Book Two: Beneath the Surface

بواسطة Strawbana

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Lucy, can never be the same again. المزيد

Smile's and tear's
Welcome Home Fairy Tail
Good Bye
The Grand Magic Games!!!!
Where is she?
Curses & Promises
Missing Magic
Dark & Light & Fight
Darkness & Light
The Stars Guide The Way
The Match of Truth
The Last Day!
Just a little hint
The Final Battle!!!
Just one Minute
The Beginning of A new Era
Next book

The Dragon's War

436 14 2
بواسطة Strawbana

Lucy's POV

Lector and Sting were crying as they held onto each other. I smiled knowing they were back together.

"Lucy!" I heard. I looked around, but my friends didn't seem to have heard my named being called. I looked around again.

"Lucy! It's me! Yukino!! It's time to erase everyone's memories!! Well, except for Sabertooth, Fairy Tail, Limia Scale, Blue Pegasus, and Mermaid Heal. Do it quickly! And remember to motify them too!" yukino yelled, in my head.

Man I hate telepathy...

"Okay okay I will." I replied, not opening my mouth of course.

I closed my eyes, and began to concentrate. "Lucy what are you doing?!" Erza yelled. "She's glowing!" Sting said, shocked.

"The ties of time

The pictures of Memory

Erase the truth

Erase the bonds

Steal these bonds of time

And the secrets not meant to be told!!" I yelled, and a giant gold magic circle appeared under neath me.

"Shooting Star Shower!!!!!" I yelled, the final part, and stars flew all over the world to who ever had watched the GMG, or who heard about it. (A/N: Yeah Yeah Yeah, it's from Shugo Chara but it goes with it so hush, oh and fun fact Ikuto & Gray have the same voice actor in the Japaneses version so enjoy!)

They wouldn't remember how it actually played out. Me, Yukino, and Hisui's secret would be safe. Well, Sabertooth, Fairy Tail, Limia Scale, Blue Pegasus, and Mermaid Heal would be acting a million questions, but I put those memories to dorment till the right time.

Specifically, when we used our full powers again, or if someone talking about us and the final GMG games.

But, anyway once the stars had gone away everyone's memories were changed, and told a different way. Well, all the fights between me and the girls, and the people we beat, and how I brought Lector to Sting. (A/N: The original final GMG except Lucy isn't kidnapped, nor is Yukino. Also Natsu is just off some where eating food. Of course -_____________- )

Everyone was just standing around as if nothing happened. I was up at the Fairy Tail balcony, and just sitting next to Levy.

Uggg, after using that much power I feel tired. I mean I know I'm much stronger, but that spell is the hardest spell I know, even more so when I use it all over the world at ONCE!!!

I stood up from my seat. I have to go meet Yukino, and Hisui. We have to figure out a pla-"What the hell is going on!!??!" A man yelled as the earth began to shake. No.

I stood up and ran out of the Fairy Tail area, and too the castle. Every time I'd run past some player that were still walking around, I yelled "Guys!! This is an emergency!! Go to the castle now!! Tell anyone that isn't a wizard to leave the town now!!!"

They did as they were told.

I ran faster knowing what was close to the castle.

A few minutes later

I finally made it to the Castle to see Yukino, Hisui, and all the guards out in front, heading towards the place.

"Yukino!! Hisui!!!" I yelled coming close. "Lucy!!" They yelled.

I kept running till I was right in front of them. "Please don't tell me what I think it is!" I yelled.

"It is." Hisui said. Her head down.

"Come on we have to hurry! The guilds are on their way, citizens are leaving the town!! We need all the help we ca-" "We're right here!"

I turned around to see all the guilds!! I smiled. We had a chance of winning!! "Lucy!!" I turned to see Natsu running over to me. "What the hell is going on?!" He yelled worry all over his voice. "I'll explain later. Right now we need to defeat some people." I said.

Everyone starred at me. No one knew.

"Zeref, is here. With someone else. Now hurry!!!" I yelled as I began running in the direction of the thing that could destroy our whole world.

When we got there there stood, giant doors, with a sun design on it. And there stood two people. One with black hair, in a black and white robe.

My blood boiled.

