Fighting for Joy

By dream_outlouddd

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By dream_outlouddd

Hey Guys! I periscoped last night and it was a lot of fun! We talked a little about Relationships and a few of you met my brother! We will be back on tonight at 7:00 pm EST! Inbox me with questions!

My periscope: dream_outloudd1 ! Hope to see you guys soon!


Lauren's POV

I yawned waking up from the best sleep I've had in days, I stretched out and went to go check on Devin Junior.

He has finally started sleeping all through the night thank goodness and it's wonderful not to have to wake up for feedings in the middle of the night and changing diapers. I always had to wake up to feed him, because in the first few weeks I spoiled him getting up excitedly to feed him instead of doing as Devin said and letting him eat through the bottle. Now, you can't pay this little boy to eat out of a bottle. If it's not me, it's nothing and no one else.

Most times, Devin would get up with me. He felt like just because he couldn't physically help much, he thought it was best if he went without sleep as well. So I wouldn't feel alone and I enjoy that greatly.

"Morning baby boy." I said kissing his cheek.

"You wanna say morning?" I asked him seeing he was still a little sleep. "I'm gonna leave you alone okay?" I asked him and he just closed his eyes.

I wrinkled up my nose looking to my right. I look a hot damn mess. My hair is up and these pants don't fit. Every since having Devin Junior I have lost so much weight from breastfeeding.

I went downstairs, and decided to make breakfast.

Things are starting to go back to normal in the Thomas residence, and I couldn't be happier about it.

Devin and I are communicating better, and the kids are doing really well. I'm glad we got us under control before it started to effect the kids.

Travis has gotten his own apartment, and helps us with the kids a lot by picking the kids up from school and getting them to my mothers house when I need him to. The kids surprisingly love to hang out with Uncle Trav. I think it's mainly because he's a big kid himself.

This weekend, the girls are with my mommy and my daddy, they went to the country to spend sometime with my parents. They wanted to ride the horses and because my parents know how hard it's been for Devin and I, they jumped at the opportunity to get the little ones off of our hands.

I am so great full for that.

"Good Morning Mrs. Thomas." Devin said kissing my ear.

"Good Morning Mayor D." I smiled at him turning around.

He kissed my lips. "It's gonna be hard getting used to that."

"Well, you better get to adjusting. Because you are the mayor!" I said happily.

"I know, I know." He said and kissed my lips. "Thank you" he said pulling me into him.

"For what?" I asked taking off my eyeglasses.

"For helping me get to this point. My beautiful First Lady of no other than Huston." He said kissing me repeatedly.

"Ew no!" I laughed and he smirked. "That makes me feel so old."

"Alright, enough work talk. Remember our rule?" Devin asked.

"You're totally right babe." I nodded. "No work talk in the house." I said.

Over the passing time right after Devin's election, Devin and I decided that we wanted to work on us as much as possible. Which means setting guidelines and rules. One of the major rules that I asked for was for us to leave work at work. I really want to make sure no work comes home and gets in between the time Devin and I have with each other and with the kids.

Devin agreed to follow and in turn set conditions. Meaning no work ever in the house. If he can't talk about it, I can't do it at home.

Devin's rule, just so happened to be we come home by a certain time. Something that in the past I haven't always followed. I'm known for having crazy set deadlines and staying late at the office to finish them. We agreed to that settling on if and  only  if we absolutely need to. So, if there be a case or a crisis of unfinished work, or some unforeseen circumstances we could come in late but, we had to notify each other and depending on how bad it is, set a time where we would have to be in the house.

I like the idea of sacrificing and adjusting to each others wants and needs so I have no problem with it. Whatever my hubby thinks is best for us, as far as that goes I'm perfectly fine with.

"So what we gonna do today?" He asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "I was hoping you'd know." I said

He smiled looking at me. "It's so cute when you wrinkle up your face like that babe." He said kissing my nose.

I laughed sitting the finished breakfast on the table. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He winked and headed towards the staircase.

"Where you going?" I asked him.

"To get my little man so we can eat breakfast." He said and I nodded as he continued up the steps.

I grabbed a cup for Devin Junior to drink out of and sat it on the table as well as the coffee for Devin Senior.

"Baby!" Devin called.

"Yes?" I asked

"This little boy was trying to get out his crib you know that?" He asked holding Devin in his arms.

I smiled seeing how much the two interact. As Devin held little Devin he grabbed his nose tapping it while Big Devin kissed on him.

