Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me βœ“

By LonimiMeseko

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"So this was all just a game to you . . .this whole time, you pretended to like me in order to humiliate me i... More

Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me
[ 1 ] So much for eating those tacos
[ 2 ] I am not the one to blame
[ 3 ] I should've known better
[ 4 ] Expectations vs. Reality
[ 5 ] This is going to be a long senior year
[ 6 ] So not how I had pictured my swagger walk
[ 7 ] You could cut our tension with a knife
[ 8 ] Operation sneak out of the house is on the roll
[ 9 ] Thank God I wore a black dress to the party
[ 10 ] Girlfight?
[ 11 ] One big soap opera coming to life
[ 12 ] Running away is what I usually do best
[ 13 ] I am doomed
[ 14 ] Unfinished Business
[ 15 ] The Sidam Touch
[ 16 ] You can't talk some sense into a senseless person
[ 17 ] Drunken words are sober thoughts
[ 18 ] Double-crossed Part One
[ 20 ] Mom of the year? I think not
[ 21 ] Halloween Night
[ 22 ] War has been declared
[ 23 ] I'll pick you up at six
[ 24 ] After 200 years . . . it was about time
[ 25 ] Birds of a feather flock together
[ 26 ] Revelations
[ 27 ] A B A P
[ 28 ] I n t e r m i s s i o n
[ 29 ] Monday, you're going to profess your undying love for me?
[ 30 ] Safe? The irony
[ 31 ] I'll officially walk out of your life
[ 32 ] New Year's Eve
[ 33 ] The Camp Trip - Part One
[ 34 ] The Camp Trip - Part Two
[ 35 ] Trouble in Paradise
[ 36 ] Boys vs. Girls
[ 37 ] Leave it to you guys to make me the third wheel
[ 38 ] The End
[ 39 ] DEAN - 1st Bonus Chapter
[ 40 ] ANTHONY - 2nd Bonus Chapter

[ 19 ] Double-crossed Part Two

220K 6.2K 9.8K
By LonimiMeseko

This chapter is dedicated to @shellylovesfood for the gorgeous banner and her sweet message.

Chapter song : SKRT by Roy Woods

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• C H A P T E R N I N E T E E N  •

Two years ago

"You actually thought I had feelings for you?"

I could never forget the glint of coldness in Dean's eyes — when he unmercifully spat the words to my face — almost like he resented my bare existence.

After our heated confrontation occurred that night, I had promised myself not to cry — which resulted to locking any type of feelings I had that was remotely close to pain and chagrin. Except, I was unsuccessful in doing so, for the most part.

It still felt like my insides clutched with grief every time we caught each other's gaze in the corridors of school.

Then, our endless disputes transitioned into physical contact.

On another issue, whenever I ran into Stacey, we always went through our round of verbal attacks. She acted like the last years of our friendship meant nothing as she became an entirely different person.

My friendship with Stacey went down the drain.

In addition, I grew suspicious of how Dean and her never tried to flaunt their new relationship like I expected they would.

Nauseatingly, when I confronted her about it, a heated argument soon followed in which, she revealed the full story under compulsion. I discovered that Dean was putting on a show for his friends and she wasn't cognizant of his true intentions — on how he planned to play with her heartstrings and toss her aside once he got what he wanted.

Karma really was a bitch.

Afterwards, I made Aaliyah and Natalie swear not to mention anything that was related to my humiliation through our conversations in addition to Stacey and Dean's name for that matter.

Even if I had a great support system from my friends, none of it seemed to matter considering, I already made arrangements to leave Roosevelt High, right after Finals. Anthony tried to talk me out of it but given that I wasn't a hundred percent certain of where we stood in our mutual attachment, I dismissed what he had to say.

It was a tough process, when I practically had to beg my parents to let me leave or else I would have gone insane.

My father was particularly strict when it came to my education and even if he showed some sort of compassion for my situation, he still obliged me to go to school which meant — I had another two weeks to endure seeing Dean's stupid face.

"You really shouldn't try to run from your problems by changing school." my friends kept telling me but I didn't want to hear any of it.

My decision had already been made and I was counting the seconds to my departure.

When I finally decided to show up at school — after a week of plotting my fake sickness — I instantly became the main topic of students' discussion in Roosevelt High.

Pair of eyes were enduringly thrown my way, whenever I'd stroll in the corridor to approach my locker or even during class sessions.

Thinking back, I can't help but think of how ridiculous it was.

People just kept whispering gossips among themselves and would analyze my every move, as if they expected me to crack but I succeeded in putting up a front.

