The Secrets of the Throne (se...

By roiskate

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When a tragic Mix up leaves Freya wondering who exactly she is, she is thrown into a world so far from hers i... More

The Secrets of the Throne (Edited)
Chapter 1. (Edited)
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12

Chapter 6.

19.2K 361 43
By roiskate

Hangin' round downtown by myself 
And I had too much caffeine 
And I was thinkin' 'bout myself 
And then there she was 
In double platform suede 
Yeah there she was 
Like disco lemonade 
I smell sex and candy here 
Who's that lounging in my chair 
Who's that casting devious stares 
In my direction 
Mama this surely is a dream 
Mama this surely is a dream 
Yeah mama this must be my dream 

Freya held in hysterical laughter throughout the meal, between Sebastian and Echo’s fighting and her nearly giving him a black eye with a bread roll when he said some sly remark about the fact she can’t say the word squirrel.

It was no surprise when dinner was over that she felt tired. She took her glass of wine and stood outside in the porch, for a little air.

The family were inside drinking and telling stories, hoping to involve Freya and make her one of the family, though making her feel awkward and uncomfortable in the process.

She walked as she sipped the glass, trying to get her head around what changes twenty four hours can make. She let her feet make the decisions as she strolled aimlessly, the smell of water in her nose telling her she was near the lake.

A cough to the left of her brought her back to earth reminding her of the chill in the late summer air; pulling the cardigan she wore tighter around her waist she caught a glimpse of a white shirt on the dock, the broadness of the shoulders telling her it was Tristan.

Stifling a smile she walked along the dock, the sound of her footsteps making him turn around and flash an easy grin.

“What are you doing out here?” He asked as she sat in the spot to his left, dangling her legs over the water.

“I felt like going for a stroll, needed some air to clear my head”. She said with a small smile.

“I hear ya. But I gotta admit you have it a little tougher than I do at the moment”. He skipped the stone he was tossing his hand across the lake, causing an impressive six skips.

“Not really, dropped home by a supermodel, wake up next morning to be told I’m a long lost princess and moved into a palace by the evening. It’s the norm; Madonna’s going to adopt me next”. She said taking a gulp of her wine.

Tristan laughed then causing the whole deck to rock. Freya had to bite back the happy dance she wanted to do, normally talking to men was a problem for her but not with Tristan, for some reason she felt like she had known him for years.

“Don’t talk to me about adoption. My mother is on an adoption fix as we speak. So far I have nearly ten siblings. Every time I come home there’s a new kid”. He said groaning jokily.

Freya laughed remembering an article that she had read about Peaches and Jasper’s many children. “Tristan?” She asked when a comfortable silence filled the air again.

“Yeah?” He asked looking at her, his warm brown eyes burning into hers.

“Does it ever get less weird?” She asked a smile making its way to her face.

He picked up instantly what she meant. “Just be grateful Nanna wasn’t here tonight, that woman scares the shit out of me. But yeah it does, eventually. The twins mean well, they just have trust issues it’s hard to find friends who want to know you for you and not because of who your family are”.

“Sounds like you would have the same problem”. She said softly, watching as he looked into the water, she picked up on the uncertainty in his tone.

“No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change”. He said quietly.

“Wow an educated supermodel”. Freya said nudging him in the elbow.

“That hurts me, I’m a well read guy-‘he said lying awfully making Freya look at him unbelievingly. “Ok so I got it off a post card, you caught me”. He said holding up his hands as he laughed.

Freya laughed with him, lifting her glass to her lips to find it empty. “Shit”. She said leaving the glass down on the docks.

“Don’t worry, Blondie I got you covered”. Tristan said with a smile, pulling out another beer from his pocket.

“My saviour”. She said pretending to bow, before taking the bottle.

Silence fell over them again, but strangely it wasn’t an awkward one, more companionable than anything. “Do you wanna play a game?” Tristan asked suddenly, making Freya nod her head.

