My Brother My Mate

By Writer016

1.7M 47.2K 6.5K

"I set a alarm for a twelve o'clock so I could be the first one tell you happy birthday... happy birthday." ... More

1. Spark
2. Unlocked The Beast
3. Found
4. Ayala
5. Golden Watch
6. Bus
7. Fixed
8. Facing Facts
9. Just A Visit
10. Finally
11. Hard Headed
12. I'm Dumb
13. Car or Truck
14. Circle
15. Twelve O'clock
16. A Challenge
17. Payback
18. Jake & Janel
19. Camera
20. Video Chat
21. Well Damn
22. Relationship Gone South
23. Pain To Pleasure
24. Home
25. The Hunter Part 1
27. Hard Training And Hitting The Books
28. Common Enemy
29. Adviser
30. R.I.P ?
31. The Light
32. Choice
33. Biggest Fear
34. Guardians
35: Four Seconds
36. A New Someone
37: Violent Violet
38: In One Year...
39: Surprise
40: Honestly
41: Heads Up
Authors Note: MUST READ
42: The Catch
Author Note: Peace Out
Epilogue ?

26. The Hunter Part 2

24.2K 694 45
By Writer016

(Media picture of Nicks knife

Original Published Date: 22 January 2016



The cold weather is the best time to tell. I've noticed that during the winter some guys and girls still dress in summer wear.

I've also read that a werewolf has, this... that... it's not easy explain, but their wolf gives them extra warmth. Like that Stacey chick and Dan guy, something seemed off about them. I just came from Frantis City, but all the supernatural things are happening here.

I stopped by the schools, but there's one school that stood away from the rest.

Bear Beasts High School, Washington High School, Faulkner High School, Bull Dogs High School. They have grades nine through twelfth grade. Every year they lose the track competition, football games, and soccer games to Hamelton High School. Any smart hunter knows that's the last name of the first werewolf.

Hamelton High School has grades fifth through twelfth. They also have the fastest students in the state. Everything thing leads to Gillian City, I'm not wrong.

I walk stealthily through darkened forest as the sun disappeared from the sky. People talked about the mansion in middle of the woods, so why not check it out. I have a knife made from, Sterling .925 silver, one stab and the werewolf is done for. I don't believe in the silver bullets, but I do know that keeping a elephant tranquilizer dart, with added wolf bane can put them down for while, or forever.

Closer I get to the center, the taller the trees get and the thicker the leaves seem to be. But I don't stumble into mansion, just a little white house, not little but a two story house, but it's not empty, I know that for sure, as I walk around the house, a light flicks on and there's someone standing in the kitchen. I was going to knock on the door, but that's by far the dumbest thing I could do... so I don't. The kitchen light goes off and the door of the house opens. I don't get a good look of the guy, but he seems have noticed a unwanted presence.

He looks at me. "Who are yo-" He cuts himself off at the sight of knife held between my pants and belt. I looked back at him and what ever he was eating he dropped and I was football tackled. He reaches for the knife but immediately let's go, the handle is made from Fine .999 Silver, but it doesn't hurt as much as the blade does. His eyes glow a electric blue, as he pupils dilate. He knows what I am, and tries to make a run for it. I reach for the knife and threw it, but the knife only slices some of his skin that created a white spark at contact.

He doesn't head for the car, but back into the house, he's giving a warning, there's more. I slash the tires, and cut out the locks on the door to the house. But by the time and try and push the door to open, someone else opened it.  "Who the hell are you?"

I look at him, but he wasn't the same guy. "Oh, uh, I'm Colby." I lied.

He looks me up and down, then dead in the eyes. He knows I'm lying. "What's your real name, and what're you doing here? Being out in the woods this late, it's dangerous." He says.

"I know. Your kind lurks around here." I tell him.

"My kind? Kid I'm just like you." I pull my knife out and asks to borrow his hand. "What're going to do?" I he asks.

"I just want you to hold it." I say assuringly.

"Okay." He grabbs the knife, but I has no affect on him. He's human.

I take my knife back look at him. "Sir, I'm sorry, but there's something supernatural going on in your house... may I come in?"

He looks at his watch and yawns. "Maybe another time considering I'm tired and it's two in the mornin."

"Okay sir and I'll be back later this afternoon then." I was about to walk away when I remembered. "Oh, wait and I'll also pay for slashing your tires." He gave me a angry look and took that as a sign to walk away.

