Not Just Another Cinderella S...

Από 11firegirl11

49.9K 2K 133

In all the love stories, there is a broken girl, someone who's afraid to fall in love. In all the love storie... Περισσότερα

Not Just Another Cinderella Story
1. Manchester
2. Spoiled Bitches
3. Mysterious Numbers
4. Now, She's Gone.
5. Furniture and Frappuccino's
6. Tweet and Trends
7. Meet and Greet
8. Sassmaster Out!
9. Tumbling Through Tumblr
10. Kisses and Hotel Rooms
11. Into The Crowd
13. It's Not That Easy
14. Green Monsters
15. Missing You
16. Find Me
17. Not-So-Little Cupcakes
18. LaBoom
19. Friends
20. Always.
21. All Good Things
22. First Dates
23. Key to my Heart
24. Now or Never
25. Christmas Eve
26. Tricks up Her Sleeve
27. Drunk Admittance
28. Guess Who's Back
29. Epilogue
One Shots (2)

12. Meet The Boys

1.4K 69 2
Από 11firegirl11


I rubbed my eyes sleepily, and blinked a few times as I slowly woke up. I closed my eyes again until I felt something move on my chest. I was confused until I looked down and saw Chelsea stirring. Her head was rested on my chest, and my head was leaning against the headrest of the couch.

"Mmm," she mumbled as she rolled off me. Sadly the couch wasn't that wide, and- with a loud shriek-, she fell rather ungracefully to the ground. "Ow..." she mumbled, before she started laughing. I laughed with her, holding out a hand to pulled her up off the ground.

"That was lovely."

"I felt rather graceful, and smart, and clever, and such." We started laughing again as she sat down on the couch. Suddenly she groaned. "Crap, I slept with my contacts in..." With a heavy sigh, she ran to her purse and grabbed a little container before locking herself in the washroom. A few minutes later, she came out wearing cute black framed glasses.

"Why do you wear contacts?" I asked, looking her over.

"It's hard to play volleyball with glasses on, and they get dirty and broken and they're inconvenient I guess."

"You should wear them more, you're cute," I said. She rolled her eyes and pulled out clothes from her suitcase.

"The flight's leaving at 12:30 right?"

"Yeah, we should get ready. Can we stop for coffee before we go? I haven't had a good cup since I came over and I'm having withdrawls." She had already disappeared inside the washroom, and I could hear the water running. I changed in my bedroom into a pair of sweats and a black long sleeve shirt. Running my hand through my hair a few times, I shoved a beanie onto my head and a cross necklace to go with my ring one from Michelle.

"Ready?" Chelsea called out from outside. I was surprised at how fast she was. She had on a loose blue tank top and black skinny jeans, and her hair was in a loose bun flopping around on top of her head.

"Aren't jeans uncomfortable for a flight?"

"I never found jeans uncomfortable, I'd rather wear jeans over sweats any day even if I'm just lounging around at home." Giving her an odd look, I locked my hotel room and we checked out of the hotel. There was another mob of fans outside.

"Harry, I think it'll be better if you two take the side exit."

"No, I want to see my fans."

"But I don't think your friend here likes being shoved around in a crowd much, plus you've got enough fans at the airport." I sighed knowing he was right, but I hated feeling like I was trying to keep away from them.

"Okay, le-"

"Um, I don't really mind going out the front, I mean his fans have been waiting all morning just to get a glimpse of him right?" Chelsea piped up. "I mean, if that's not a problem." I looked at her in surprise at her selflessness. She chewed on her lip and pushed her glasses further up her nose. The security guard shook his head and sighed.

"If you're okay with it there's really no reason not to... You might want to cover up unless your name to be all over tabloids." She nodded and pulled her beanie out of my bag and threw it on. Taking her glasses off, she stole my sunnies.

"I feel so blind now..." she muttered, sticking her hands out dramatically and 'feeling' the air. I shook my head, bemused.

"Same as last time, I'll meet you on the car." And so began the trek into chaos.


"Oh my gosh, it's beautiful," Chelsea gushed as she stared out the window of the cab at the London streets. Her mouth was in a huge grin.

"Yeah, it's nice, bit crowded," I said, leaning over her shoulder and looking out.

"You're kidding me right? This is literally what heaven would be like to me. Plus it's a good place for vlogs and stuff, there's always something happening!" She was glowing with happiness, making me smile in turn.

"Sometimes you just need to get away from things though." She looked over at me.

"I guess some people do? I never really had to... get away. I usually just go to the gym to get all my 'ugh' -ness out."