“What kind of game? I just want to make sure my clothes will be staying on”. Freya said, before realising how presumptuous she must have sounded making her blush into the darkness.

Tristan picked up on her embarrassment and laughed, rocking the dock once again. “Just truth or dare, and don’t worry St. Freya it will be strictly PG thirteen”. He said looking into her eyes again.

Freya felt her mouth go dry when he turned the brown soft pools on her and nodded quickly. “Can I go first?” she asked.

“Sure why not”. He said with a shrug.

It’s now or never, she thought as she opened her mouth. “Why did you leave America?” She asked, the words coming out in a rush.

“Wow, you go straight for the big guns don’t you Blondie’ he said making her slump down convinced she said the wrong thing. ‘No don’t worry, it’s cool. Well it was a mixture of things, a bad break up and I was sick and tired of the fakeness that comes with modelling. It’s too artificial for me, if you can get what I’m saying”.

She nodded. “Because you are a good guy Tristan Blake”. She said confidently, hearing low chuckles inches away from her.

“I’m not sure my ex would agree with you, but thanks. Ok my turn, what was wrong with you, the night I picked you up?” he asked making Freya feel like the awkward one again.

“Truthfully?’ he nodded. “Well I was always a nobody, invisible with only Luis for company. Anyways this guy, I fancied since I was like thirteen or something like that, invited me to a party. I was so excited, I finally felt like I was saying good bye to the invisible Freya. When I got there I soon realised he only invited me to win a bet, for who can invite the biggest loser”.

“Luis?” Tristan asked picking up on the beginning of the conversation.

“Oh he’s like my soul-mate, he’s so awe inspiring you can’t help but notice him. He urged me to go”. She said taking another gulp of her beer, the taste of it no longer catching in the back of her throat.

“Oh”. Tristan said looking a little dejected before remembering the rest of the conversation. “Do you want me to go and kick those blind guy’s assholes?” he offered seriously.

She laughed and shook her head. “No thank you, I mean what are you 6.4? I don’t want to kill them”.

“6.5 actually, I take after my dad in the height department”. He said skipping another rock.

“Why are there no dares in this game?” She asked slurring slightly, the unfamiliar feeling of alcohol reaching her brain making her speech distorted.

“That’s what I was just thinking”. Tristan said, drinking the last of his beer.

“Ok, I dare you Tristan to jump into the lake, fully clothed”. Freya said narrowing her eyes in a dare.

Tristan rolled his eyes, unbuttoning the buttons of his shirt. “I accept, but not in this shirt, its Sebastian’s”. He stood up; walking a few steps down the dock before running fully pelt towards the water and doing a front flip into the water.

Freya couldn’t help but laugh at his laid back attitude, she watched as the water ripple as his head bobbed up in the water.

“Your turn, I dare you to either jump in with me, or drive the car around the house three times”. He said making her laugh.

“I can’t drive”. She said simply before she stood up on the deck and pretending to turn and walk away before turning at the last second and jumped in the water beside Tristan in a water bomb.

She screamed and laughed as the cold water hit her skin like pricks. “Christ its cold”. She said laughing.

“Just wait a minute you’ll warm up”. Tristan said splashing water in her face, turning it into a fight.

“Ok ok, stop. Parley”. She said eventually when massive waves of water hit her repetitively in the face.

“Pirates of the Caribbean?” Tristan said laughing.

“It seemed like a good thing to say. OK I have to get out, I can’t feel my feet”. She said her teeth chattering like crazy as she swam to the ladder on the bottom of the dock.

“Aww the poor little baby”. Tristan said in a babyish voice before swimming over to her where she was climbing the ladder and pulling her down with a hand at the waist.

She screamed again as the water hit her body, like getting stabbed by a million needles.

“You douche-bag”. She said pushing his head under water. It seemed like Tristan knew what she was going to do; using his hands he pushed legs over his shoulders so when he reached the surface she fell back into the water.

