Beyond His beauty & his Charm...

By ScriptStories13

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Karla is just a normal 22 year old girl making a living in NYC . While trying to succeed in getting a her dip... More

Beyond His beauty & his Charm
Beyond His beauty & his Charm chap 2
Beyond His Beauty & His Charm... chap 3
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Walk in Central Park
walk in the park part 2
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Angels Wings - Part2
In a Italian Restaurant
If only She Knew!
New teacher is who?????
The truth comes out.
Sparks Fly
caught on the couch!
Introducing Libby
In the Mirror In My Dream
Secret Idenity ... he's a WHAT!
Home sweet Home [part 1]
Home Sweet Home [part2]
Baby Shower [part 1]
Baby Shower [part 2]
Little Zoe
Tied up
The Great Love Guru
The Night Of the Sacrifice.(part1)
The Night Of The Sacrifice (Part 2)
Back to New York
She's Missing
Mangers Office
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Johnny's Timber,Cars& Co. [ part 2]
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Chapter 28- Still The Same Raph.
The Perfect Distraction
30- Meeting Penelope Walsh
Thank you

Love Bite Under the Moon Light.

4.6K 33 4
By ScriptStories13

so i had posted this before!  :| i dont know what happenned it just wasnt there anymore i dont no if it got reported n taken down or the computer or watt pad just stuffed up n deleted it ... i dont know but 

here it is again sorry :p   and sorry for the wait for this chapter i know it was long ... its not my best chap but i thought i owed you something for waiting.


 The sun dipped behind the trees and houses  setting the sky into a fiery orange with swirls of yellow and pink fading into dark blues you’d hardly believe it was winter, eventually the crowd of guests decreased leaving with a friendly hug and wave and kiss on the cheek. 

the back yard was fairly clean a few plastic cups here and there the little dogs businesses around here and there – thankfully I wasn’t on poop duty Ted was *evil laugh here*- napkins and plastic plates with half eaten food and crumbs of cake sat at some tables while the bins at the gate leading to the front yard were starting to over flow with plates, food, tissues and popped balloons.

the upstairs lounge( where the guys escaped from the baby shower), don’t even get me started all I can say is the stench of beer roamed the upstairs hallway while the guys drool at the smell I try not dry reach. Or in other words gag.  Walking in it looked like a whole football team had lived there for a day beer bottles after beer bottles lined the coffee table, the desk and the top of the TV cabinet. 

the kitchen wasn’t nearly as full of food as it was to begin with but there was still some cake and cupcakes and candy lying about when I walked in from the back with a garbage bag I caught both Cassie and Brandon and Taylor  and even Will all pigging out on cupcakes, M&Ms and skittles.

I slid the sliding door closed listening to them whispering

“Stash as much as you can into the pillow case.” Taylor instructed Cassie and Brandon  I could only just see Cassie and her curly head Brandon I could see clearly with so much food in his arms it over flowed.

I cleared my throat rounding the island bench they all froze in their spot even will stopped texting and licking his lollipop his eyes wide.

I put on my best stern face and voice “What are you lot doing?” I place my hand on my hip my other still holding the bag Taylor grinned innocently.

“Nothiiiing?” I shook my head at her.

“You shouldn’t be encouraging them Taylor” I scolded though It was hard not to keep the smile from creeping onto my face at their deer in head lights expression.

“Your not going to tell our moms are you?” she bit her lip

“Pweeeze,” Cassie pleaded. “can we keep some candy!”

I sighed when she used her puppy dog eyes pouting clinging to my leg “I –I”

“Yeah, pweeeze!” Brandon mimicked his little sister holding onto my other leg.

Defeated I sighed I know im going to regret this when their moms find out.

“okay cassie, Brandon let go,” they released my legs from their tiny little arms “alright so ill make you guys a deal but you have to keep to it or ill take all of it back”

“yaaaay” Cassie bounced up and down her curls bouncing along.

