The Stalker-- sorry My Stalker

By Peace_life_Nh

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"Adventuring aye? Looking turns to seeing and seeing transforms into watching. Sometimes you can't control w... More

Chapter 1: Cuts
Chapter 3: Help!
Chapter 4: Judy
Chapter 5: Weird
Chapter 6: Death seems better than this
Chapter 7: Oh no
Chapter 8: Days.
Chapter 9: hm.
Chapter 10: Names
Chapter 11: Scare me
Chapter 12: Lies
Chapter 13: owner
Chapter 14: what?
Chapter 15 Part one: Cries
Chapter 15 Part two: Cries Blake's P.o.v
Character selections. (In my mind)
Chapter 16 Part one: Beg
Chapter 16 Part two: Beg Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 16 Part three: Beg Blake's P.o.v
A/n: Important!!
A/n yoooo
Chapter 17: Trust
Chapter 18: Hot
Chapter 19: Vulnerable
Chapter 20: Dead roses
Chapter 21: He knows
Chapter 22: Forever
Chapter 22: Forever Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 23: Confusion
Chapter 24: Break
Chapter 25: Chica
Chapter 26: Daze
A/n What's up?
Chapter 27: Masochist
Chapter 28: Strays
Chapter 29: Blushes
New Character Selections: Part One
New Charater Selections: Part Two
A/n Amazing
Chapter 30: Ooze
Chapter 31: He
Chapter 32: will
Chapter 33: kill
Chapter 34: her
Chapter 35: soon.
Chapter 36: Sinner
Chapter 37: Blue
Chapter 38: Fear
Chapter 39: Drunk
Chapter 40: Wicked
Chapter 41: Company
Chapter 42: Guilt
Chapter 43: Burnt out
Chapter 44: Ditching
Chapter 45: Ice Cold

Chapter 2: Unexpectations

297 8 0
By Peace_life_Nh

I do have a question for all of you lovely people. If you want this all in italics symbolizing past or just say past tense at the beginning of each chapter that's in the past? Nvm.. I'll figure it out.

Past chapter

Read if you dare

I got off the wretched bus and started walking home. Yep, I still took the bus, and I was a high schooler. Thank god they had a bus or else I would've walked like four miles to school.

Maybe that's not a lot sorry it is to me.

I walked off towards my house. I hate that house man. Fucking brings the worst in me. I kept walking. Stepping on the loose gravel and the broken sidewalk.

Ugh, why is it so cold? Ugh, I don't know. Then again it's November. Beginning of November.

Twelfth to be exact. I looked at the two houses I did every day. I wasn't expecting anyone to be looking out the window.

It was abandoned. I stopped dead in my tracks. I peeked at the window meticulously. Then jumped back. Holy mother of shit. My heart probably screamed with me.

There was an old man looking back at me, but his eyes were widened to its extent. He didn't look human.

However, he did not, not look human. He looked like a scary old man. He had reading glasses on or so it seemed. I saw half of his face.

I started walking. Ignoring the other house I look at every day, that house contained a cute guy I only ever saw twice a year, but as I said on a speed walk to my house that was in the middle of the block.

No. No. No. I got to my house searching for my keys in my book bag then started laughing.

"I'm an idiot," I said to myself. No one lives in that house it's abandoned. Ha. Wow, I'm stupid. Maybe that was like a cardboard cut out or something for no trespassers. Ah okay, that's what it was.

I calmed my beating heart with these analogies.

Wo! Okay.

What was he looking at though? Maybe he was looking for someone. Half of his face was by the window.

Gawking as if he'd just been frightened by something. Yet the look of his features was very prominent. Oh god.

I opened my door with my heart picking up its speed. Then slowly shortened its beats. I'm overreacting man. Overreacting to the core. All this anxiety built up for no possible good reason.

Pfft, I really overreacted.

I unlocked the other door to my house then walked in it. There were two doors. One to walk through and the other towards my actual living arrangement.

It was a one-story house. Stairs on the outside to get in the house other than that it was only one-story two-bedroom, one bathroom.

Well, I only count one because the second one was in the basement I tried never to go down into. Why? Because it was just nerve-racking.

Oh my god, my basement stories will scare you.

'Or maybe it's just you.' My subconscious spoke.