Eventually they stopped fighting, and settled for laughing again. When they had shrivelled up to the size of a prune they decided to get out of the water.

Freya tried not to show that she was blatantly staring at Tristan as he walked up the ladder. He must have to live in the gym to get a body like that’ she thought, pretending instead to look at a couple of Jet-skis parked a little walk from the dock.

“Those are mine”. Tristan said following her line of vision to the jet-skis.

“Why are they here?” She asked hiccupping slightly while her teeth stopped chattering.

“Because I’m living here. My parents are going to start house hunting soon, but until they get a place I’m staying here because of how close it is to London”. He said laughing at her dumbstruck expression.

Inside Freya was panicking; sleep walking had plagued her as a child, especially when she was in an unfamiliar house, once she had even gotten into Luis’s Mothers bed one night.

She just hoped that they were in opposite sides of the house, a thought that both thrilled and scared her.

They began to walk back to the house, side by side, swinging arms barely touching. The noise of talking and laughing could be heard outside, growing louder as they walked through the door.

“Oh dear, are you all right? You should get out of those clothes before you catch your deaths”. Tess said motherly, putting a blanket around each of them taken off the sofas in the private living room they were gathered in.

“Actually, I think I’m going to go to bed Tess. It’s been a long day”. She said looking at Tess.

“Of course, I’ll walk you to your room”. She said but Tristan interrupted her.

“Its Ok aunt Tess I’ll walk her to it, our rooms are close anyways”. Tristan said smoothly making Tess’s eyebrows raised but she said nothing.

Tristan walked ahead, of Freya making her follow trying not to stare at the beautiful palace, the antique surroundings or his ass. All of which were all very easy on the eye.

Eventually after a two minute walk they reached Freya’s suite. “This is me”. She said stopping by the door.

Tristan smiled, “I know my rooms two doors down, Rupert’s is in the middle and the Twins tend to just crash anywhere around here”.

Freya smiled, trying to think of something witty to say but coming up stumped. “Well good night”. She said eventually putting her hand on the door knob.

“Wait, you said you couldn’t drive”. Tristan said making her stop walking through the door.

“That’s right; I was never taught how to drive”. She said frowning wondering where he was going with this.

“Well why don’t I teach you, I can give you lessons so when the ‘surprise’ that Tess and Jamie gives you comes you won’t be looking at it in the driveway”. He said with an easy grin.

Freya felt her face grow red and she ducked her head. “I would like that”. She said with a nod.

“Right, well I’ll let you go to sleep”. He said ruffling her hair and leaving. Making her confused, opening the door she walked into the massive suite making her stare at it in awe again.

There was an open plan living room decorated in muted violets, cream and silver making it feel welcoming. A huge T.V stood over a wood burning fire, the same fire in the bedroom, which felt like a presidential suit with a huge bed and a built in bookcase filled with books beside a window seat. The bathroom was huge with a sunken bathtub as big as a pool and a waterfall shower.

Squealing Freya ran at the huge fluffy bed landing on it face down.

She fell asleep that night with a smile on her face.

The feeling of someone staring at her woke Freya up that morning. Squinting open one eye, the room seeming fuzzy because of her lack of glasses or contacts she could only make out the figure of a face looking at her, green silver eyes open and mischievous.

“You drool”. The voice said with a few whimpers of laughter shaking the bed slightly.

Freya closed her eyes groaning, her night had been sleepless. She was tossing and turning all night long, every time she managed to fall asleep she would wake up panicking that the whole thing had been a dream and that she was back in Meredith’s house. Eventually when she realised it wasn’t a dream and very very real, she had the panic attack that had been building all day.

“You shouldn’t come into someone’s room without permission”. She snapped a little fiercer than intended due to her tiredness.

She felt Echo freeze before laughing outrageously. “Feisty, I respect that”. She said eventually laughing in a high melodious voice that made Freya roll her eyes.

Was everything about the twins perfect?