"Word around is that you're transferring school. . .so when do you get to finally leave?" were the exact words that came out of Dean's mouth when he actually had the guts to confront me at school one day.

During the course of the last week before my departure, our arguments happened infrequently — and every time we crossed each other's path, I opted for the usual tactic which was to ignore his existence. He seemed to have an issue with the arrangement because in the sick twisted mind of his; he wasn't going to let me live in peace. Dean always had to have his way, one way or another.

Once I chose to disregard him again in that moment, that was the final straw.

He pulled me to the side and he wouldn't let me go until I answered him. The look of derision he'd often throw me was now replaced by a glower.

"This time I'll make you talk willingly." he stated darkly.

At that point, my hatred for him just kept building up like a tornado and I would have done anything to skin him alive — if that were an option.

I told him to let me go but he refused. He cornered me and it felt like I was being held hostage.

Why the hell did he want to know when I'd be leaving?

He had succeeded in making my life a living hell and his actions towards me, screamed hatred. If anything, the news of my departure should have sparked a gleam of satisfaction.

"When are you leaving?" he questioned for the umpteenth time.

I threw him a murderous glare as I attempted to pull away from his grip, but to no avail. "What difference does it make if I told you?"

His eyes scrutinized me before he encircled an arm around my waist. "Just tell me."

My lungs constricted as I froze right then and there. There wasn't a glint of hostility in his voice. It sounded more like he was imploring me to answer his question.

He wasn't going to let me go and so I did the one thing that I could think of.

My fist viciously contacted his face.

He released a yelp before he proceeded to relinquish me. I was surrounded and could not form a coherent thought — so the only way I could get him to set me free was to do what I just did.

During the aftermath, he shot me a glare and said to me, "When you leave, make sure you never come back and from here on out, you're banished from Roosevelt High."

My reaction was plain disbelief. "What period are we in, the Middle Ages? Last time I checked, you don't hold the title of a king who orders his peasants around, so kindly get the fuck out of my face."

Dean had the audacity to tell me that I was banished from the school I attended? The idiot was full of surprises.

"I meant what I said, never show your face here again." That was the last thing he said to me before he withdrew from my presence.

➴ ➵ ➴ ➵ ➴ ➵

Present Day

Feeling a light poke on my arm, I swiftly wake up to see a small sheet of paper slip into my line of vision.

Enraged, I shoot a lethal glare at the person who dares to interrupt my sleep.

Noel who's sat next to me, playfully gestures to the item on my desk. He chose to occupy the empty seat on my left in the beginning of history class. Throughout the period, he's repeatedly tried to poke me with his pencil and tug my hair every time the teacher proceeded to face the board. The session has been uneventful thus far, with the way Mr. Haywood is discoursing at great length, World War I and how the United States declared a war on the German Empire.

In addition to making things much worse, Noel's found amusement in irritating me every once in a while.

I wait for Haywood to direct his gaze on the board before unfolding the rolled paper to read his message.

What are you doing after school today?

I throw him an unblinking expression, wondering to myself why he even bothered to write that down before deciding that he's bored like the rest of the pupils.

Since I'm bored out of my mind, I find myself writing back before tossing the paper in his direction.

Probably stop by at the La Plaza mall with my friends tonight. May I know why you're suddenly interested of my whereabouts?

The previous day, my friends and I made arrangements to hang out at the mall today, since it's a Friday. Aaliyah also planned to drop her curriculum vitae at a boutique there.

She's been yearning to find a job for days now and it seems like she's finally about to get one.

Upon reading the note, Noel chuckles before scribbling something on the paper.

"Mind if I take that paper Ms. Roy?" As soon as the note is back in my possession, I freeze once the stentorian voice of Mr. Haywood awakens those who've been asleep during his lecture.

My hands are shaking in a trembling rhythm as the color drains from my face.

This can't be happening.

Doing my best to ignore the curious looks from my classmates, I shake my head in response. Aaliyah and Natalie who're sat in front of me — shoot me looks of concern towards my distress.

Mr. Haywood takes no time in yanking the note from my hands once he's approached my desk.

"Let's read to the class the words that you and Mr. Anderson have been exchanging during the period, shall we? Since it's far more important than my lecture." Mr. Haywood says in a sarcastic tone before he takes the time to scan the note.

Noel seems unflustered as he folds his arms compared to me, who's freaking out.

How does he manage to act so unbothered by the whole thing?

"Attention! An assembly for senior students is to occur so kindly proceed to the auditorium for attendance now."