“Alright so these are the conditions-”

Brandon looked up frowning “conduction?”

“No conditions” the 3 of them looked at me dumb founded, right they are only kids

“Rules!” I corrected they all groaned pouting.

“But I downt like ruwes” Cassie sighed her shoulder sagging

“Do you want your candy?” I arched an eyebrow at her

“Yes m’am” she stood straight likes a soldier I laughed ruffling her hair.

“Okay so what are these ‘rules’?” Taylor air quoted cocking her hip out crossing her arms across her chest.

“Okay 1. You’re only having half of what’s in that bag” they groaned “2. No eating anything, not one thing after dinner or during bed time 3. you may only have up to 6 pieces of candy a day  during the day meaning no morning snacks no night snacks.”

“But-“Brandon started I silenced him with a finger and a frown he sunk back against the cupboard still pouting.

4. I won’t tell your moms or dads given you stick by the rules. 5. Break the rules and not only will I take all of your delicious candy… but I will tell you parents and you will be grounded with no TV. No video games and no princess tea parties”

Cassie gasped her mouth falling open “NO PRINCESS TEA PARTIES …. How will I live?”

Will, Taylor and I laughed at her serious dramatic scene her arms that we up in the air expressing how frustrated she was fall limply to her sides eyes wide.

And no Justin bieber” I pointed to Taylor

“your evil” she narrowed her eyes.

“that little prissy boy” Will snorted “I would be glad to not have to hear that girl sing every day 20 x or more a day” Will teased she whacked his arm

“he’s not prissy he’s hot and amazing and beautiful and gorgeous and talented and hot and amazing

“you said hot and amazing twice, loser.” He replied with a bored tone.

“That’s because he’s twice as hot and amazing… unlike you” she retorted hitting him.
Its moments like these im glad im just their aunty.

I stepped between them when he started to noogie her “let her go” he let go laughing at her mess of blonde hair sticking everywhere I suppressed a laugh it was pretty funny she looked like shed been hit with a thousand vaults.

“Stop fighting. William why didn’t you stop them your 17 you should no better”

“they aren’t my problem.” he shrugged “plus im busy.”

“Texting your girlfriend awww” Taylor teased making kissy faces.

“Taylor” I warned she stopped Will frowned with the deadliest glare id seen come from him shed hit a nerve  I could see that much it was clear he looked close to murdering her.  

“ATLEAST I CAN GET A GIRL… that prissy kid you think is ‘oh so amazing’ will never be you boyfriend he doesn’t even no who you are and he never will he has thousands of girls after him…. What makes you soo special?? Huh”

 I was so shocked at how rude he was being I stood  not knowing what to do I saw the tears starting to form into her eyes but she swallowed them back

 “ yeah that’s what I thought” with a cold glare he left the kitchen

“OH GET A ROOM” she yelled

“TAYLOR!” I scolded at her inappropriate retort given the 2 younger kids in the room.

“Why does he need a room? He has one already?” Brandon frowned

“Ohh he can have mine” Cassie raised her tiny hand if only she knew what it really meant shed take back that offer in a flash.

Chuckling I put down her hand “no honey its fine he’s got one”

 Turning my attention to Taylor I smiled at her sympathetically “you alright?”

“He’s always like this,” she shrugged nonchalantly “im used to it.”

“Don’t worry he will grow out of it, don’t let what he said get to you either” I rubbed her back comfortingly she nodded with a small smile that only lasted a a few seconds before it returned to a scowl.

I lent back onto the counter “alright so you understand the rules?”

“Yes aunty Karla” they all said in unison with out enthusiasm
“I want a pinky swear you wont break them” I shook each of their pinkies with my own pinky.

“Is that it?” I nodded at Taylor.

“Awesome im now going to go blast some Justin bieber” I gave her a disapproving look “its revenge” she shrugged scooting out the room before I could warn her of karma.

“Alright you two im sure your moms want you two to go upstairs and brush your teeth and get into your pajamas.”