Well everything except their mental health, obviously.

Freya groaned and pulled the covers over her head, making Echo jump on the bed like a child. “Get up”. She moaned making Freya want to rugby tackle her off the bed.

“Will you stop being so annoying if I do?” Freya asked yawning.

“The details are negotiable”. Echo said laughing again.

Freya pushed the blankets off lethargically, “why do I have to get up again?” She asked knowing that Echo has never told her what she had to do desperately.

“Do I have to have a reason to spend time with my newest and favoritist cousin”? She said in a childlike voice making Freya look at her disbelievingly. “Your lack of trust burns me”. She said dramatically raising one hand to her chest.

“Spit it out”. Freya said putting in her contact lenses.

“Fine, we’re going shopping”. She squealed, acting like a proper girl for the first time since she had met her.

“And why do we need to go shopping?” Freya asked, hoping she wouldn’t have to traipse around after Echo in her charity shop clothes while she spent more than a families monthly income in a couple of hours.

“Because, a. You need a haircut. Don’t get me wrong honey you’re a pretty girl, but that amount of hair on a person only works on Chewbacca and b. You can never have enough clothes. Speaking of clothes, I would check the closet in the living room if I were you”. She said nodding her head towards the door in the living section of Freya’s suite.

Puzzled Freya walked out of the bedroom to the living room, looking at the cream door she had over looked earlier. Opening it, she bit back a rising gasp as it turned out to be the size of the living room on the inside, clothes hung on either side a jewellery stand in the middle full of prized crown jewels.

“Holy shit”. Freya said whistling at she looked around. There was every designer label she could think of and even Tess’s own brand, one she co designed with Peaches, ‘the sweet dream’.

“I know I’m so jealous. Aunt Tess has brilliant taste, well better than my mother, who just steals my stuff”. Echo said looking bitter, but Freya wasn’t listening just stroking the clothes over and over again, feeling the soft luxury at her fingertips making her stupidly start tearing up.

“oh yeah and Tess also told me to tell you that she’s put a year’s supply of contact lenses in the bathroom, so you won’t look like such a geek with the Dexter’s laboratory glasses”. Echo said looking at her primed fingernails.

Freya just shot her a withering look that made her laugh. “Fine I may have added my own twist to what she said”. She said eventually shrugging.

Freya reached the casual clothes in the corner, pulling out a pair of soft denim skinny jeans and an unusual purple silk kimono throwing it over her head in haste. “They’re so beautiful” she kept saying making Echo cross the room and take her hand pulling her away.

Throwing a pair of high purple silk shoes at her and a jacket, before closing the door behind her, “it was cute, but then it got boring, we need to go. You have a hair appointment at 3”. She said flippantly opening the suite door before Freya had even placed a toe in her shoes.

“I can’t walk in these”. She said pointedly feeling the wobble in her feet, before she had even gathered the courage to stand.

“Life’s full of tough breaks”. Echo said with a devious smile that told Freya she meant business. And right away.

“Jesus, why are you so pushy?” Freya asked nearly garrotting herself with the jacket in the process of placing it on her back and walking on what felt like stilts at the same time.

“It’s a mixture of genes, awesomeness and the fact that there are only so many hours in a day”. She said sticking her head out of the door before returning and rolling her eyes motioning for Freya to hurry up.

Eventually when Freya found the right holes for her limbs she stumbled down the stairs on shaky limbs, meeting Tess returning from the kitchen looking glorious in a long subtle blue dress.

“You look fabulous. I knew that colour was perfect on you”. She cried making Freya blush.

“Thanks, you haven’t seen Echo have you?” she asked looking around the long marble corridor hoping she wouldn’t get lost again like she had this morning when looking for a glass of water.

“She was raiding the fridge, now she’s making sexual innuendoes at poor Tristan and if routine serves correctly she will be making a scene about who ate the last apple puff- without remembering it was her”. Tess said with a tinkling laugh that raised the hairs on Freya’s arms.

