, mommy..." Wren mumbled causing the green-eyed woman to stop her tracks.

"I know honey, but I want you to sleep with me tonight, is that alright?" Lauren turned her head towards her son. She felt the boy nod his head softly against her shoulder making her chuckle. She smiled and placed a gentle kiss on his brown-wavy hair. "Thanks, baby."



"I love you!"

"You are so hot! Fuck me!"

"You're voice is amazing!"

"Will you marry me?!"

"You are so unreal!"

Camila breathed heavily, inhaling and exhaling, trying to consume as much air to replace the ones she had lost. She grinned widely and raised both her arms up in front of thousands of people in the arena. Phones, cameras, signs and glow sticks was all she could make out from the large crowd. Her fans were screaming so loud, it was deafening, but she loved it. She took a bow and waved adieu to them.

As she walked out of the stage, she unhooked her earpieces and gave her microphone off to one of the crewmembers in the back. It was all routine to her now. Go to a venue, makeup, meet & greet, sound check, eat, perform, and repeat. After six years, give and take a year or so, she has gotten use to living the rock star life. All thanks to that one song that changed everything for her in her second year in college. Who would have thought she would have a singing career?

The singer rushed pass through her crew and some random people scattered around backstage to her dressing room. She was exhausted, she was homesick, and she was hungry. She dove in the couch and grabbed the phone that was charging below it.

1 missed call. 1 voicemail.

"Fuck." Camila exasperated. She hated it when she misses Lauren's calls. She tapped Lauren's number and tried to reach her before the woman went to sleep but she had no luck.

The phone kept ringing and after the fourth tone, Camila knew her wife has fallen asleep otherwise she would have answered on the second ring. She went to her voicemail and typed it her password to listen to the messages. "Hey baby. I miss you." She heard Lauren's tired voice on the line. She dropped her head on the cushions as she listened to her wife talk. Hearing that voice made her feel like she was home.

The singer thought she was use to this lifestyle now, being away from family and all, but something in Lauren's voice struck a cord. Usually her wife would just leave a cheery message or a corny joke to make her smile and go on about her day, not today though. It was different and she sensed it. No hint of urgency just sadness. She lifted her head up and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Is it crazy that I miss you more and more everyday?"

"Camila." A deep tone caused the Latina to turn around, her phone still near her ear. Steven, her manager, stood by the door and pointed to his watch then motioned behind him. "Time to go." He mouthed. The man tapped his foot as he waited for the singer's attention.

Camila raised one finger up and unplugged her phone. She didn't have enough time to listen to the rest of the recording since her manager was rushing her. She got up from the couch and approached the tall man. "Steven, I don't want to stay at a hotel tonight." She stated firmly.

The man tilted his head and gave Camila a confused look. "What are you talking about, kid?"

"I have two days before my next concert... I want to go home." Camila said in a demanding tone.

"You want to go home?" Steven restated. "Tonight?"


"Are you crazy? That's a 7-hour flight, Camila. Do you know what time it is now?" He looked down at his watch once again and snorted. "It's 10 pm. You aren't going to get home until 5 in the morning then you have to catch a fli-"

"I don't care." Camila interjected. "I'm going home tonight, Steven. Please make arrangements for my flight."

She went around her manager and started to pull of some clothes from the hangers outside her dressing room then came back in and threw it in her suitcase lying on the floor. She knelt down and stuffed everything tossed on the floor in her bag.

"Did something happen? Why is this all of a sudden?" Steven spoke up, surprised at the impulsive decision. "Camila, don't be stupid. Think about this for a moment, you have two more weeks of this tour then you'll be back in Miami."

Camila looked up and locked eyes with the tall man. She had a determined look in her eye. She rose up from the ground and clenched her jaw. The tiger got out of his cage.

"I haven't seen my family in two months. I work my ass of day and night every fucking day from concerts to interviews to signings! My wife just called me and I missed the call because I was out there performing." She extended her arm and pointed out the room. "You know what she told me, she told me she misses me and she sounded broken, Steven. My son had to listen to a voice recording to fall asleep because I can't be there to sing him to sleep. My wife and son need me so I'm going to fly home tonight." She declared. "I love my job but I love my family more. And if you want to keep your job, then get me a flight back to Miami tonight."

Steven gulped and took a step back. "Yes ma'am."

Camila shot him a fake smile and flipped her hair, "Great."

"Feisty Latina." She caught her manager mumbling as he left.


It was five-thirty in the morning when Camila opened the door to her house. Her eyes were heavy and her legs were shaky because of exhaustion. She slept a little in the plane ride over but sleeping in a plane wasn't the same as sleeping on a bed. She dragged her feet across the room to the staircase and left her suitcase by the railings, too tired to carry it up.