We had a living room, which I glumly walked past through. A dining room that had no dining at all in it. Just a raggedy old yellow, green couch. And a made up closet type thing on the other side of the room, that was gonna fall any day now.

Even though I've been saying that for years. I'm sure it will fall any day now. Notice my sarcasm.

My brother had one room. It was big for his twenty-one-year-old self. When he went back and forth between the military and college.

He used to party all the time. Before he matured. Come home late. Half the time drunk, stumbling into my room.

I didn't mind him coming home drunk. Just disappointed. But more or so understood why as the years came around. Our family was difficult if I could drink to my heart's desire I probably would. It'd only be to get all our family problems out of the way for a little bit.

I didn't hate my brother. I just necessarily didn't love him either. Complications he had. He had it worse than me. At least that's what he says all the time.

Once he went to join the army because he was sick and tired of being home all the time, he went to "war" or that's what he likes to call it. I think it was more war with himself. I had to help him with a lot of stuff after that.

I had a lil brat sister, and that was the rest of my family.

Not to mention the fucking parents I have. I know I should be grateful but they give me hell. Literally! One lived with us the other did not. Fucking hate that shit.

I don't care that they hate each other. I care that they suck all of us down with them.

They could've been supportive parents. They are not at all though. They make my life a living hell. Both of them.

I heard rustling through the house. It was either Lucas or Serenity. I envied my sister's name mostly because she was nothing serene.

(Serenic needs to be a word! It says it's not but it should be the past tense word of serenity. Like, come dictionary! Lol :)

Troubled, yelling, bratty and she was only twelve.

Crazy. Luke yelled at her often too. But not as much as I did. I had to share a room with her. The ultimate hell. I turned my head to hear a whine of a door it opened slightly.

"Hey, Trinity," Luke said through the doorway. Knowing that I hated people in my room.

"Sup Luke," I said monotoned.

It was weird cause sometimes he was in university while other times he came here. I don't know how he did it. With transportation issues an all. We do live in new york the all route of traffic.

Of course the outer parts, however, it was still populated well. Cars roaming everywhere. Outer skirts eh. Probably just the mid outskirts.

"You need me to do something don't you?" I sighed. I looked over at my brother that just leaned against the doorway.

"We're running out of milk. Can you buy a half of gallon at the corner store?" He asked.

"Why can't you do it?" I asked seriously. He put his arms out irritated expression shown. 

"Because remember." I stared at him raising an eyebrow waiting for him to finish. He never did.

"No, I don't remember," I exclaimed.

"My car is broken. I was on the phone with mom. Explaining to her the third time I am home. While she just realized it now." He pulled out a ten-dollar bill. Putting on his persuade face on.

I grabbed the ten dollars ready to bounce.

"Sorry, Trini!" He exclaimed. Before I ran out of the house.

I started walking down the street by my bus stop again. Greeting the same creepy face I saw before. Instead of running for it.

I just smiled at it. It's not real. It's just my imagination. Until my phone started ringing. Luke.

"What do you need?" I asked.

"Frosted flakes?" he said. That's a joke, not my cereal...

"You are really asking to buy my cereal for you?" I said credibly.

"My money."

"Touché." I hung up, turning a left corner seeing the store to my right. Crossing the street seeing the same guy I knew all too well.

Except I didn't know him— At all.

"Hey! How are you today?" I asked once he saw my lively attitude.

"Okay Doll. Whatcha come here for? More chips for your little sis?" He asked with his slight accent. I laughed and shook my head. Walking to get what I wanted.

"Nah. I had to get milk and cereal, however!" I exclaimed joyfully getting the chocolate milk. Trying to reach for my Frosted Flakes.

Crap. I looked to the corner of my eye seeing a guy with a hooded black jacket. But I couldn't see his face due to how his hood was aligned.

He hung his head down low. So I couldn't see anything. He looked up and reached the cereal I was ever so trying to reach.

"Thank you, Sir," I said. I saw his crisp blue eyes before he exited the store.

Wow, his eyes were pretty.

I shook my head remembering what I was doing. Walking up to the cash register.

"Here ya go," I said. Digging in my pocket for the money.

"On the house." He said unexpectedly.

"Are you sure?" I asked handing him the money. He didn't answer immediately.

"Here just give me the change," I said voice filled with concern. But put a smile at the end of the word. He smiled.

