K Project: The Purple Queen

By So_Kawaii_Tya

69.9K 2.7K 411

Izumi Kasamura tries to keep herself under the radar at all times and is a ghost at her school. During one da... More

Ch.1 A Normal Day Gone Wrong
Ch. 2 Time To Prove His Innocence
Ch. 3 Purple Vs. Blue
Ch. 4 Interrogation
Ch. 5 Saved!
Ch. 6 The Festival and Illness
Ch. 7 Healing
Ch. 8 Hide and Seek
Ch. 10 All Around Me pt. 2
Ch. 11 Closer to Closure
Ch.12 The Chase
Ch.13 Confessions
Ch. 14 Farewell

Ch. 9 All Around Me

3.9K 173 21
By So_Kawaii_Tya

Shiro, Kuroh, Neko, and I made it to the shrine that Kuroh spoke of. He kept it well groomed even though he was with Shiro most of the time. He slid open the door that presented a dark atmosphere.

"Well come in." He said setting his sword against the wall.

Neko was first, she tripped, Shiro was next, he bumped into Neko. I looked at the nature that was surrounding the shrine. It was forest green, obviously, it smelled of dandelions as the bright sky illuminated the waterfall and the hot spring beside the shrine. Once I stepped in almost fumble but slammed into Shiro's chest. I looked at him and blushed extremely hard, he laughed at my childish reaction as I got up quickly.

"I am so sorry, Shiro....I didn't watch where I was going and~"

"Hey no problem, Izumi." He rubbed the back of his head with an awkward smile.

Kuroh was lighting a candle inside of a lantern, not sure how it works but why not? He was showing us rooms and where the lavatory was located. The shrine looks new but you could tell it was pretty old.

"Alright, now that I have shown you all your rooms, I shall prepare dinner. Meaning you all go clean yourselves."

We all looked at each other.

"It's dark."

"There are candles on the floors in the corners." Kuroh said annoyed.

"It's dark in the halls."

He sighed.

"How about some actual electricity or maybe let up some shades, please." I said.

"Fine." Kuroh said as he turned the electricity on.

"Thank you!" We all say in unison.

Kuroh walked us individually to our rooms. I was last, as he slid open the door and revealed a huge room with a pallet on the floor. It had a flower in the corner, a pink rose. I felt the cold walls with my hands and the waxed floors with my socks. The room was beautiful but had an emotionally empty feeling.

Kuroh had his back against the wall with his arms folded. "If you are wondering, this room was the room of my former master's mistress."

"Really now?"

"She loved pink roses. I use to get them for her all of the time from the garden."

"I love pink roses." I said as I looked at the flower up close.

Kuroh was staring at me, I didn't notice though, I was too fascinated with the colored rose. He snapped back into reality.

"Well I shall prepare dinner." He said as he walked away.

"Thank you, Kuroh." I said under my breath.

"Yes thank you very much!" Suddenly said by Kasumi and Yasamura in excited unison.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!?" I jumped back from the flower.

"How long have you been there?"

"Long enough." Kasumi said walking around the room.

"How did you find me?"

"We're your faithful companions. We clean up after you so no one else would find you but us." Kasumi explained.

"Yea, before those assholes ruined the place." Yasamura said as he put a box down.

"What a-holes? And ruined what?!" I asked with a little attitude.

"The Homra clan destroyed your apartment." Yasamura said leaning his head from the box.

"You guys didn't stop them?"

"We're not obligated to do so unless you say my Queen." Yasamura said.

"Don't call me that now. You weren't obligated to track me down, now were you?" I said putting my hands on my hips walking closer to Yasamura.

"Why of course not my lady, it's just that~" Yasamura stuttered.

"HOW else were we gonna get these clothes to you before they got to them!" Kasumi saved Yasamura.

By the time she said anything I had already grabbed a hold to Yasamura's shirt.