A soft smile crept on her face as she held onto the railings and climbed up the stairs. The smell, the ambiance, the familiarity, everything just made her happy. When she reached the top, she saw her son's bedroom door closed which was unusual because Lauren always made sure it was half crack so she could hear him cry for her. She walked towards it and opened the door to be met with darkness, no sign of her son.

"That's weird." The singer muttered. She closed it back up and proceeded to hers and Lauren's bedroom. She latched on to the knob and twisted it ever so carefully and poked her head in. Her heart skipped a beat and melted at the same time. The sight of her son cuddled in her wife made all her tiredness go away, making her whole trip worth it. She bit her lip and tip toed inside not wanting to wake the two up from their slumber.

Camila untucked the sheets and lifted the covers on her side of the bed. She slid in the bed and rested her head on the fluffy pillow beneath her as she watched her beautiful wife and son sleep in tranquil. She scooted a little closer and stretched her feet until it made contact with Lauren's then intertwined them in between. She placed a kiss on Wren's head and reached her hand out to caress her wife's face.

"Hey baby." She whispered. "I missed you too but I'm home now."

The singer's eyes fluttered close and her breathing became steady, in tune with her wife and son. She let herself fall asleep in comfort.


Lauren groaned as the sunrays peeked through the blinds shining right at her face. She lifted her arm up to cover the beams while she used her other hand to pull the small body she slept with last night closer. When all she felt was the thin sheets she sat up quickly and snapped her eyes wide open.

"Wren?" Her hoarse echoed in the room. She brought her hand up to her eyes and rubbed the sleep off. "Wren?!" She called again before scrambling off her bed and out her room. She rushed to her son's bedroom and opened it anxiously. The bed was beautifully made and there was still no sign of the little boy.

"What the hell?" Lauren rubbed the side of her head as she closed the door. "Where the hell is-"

Fits of laughter bounced off the walls. "No..." She whispered recognizing the oh too familiar giggles. It came from the kitchen. The green-eyed woman perked up and ran down the stairs, her heart rate increasing with each step. As she got closer, she could hear the on going conversation.

"You're silly, mama."

"You don't think this looks like a dinosaur?"

Lauren quietly peeped behind the wall dividing the kitchen and entrance of the house. Her breath hitched when she saw Camila holding up an abnormal shaped pancake in front of their son who was sitting on the counter his back facing her.

Wren shook his head vigorously. "NO!" He laughed. "That's a blob."

Camila let out an exaggerated gasp. "A blob?!"


"This is a dinosaur."


"Are you sure? I see a dinosaur. What do you see?"

"A BLOB!" Her son repeated loudly.

"Shhhhh." Camila held her finger to her lips. She smiled at the beaming boy. "Mommy's still sleeping, baby. We don't want to wake her up, do we?"

The little boy's head moved side to side.

"You want to help me put some whipped cream on this?" Camila wiggled her eyebrows. Wren nodded and extended his small arms towards his mom. She snaked her slender arms around the boy's body and lifted him up from the counter. "Now what's mommy's favorite topping?"

"You." Lauren stepped in the kitchen. Camila lifted her eyes at the sound, automatically locking with the other woman's green hues. "Camz?"

The singer offered a warm smile. "Yes Lauren?"

"Mommy! Me and mama was making pancakes for you!" Wren said excitedly. "Look! Look! Mama made a blob!"

A small chuckle tumbled out Lauren's lips.

"It's a dinosaur." Camila argued shooting her son a playful look. She saw Lauren move from the corner of her eye. Not a second more she felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist and Lauren's chin resting perfectly on her shoulder.

"You're home." The pale skinned woman breathed as she pulled Camila closer to her.

Camila turned her head and propped it on top of Lauren's. "I am." She said softly. "You miss me?"

"No." Lauren lied, a sly smile dancing on her lips. She turned her head and met Camila's glistening chocolate brown orbs.

"Liar." The singer said knowingly. "You so missed me."

"What? You don't believe me?"

"Not even the slightest."

"Good, because I definitely missed you... so much, baby." Lauren admitted as she buried her face in Camila's neck.

"I missed you too mommy!" Wren exclaimed all of a sudden causing Camila to smile lovingly at both her lovelies.

"I missed you both as well." Camila giggled bringing her son and wife closer. She kissed them both on their heads before speaking up again. "Now let's eat some Sunday Brunch, shall we?"

Lauren loosened her hold on her wife and perked her head up. "Food?"


The trio of a family ate their breakfast like no time had passed. Lauren had set up the table while Camila finished cooking the rest of breakfast with the little boy by her side. Pancakes, eggs, and bacon scattered the dining table with orange juice and milk on the side. Lauren, the cheeseball she is, would cut a small bit of her pancake and feed Camila small bites.