"Nah it's okay."He simply said. Well okay, I guess.

"Okay, so I'm gonna leave now. I hope I don't hear sirens on my way out." I joked. He laughed.

"Bye doll!" He said. I exited. Right, when I turned I saw the same black hooded jacket.

I debated whether I should tell him to have a good day. I mean I'll never see him again so..

"Have a nice day," I exclaimed before crossing the street. I saw him turn towards me, but I couldn't see his face at all.

Oh well.

I walked back to my house. Opening the door without a problem.

"Trini! Can you make me the cereal? I have to do a lot." I heard Luke yell from his room. What could he possibly have to do?

"Okay." I exaggerated. Getting a bowl and spoon. Pouring the cereal to my limitations.

I absolutely love Frosted Flakes.

My cereal! But he did pay for it... I pulled out the chocolate milk.

He liked chocolate milk in his cereal I will never understand that. You just ruined my frosted flakes with chocolate milk.

"Come get your cereal lazy!" I yelled leaving it on the stove exiting the kitchen.

"Thanks!" He yelled from the other room.

"Yeah yeah," I said walking back to my room. I was startled when I saw Serenity Sup bitch.

I didn't greet her I decided to just walk past her and went on my bed.

"Well hello to you." She grumbled on her phone. I ignored her. Waved my hand, I then got out my books. Homework sucks. Especially if you don't understand it.

Serenity was the luckiest out of, well just me. She had blonde streaks in her brown hair. But her hair was just straight. Luke and I both had brown wavy hair. Naturally. His a lighter shade than mine.

I got out of my chemistry stuff since it was the easiest out of Calculus and reading the Twelfth Night. I did not have a problem with the book.

I really enjoyed Shakespeare's literature. But I wasn't in the mood to read it right now. Chemistry. Equations. Periodic table. Wo! Math. No...

I completed it somehow. I was a Beast at chemistry though. So I did see how. History next. Textbook pages blah blah blah.

I picked up my textbook on the ground and started reading. Ugh, too much I went to the questions he assigned.

I was the bomb at history.

English! Shakespeare. 'To art a summers night' Haha I don't know.

'To be or not to be. That is the question.' hahaha. I busted out laughing oh god I'm crazy.

Serenity looked at me crazily while going back on her phone. I narrowed my eyes. Ugh, she's so annoying sometimes.

I heard my phone make the text notification.

Aye Jackie.

Best friend since like life. Okay since the first year of high school.

'That was not even close to life.' My jerk of a subconscious said I know that calm down. As much as I disliked my parents, I hated my subconscious.

With a passion.

I guess that means I hated myself which wasn't entirely wrong.

I gazed at my phone unlocking the screen. I had other friends too. Abby, Gloria, Karolyn, yep Karolyn with a K, not a C.

She always gets judgmental when someone writes it with a C. Just like her last boyfriend. Well, Ex-boyfriend. I felt bad for the poor boy.

He gave her a card and everything for her birthday. He just spelled her name totally wrong. For once I could say autocorrect was needed.

Really, really bad. Even though it probably would've made her name worse than it already was. I rolled my eyes.


Guess what happened today?

I replied with a what? Then I went back to doing my schoolwork.


Chase Norman asked me out..

I looked at the message, jaw dropped. Of course, Chase Norman asked her out!

Yay, I'm so happy!

Notice the sarcasm, please.

Chase Norman. Really attractive, but even though he's so hot doesn't mean his personality is.

"hot guys are assholes. Go for the ugly losers. They are better. Like, look at me! I'm an asshole."

I remember my brother saying. A year ago. Once he thought I was dating someone. Which I wasn't. He snooped through my phone. I wanted to kill the bastard.

I was just talking to someone that was cute. From his pic. I never saw him before or you know strangers online.

Nothing ever happened. We both stopped talking. Meaning. Gloria kept saying oh he's a murderer pedophile blah blah blah. I didn't just stop. He did. So it ended. Weird. I know. It was whatever. I didn't care. Nice guy though I guess. It doesn't even matter anymore.


Trinity are you there?

I looked at the message briefly. Oh crap.


Sorry, I thought I hit reply. Yesssss you go, girl! I'm happy for you!

I typed. I was happy for her. Chase was her type. It just made me more upset with myself. Strangely. Self-pity sucks.