“but im not sleepy” Cassie whined.

“im sorry its your moms orders now scoot you booties up there or ill chase you” a cry left her lips as she and her brother left the room in a hurry the pillow case sitting in front of me.

“Little kids” I sighed tying up the pillow case and putting it into the cupboard.

The kids were all asleep will probably still texting or on the laptop or listening to music who knows I was still in shock at how he reacted to his sister he was obviously touchy when it came to crushes and love. Being the aunty off course I wanted to know who this girl was and such but didn’t pry.

 Im the cool aunt in his eyes and I wanted to remain the cool aunt.

“So we are all packed,” Kelis said sitting with her husband on the couch while I sat in between Leon on my left and Tahliah on my right.  “Me and Eric are leaving at 5 you can all come down round 9 or something or just come down when she’s out. Up to you”

“well im coming with you at 5 im not missing the birth of my granddaughter I haven’t missed one yet and I wont start now” Lyla said definitely.

“Me too” Greg added his hand clasped with Lylas looking like an old married happy couple. I wonder just how old they were it probably freak me out if I knew but still I wondered.

“The kids have school so we don’t have to worry about them”

“Me and Ted will be down around 9” Erin said

“I guess ill just call when im on my way or something” I shrugged my shoulder hitting Leons who was pressed up against my side triggering tingles from the contact.

“Awesome” she clapped her hand “I just can’t wait to get this baby out” we all laughed.

“I think its best we all go to bed then” Lyla said we all nodded in agreement getting up going our own ways saying our goodnights on the way.

Once id changed and gotten in bed it wasn’t long before Leon showed up, im starting to think he should just stay in my room with me since he’s hardly stayed in his own room since being here.

“Hey” he slipped under the cover smiling in the dark his teeth almost glowing against the moons rays.

“Hey” I smiled turning onto my side his hands reached out pulling me into him closer I giggled at his action something I don’t normally do.

His hand caressed the skin on my hip that was revealed due to my top raising his eyes a cool blue smoldering me his lips tucked back into a grin his breathing calm and slow to match mine though my heart was the total opposite speed like a race horse. The effects he has on me are list that goes on and on but ive only truly noticed really till now just how much there are.

We didn’t speak just lay together under the sheets my eyes slowly fluttering close but not sleeping. I feel his lips graze my own with a small light peck it was such a small gesture but a sweet one, one I never thought could’ve come from Leon.

I thought back to the day id been hired my first day of work first meeting him he was cold to himself and cocky even though he hadn’t said much to me in the past I just got that vibe off of him he had that smart ass, snobby domineer with his classy suit emotionless face that is to guys of course. To girls it was a playful smirk.


“come in!” his voice muffled form the door called out after id knocked quietly I slowly turned the silver long knob and pushed the door open unlike Id expected – but was something id come used to- his office was dark and cool. The outside wasn’t exactly hot but it wasn’t cold either it was like the start of summer right before the heat hit the perfect temperature and weather.

He hadn’t even given me a glance “sit” he demanded still writing fast across a bunch of papers.


 I nervously made my way to the leather arm chair sitting in front of his desk facing him. I crossed my legs lady like careful not to show anything under the black pencil skirt.

 10 minuets passed where he continued to ignore me and work but then he dropped his pen carelessly with a sigh looking up his eyes a sapphire blue staring at me as if staring right into my soul. Intimidating to say the least.

His eyes seemed to widen but instantly returned to their bored look “is- uh I mean Karla? Ms Jones!” he slightly smirked at the last one

“I prefer just Karla” I spoke quietly
“well I prefer Ms Jones” he shot back not in a mad tone more stating a fact.

I nodded “alright so you’re my new assistant right?” I nod again “ well you have 3 chances 3 strikes and your out am I clear?” he said with authority in his voice after all he was the boss.

“Yes sir”

“im not a sergeant call me Leon. Mr. Johnson sounds so old” he made a disgusted face which surprised me but I shrugged with a nod.