"Here." The green-eyed woman held her fork up again in front of her wife but this time instead of just pancake bits it was mixed with scrambled egg.

Camila scrunched her nose and gave the other woman a disgusted look. "There's egg in that..."

"It's good, I promise." Lauren reassured before pushing it farther in Camila's face. The singer moved her head back trying to avoid it earning a scowl from her wife. "Camz... seriously?"

"Take off the egg."

"No, try it."

"I don't wanna."

Lauren squinted her eyes, "Try it..."

"Emhm-mhm." Camila pursed her lips shut and shook her head.

"Open your mouth, you child."


Lauren turned her head to her son and rolled her eyes playfully. "You see how stubborn your mom is." Wren laughed and smiled happily as he watched his moms feed each other.

"Do the plane thing! Do the plane thing!" The little boy chanted. He sat on his knees and pressed his palms on the glass table as he waited for his mom to do what he said. The glint of joy in Wren's eyes caused the corner of Camila's lips to curl up. He was so precious.

"The plane thing!" Lauren gasped dramatically. "That's right, I forgot about that!" She twisted her neck and smirked at her wife. "Okay, Camzi... here comes the plane..." She moved the fork side to side then up and down before finally aiming it right in Camila's mouth.

Of course the brunette couldn't defy her son's wishes so she reluctantly opened her mouth slowly and let Lauren place the pile of food in her mouth. She chewed it bit-by-bit, still unsure of how she felt about it.

"Good?" Lauren asked lightheartedly.

Camila shrugged nonchalantly and continued chewing it. "It's... different..."

"It's yummy!" Wren exclaimed as he took a fork of the unusual combination in his mouth.

"See, Wrennie likes it." Lauren smiled smugly at Camila.

"That's because you both have weird taste in food!" Her wife retorted jokingly.

"We have great taste in food, right baby?" Lauren wrapped her arm around the little boy and raised her eyebrows.

"Right, mommy!" Wren confirmed. " 'member das one time we ate donuts wif bacon!"

"Hmmm." Lauren hummed and nodded her head, her mouth stuffed with pancakes.

"Or das one time, uhhhh, we went to the beach and got some ice cweam with brown stuff!"

"Nutella, sweetie."

"New stella?"

Lauren chuckled. "No, baby. Nutella. Nu. Tell. Ah." She enunciated.

Wren furrowed his eyebrows together and stared as the dark haired woman. He licked his lips and concentrated. "Nus. Stell. Ah....?"

"Yup, you got it!" Lauren snickered and decided to let the boy have it.

Camila bit the bottom of her lip as she saw how close the two had gotten. Only then it occurred to her that she missed so much of the little boy's life. He was only three but she knew that if she kept on the path she was taking now that she would only be an image or stranger in Wren's life. She was consumed on that mere thought and totally forgot about her breakfast.

"Camz?" Lauren nudged the singer softly after noticing her wife mindlessly playing with her food. "Babe, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Camila lied finishing it of with a fake smile. She got up from the table and grabbed her plate to carry over to the sink.

The engineer had known Camila too long to know when her wife was lying. She had mastered Camila's multiple tones and smiles to identify which was which. She placed her fork and nice on her plate and craned her head at her son.

"Hey kid, you want to watch some Sunday morning cartoon?" Lauren queried, already knowing the answer.

"YEAH!" The little boy said enthusiastically.

"Alright." Lauren picked up the boy from the chair and dropped him down to the floor. Not a second later, he took off to the living room where the TV was displayed and turned it on. The sounds of Bugs Bunny echoed throughout the house.

Meanwhile, Camila stood by the sink with her head bowed down. "I'm fine, Lauren... you didn't have to send Wren away..." She muttered lightly.

Lauren took the empty plates on the table and walked over to the sink where her wife was brooding. She set the plates next to the petite brunette and moved behind the girl. "So you're fine." She breathed, placing her hands on Camila's waist and squeezing it gently. "Maybe I wanted to send Wren away so I can have some alone time with my gorgeous, talented, sexy wife..." She brought her hand up to shift her wife's brown locks to the other side of her neck exposing the tan skin underneath. She leaned in and nipped on the tantalizing flesh. "I missed you, Camzi."

Camila threw her head back and chewed on her bottom lip. "Laur... this isn't a good idea..."

Lauren started sucking and bit harder, her hands moved from Camila's waist to inside her shirt. "Why not?" She questioned sultrily.

"Wren is- fuck..." Camila moaned as she felt Lauren's nails dragged down her abdomen. She gripped the sink countered tighter and shut her eyes.