I could never get a guy. Not that I had to. Independent woman that's what I wanted to be anyway.

I was multiracial. Yet I looked just plain white. Both me and luke did. We all had wavy brown hair except for Serenity. My parents both had black hair which made me think why the hell is my hair like light brown, dark brown when wavy? While my parents had black hair?

Just thoughts that I had. Genetics amirite?

Hm were me and Luke adopted? I always thought this, but we both looked like my grandfather and grandmother.


I know you're not happy about this. You've liked him since we were freshmen.

She exclaimed suddenly.


No, really I'm fine. Date him! It's cool.

I typed. I made my screen black. I heard the text notifier but did my homework. I kept reading the twelfth night until I heard the text notifier like ten times. What's happening, Jackie?

I looked at my phone. Oh, it's just Abby and Gloria.


Sup my bitch how's it going?

Said Abby. Then Gloria responded.


Who are you talking too?


Both of you

Abby replied.


Well, I'm not your bitch.

She replied then immediately texted again.

I'm your slut. Sike Nah lol


Hey guys.

I had typed while biting my nails. Force of habit. Needs to be broken. I placed the novel on my lap. Guess the Twelfth Night isn't getting read today.


Yassss! My main bishhh is here!

I chuckled reading what Abby said. Man, what friends I have.


Thanks, Abby. ugh you know who Chase asked out?

I typed. With sideways face emoji.



Gloria typed then simultaneously Abby had typed.


Who that bitch ass slut Daniela?

She had an issue with Daniela. It wasn't jealously. Even though everyone knew her. It was because she used this boy she liked, and he was gonna ask her out.

But Daniela told him not to and so he didn't. I don't think that was a good reason to hate him. Even though she hated both of them now. It sucks they used to talk all the time. Funny how things work out I guess.


Lol. No neither. Jackie. Why would he ask me out?

I put a straight-faced emoji followed by a laughing one trying to ease the tension.


Aye Jackie.


Oh, that whore.

I think you can tell which one said either. Both having there two different emojis. Abby a roll the eyes clearly annoyed. Gloria a straight-faced emoji.


Guys calm down Lol Abby chill she's my friend.


Once she's sucking down the man-whore Chase's throat you'll think differently.

Was it bad that I kinda cringed? Oh well.


Abby dude stop.

Gloria responded. I just let out a breath. I have to do my homework.


Just stating what's gonna happen.


Ugh I don't want to know.

I typed last. Twelfth Night please sink into my consciousness.

"Ping." Oh my god!


Are you sure trini? It's okay.

I shook my head then stopped. She can't see me. I shut my eyes holding my head. Idiot. Before responding to her question.


Jackie date him!! It's fine man just chill calm down I'm alright.

I typed.

My phone went silent. Okay, reading time. Then calculus. Ugh pre-calculus. I don't even want to look at it.


I finished reading and even got half of pre-calculus done. Which was like a half-hour later. Texted hi to all of them Jackie, Abby, and Gloria.

I decided not to wait. They had there own stuff to do. Own issues. I watched YouTube videos but was interrupted when Serenity had the nerve to come into the room yelling on her phone. I scoffed at her.

"Why are you yelling?" I asked. She ignored my statement.

"Take that out of here." She rolled her eyes at me staying still. Bitch.

"I hope you know I'm getting my permit in less than a month, so just because you did that, I'm never driving you anywhere." Her jaw dropped. I smirked. Don't try me, girl.

"I gotta go." She exasperated it.

Then she went on her bed. Texting like a loon. Seventh graders jeez. I have to threaten them with everything it's ridiculous.

'Aye who cares.'

I got up and went to the kitchen. It was calling me. Saying it was time to eat cereal. Cereal. Cereal. cereal.

Cereal. As I was walking towards the kitchen I walked straight into my brother's off-white fake wood door that hit me flat square in the face. Wow. That hurts.

I stepped back a little. Holding the bridge of my nose.

"Thank you, Luke, for hitting me with the door." My eyes were closed until I walked straight into a chest—

"Lovely how you think I'm your asshole of a brother." A raspy voice spoke.

Um— you can not be Luke? I opened my eyes. Uh? Who are you? I looked up.

"Um, who are you?" I asked. Looking into his hazel eyes. Hm. Nice.

