Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

I ignore the memories that come rushing back, both good and bad, when I think about my dad and I continue to unpack and decorate without my mother's help because it seems like she is in another one of her moods.

Juliette teeters over to me. "I'm hungry Lydia!" she complains.

Oh crap! It's already 3 in the afternoon and I totally forgot about making dinner. I've been so busy with unpacking boxes. "Okay honey we'll have to go grocery shopping because we don't have food in the house." I say. She gives me an adorable little pout and then toddles back over to her spot surrounded by bubble wrap.

I hurry back to my room to make myself look presentable by throwing clothes that are clean and some make-up on. I quickly put my hair into a messy bun. I grab my keys and purse and go over to ask my mom if she wants me to talk Juliette with me or not. I reach her bedroom which is also covered in boxes and see that she has fallen asleep. I guess that answers that.

"Come on Julie! We're going bye-byes to the store for some food!" Juliette's face lights up at the mention of food. For a two year old she sure likes to eat.

I buckle her up in her car seat and roll down the windows. I get ourselves lost about four times before we even make it to the highway. Note to self, invest in a GPS. On the way to the store, Juliette is belting out Old McDonald as loud as she can and I start to join along with her.

At a red light, we keep singing and I hear several loud laughs from the car next to us. I turn to my left and I see three boys on motorcycles stopped next to us. They have sunglasses and helmets on so I can't make out any facial features or predict their age. I stop singing and blush a scarlet red because they all just heard me singing and singing and sports are probably two things I'm terrible at.

The light turns green and the boys on the motorcycles speed ahead of. I wonder what it would be like to read on a motorcycle, I wonder, probably absolutely terrifying.

We finally make it to the store and we head inside to start our shopping.

"What would you like for dinner Juliette?" I ask her.

"CANDY!!" she exclaims.

"You can't have candy for dinner, silly! Maybe we'll get some for dessert. What else do you want?"

"I want Chicken, French fries, and mac and cheese."

"Okay that sounds like a good meal to me!" I reply.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see

something move. I turn around slightly then I practically run into the store. I start to panic oh god no how did they find us.

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