"You were saying?" Lauren smiled devilishly and continued peppering kisses on Camila's jawline.

"Please..." Camila panted, lips parted as her chest heaved. She felt Lauren's hand move down south and was already anticipating for what to come when suddenly she was spun around. Her eyes snapped open as her back was pressed against the counter facing her wife with an amused look.

"What the hell?" The singer blurted out seeing that Lauren made no move of continuing.

"No sex until we talk about feelings." Lauren declared, both her hands resting on the sink behind Camila, trapping the woman between her.

"Fucking tease." Camila grumbled, glaring at the green-eyed woman.

"Tell me what's wrong." Lauren pressed.

"Nothing is wrong, Laur."

"Then why are you back? Why did you come home so early? Are you alright? Is Steven working you too hard because I will talk to him... Camz, I will."

"No, no... it's not-" Camila sighed. She broke Lauren's gaze and looked over to the living room where she found her son dancing along with the cartoons on the television. Her eyes flickered back to her favorite green orbs. "I think I'm done."

"Babe, what do you mean you're done?"

"I mean I'm done. I'm done of being Camila Cabello, popstar. I just want to be Camila Cabello, wife and mother. I don't want to live the life of a popstar anymore..."

"Camila, this is your dream." Lauren crinkled her eyebrows together. "You love making music. You love writing lyrics and sharing it with the whole world. It's your talent and gift. Remember you told me that-"

"I know what I told you, Laur." Camila interrupted. She smiled sincerely at her wife cupping the woman's face, "I've lived it."

Lauren tilted her head to the side.

"I lived my dream and you supported me through it all... but after this tour, I'm taking a break, like a long one."

"And why is that?"

"Because I miss you too much. You and Wren." The brunette admitted. She caressed Lauren's face, "you sounded different on the phone last night..."

"Did I?"

"I don't like you working yourself too much, Laur."

"I could say the same to you." Lauren countered causing her wife to frown.

"You're tired, babe." Camila told the pale woman. "You go to work then come home to take care of Wren..."

"Camz, honestly, I'm fine." The engineer said honestly.

"Really? 'Cus you don't look fine to me." Camila hid her growing smirk recalling the moment the same words Lauren had said to her a long time ago.

Lauren raised one of her thick eyebrows and squeezed Camila's waist. "Oh I don't, huh?" She dug her fingers in her wife's sides causing Camila to squirm.

"Lauren, don't!"

The green-eyed woman just smiled devilishly and continued to tickle her wife. Camila squealed and tried to break out of Lauren's grasp. "LAUREN!!!"

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my fake ass best friend and Lauser." Dinah walked in the kitchen and dropped a load of groceries in the kitchen. Camila and Lauren turned their heads at where Dinah and Normani now stood. The Polynesian had a displeased look on her face while Normani gaped at the couple.

"Dinah... Mani... hey..." Camila breathed.

"Don't Dinah me, why didn't you tell me you was comin'!" Dinah sassed. Lauren let Camila go. "Here we thought," she motioned to Normani and her. "This wife of yours was going to be alone once again, so we brought her the normal Sunday brunch."

"Haven't you guys ever heard of knocking?" Lauren rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, Lauser!" Dinah heckled.

"My decision was based on impulse! I literally decided to fly home after my concert last night." Camila defended herself.

"Hmmm, excuses, excuses..." The tall girl scoffed, taking a seat in the table and unboxing the prep food. "Let's eat before I smack you."

The popstar chuckled and walked back over to the dining table. She leaned on a chair and observed her friends. "So this is what you guys do on Sundays? Walk in my house uninvited and annoy my wife and child." She joked.

"More or less." Normani replied. "Laur, can you hand me my mug?"

"Oh and while you're at it, can you hand me mine as well?" Dinah requested.

Camila looked over her shoulder and found her wife juggling a pot of coffee on one hand and two mugs on the other. She furrowed her brows together completely taken back at how customary the whole situation was.

"Hey ya'll! Sorry I'm late, Trevor just would not stop crying!" Ally announced as she walked in the kitchen carrying a pitcher of Sangria and freshly baked scones in a basket.

"Ally! About time!" Dinah huffed while snatching a scone from the baker. "Oh and Mila's here." She pointed over to the singer.

Ally turned her head at where Camila stood and shook her head. "Mila! What are you doing here! I thought you were on tour!" She rushed to the girl and engulfed her in a tight hug.

"I, uh, I missed my family." Camila responded uncomfortably due to Ally's firm grip. A few seconds past by and the short girl still had her arms around the singer. "Um, Ally? Are you going to let go of me soon?"


Lauren laughed at her wife. "Welcome to Sundays, babe."

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