"I love you son." He told him and put him in his seat.

"How did he try to get out?" I asked him.

"He was trying to sit up." He said.

"Baby he does sit up and I'm convinced any moment he will start to walk." I said.

"He doesn't ever sit up around me." He shrugged.

"Because he likes for his daddy to pick him up"

"I wonder why." He said shrugging.

"Because he wants to see looking down on people. I'm too short." I pouted

"I know, thank God I'm tall or our kid wouldn't have a chance." He laughed.

"I know." I said. "That would be tragic babe. No basketball."

"That would never happen. We play ball in this family." He said grabbing a plate and sitting down.

I made a spread of Bacon, Sausage, Waffles, French Toast, Crab Hash and fruit.

"How do you figure?" I asked him getting the whipped cream and strawberries out of the refrigerator.

"My son would be on the team and I'd make sure of it." He said.

"Don't be that father babe." I said fixing Little D a plate. He eats little stuff, so I decided to give him one piece of French toast, a bit of Crab hash and one sausage with of course so fruit.

"What father?" He asked.

"The type to push their kid into certain stuff."

"Your father pushed you into stuff." He pointed out.

"So not true." I said.

"You had to learn the violin."

"For a scholarship." I defended.

"Babe, you didn't need a scholarship." He said.

"My parents didn't pay for my whole education. I wanted to do things on my own too." I said. "But that's besides the point, Little D is gonna do and be what so ever he wants."

"Okay." He shrugged. "So if he wants to marry a AKA, he can."

"Exactly." I shrugged.

"Or a zeta."

"I don't care, as long as she treats my whittle man right!" I said kissing on his cheeks.

"Stop it." Devin said smacking my butt.

I rolled my eyes. "You always ruining our fun."

"What? I do not." He defended.

"Yeah babe, you do." I nodded my head.

"He doesn't like that baby gibberish." He said.

"He loves it."I told him.

"You know we can't do that." He said. "Especially with Cara." He reminded.

"Alright alright. I won't do it any more." I sighed.

"Thank you. I don't want him to go threw what Cara went threw." He said.

I nodded. "I understand." I said.

"Yeah, and it makes me feel terrible. Seeing her get treated the way she did. If I could take it back I would."

"I know but, we are getting her better." I smiled.

"Yeah, we are." He nodded. "Thank you." He said.

"Team work makes the dream work baby." I smiled and he kissed me causing Devin to whine.

"He don't like when I kiss you." Devin told me.

"Not true." I said shaking my head.

"Babe seriously. Watch." He said and kissed me causing Little D to do it again.

"He want his mommy all to himself." I laughed

"Yeah, but I'm the one who spoiled him. Okay." He rolled his eyes and I sighed.

"Finish eating chocolate, I want to get out." I told him.

"Alright pooh." He nodded and I decided to skip out on breakfast.

"I'm gonna go shower and change." I told him.
I already washed all the dishes so once I come down all I have to do is finish whatever dishes and if it's any other mess, Devin will just clean it.

"Okay, but pooh." He said.

"Yeah?" I asked him. Turning around

"You look beautiful." He told me

"Really?" I asked tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Yeah." He nodded. "You look beautiful with your too big pants and no bra tank top look and the sexiest part, is that you're not even trying." He said and I blushed mildly.

"Thank you." I said kissing his lips

"You're welcome. Go get dressed now. I'm gonna take my beautiful wife and my little man to a movie." He said and I did as he asked after receiving a slap on the ass.

I made my way upstairs and got my clothes out. I am happy so far with the direction of how things are going, I just pray they stay that way, with or without the huge possibility of me carrying a child, and with him or her being on on his or her way in. Lord knows, we can't take another blow to our marriage.

Don't get me wrong, I want to have a baby, I really do but I don't want to be pregnant right now. We have so much work to do with our relationship and I don't want to jeopardize my relationship for another baby because right now, I want it. 

I know that before I find out if we are expecting, I need to talk to him about it, subtly. I took blood work, and by Monday morning, I should know for sure so over this weekend I will hint at us expanding our family and hopefully he feels good about it.

I honestly don't know what's going to happen and what his reaction will be like but whatever it is, I pray that we don't end in a fight.


Is she pregnant?
(Well I know but what y'all think?)

How is Devin going to react?

How do y'all think these two are going?

What do you all want to see next?

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