"Thomas." He grabbed my hand, lifting it up to his lips. While placing a small kiss to it. He smiled a bright white toothy grin dimple popping out of his cheeks. He had a blue polo shirt and dark black jeans. Nice dress tan shoes.

I don't know my expression. I absolutely forgot my expression. All I know is I'm blushing and possibly drooling.

'We're drooling on the inside, Trini.'

Gosh who was my brother's hot friend?

"Keep your jaw closed, Doll. Don't want flies flying into it now." He touched my jaw and winked. I closed it as quickly as I could. Great. I'm just a huge embarrassment.

'Maybe this is why we can't get a guy.'

He walked back into my brother's room. What is wrong with my life?

I trudged into the kitchen trying to figure out why I cane here in the first place till the smell of pizza coursed through my nostrils. Pizza? Pizza! Wait who bought it? I should've just run and taken a slice disregarding everyone's sorry feelings. But my voice spoke instead.

"Luke!" I yelled the door swung opened and Luke came out.

"Ya?" He asked questioning why I yelled for him. I looked at the pizza boxes on top of the stove. He scratched his head before responding.

"Ah, Thomas brought it over." He paused. Looking for his friend.

"Thomas," Luke spoke I saw Thomas' head poke out with a frown than a smile once he saw my face.

Well, at least I'm assuming it was my face—

"Thomas this is my sister Trinity, Trinity this is Thomas." Thomas tried walking past Luke but Luke stayed in his way.

"Dude move over." He stated. I laughed. Thomas rolled his eyes playfully. Shaking his head.

Luke moved to the side leaning against the doorway starring at both of us. Before saying something to Thomas. Thomas shook my hand again. No kiss this time. I know why. I'm not stupid.

"Hello, Trinity, nice to meet you for the first time." He said and winked. Hazel eyes stinging into my own. I wish my eyes could look like that.

"Same to you, Thomas. Same to you." He winked at the end. I smiled even more. Such a weirdly nice guy.

He wasn't like any of my brother's, other friends. They always looked past me. I'd be grateful if they even acknowledged I existed. Even though it didn't matter. I don't need to know all my brother's friends.

I didn't really realize we were still shaking hands. He smirked. Once we let go. He was truly attractive. Hotter than Chase. What's the word?


Ah, that's what it was.

I admire that he is friends with my brother. I know a lot of people did not want him to join the army.

I'm sure he had some friends that ditched him, and I felt pretty sorry for him, but for this guy— Thomas. To be friends with him I admire that.

A genuine friend.

"Can I have some of the pizza?" I asked eagerly looking between my brother and the guy who bought it.

Luke motioned for Thomas. Thomas nodded a halfway smile brought to his lips.

"Yeah take all you want." There were three pizza boxes. I nodded and said a quiet thanks.

Pizza here I come. I looked over to the cereal. Ahh, cereal you'll have to wait till dinner. I grabbed a plastic plate that was on top of the box and opened the box. Pepperoni. Yum. I took the slice. Awkwardly cause I felt a presence behind me.

I turned around. What? I swear there was someone. Someone poked my left shoulder. I turned immediately. Dude.

"Stop," I said. A little annoyed a bit. But jokingly annoyed. The voice laughed. He laughed.

"Can you grab me and him a slice?" Thomas asked. Staring at me with the plate in my hand. I nodded. Staring at the colorful pizza box. I grabbed two. Trying to have it to Thomas.

He scrunched his features up. Knitting his bushy eyebrows. Hands in his pockets.

"A man needs to eat now doesn't he?" He questions with a smirk. I raise a brow. What are you implying?

"You're a man? You looked like a little boy. How old are you ten?" I asked jokingly smirking.

"Sassy aye?" He questions running his hands through his light brown hair. Strands fall to his face which he just blows off willy nilly. I rolled my eyes smile still placed on my lips. I put two more slices on the plate. Then added an extra one. I turned to give it to him staring in his eyes. Intimidatingly.

"Here you go, big boy," I exclaimed looking down at the plate then looked at his eyes again. He was very intimidating actually. No match to me though. 

They could save lives his eyes. It just has a twinkle in them.

"Thank you, Trinity."He stated lingering his hands on the plate, touching my hands a bit.

"Your welcome." He started walking away towards the room.

I sighed.