Upon hearing the announcement through the intercom, everyone spring from their seat before exiting the room in a flash and I sigh in relief.

That was a close call.

History was going to end in five minutes before the announcement was made so it didn't really make much of a difference. However, I'll get to miss chemistry class on the third period which is a relief.

"I was so scared for you when Mr. Haywood was about to read that note." Natalie tells me by the time we arrive at the hallway.

"So was I." I concur as the hallway thins out, with everyone heading towards the auditorium.

Aaliyah puts a thoughtful finger against her chin. "I wonder what that was all about."

Before I can elaborate, I feel my heart suddenly lurch in my throat once a pair of muscular arms encircle my waist from behind, with my back pressed against a rock hard upper body.

It doesn't even take me seconds to decipher the owner.

Noel's chin meets the area where my neck and shoulder meet before he softly brushes his lips against my ear as he whispers in a smoky voice. "I guess you'll never know what I wrote on that note."

The pulse in my neck quickens, triggering goosebumps within. My mind can't seem to form a coherent thought as I stand statue-still on the spot.

What happened to the Emery, who usually won't let him get away with pulling something like this?  

Knowing damn well that he has an effect on me, he releases a light chuckle as his breath slightly tickles my ear lobe.

"Caught you off guard didn't I?" when I can't seem to respond, his lips caress a sensitive spot behind my ear. "I could get used to this. . .guess I'll see you tonight." is the last thing he tells me before unfolding his arms on my waist and proceeds to join his other group of friends.

What the hell does that mean? Could he have been implying that he'll stop by at the. . .

I instantly brush off the idea as I tell myself that there's no way I'll disclose the time when I would arrive at the mall to him. So the chances of seeing him after school are next to zero.

Once he disappears in the crowd, both Aaliyah and Natalie wear a brilliant smile.

"That was so hot," Natalie remarks with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "Is there something you're not telling us?"

Ignoring the looks of curiosity from classmates passing by, I throw Natalie a dumbfound expression after recovering from what just happened.

"There's nothing going on guys," I point out blandly before flickering my index finger from Natalie to Aaliyah, "So you can erase those looks on your faces."

"Whatever you say, let's just hope that he won't get punched by Dean again." Aaliyah teases causing Natalie to laugh.

I pretend like I didn't just hear that.

Speaking of which, I'm surprised once I catch Dean staring at me with just a few steps separating us. One of his friends taps Dean on the back as he attempts to engage him in a conversation although, Dean doesn't fully appear to be invested in it.

He's staring at me hard, his eyes searching mine. We measure each other's gaze before I'm the first to look away.

Throughout the past few days, I've been avoiding him ever since our last encounter at the courtyard. He didn't confront me afterwards and we've succeeded in avoiding each other's eyes up until now.

"I wonder what school trip we'll have this year." Natalie's voice pulls me out of my reverie, "Word got around that we'll be going to a Camp Resort after the holidays."

I brighten at the revelation. "If that's the case, count me in. Can you imagine the number of activities we could do? I hope wind riders or open air gondolas will be available."

"Those are so much fun." Aaliyah eases her way into the conversation.

Once we enter the auditorium, seniors of Roosevelt High bustle and the sound of tittle-tattles fills the room.

The assembly consists of Mr. Dawson informing us on an excursion to a Camp Resort that is soon to happen during spring break. He also reveals that the trip will cost about a thousand and five hundred dollars since it's a two weeks trip. In addition, the principal suggests the student community to participate in events that could help raise money for those who wouldn't be able to afford the school trip. The assembly lasts for an hour and a half — before students arise from their seat — to exit the auditorium once it's over.

"I thought the trip was going to be less expensive." Natalie states wryly as we head toward our lockers.

Aaliyah bobs her head in agreement. "Right? I mean I expected a thousand dollars at most."

"On the bright side, there are some events that could help raise money." I suggest as I try to lighten the mood.

"I hope my folks would let me go," Aaliyah says dreamingly, "the activities listed earlier sounded pretty fun."

I smile brightly as my eagerness rises up a notch.

"Hey." We all diverge our gaze from each other to Luke's, once he's in our proximity. "Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to say that I can't come to the mall after school babe."

Peeved, Aaliyah folds her arms across her chest as she regards him. "But you promised."

Luke throws her an apologetic expression. "I know. . .but something came up. Listen, I'll make it up to you okay?"

He doesn't even wait for her to reply as he swiftly brushes his lips against her cheek before taking his retreat.

That is probably the tenth time Luke hasn't kept the promises he's made to Aaliyah.

