The Dare

By PaiBear101

337 3 0

If someone dared you a set amoubt of money to go into the woods would you do it, even if it risked it all unk... More

Matthew's mom
Matt and Ants parents
Anthony ^

Anthony's mom

16 0 0
By PaiBear101


"Hi, Amberly this is Ant's mom, Selena"

"Oh hey Selena how's it going?"

"It's good,life's good you know?But I was calling to see if my son was over at your place.He usually stays there during the week and vice versa. He hasnt come home in a few days so I thought he would be over with you guys."

"Really? I thought that Matthew  was at your house. He hasnt been there?"

"Oh lord gosh no.hold on I'm going to call his other friends and see if he's with them. But is highly unlikely that he wouldnt call us and tell us where he is."

"Same here. Also ill go do the same thing".

10 minutes later

Okay im starting to panic now. I called up all his friends but not one of them know where he's at.The last they heard of him was at the fieldtrip. I had a bad feeling about that trip to begin with.My husband Charles tells me to "calm down its alright our boy is smart he will come home safe and sound don't worry,okay."blah blah blah. I know it's supposed to be calming but it's just making it worse.

But I say it's bullshit. Something bad happened to my boy I feel it. He's my only child and it's like I have a connection with him. And the feeling I'm having right now is not suiting right within me.

I say to him: "What the f*** do you mean calm down Charles? My baby, my only child is somewhere out there possibly injured, maybe hes dead I dont know Charles.But just the thought of my son being out there in this crazy world injured or hurting and I can't be there to help him is sickening. Ever since that fieldtrip I haven't seen him. Do you know how scared I am right now? And If yo6 don't understand ehat I'm saying you don't need to be around me right now Charles." I said with tears strolling down my face.

Even after I just went off on him he came closer to me."Okay I know you're upset okay and I'm sorry for that okay but please try to understand what I'm saying,okay?Our boy is a strong boy, I should know because he got it from his papa." He wiped some of the tears that were in my face and the ones trailing down as he spoke.

With that a small smile smeared  across my face . I hit his arm softly

"Okay I'm listening"

"Now, since you calmed down let's talk and try to solve this mystery. Think where was the last place you remember him going."

"I remember him saying something about going to the farm that old one off highway I-75. thats like an hour away from here."

"So lets go check out that farm, shall we?"

"We shall, my king".

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