“mainly all you will be doing is what I ask you to,” he rummaged through some papers on his desk “ starting with – uhuh these.”

he pulled out 6 yellow files from his desk  “I want these sorted and filed into the  draws behind your desk so the editor can take them and print them.”  He passes the files with loads of pages in them making them heavier then they appear and not to mention my scrawny arms can’t hold that much as it is.

“Remember 3 strikes, now go ive got work to do” he waved his hand dismissing me turning back to the papers he’d been writing on when I came.  I quickly balanced the files in my arms and headed for the door.

“Ms Jones id also like a coffee on my desk in 5. 3 sugars little milk. Oh and the files need to be done by 10 giving you approximately 2 hours to do so. Chop Chop!”  He said just as I was slipping out.

That  was the first impression I had of him. He was very demanding back then but eventually id made it through the months and hed laid off abit from the ridiculous demands but instead of calling me Ms. Jones hed resorted to calling me Karly making me wish hed gone back to my surname but he stuck with it no matter how many times I corrected him hed call me Karly knowing it annoyed the first impression of him was far from good he to me was the boss from hell even if he had laid off.

I guess first impressions are wrong as they say. Right now this Leon lying with me was nothing like that Leon I first met. This affection this whole new side  changed my whole prospective of him, maybe  he was just putting up a charade being a jerk and all to prove he was the boss and to seem intimidating – which he did-  hiding the true Leon , loving, caring protective affectionate Leon. Or maybe this was the charade?!

His hands distracted me from my thoughts one playing with the ends of my hair while the other still caressed the skin on my hip. It was soothing; calming me slowly I felt my body and mind retiring from thinking and slowly drifting to sleep.

I don’t know what time it was but it was way too early to be awake for my liking.
Why was I even waking up id had a perfect dreamless sleep. Id hoped to of seen Isabel again but she didn’t appear to my disappointment. I wanted to know what she was going to say.

Feeling colder then usual I peeked through one eye into the darkness over to the spot where Leon had been but wasn’t anymore. I sat up groaning I looked around the dark room I noticed my balcony doors were open my white translucent curtain flowing with the cool breeze flowing in. 

getting out of bed slowly I made my way over to the balcony I saw the outline of a figure standing with the moonlight  making them glow through the curtain I pushed them aside and walked out.

“Leon?” I caught he his arms flexed as he gripped the railing his back tensed his muscles showing through his shirt which clung to him.  I reached out to touch him but he flinched away

 “Leon?” I asked more concerned now.

“You should be in bed,” he replied “what are you up?”  he merely side glanced at me but I couldn’t see his face but by the tone of his voice was annoyed for some unknown reason.

“I woke up saw you weren’t there the balcony doors were I open, I was cold.” I replied dumbly “are you okay?”  I tried to touch him again this time he didn’t move he relaxed.

“Im low” I frowned his head slowly turned to me when I stepped beside him the moon lighting his face his eyes were a bright red “im low on blood, I need to feed” his fangs were now baring out.


he cut me off “I need to go hunt or something I suggest you go back to bed I don’t want to hurt you im not fully myself at the moment.” 

“Take mine”


 His eyes shot wide as did mine I didn’t mean to say it it just blurted out but the thought did intrigue me I wondered what I felt like would it be painful like the horror movies or pleasurable like the romantic novels.

Why was I even thinking this? … why was i taking this so lightly any sane person would cringe at the thought of a vampire – not matter how hot he is – sucking their blood.

I watched his eyes turn from a flaming red to a pinky shade of red “no!” he said defiantly
“I wont do it”

“why not?” I found my self feeling rejected

“Because” he turned fully facing me his hands cupping my cheeks “I might hurt you I cant.”

“hurt me?”

“I might not be able to stop once I start” I watched his eyes flicker between pinky red and blue.

I held his wrist before he could pull away his eyes cast down “you wont hurt me” I said confidently.