The other person, had white hair tied into a ponytail. I couldn't see his face. His back was turned towards me. He wore a long white cape, and black boots.

I kept running. Then he turned around. I stopped dead in my tracks. I hadn't seen him in over seven years.

"Well hello sister." He said. A sick smile spread across his face. I stiffened up. "What do you want!? What are you trying to do!?" I yelled.

"I'm going open the Eclispe! And when it opens Dragons from 400 hundred years ago will come out and slaughter you all!!! Not even you, the Dragon Queen could defeat them!!!" He yelled.

I didn't need to see everyone's faces. They heard. They knew. They were shocked. My secret was once again out.

"I will fight you!!! I won't loose!!!" I yelled, running towards him, my hand turning into shadows.

I was just about to punch him, when the other guy punched me instead. I flew backwards. "Lucy!!!" I heard my friends call. I landed hard on the ground. My lip was bleeding. And I had a few cuts all over my body.

"I'm fine." I yelled.

I looked at the man who punched me. He seamed so familiar. "Hello Lucy? Did you miss me?" No it couldn't be!!! My eyes widen in shock. "I'm Rogue seven years from the future." He said. I was frozen in fear.

"Rogue-sama..." Yukino chocked.

I looked over at everyone. The present Rogue stood shock. I could tell he didn't know what was going on.

I began to stand up, till the ground began to shake. "Gaa!!" I fell to the ground. The doors opened, and a dragon came out. My eyes widen in shock. The beasts came out, one by one.

Zeref laughed. "This is perfect!!!" He yelled. No I won't let this happen!!

"Yukino!! Hisui!!" I yelled. "Hia!!!" They came up to me and we held hands in a circle.

My 12 zodiac keys flew into the air, along with Yukino's 13th one, and Hisui's 4 element keys. The 17 Star Keys.

"Celestial Spirits of the 17 keys,

Lend us the power to seal away the Evil,


17 gates

Star Keys!!!" We yelled.

My friends appeared. Along with everyone elses. Then a giant ball of gold light split into two and headed straight towards the doors.

Everyone of our friends, closed the door, just as another was about to come out. The light dimmed and there in the sky were the dragons that had come from the past.

Seven dragons came out.

"Well, I was right you would close the portal. But, I could never have controlled 10,000 of them." Rogue says with a sicking smirk playing on his lips.

"Dragon Control Magic..." I whispered. That Basterd!

This isn't the end!!! "Everyone!! A mother gale Dragon came out!!! The eggs that it will drop!! Go take care of those!!! Dragon slayers each take a dragon!!! There are seven!! And Seven dragons!!! Go get em!!! And take them down!!"

They all nodded, and before they left.

"Oh, so are you going to leave me I thought we could catch up a bit." Zeref said with a sick little laugh.

I hated him so much, I wanted him dead. "I can hear the last one coming." I said, a smirk forming on my lips.

"Rogue you go onto Mother gale, I'll deal with this little bitch." He said. I tensed up. He nodded and the giant dragon came down next to him.

Rogue jumped onto the beast, and they flew into the air.

On the out skirts of town

"Oh, Lucy you are so funny." A slick voice coed.

"Cobra, you know what to do." Jellal said.

"Hmp. Yeah. This will be fun." He said as he smirked.

Back to Lucy and the others

"Yukino!! Hisui!!" I yelled

"Hai!!!" They yelled. The came up next to me.

"Force field of stars!!!" Yukino yelled. And a large force field spread over the city. No one could get in or out. "We will defeat you!!" I said.

"Oh really!!! You'll die before you can do anything!!!!" Zeref yelled.

He through a dark black arrow at me. Dark Magic. I was about to move when-


My eyes widen in shock. There in front of me, was me!! Future me!! My hood was off and Yukino, Hisui saw me.

"Lucy!!" I yell, as she fell to ground hard. I went to her side. Tears streaming down my face.

"Mommy!!!" I heard. I looked over to see future Nori.

"What the hell!!!" Zeref yelled, looking over at Nori.

"Nori get away from here!!" I yelled. "No I can hel-"

She was cut off by the same arrow piercing her right in the heart. "Nori!!!" I yelled, and she fell. Her body was still, lifeless. Her skin was turning pail.

"You basterd." I said. Tears were running down my cheeks.