As if on cue, Freya heard Echo’s raised voice. “seriously guys what the fuck. You know I can’t do anything without an apple puff in the morning”. She yelled causing Tristan to call back that she couldn’t do anything anyway, the sound of something hard hit him in the head resounded around the hall.

“I’ll leave you to it”. Tess said walking away a little quicker than necessary.

Taking deep breaths making the silk tighten around the bust like an insane wonder bra Freya followed the sounds of fighting to the wide open kitchen, a couple of maids watching Tristan and Echo attacking each other with amused faces, even placing bets on who was going to win.

When she rounded the corner bringing them both into sight, she saw Tristan had Echo turned upside down in his arms while she tried to attack him with a long bread baguette, “say I’m the master”. Tristan said laughing loudly.

“Never, you ate my apple puff... you ANIMAL!” She roared making a slightly scared Tristan drop her, her long body landing on one of Jamie’s dogs.

Freya chuckled loudly making the attention fall on her, suddenly a warm smile made its way across Tristan’s face. “Ignore Echo; she’s just having a ‘moment”. He said laughing and picking up an apple, biting into it with plumps lips.

“I would respond to that intelligently, but you stole my apple puff so you can bite me asshole”. She screamed throwing the sandwich he was eating onto his face smearing it all over.

Without saying a word except for laughing manically, Echo ran up to Freya tugging her by the hand out the front door and down to her sports car, which Freya could only distinguish by the BMW sticker.

The door opened then, an angry looking Tristan with a slice of tomato still hanging off one side of his face and murder in his eyes he jumped down the steps making Echo step on the accelerator so hard, Freya was in serious danger of swallowing her tongue.

“HA HA! Sucker”. Echo yelled out when she was a safe one hundred yards away.

Freya groaned clutching on to her seatbelt, worrying for her life.

Sebastian looked at his phone, flicking through the girls phone numbers leisurely deciding he felt like a girl whose name was a flower today. Finally he found Daisy, remembering her raven hair and naughty brown eyes.

The phone rang a couple of times, making him roll his eyes. Finally the sound of a voicemail came on almost making him drop his phone. That had to be the first time a girl hadn’t answered her phone when he rang.

Shaking his head in frustration he tried Lily, a girl he couldn’t remember but must have been good, otherwise she wouldn’t have been phonebook worthy.

“Hello?” A husky Australian voice picked up, making Sebastian remember her- and how much of a good time he had had down under.

 “Lily, its Seb”. He said smoothly turning on his charm, which never failed; he swore he had once heard the sound of knicker elastic going and a bra clasp undone just by a girl listening to it.

“ hi”. She said sounding a little amused.

He frowned angrily shaking his head. “So, what do you say to dinner?” He asked a little tetchily, this wasn’t going as well as usual.

“I’ve already eaten. Sorry”. She said not sounding sorry at all.

“I’m sure we can think of something else to do then”. He said with a flirty twang in his voice, he heard her breathe heavily on the other side of the line.

“Look Seb, it was fun. But Milan told me about your, um rash, I’m sorry but I’ve already been to the sexual health clinic enough times for them to know me just by looking at my v-jayjay, so it’s a no”. She said before hanging up.

Sebastian faintly heard the clicking of the disconnected call through his angry red haze covering his vision.

It was one thing to mess with him; it was another to mess with Echo and even worse by ruining his sex life.

Shit just got personal.

*cue dramatic music :O* dun dun DUUUUNNN...

so yeah I'm in a MAJOR rush, only coming online to post this so, Im going to be quick.

a. thank you for the lovely comments :) you guys REALLY rock.

b. Uhhh I'm hungry, it's morning I feel like warm poop. *slaps self on face* get back to it roisin :O

c. the AMAZING all my favorite songs are going to be coming up in this story...and if there isnt a chapter to suit one...ill just make one :D so check it out :D

d. *blows raspberry.

I am SO not a morning person.

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