"Yep, we took every piece of hair from your brush, we grabbed your toothpaste and toothbrush. Everything you touch we clean." Yasamura was saying.

"No one is able to track you with our help." Kasumi smiled with pride with her arms folded.

"Is that so?" I folded my arms.

"I mean, unless you were kissed then you're kinda screwed." Yasamura said holding his hands up.

My face was in total shock! I had no idea I was able to be located with a single kiss, but how?

"Your Majesty!?" Yasamura asked.

"Madame!?" Kasumi asked as well.

It was just a replay of what happened last night and how Mikoto kissed me and how he had his shirt off. How close he was to me in bed...

"I have to take a bath!!!!!" I ran away.

"Your Excellency?" They said in unison confused.

I was in the hot spring outside of the shrine. It was getting pretty late and I was just waiting to hear that dinner was ready. The more replays I have of that night, the deeper I sink into the spring.

"Why is he stuck in my mind? Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupiiiiid!! Yashiro, Neko, and kuroh aren't going to think highly of me."

I raised from the hot spring to see Neko looking at me. She had half of her body in the spring.

"Are you okay, Zumi?" She asked in her sweet kid voice.

"Yea why would you ask that?" I was trying to hide my thoughts.

"Are you sure?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I faked a smile.

"Just wondering, lately you've been acting...strange." Neko said as she sat down close to me.

"I'm pretty sure it's nothing for you to worry about, little one." Kasumi said walking close to where Neko and I were.

Neko laughs childishly, "That's not what her cheeks say." She pokes my glowing cheek.

I sink into the water.

"Hey, Kasumi?" I calmly say.

She turns around with her hands on her hips. "Yes ma'am, mi'lady?"

"Just..hear me out okay?" Kasumi nods. "Can a king and a queen from different clans..fall..i..in..love with one another?"

There was silence. For a good while. Neko and Kasumi were shocked by my question.

"Mi'lady? Are you saying you're falling in love with a king?"

Suddenly Shiro came out with his hands over his eyes. "Dinner is ready!!!!!"

I suddenly hop up and leave to my room, as fast as I could. As I was walking to my room I ran into Shiro...hard! We both were on the floor and I was on top of him. We both looked at each other.

"Sh..Shiro? W..what are you touching?" I asked as I slowly looked down.

Shiro followed the direction of his arm. It touched my...boob! He quickly pushed me off of him and I stood as fast as he did.

"I apologize for touching that area!" Shiro yelled with his eyes closed, then he walked to his room with fast pace.

I too quickly went to my room and slid the door closed. Shiro looked at his hand as it was shaking. I still hand my hands up against the sliding door, my head rested between my arms.

"Your highness?" Yasamura asked.

I slowly raised my head. "Yes?"

He came closer to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Get AWAY!!" I threw my hand and it forcefully pushed Yasamura away. He caught himself though.

"My Queen? What has gotten into you?" He had his hand on his chest.

I walked closer to him. He backed away from me but I kept coming closer. So close that I hugged him and we fell to the floor. His chest was exposed and so we're mine. I had my chest pressed against his as he blushed.

"My Queen...your chest? It is quite heavy." He said out of breath.

As I looked into his eyes, my vision was an orchid color. Then Kasumi slapped me!

"It's dinner time." She smiled with her teeth.

My vision did return to normal.

"Thank you, Kasumi." I covered myself back up with the kimono.

Kasumi helped Yasamura from the ground. "Geez, you're so vulnerable when stuff like that happens."

"I couldn't help myself." He rubbed the back of his head.

Kasumi and Yasamura walked me to the eating area. There I sat with Kuroh, Shiro, and Neko. Who were already eating the food that Kuroh cooked. I looked back to see no Kasumi or Yasamura in sight.

"What took you so long, Izumi?" Kuroh asked.

"Nothing but I'm starving." I smiled.

"Well dig in." Shiro said.

"Mhmm! Itadakimasu!"

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