"You basterd!!!"I yelled. I was shaking, as I stood up. "I'll kill you!! I'll kill you!!!" I yelled, running towards him.

"Royal Star's Mode!! Galaxy Star!!!" I yelled, as a gold and Dark Blue fighting outfit appeared, on me. (The pic above).

"You just took my daughters life!!! And for that I'll kill you." I said, anger filled my voice.

"We'll help you Lucy-chan." Yukino said.

Her and Hisui both began to glow gold. "Night Mode!! Milky way!!!" Yukino yelled, as a light blue black and gold out fit appeared on her. (pic above)

"Jade Mode!! Stars Gem!!!!" Hisui yelled, as a black green outfit appeared. (again pic)

"We will defeat you."

"Then come at me, Star Princesses!!"

No One's POV

All over the town wizards were fighting the small dragons, that the Mother Gale Dragon dropped. The Dragon slayers were each fighting a dragon.

Wendy was fighting the Jade Dragon. Mira helped her.

Laxus was fighting a Fire Dragon, named Atlas Flame. The thunder Leagon was helping him.

Natsu was fighting Future Rogue on the back of Mother Gale. It was a pretty hard match.

Gajeel was fighting a Blackgale.

Sting was fighting a Scissor Runner.

Present Rogue was fighting a Levia Dragon, with sting by his side.

And Cobra was fighting a Rock Dragon

The dragon slayers were using all the magic they had. The Grand Magic Games had taken a lot of Magic out of them. The non Dragon Slayers were dealing with the small dragons. Even those who were badly injured fought.

Minerva had vanished, after the rumbling, that had shocked everyone.

The towns people were also no longer in the city. Yukino had created a force field, to keep everything in, and everything else out.

Levy and Kinana had gathered the towns people on a large hill away from the fight. They pasted as much food around as they could.

Kinana watched the battle rage on from the hill.

The battle was tough. No one could tell who would win the battle of the Dragons. Lucy, Yukino, and Hisui were fighting Zeref.

They were in their Star Sky forms. Even more powerful when they were all together. But, Lucy was the only one to defeat Zeref, and she knew it.

Zeref wasn't about to give up that easily. He had more tricks up his sleeve. This was just the beginning. If the dragons didn't work, then he had one more plan that would take down fairy tail, and his sister.

"You're very powerful, Natsu Dragneel." Rogue said as he fought Natsu.

'What happened to you!?" Natsu yelled as he through wave after wave of magic after him.

Rogue smirked in glee. "White Shadow Dragon Mode." He said, as he began to glow a white-gray color.

Natsu frozen. "What the hell!!?" He yelled, as the light dimmed from Rogue, showing his right side of his body black, and a large scare where his eye used to be, going across his nose.

"What kind of power is this?" Natsu Yelled.

"This is the power I stole from Sting when I killed him!!!" Rogue said, as he sent white and black slashes of light at Natsu, causing him pain all over.


Rogue smirked happily. "See this is the true power of a Dragon Slayer!!!" He yelled, as the slashes stopped. "What the hell.... What are you after?" Natsu said trying to stand up.

'Power... Power over the whole world!!" Rogue said spreading his arms, "Why..?" Natsu said as he spat a few drops of blood.

"Because seven years into the future, the world is over run with Dragons... And the Wizards that are alive live in fear everyday." Rogue said coolly.

"What...? But, Lucy she's the Princess of Dragons!!! What the hell do you mean it's run over?!" Natsu yelled.

"You see Natsu there was an out brake in Dragons, that were trapped in time. 10,000 of them to be exact. They were the Dragons from the War of the Realms. The Queen of the Dragons at the time put them to sleep, but there was a problem." He paused.

"When the eclipsed was used to kill the very first Zeref when Summer, Lucy's antsister was a live, the dragons awoke, and rampaged all over the city, and all over the world. Lucy was unable to save anyone." He glared hard at Natsu.

Natsu's eyes widen.

"That's a lie!! Lucy would do anything to save the world!!" Natsu yelled, standing on a limp.

Rogue was becoming even more angry, "This happened six months after the Grand Magic Games. It happened when she was pregnant with your child. " Rogue said with a bitter tongue.

