The True Story of Voldermorts...

By KristyTucker8

25.5K 713 40

(I'm gonna try writing in third person okay.) Voldermort was once a kind man but power went to his head and h... More

Prologue: baby Harry and baby Nemissia
The Letters
Digon Alley
First Day of Class
Fluffy The Three Headed Dog
The Quittish Match
The Mirror of Erised
Detention with Hagrid
A New Discovery
Danger Afoot
The Search For The Stone
Voldermort and the Stone
New Markings
Leaving Hogwarts
Authors Note

My Birthday

1.1K 36 1
By KristyTucker8

For weeks we had been looking in the library for information on Nichols Famel, but had nothing. I woke up in the morning exhausted from all the late night reading. I then looked up at my calendar to see the date was November 20th my birthday! I jumped up got my robes on put my hair in a braid and ran out of my room. "I can't believe it!" I yelled as I hugged Harry in the middle of the hallway. "Can't believe what that today is your 11th birthday don't tell me you forgot your own birthday you're lucky you didn't forget mine." Harry said handing me a present he always remembered my birthday. We had made a promise to each other when he was 6 and I was 5 that if one of us ever forgot the others birthday they would never be able to live it down. The present he had given me was a beautiful charm bracelet with ringtones and several different little charms hanging from it. Hermione given me a new book called The Outsiders and Ron gave me a necklace with a dragon tooth attached to it. I thanked them all and gave them each big hugs. We then went into the great hall for breakfast. I sat at the Slytherin table and Draco actually said something to me after being afraid of me for several months. "Happy birthday Nemissia, I uh got you something to apologize I would have apologized sooner but I thought you wouldn't want to talk to me after what happened between us." I looked up to him with regret for attacking him he may have deserved punishment but I never wanted him dead. "I'm sorry too I never apologized for almost setting you on fire but its because I felt you didn't want to talk to me either and I also became afraid of myself and ashamed." We stared at each other long and hard saying nothing until Draco finally broke the silence. "Here I think you'll like it." He said handing me a box with a red bow on it. I opened it up to find a little black chocker necklace with a pentacle hanging from it. "Thank you Draco it'll match perfectly with my arm."
"Your arm I thought only your right wrist was marked?"
"Oh yeah that's right you don't know." I then walked over to him and sat down next to him, I then rolled up my sleeve to show him my new tattooing. I also explained to him what happened to me Halloween night.
"I knew something had happened to you when you didn't come to any classes the morning after Halloween but nobody would tell me anything." He said as I went back to my seat across from him. "Wait Draco how did you know it was my birthday I never told you?" I asked him grabbing some strawberries. "The whole school knows didn't you see the ceiling above our table?" I looked up to see a happy birthday banner with my name on it above our table, how did I not see that? I then looked back at Draco as he finished talking. "Plus you did keep an eye on the calendar a whole lot this month I asked professor Mcgonagall if she knew why, she told that your birthday was the 20th of November." "So thanks to that banner I'm to be getting a lot of happy birthdays today." I said for no reason but Draco nodded at me anyway.
I went to my classes for the day and when I got to defense against the dark arts a cake covered in pink frosting and red happy birthday Nemissia icing on it was sitting on my desk. "Happy birttth.... day my dear." I turned to see professor Quriell with a little black bow hair clip with poka dots and little gems in his hand. "Awww thank you professor that was really nice of you." I walked up to him when he said "let me put this in for you." I turned around and let put it in my hair. As he was doing that the hissing started in my head again.
"I hope you enjoy your birthday today my dear becaussse once I find out who you are, you and your powersss will belong to me.
I stepped away after the professor finished putting the clip in and sat at my desk feeling a shiver go down my back as class started. What was going on was I hearing things or was there more to professor Quriell than I thought? I decided to save the matter for later I figured I would get my answer eventually. After class I went to power control with professor Dumbledore and I practiced using all my powers at once. It was my first time using more than one power usually in Dumbledore's class he would have me read books about what my powers were able to do and he would help me control one at a time. Today he told me for my birthday I could advance my studies with him like I had been wanting him to let me do. I concentrated real hard on letting my powers flow through me I began feeling myself floating. I opened my eyes to see I was three feet off the floor and then suddenly I fell hard back on the floor. "You seem distracted today Ms Knight is there something on your mind?" The professor asked me as I stood up brushing myself off. I looked up at him with fear and decided I could trust him to keep a secret for me. "Professor Dumbledore, I've been hearing voices around professor Quriell a lot lately and I usually try to ignore them but its starting to get really painful." I told him feeling strange. He then spoke up,
"Tell me of these vocies my dear."
"Well I mostly hear hissing around him and a very cold voice telling me that he wants to use me for my powers." I told the professor he then sat in his chair and thought for a while as I stood there watching him think. He then looked at me and said "Nemissia I think its best you let me strengthen the shielding spell on you, you see the night I met you I could tell that you had a shielding spell on you to protect you should anyone ever come looking for you to use you which I'm sure your mother did the night before she died." I could sense a part of his story was a lie but I knew he wasn't going to tell me the truth. He then came over to me pulled out his and said some words I didn't understand but I felt the magic form some kind of block around my head. "There now let me know if you hear voices again and I will strengthen it to help you alright." I thanked him and left to meet Harry Ron and Hermione in the library like we had scheduled.

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