"You're 'ugh' -ness?"

"You know? When you're just not feeling too good, kind of sad, and tired. Just blast the music and go the gym. Which reminds me, is there a gym anywhere near your apartment? I haven't gone since I've come overseas and I'm missing it."

"Yeah, there's one on the top floor of our complex."

"Come with me tonight? There's not too much time to do anything else anyways," she said as the driver pulled up to my flat. I grabbed our bags out of the car and handed hers to her, pulling my own up the elevator. I unlocked the door and threw my bag on the ground, looking around at my apartment. A wave of sadness washed over me as I saw random items of Michelle's lying around. I bit my lip and stared until Chelsea's voice broke into my mind. "You okay?"

"I... yeah. Memories I guess," I said, picking up one of Michelle's shirts. She looked at it for a few seconds before it clicked.

"Oh... Do you want help getting this all cleaned up?" I nodded, and we got down to work. Starting in the living room, we got rid of magazines, shirts, jewelry, and small decorative pieces. Her purse was on my couch as well. Piling it all into a box, we set it at the doorstep. Moving on to my room, there was a lot more stuff. Her pillow that she claimed she needed for a good night's sleep, a few facial masks, a few nighties. Something soft hit me in the back of the head and I saw Chelsea looking away suspiciously. A red and black bra was sitting at the ground near my feet. I bent over to pick it up, only to be hit by another one, a red one with black lace over top. I rolled my eyes and tossed them into a box, dodging the next one Chelsea threw at me.

"Meanie," I said, sticking my tongue out at her as she threw another one.

"Jeeze, doesn't she have any normal bras?"

"Normal bras?"

"Well you know, ones that fit under your clothes properly so you can't see the straps, ones that don't show through a white shirt?" She threw another bright red one at me.

" So you're supposed to wear different bras with different shirts?" She rolled her eyes and nodded as she searched the rest of the room.

"Yeah." For a second the disappeared into the washroom and came out a minute later with her arms full of makeup, hair products, brushes, and a few hair tools. "Did she live with you?" she asked, as she dumped everything into the box.

"No, why?"

"Oh, it's just... ah, nothing, Never mind."

"No, I wanna know."

"Well she has a lot of... makeup, and hair tools, and, well, things that make you look different from yourself." I could tell she was hesitant to say what she really meant.

"She always wanted to look her best," I said, getting defensive.

"I like looking my best, but this is going overboard. I mean, she has four different bottles of foundation, and she doesn't live with you Harry. How many do you think she has at home? Ten? Twelve?"

"She liked wearing makeup, that's fine, it's her own choice," I snapped.

"There's a difference between wearing makeup and bathing in it," she snapped back. We glared at each other for a few seconds before sighed and looked to the ground. "Sorry, I'm being rude. I just..."

"It's fine. We're not together anymore." I hauled the box downstairs, leaving it in my shoe closet. I would have to give her stuff back soon. I was about to go back to my room and start unpacking when someone knocked at my door. Without waiting for me to open it, the lock turned and the door swung open.

"Surprise!" three boys called out, as Liam, Zayn, and Niall tumbled into the room. I frowned.

"What are you guys doing here, shouldn't you be home?"

"We missed you!" Zayn said, slinging an arm around my shoulder.

"I... This isn't the best time. I have someone over right now."

"Someone moved on fast," Liam said, looking over my flat.

"Not like that, she's just a friend," I defended. "She's staying in Lon-" A squeal cut me off.

"Harry, there's a girl in your house!" Niall said, coming out from the guest room. I sighed and shook my hair out.

"That's what I was saying, she's staying with me for a week or so." Chelsea came out of the room frowning.

"You never said someone was coming over, he walked in on me changing." She pointed an accusing finger at Niall, who was blushing.

"Sorry, I didn't know I swear," he said. Chelsea turned on him and glared for a second before a grin twitched at the corner of her mouth. Niall saw and pretended to be terrified as a smile threatened to overcome him too. She let out a little growl and jumped at him. A second later, they were both collapsed on the floor, laughing. Zayn started chuckling too, and Liam soon joined in on the laugh-fest. I stood there bewildered.

"I..." I started, but decided it would be best to just let them laugh it out.

A long half hour later, they were finally able to sit still without giggling.

"Okay okay, introduction time. I'm Chelsea." She stuck out her hand, and Niall gave her a hug.

"I think when we've been laughin' for that long together, there's no need for formalities. I'm Niall, the one with the black hair is Zayn, and the one with no hair is Liam." Chelsea laughed, running a hand through her hair.