'It'll never happen ever. Don't think it will.' I know it won't. He's too— too cute. Too nice.

I sighed again. Ugh, my stupid brother with his hot friends. This was like the third in a row. At least he was kind enough to talk to me without being forced too. Sigh.

I grabbed two slices of pizza. Concluding only one slice left in the box. I went into the room. Serenity's eyes widened. I suppose her nostrils opened when the smell approached.

"Where'd you get that?" She questioned while yelling. Her eyes swaying in the air as she stood up.

"Kitchen," I exclaim. You would've thought she never ate food the way she was acting. She ran to the kitchen. First time I saw her run.

Then again food is everyone's weakness at times. I shrugged. I bit a piece of my pizza, while I checked my phone that was laying on the bed. I sat crisscrossed on the bed looking at Abby and Gloria argue. This was fun.

They were talking about how I wouldn't answer blah blah blah then, Gloria talked about the book she liked. When all Abby wanted to know was action.

Action meaning if she went to any parties got drunk slept with someone. I didn't do any of those things. I would party if I could but my dad plus my brother down my back every day wanted to make me shoot myself. I'll sneak out one of these days to go to one.


They were complete opposites. No wonder they were the best of friends. Opposites attract very well. Haha.


Why can't you guys ever choose something?

They were debating over a movie and a book. I rolled my eyes. They are crazy.


It depends on what the book is and depends on the movie. If it's a good movie versus a good book. The book better be great for me to read it all. I would possibly go to see the movie but if I wanted a long term effect I would read the book.*

I sent.


But what if it was the best movie in the world?

Abby questioned shortly after, Gloria responded.

But what if it's the best book ever?

Gloria shut up, no one wants to read your stupid books bish.

And here we go.


HELLO PEOPLESSSS! I'm pretty siked for this story! If you read this story which I doubt anyone does I'm changing it a bit. So I won't leave you hanging why the titles name is this.


(I know it's a lot others...)

Keeping all the other chapters the same unless I decide to change it... But.. Probably won't. I have too much in mind now for this story.

And I'm willing to put in all my crazy, outrageous, weird, cynical, creepy, scary AF ideas! And I have to confess something.....

All of you are really lovely people.


Even though while writing Thomas I was thinking of this hot guy! The guy is really hot, but it's weird cause he's too years older then me and my friends and his bros is in the same grade as me. And I'm here drooling over him forgetting his brothers in our grade. It's so awkward might I tell all of you lovely people.

But I'm here like I am in love with your face. Your personality might be shit but you are fine as hell! Call me any time you want you sexy dream you. Dead XD! But someone please tell me you haven't experienced this. It doesn't even have to be a brother and brother thing. It could just be a sincerely hot guy and your just like-
Hey! Your walking the wrong way you sexy beast!
Or your like-
Hey you! Your hot!
*He slowly turns around.* you duck. Then he walks over to you cause your the only person on the street.
Um hey! I was just looking for a um my quarter. It keeps dropping you know? The struggles.
*If he was nice...* oh here take.. A here. *Hands you the quarter. Smiling.*
Score! *You yell and he laughs.*
--If he's like any guy I've ever met which is a complete asshole jerk!
-Sorry if any of you are guys. I'm sure your not a asshole or a jerk.-
Where you talking to me? *He asks smirking.*
Don't answer I already know I'm hot. *You glare.*
Oh shut the fuck* up! *Yell then mutter* Conceited jerk.
He scoffs. Then your in an alternate dimension and your fan-fiction or real story starts.

Wo! Lol. Like I said again. -Not all guys are messed up or mean blah blah blah I've met quite a number that are really chill. This is not to offend anyone. ANYONEEEEE! No hate please!
But if you hate I really don't give a FÚCK. Lol. Anywayssss I am changing a bit of the story like I keep saying.
My authors notes are getting really ridiculously LONG! So I'm gonna shorten them. Drastically. I am probably not gonna put the star after every curse word either. It is getting me annoyed, but I wanted to let people know if there were curses you could tell by the star! Ugh ,but it's getting annoying. As you can tell I'm at a cross roads between the two. Ugh.
Like yanking hair out annoying. Hey not in that way kinky! Lol
Well that's it for now y'all. Until next time lovely people!

*Hearts all around* Byeee you Lovely people you! 😋✌️

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