########## Brief intermention on a authors note #########

-yes Estelle and James had sex. Re-read chapter 16 when the POV was switched over to Ethan : I'm not that stupid, there's a possibility-

########## Back to the book #########


"What do you mean, what if it isn't mine?" I ask getting up a little.

"I mean. I had you know, with Estelle too, remember the day you almost killed me?" Victor asks, and I'm really resisting the urge to pick him up and throw him out the window, or body slam him through the floor. "C'mon you can't be that mad right now, she's not your mate anymore."

"Yeah, and yours rejected you so you have the maximum of the five seconds to get out my face before before I 'accidentally' slam your head into the rail of Estelles bed." I glare at him and he throws his hands up in surrender.

"You didn't have to go that far. Plus it wouldn't be called accident if it was planned." I walk towards and him and growl, but before I could grab him by his collar on his shirt he was out the door.


I hurried out of there. It'll be cool to be a father. Especially a little Victor, that'll be cool. Nah, that'll be trouble, but still fun.

But I didn't leave because James told me to, I left for his sake, bringing up Grace was rude and nothing to joke about. Not to me at least, then who want to be mated to a striper. Wait, Ethan is. Then again mating with a stripper could be more amusing.

I need a sandwhich, thinking of Grace isn't benefiting my thoughts or what ever is left of my heart. I turn on the kitchen light and grab the bread from the pantry and went to the refrigerator for mayonnaise, and six slices of salami. I bite into my delicious and meaty snack and turn off the light.

I take another bite and walk outside, but the air was uneasy. Something's wrong. I take a deep breath, but it didn't smell like a rogue, werewolf, or a nosey kid. The smell was coming from the side of the house though. I walk to the side of the house to see a grown man lurking. "Who are yo-" I see a knife imediately recognize the designs on it from history class a few years ago, the designs basically tells you a story saying I can kill a supernatural. I have to get it away from him. But I really want to finish my sandwhich. Kill the hunter or eat. I mentally groan as I drop the sandwhich and tackle the guy. I reach for the knife but instantly let go when my hand glowed red, its regular silver, and there's a possibility if I don't warn them, I can die to night, then again and if James sees me again tonight he'll kill me. It's a lose lose situation. I look at him so that if I was to ever see his face again I'd know danger and kill him on sight.

He only stares at my eyes, and I know they've changed, the silver must've made me react that way. He knows and it's too late for him to forget with that redundant smirk plastered on his face. I try and make a run for it but I feel a undescribable pain burn my arm and the intensity makes my upper arm go numb.

I try and get in the house, but I trip on the doorway and had to kick the door closed. The slam was a louder than I hopped but Chelsy and Tom came running. "Victor what happened?" Chelsy asks.

"There's a hunter," I groan as the fabric of my sleeve touched my open wound, "he's right outside." Thuds of footsteps comes down the stair and I see James face.

"What happened?" He asks.

"There's a hunter outside. James you need to help Victor and put him in the false window in the wall. If he recognizes him, then we all will be exposed." Next thing we know is theres a sawing noise at the front door.

"Chelsy go with them," Tom demanded. "I'm human any werewolf tests he has he can test it on me and it will show no sign of werewolf symptoms and he'll leave." That's the good part in a having a human friend, to get you out of shit like this.

Chelsy kissed Tom and lead the way. I never knew they had a passage window in their walls. Now wonder if all werewolf houses have one too.

I climb inside as carefully as I can. James follows as  Chelsy closed the door, she's probably heading back downstairs. "Dude, I would've healed by now, why haven't I healed. This hurts like bitch." I mumble as I tore off my sleeve.

"He probably used a werewolf blade on you, you have to heal like a human for that go away. How bad does it hurt?" James asks.

"I've been in war and had my calfs torn, one of eight ribs got torn out of me, I was stabbed in the stomach three times at once, and some rogue through a small boulder at my wolfs head, and yet none of that pain was as unbearable than this small cut." I groan as I watch more blood slip from the wound. "Why didn't I just go home?" I ask myself and James.

"I don't know and that's exactly what I told you to do, so I'm not going to kill you today... but someday you're gonna make me kill you." I smile a little knowing that it's true. Sometimes I ask myself why are we even friends.

"Yeah," I sigh. "I know." He pulls a pack of gum from his back pocket and eats a piece. "You gonna share or what?" I ask.

He tosses me the pack and there was only one piece left, and he mumbled bitch to me but I'm used to it.

I ended up falling alseep chewing on strawberry starburst gum.

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