Troubled Love

By kissmeimirish16

101K 2.4K 246

After her mom and dad's divorce, Lydia has to move to a new school her junior year of high school. Besides d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 25

2.4K 76 9
By kissmeimirish16

Chapter Twenty Five

The next month passes very quickly. It feels like Niall and I are constantly going on dates which I don't have a problem with. We've been to the movies, out to dinner, went to the park with Juliette and Braden, and shopping in the past month. He now sits with me, Tiffany, and Louis at lunch. I'm not sure if its because he wants to be with me or if its because Harry and Zayn got suspended for a month for fighting. Either way everyone gawks at us in the cafeteria. We haven't encountered any problems mostly because of the death glares Niall emits if anyone gets ready to make a comment. We presented our History project three days ago and I didn't stutter once. I feel like we did well but Mr. Willis hasn't given us our grade yet. When Niall and I aren't together at school, we're constantly texting or talking on the phone. He's a great texter and a great listener. I can always vent to him and he doesn't complain once. I still haven't told him about the note or the past of my past I kept hidden. I don't want to risk our relationship because he's my closet friend. I still panic over the note but I haven't gotten another one. Things have gotten harder at home. My mom keeps getting drunk and by this point I think she's becoming an alcoholic. The only change though is she wakes up and stops drinking for about an hour or two a day but it's only to insult me just like my dad did. I ignore whatever she says and just keep doing whatever I was doing. I finally got a job at a bookstore. I love it, they're really flexible with my schedule and even have a daycare there for Juliette when I pick her up from Donna's daycare. Niall and I carpool to school and the rides to daycare now, I still haven't gotten the nerve to go on his motorcycle yet. This afternoon we are on our way to go pick up Braden and Juliette and after I finish working we're going out to dinner. Niall is belting out a song on the drive there.

"Niall! You're amazing! Why didn't you tell me you could sing?" I ask.

He shrugs, "Never came up I guess."

"Well you're amazing!"

"Thanks darling." He smiles at me.

That's another things that has happened over the past few weeks. We've started calling each other those pet names that make other people puke. Niall calls me darling, sweetheart, and baby and my heart beats ten times faster and I just melt inside. I occasionally call him babe or Horan when he's playfully getting on my nerves but I usually stick with Niall. We arrive at the daycare and Niall opens my door for me. I smile and kiss his cheek. Niall waves to Donna and then goes to get Braden and Juliette.

"Hello! How was school?" Donna asks cheerfully. I've become closer with Donna over the past month as well.

I smile, "Pretty good. Of course everyone is ecstatic that it's a long weekend."

She laughs, "Weekends are always good. Speaking of I'm watching them tonight for three hours right?"

"Yes. Thank you again."

"It's not a problem. I love those two kids like they were my own. Listen as much as I love you and Juliette. You're two weeks behind on your bill honey. I know that you guys are tight on money and you're giving me what you can but if you don't catch up soon, I won't be able to take care of her it's a state law." Donna says sympathetically.

I grimace. That would be $600 I owe her. That's more than I make in a month. My job is the only source of income we have. I have to split it to pay for the household bills, my phone bill, food, and what Donna requires. "I know I'm behind and I promise to pay it when I can. Is there anyway I can do something for you and that can count as some of my pay so I can at least catch up?"

"I'm sorry honey I can't because your underaged. I would if I could. I'm so sorry."

"I understand. How long will I have?"

"Two weeks."

I bite my lip so I don't cry. Will I have to get another job? I can't handle school and two jobs and I will absolutely not drop out of school.

"Lydia!" Juliette yells and attaches herself to my leg.

"Hey you!" I say picking her up and hugging her. I make eye contact with Niall and he frowns. Darn it he's so good at reading my facial expressions.

We put the kids in their car seats and I drive. On the way to Niall's house I ponder about what I'm going to do.

I pull into his driveway and he takes Braden inside the house. He comes back outside of to the car and opens my door and gently pulls me out.

"Lydia, I know something is wrong and I'm not letting you to until you tell me what it is." He demands.

I sigh, "It's nothing really."

He gives me a disapproving look and keeps staring at me.

"Juliette just acted up a little and I got upset because I thought maybe I wasn't teaching her good manners and morals." I lie straight through my teeth.

Niall seems to buy it but I'm not completely sure. "Sweetheart for a sixteen year old raising her sister you're doing a great job."

I smile and exhale. "Thanks."

Niall kisses me, "You're welcome. I'll see you at 6."

We kiss goodbye and I head home to change for work. I unlock my door and my jaw drops.

**A/N: I'll be updating again tomorrow. Please vote and comment :)**

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