Save You Tonight- (Niall Hora...

By NiallersWish

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"Sometimes, your just going to have to Skydive." Skydiving. That was Natasha Donn's Favorite sport. The sof... More

~Prologue~ Suiting Up
~Chapter 2~ One Direction..... One Direction... One Direction..
~Chapter 3~ Chill? I have not heard of a word "Chill"

~Chapter 1~ Texting.. And... Texting...

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By NiallersWish

Natasha's POV:

       The dim lighting in my room, was not really working with the mood I was in right now. The lighting was always like this in my room, at the fucking wrong moments. I mean, if your sad, do you really want this dim lighting hanging from your roof, just to make the mood worse?

I would not.

I picked up my IPhone 5, looking at the case. It was a plain blue, my favorite colour. I smiled, before texting the person who I was thinking about for the last hour.

To: Unknown Number

Hiya! It's Natasha! :D xxx

I clicked "send" button and waited.

And waited.

And waited...

You see, I was expecting this. He might be busy at sound check, or some shit he does. Sorry to sound mean, but I don't know what pop stars do.

Suddenly, my phone started singing "Nobody Compares" I did a fist pump and looked at my phone.

From: Unknown Number

What took ya so long? I was worried! Oh, and my phone died. xxx -N

I smiled, before setting the number in my contacts. Now he will be with me.


And Ever...

And ever...

Just joking!

To: The Leprechaun

Lol, I was just trying to do something. And, it's kay.

I pressed send, and waiting for a reply, that really didn't take long. I hardly had anytime to exit out of the messaging app.

From: The Leprechaun

Good. Do you want to meet the boys? xx

I thought about it for a moment.

Who's the boys, first of all?

Second, what if he's just a rapist?

Third, maybe he's from One Direction YOU MORON!

I rolled my eyes at myself giggling.

To: The Leprechaun

Sure, but I don't know who the boys are?

I lay back on my bed, sighing. In a couple of hours I have to go practice for the championships, and I can't be late. I sighed, suddenly feeling neglected.

I haven't had anything sweet in awhile, because my trainer said that it might "Hurt-My-Flight-Speed" If I eat too much junk food. I'm not a plane, I can eat and my "Flight speed," Whatever the fuck that is, will be the same.

See, I'm scared to stand up to my trainer, if you saw you, you would too. I mean, he's older than me, of course. But if you see the look on his face when you say "I don't like your plan"

It looks like he's about to murder a cow.

I was thinking WAY too much, I got 3 text messages from The Lep.

From: The Leprechaun

Oh, I'll tell you when you get here.

From: The Leprechaun


From: The Leprechaun

I killed her....

I laughed at the last text, holding my stomach.

To: The Leprechaun

No, you didn't. Just thinkin. xx

I pushed send, fiddling with the button that sent me to the home screen.

On, and off, and on, and off, and o-

It suddenly started buzzing, making me fling it to the wall.


I didn't have insurance on the damn thing.

I quickly hopped up, picking it up from the spot. I looked at it. There was a crack on the screen. Great.

Just what I needed.

I carefully texted Leprechaun, so I won't cut myself with the crack on the screen.

To: The Leprechaun

I'll be right back... PHONE CRACKED Dx

Nialls POV:

         From: Nat The Skydiving Queen

I'll be right back... PHONE CRACKED Dx

I laughed. Phone cracked? How did that happen?

I mean, her phone probably scared her while she was playing with the home button...

I do that all the time. It's really fun once your finger just like, knows where it's at, and you just click It every time your bored. Good times, good times.

I decided not to question it, seeing that I just meet this girl, and I don't even know her favourite food.

Speaking of food.. I really need some right now.

I got off my place from the bed, setting my phone down gently, as I walked to the kitchen. The stairs were messy - as usual, so I watched my step.

I looked in the fridge,


I sighed, then looked it the cupboard.

Still nothing.

What can Niall do to get food around here?

I sighed, closing the cupboard shut.

I remember the last time when the fridge was empty, I raged all over the place. Simon was mad, as usual, but it was not my fault. My stomach demanded for food, so I raged to get it some. 

Bad Stomach, Bad!

I walked up the stairs, gently, of course. My stomach growling for Nando's. or food, at least. I checked my phone. One New Message.

From: Nat The Skydiving Queen

Kay, back. and, I know who you are.

Oh shit....

What if she's scaring me, though?

What if this is all a prank? OR what if my stomach is doing those crazy mind tricks things, where Nat finally knows I'm Niall James Horan, from One Direction?

From: Nat The Skydiving Queen

Your Niall James Horan, From One Direction!

Well, thanks from crushing my dreams, Nat.

You were a big help in the "Dreams Dying" Corp.

Please, come again and destroy Niall James Horan's dreams of keeping his celebrity life a secret to the person he might fancy.

Whoa, wait. Just. Whoa. Wait.

Did I just say what I think I said?


Natasha's POV:

    Once I sent that text, he hasn't texted me since. I mean, he knew I would've figured it out someday, right?

I mean, who wouldn't? His face is on almost every teenage girls wall.

And I'm a teenage girl.

I admit, since I was a "Celebrity", I knew I was going to meet him someday, But I thought it meant like on a runway or somewhere.

Not me falling to my doom and him suddenly there to catch me.

I sighed, and turned my phone off.

Better get some sleep before practice. 


Here is Chap the 1! Sorry, it's late!!!



And Fan!


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