Natsu's mouth fell open, "Female Dragon Slayers can't use their magic while they're pregnant. And you me, and all the other dragon slayers that could fight, were in a never ending battle." He said bitterly.

"Then you died on the day of your daughters birth." Rogue said.

"What...." Natsu said shaking. "Lucy couldn't use her magic because the Dragons from so long ago used a magic called 'Empty Magic'. This took away all of her magic, and many others as well. So Lucy, your daughter, and everyone else lived in fear."

'That's a lie!!!" Natsu yelled as he ran and tried to punch Rogue, but instead got kicked in the stomach. And was sent flying, a few feet away from falling off.

"That's way Zeref came to me. He said there was a way we could change the future. We would destroy Acnologia. We would rule the world!!" Rogue yells,while laughing a bitter laugh.

"And how will that change the fact. Dragons will still rome the earth!?" Natsu yelled, standing up.

"It will change it because then I'll be king of this world, and the Celestial. And Zeref of the Dragon Realm." He said a smirk forming on his lips.

Natsu gritted his teeth.

"I won't let that happen. I will protect the future. I won't die." Natsu said running towards him. His fist lit up in flames. He throw a punch with so much power it was hard for Rogue to block it. Flames were flying every were.

Rogue was thrown back.

"What about Frosh?" Natsu said.

"Frosh is dead." He said with no emotion in his voice. Natsu stared wide eyes. "And you couldn't save him!?" He screamed.

"No it was unavoidable." Rogue barked.

Natsu started towards him, "So what Frosh is a live now." He said.

"That doesn't matter. What matters is my happiness!!!" Rogue Yelled as he throw more white and black slashes at Natsu.

"You want happiness for everyone!! But that will never happen!!!" Rogue yelled.

Natsu dodged them running towards Rogue, "No your wrong!!! The future in't just up to you!!! We can all have happiness or we can die with none. It's up to you!! But don't ruin others lives for your own greed!!!!" Natsu yelled, bursting into a ball of flames.

He punches and kicked Rogue, but he blocked and threw back magic.

The dragons and Dragon Slayers were at it, with everything they had.

The wizards handling the off spring, were fighting with everything as well. But more and more seemed to becoming. The wizards were having a tough time keeping their ground.

"Night Shooting Star!!!!" Yukino yelled, as she sent a wave of dark blue magic with gold stars at Zeref.

"Jade Galaxy!!!!" Hisui yelled, as a galaxy full of different shades of green collided with Yukino's , and went straight towards Zeref.

Zeref moved out of the way, as to not get hit. He knew these girls were strong Royal blood ran throw their vanes. Were he was standing before was now nothing but torn up stone and dirt.

"You are strong. I knew royals were strong but damn you're stronger than I expected." Zeref said as a smirk formed.

"But, are you strong enough for this!?" He yelled, as a smoke of dark magic came running towards them, "Royal Night Shooting Star!!!!" Lucy yelled, as a cloud of gold and royal blue dust with white stars came shooting at Zerefs attack.

The magic came together, and created a huge explosion. "I see your stronger now. I guess that little brat inside of you made you whole again." Zeref spoke with a rough voice.

"Nori making me complete. And you won't get her. I will defeat you no matter what." Lucy said. Her voice was filled with nothing but hatred. "We'll see." He spoke back.

Another way of black magic, came rushing towards the girls. "Yukino! Hisui!!" Lucy yelled.


"Burning Star Night!!!"-Yukino

"Golden Green Galaxy!!!"-Hisui

"Glittering Star"-Lucy

There magic came together into a large swirling mass of power. Zeref stood frozen. He knew this won't defeat him, but would wound him.

He moved just in time, but yet not. The magic hit his arm, causing him to howl in pain. He held his arm as blood slowly came out.

"I see that hurt you, maybe another go and you'll be dead." Lucy said.

Wait! What am I saying!! I know I hate him!! But,But, this isn't him!! Lucy thought. What's going on!?!? I know I haven't known him my whole life but!

"Lucy look out!!!" Yukino yelled. Lucy snapped out of her thoughts to see a huge wave of black magic come towards her. She was unable to move.

Is this the end?


All over the town the wizards were loosing the battle. One by one they fell.

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