“you don’t know that” he snapped back I assumed he hadn’t meant for it to sound as harsh and rude as it did  it was just his blood deprived body he stepped back  pulling from my grasp.

I followed stepping forward “yes I do” I puffed my chest out holding my chin high to show just how confident I was even though I did have my doubts.

He just stared at me his eyes much like the day id first met him staring straight into my soul he sighed “I don’t want to hurt you-”

“I trust you enough” I spoke over him.

Im fighting a vampire to suck my blood. Go figure. Aren’t they supposed to want to?

“I do want to” he frowned “but I don’t want to risk hurting you.

“Im half or ¾ of a vampire. It wouldn’t hurt me that much right?”

“Your still part human unlike me” I shrugged showing him I couldn’t careless. “You continue to surprise me Karla” he laughed there wasn’t much humor in it though.

I looked on confused “you want me to suck your blood. Its not everyday you find a girl fighting for you to  feed off them”

“im not just your average girl though”  I smiled smugly.


He sighed his shoulders sagging he looked out over the back yard in thought with pursed lips he turned back stepping even closer to myself his eyes returning to their red flaming color.

 A smirk tugged at his lips “im only agreeing this time because im very deprived and not in the right frame of mind and you’re the closest source of blood,” he tucked my hair behind my ear his other hand wrapping around my waist

“but any other time im thirsty and there are other sources around I wont, if you got hurt seriously and it was because of me I couldn’t live with myself.”

His fingers grazed across my cheek cupping my neck pulling my lips up to meet his it was a lingering passionate kiss one that blew my mind all my doubt flew away. I trusted him he’s done so much for me so the least I could do is let him have a bit of my blood.  

He backed us up into the bedroom again and over to the bed our lips still intact. He lay me gently back onto the bed and climbed in next to me our lips detaching he looked at me  as if he was having second thoughts his eyes shot blue for a moment but then returned to their color he moved to hover on top of me brushing my hair out of the way of my neck.

“Before we get into this I want to warn you”


“When I drink from you it may be abit painful at first and then – then you’ll feel pleasure – lust.” He blushed slightly

 I nodded starting to feel abit giddy “im just warning so you know I won’t do anything else … anything you don’t want to do.” He reassured.

“Like I said I trust you”
“but do you trust yourself?”

The question stumped me I never actually thought about what it might do to me I knew I liked Leon... Maybe even falling in love but going as far as doing it when we haven’t even spoke of what we are... Official sounded like a bad idea it could complicate things. But then there’s that hormonal part of me being a girl n all I always wonder what he would look like fully undressed – haa I sound so creepy, forgive my hormonal ness- and what hed be like in bed. Im torn between want and doing the right thing.

The right thing was to wait. But the wanting was so strong could I wait?! Now that we were getting physical there could be the moment where I don’t think and just do it. We all have those moments right. What if it was tonight? 

I felt his fangs graze the side of neck right where my pulse was tickling me a little.
“-I-I” I stuttered my previous thoughts totally lost. My mind completely blank.

Before I could even start to try and answer again id felt him licking the spot. Wait licking? Well that’s new!

My eyelids shut at the surprisingly nice sensation my heart slowing as I started to calm at the motion. “are you sure?” he whispered “are you sure you want me to do this?”

As if on I was on auto pilot my head shook without a second thought and soon his fangs pierced my skin with a prick much like a paper cut or like when us girls shave our legs and cut our selves it wasn’t as bad well that’s until he sunk his fangs in further then the pain increased making me moan in pain.

the pain will pass  I chanted through my head but it wasn’t really my voice but either way I found it calmed me  I just focused on the voice  and its soothing words and soon the pain drowned away then heat took over my body. Not like a fever or anything – it was pleasure setting in sending sparks and chills through me making my toes curl into the bed beneath me.

I didn’t even feel the blood leaving my body just pleasure. I didn’t even notice the way his hand that wasn’t holding him up ran down the length of the side of my body with every curve and back up increasing the warm feeling.