"Trust me, I know who you guys are." She gave him a little smile that made me frown.

"You're a fan?"

"Yeah, definitely." She was? She never told me that. Or did she? She pushed her glasses further up her nose.

"Good, I'm a fan of you too. Speaking of which..." Niall fumbled around in his pocket for his phone and took a selfie, of the two of them that is. "Mind if this goes up on Twitter?"

"Nah, it's fine." Niall tapped away on his phone before he showed her.

"Look who I met today! One of my favorite YouTubers..." Chelsea read out loud. "Aww, shucks, I'm blushin'", she said with a horrible country drawl.

"That was really bad," Liam said as he took a seat on the arm of the couch.

"Like, really bad," Niall gasped between laughs. She rolled her eyes and smacked him.

"Don't be mean. Do you have Black Ops?" she asked, looking at me.

"Oh, yeah." I popped the disc in and tossed her a controller. Holding up the other two and keeping one for myself I asked, "Who else wants to play?" Liam and Zayn each grabbed one, but Niall got off the couch and started munching on a bag of crisps instead. Chelsea set up the game quickly and we started playing.

"Shit Chelsea you're good," Niall commented.

"I know I am."

"Wait, watch out!" Liam yelled. A grenade suddenly exploded, blowing Chelsea and I up.

"What? No way you're XBOX is rigged. I've never died that fast ever..." Chelsea mumbled, throwing her controller down. She sighed. "I'm sad now."

"Aww don't be sad," Niall said, poking her cheek.

"Will you give me a piggy back?" she asked, giving him a cute face. He tried to resist it for a minute before sighing and motioning for her to hop on. She grinned and yelled, "To the guest room!" Niall ran out of sight, with her on his back.

"Hmm, interesting," Liam said, looking at me.


"Nothing. If you don't get it by the end of this week, I'll tell you. Though I really hope you're not the clueless." He turned his attention back onto the game, ignoring my pleas for him to tell me. Soon after, Liam announced he was leaving, followed by Niall and Zayn, leaving us some time to unpack and get settled in.

"Harry?" Chelsea called from the other room. "Which washroom am I using?"

"The one in the hall, closest to your room!" I called back. It was a rather small washroom but there was a shower, which the other bathroom didn't have. I hung up my last shirt and decided to check up on her.

"Hey," she said, as she placed a few bottles on the countertop. It amazed me how little she brought with her.

"Is that all you have?" I asked.

"I'm going to just assume that wasn't supposed to be offensive and say yes."

"It wasn't supposed to be..." I looked over her bottles. There was a bottle of contact solution, a small bottle of eye make-up remover, a face wash, and a bottle of moisturizer. She also had a little stick of concealer and some sort of powder, sitting in the corner with a tube of what I guessed was mascara.

"It's all I really need when I'm travelling. I have a bit more makeup in my bag if we're going somewhere fancy too." She hung up a towel before leaving the room. I looked over her stuff one more time before following her.

"So do you wanna go somewhere for dinner tonight or...?" I asked.

"I don't mind ordering in or making dinner," she offered.

"I don't have much right now, we can go steal food from Liam if you want."

"Nah, let's not bother him just yet. Can we order a pizza? We can eat and then you can show me where your gym is." I grabbed my phone and ordered a large pepperoni and breadsticks.

"Done." I tossed my phone on the couch.

"Um, do you mind if I shoot a vlog here? Or should I go outside or som-"

"It's fine." I watched as she sat down on my couch and started chatting to the camera as if it was a living thing.

"Well, that's about it guys, nothing interesting yet. Bye!" She pressed the off button and set the camera down. "Sorry about that, I'll probably be vloging all week so..." She shrugged and curled up on the couch. Patting the seat beside her, she said "Come on, let's watch some TV while we wait for the pizza to come." I nodded and took a seat next to her, leaning on her shoulder. After a while, I wrapped an arm around her and shifted so she was leaning on mine. She let out a soft sigh as the movie started.

"This is nice," I whispered.


I updated early! Only a day early, but you know, whatevs. :3 Thank you guys so much for reading this story, it means so much to me! Dedicated (again) to Unicornstar for mentioning my story in her list of good fanfictions! Maybe this was a long time ago, but thanks!

If I can get 85 votes (in total for this entire story), I'll have a double update on Thursday, July 18th! So go back and vote for all your favorite chapters!

If not, the next update will still be on Thursday, July 18th.

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