Life After Prison

By _YouGotCaged_

2K 38 5

Santana was released from a five year sentence for being accused of murder. Her collage plans ruined and five... More

Life After Prison
Free At Last!
A New Friend.
Adventure Day
Adventure Day 2
A Crush?
All eyes on me?
Stalker In My Closet
"Would You Ever Date Me?"
New Friends!
Author Note *PLEASE READ*
Not an update
author note

Meeting Ji Yong

103 3 0
By _YouGotCaged_

I walked up to the door of the house. It was a decent size. I looked down and seen the mat she was referring to. It had 'Welcome' written in Korean. I lifted it up, and there was the spare key. I stared at the key. I started to think why she would let me stay with her. I told her I just came out of prison, and she doesn't even know the reason why I was in prison. I could be a psychopathic killer. Even tho I'm not. But, still? She opened up her home to a complete stranger. Not just any stranger but one that is fresh out of prison.

I shook the thoughts away and grabbed the key. I stood up and unlocked the door. Slowly opening it reviled a modern living area. Nothing fancy. Livable if I may say. The couch and recliner were a light gray. The coffee table was black and had little angels around it. Her television was a flat. And pretty big too. I didn't want to stay here will she was gone. So I decided to take a walk. I locked her door and placed the key back under the mat. I sighed and took off on my walk.

She didn't live to far out. The stores were all walking distance. I waltzed into a store. I didn't have any money, so buying something wasn't a option. I shook my head and continued walking down each aisle. I smiled as I seen my favorite snack. Twinkie's! I never would've guessed that had these here. I ran towards them. I stopped and looked. My mouth watered at the sight of them.

I felt someone behind me. And out of habit I turned around ready to throw down. "What you want?" I asked with a little bit of my Puerto Rican accent. The guy stepped back and threw his hands up.

"I'm sorry." He answered with a strong Korean accent. He had a pink hoodie on. With the hood pulled tight around his face. Making it hard to make out his face.

"Who are you?" I tried to make out his face. But, again. The hoodie was pulled to tight.

"That doesn't matter, now does it?" He asked with a smart tone. I jerked back, and held my tongue.

"Look, not be rude or whatever. But, learn how to speak to people. Asshole!" I smirked and began to walk away.

He seemed stuck up and snotty. I heard fast approaching footsteps. I turned around to see him coming towards me with a box of Twinkie's.

I stopped walking and waited for him to catch up. He stopped in front of me and handed me the box. "I'm sorry for my attitude back there. I'll pay for as many boxes as you want." I smirked and looked down at the box.

"Buying me as many as I want? You expect me to forgive you for these?" He nodded. "You got yourself a deal!" My mood lite up.

"How many?" He laughed. I laughed along and held up three fingers. He nodded and made his way over and grabbed three more.

We walked to the cash register together will talking. "I don't even know your name." I chuckled.

He laughed. "I don't know yours either." I looked over at him and smiled.

"My names Santana. Yours?" I say the boxes down and watched the man as he rang up the four boxes.

"M-my name?" He stuttered out. I glanced over at him and nodded. "U-um, I-I, m-my name is, u-um," I wanted to bust out into laughter as I heard him struggle. His accent was strong but easy to understand.

"Are you going to tell me?" He pulled out the money and paid for the stuff. I smiled as he pushed me off towards the exit. "Hello?" I called behind me.

"My name is, uh. It's, Ji-, I mean Cameron." He nodded.

"Lier?" I called out. There's no way that's his name. Plus, I doubt the name Cameron exist in Korea.

"Okay, fine. My names Ji Yong." He sighed. I laughed and nodded. He looked up at me in confusion. "You're not screaming?"

I stopped mid-laughter and gazed at him. He was serious. "Do you want me to scream?" I asked sarcastically. He shook his head. He pulled back his hoodie. Reviling his short but long blondish hair. His perfectly shaped face, plump lips, and nice brown eyes.

He looked at me for a moment then asked; "Do you know who I am?" I shook my head.

"I have not the slightest clue of who you are." I chuckled nervously. Did he want me to know who he was? I questioned myself. He looked down and placed his hands in his pockets.

"Okay," he nodded. "Well, hopefully I'll see you around." He smiled, then threw his hood back on and walked away. I stood there in shock trying to process what happen.

"What the hell just happen?" I whispered to myself.

I shook my head and started walking back to Jyn Yung's home. I was hoped she was home. I got there faster then I did to the store. Maybe because I was thinking and not looking around. I placed my hand on the door knob in hopes that it was unlocked. It turned but it didn't open. "Dammit!" I mumbled.

I heard shuffling footsteps behind the door before it opened, revealing her. "Oh, there you are! I was wondering what happen to you." She looked curiously at me.

"Oh, um. I didn't want to stay here will you was gone. I wasn't, comfortable with it. I have a question." I looked down. She laughed.


After a minute of silence I asked; "Why are you letting me stay with you after I told you I just got out of prison. I mean, you don't even know why I was in there!" I looked up at her. My vision a little blurry with ready tears.

"Because, my mom is a good friend of your mom. And your mom called my mom and asked me to let you stay with me. Does that make any sense?" She chuckled a little but stayed serious. I nodded.

"So you kno-"

"Why you were locked up? Yes, I didn't know what you looked like. I only knew your name. That's all. And when we were at the airport and you said you just got out of prison I just knew it was you."

I threw my hands in the air. "Why didn't you just say this at the airport?" I asked annoyed.

"We were at the airport." She said slowly. I made a 'O' with my mouth. I pointed towards the living room seeing if I could come in. She nodded and moved to the side. I came in and quickly shuffled to the couch and sat down. She closed the door and came to sit beside me. "So,"

"Do you know a Ji Yong?" I asked quickly. Her eyes widen.

"J-Ji Yong?"

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