My hands with a mind of their own reached up snaking around his neck running through his hair I guess he liked it because he moaned against my neck. I prayed to god none of my family decided to burst through the door at that moment just like they’d usually do.

Wouldn’t the girls at work kill for this position I chuckled to myself at the thought they slaughter me they are crazy like that.

he pulled back  retracting his fangs wiping his mouth smiling down at me  the warm tingles and sparks faded slowly now that hed stopped drinking I almost felt disappointed.

 “They would” he agreed with my thought I rolled my eyes he lowered his face to mine laughing his chest vibrating against mine. “Im finished by the way”

“that was well quick!” he brushed a strand behind my ear

“I didn’t take much, I can just feed in the morning I have enough to last the rest of the night”


“listen Karla. Ive done this a million times and I know what it leads to.” hed done this a million times with a million girls, well that’s lovely to know now I just feel insecure.

“I don’t want anything to happen like this, if we ever choose to go further I want it to be something to remember I don’t want it to be off of, in my position lust for blood and your position the pleasure you feel of me biting you.” I had to stop myself from’aww’ing at what hed just said it was so sincere not what id expected. At. all.  “Understand?”

Speechless I resulted to nodding instead of looking like a fool and babbling a whole bunch of gibberish my shocked stated would have produced.

I really liked this new side to Leon. Happy with my response he rolled onto his back next to me  pulling me closer to his chest he lowered his head back to my neck which was throbbing abit and shocked me by licking it. Amused he laid back into the pillow chuckling

“Just healing the bite so you don’t bleed out” I nodded feel sleepier then before all chills and sparks and heat completely evaporated my head chest against his hard chest rising and falling with his shallow breaths my eyes drooped closed and I was out like a light.

“OH MY GOD!” someone shrieked from inside my room my eyes opened wide the light at first though dull still managed to burn my sensitive eyes.

“what the hell” I groaned rubbing my head feeling a headache coming on.

“ I –I DIDN’T KNOW  I UH” the door closed before I could have seen who was the person whos barged in without knocked, like usual.

“Umm I think we better get up” leons husky voice scared me I almost fell off the bed.
He smiled pulling my arm and my upper body back onto the bed “ alright there?”

“Uh yeah thanks” I blushed.

“So uh your uh brother uh cousin just you know kind of walk in on us”

“Ted?” he nodded I hadn’t even realized till just now Leon was shirtless his torso completely bare, I could see just how Ted was visioning us now and it wasn’t good. “Shoot”

“yeah” he smirked when my eyes came back up to his.

“Uh yeah” I sat up running my hands through my hair tugging at the small knots “I think maybe it’d be best to avoid him just till I talk to him”

“why?” he frowned. I gestured to his chest “Oh, I could talk to him for you you know, im not scared of Ted.”

“maybe after I talk to him you know soften him up, he’s always been the protective brother.”

“if you insist” I nodded “well I should go back to my room before another one of your family decides to visit” he got up striding towards the door

“Leon,” he stopped with his hand on the door knob turning to look over his shoulder at me.  “ im sorry bout that my family tend to forget their manners” I laughed nervously rubbing my elbow.

“you apologize to much”

“sorry”  he raised an eyebrow “sorr-” I caught myself smiling sheepishly he  laughed winking before turning and leaving. I fell back into the bed grunting rubbing my eyes this is going to be a long day.


i thought just a kiss went with the chapter for when they kiss under the moonlight. aaand i like the song :) 

i think that was 11 pages on word! i think .... btu anyway  there is going to be some pheonix in the next chapter  and a new p.o.v. of another character not one ive done.

so bare with me its coming along, im just working up to it :p

anyway please comment vote - voment... < that sounds weird haha! and fan and stuff ya no the usual haha

oh and i wana thank everyone whos added my story to their library  it means so much to me . honestly it does. :)  thaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkkkkyyyyyyyyyouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu    haha i havnt had the time to thank ppl so i wana do it on here in one shot :)  


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