After agreeing to meet each other in the cafeteria, we disperse and that's when I catch Dean by the time I arrive at my locker.

Of course, my heartbeat seems to betray me as it accelerates with every step I take. I'm not in the mood to confront him right now, because I know for a fact that things won't end well.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" Dean demands in a frustrated tone once I'm in his earshot.

The majority of students have already made their way to the lunchroom, leaving Dean and I to face each other alone in the corridor.

"Can you step aside please," I tell him coldly, "you're standing in front of my locker."

Dean's hand instantly encloses my arm. "Look, I apologized so why are you acting like a cold bitch?"

With a glare set on my face, I snatch my arm away from his firm grasp. "So you expect me to just accept your apology and pretend like you never hurt me? I'm just supposed to sweep everything under the rug and jump into your arms right?"

"Isn't that what you've wanted this whole time, for me to apologize?" he queries in an incredulous tone as he stares at me in plain disbelief.

Hearing my heart pound in my chest, I release a choked kind of laugh. "I'm not aware of how things work in your world but in mine, when you've hurt someone, an apology isn't going to fix everything. You don't just say 'sorry' and expect the problems to disappear. Words mean nothing to me Dean and I'd be abundantly damned, to believe that you're actually sorry because who knows? Your intentions may not even be pure once again."

He shakes his head a little as he tightens his jaw. "I don't believe this, you're trying to get back at me. . .is that it?"

I want to slap some sense into him or make him see reason except, I'm too exhausted to retaliate.

One can only take so much.

"Seriously Dean," I begin impassively, "I'm tired of all this. If you're willing to blame me once again for your actions, then we're done here."

As I attempt to turn to the other side, Dean captures my hand again before he jerks me to his chest and I shut my eyes to keep myself from erupting like a volcano.

"Let me go." I say coolly.

He doesn't do as I say and leans closer before pressing his forehead against mine.

"Are you doing this because you like Anderson?" he inquires in a taut voice as his breath brushes against my lips and he doubles the strength of his grip around my arm.

Dean's eyes pierce mine causing me to go limp. The proximity is maddening.

"This has nothing to do with him and you know it." I sneer spitefully before shrugging my arm away from his hold.

His face is hard as venom drips from the next words that come out of his mouth. "Why am I finding that very hard to believe? You think I've missed on how the two of you have gotten pretty close lately? What. . . you guys are an item now?"

Letting out a cry of frustration, I grip the front of his shirt tightly. "I have had it with you!" I exclaim. "What happens between Noel and I is none of your business, you hear me?"

Silence reigns before Dean finally chooses to take a step away from me as he gently lowers my hands.

"You know what Emery, do what you want. It's not like I give a shit anyways." The fury in his dark expression causes something inside of me to break.

He throws me one hard look before disappearing in a blink of an eye.

➴ ➵ ➴ ➵ ➴ ➵

Following lunch period, the day passes by tediously but all throughout, I keep in mind that I have hours of shopping to look forward to, with Aaliyah and Natalie. I get home around three o'clock and complete some assignments so I won't get around to doing them over the weekend.

My exhilaration rises a notch once I arrive at the shopping mall by bus, two hours later. The mall is one of my favourite places to frequent and I always feel like an adventure has just opened up for me as I get to discover new clothes that are in style every season.

"Alright Liyah," I announce once my friends and I enter the La Plaza mall, before reaching a huge illuminating fountain. "We'll go shopping while you get to dispose your CV at the boutique."

"Wait a second," Aaliyah's voice halts us mid-step. "Where are you guys gonna be once I finish?"

"Probably in Zara," Natalie discloses, "since that's one of the few stores where Emery and I like to shop."

I couldn't agree more.

We disperse after exchanging farewells, leading to Natalie and I, ascending the escalator overcrowded with people. After we reach the top of the machine, we saunter to the nearest Zara outlet. The fashion store is overflowed with many customers. After twenty long minutes of rummaging through different outfits, we've managed to fling a few clothes on our arms.

"What do you think of these boyfriend jeans?" Natalie seeks for my opinion, gesturing to the pile of jeans displayed on the nested and tiered tables.

After perusing the item, I nod my head in approval. "It'll look good on you, go try it on."

"Alright, I'm heading to the changing room," she notifies as she takes a few steps backwards. "See you in a bit."

I give her a thumbs up before she takes her retreat.

Mentally, I begin to calculate the total price of the clothes I've managed to accumulate, to ensure it doesn't exceed my budget.

"Emery?" A booming voice says from behind, leading me to turn around.

My eyes lock with a familiar pair of electric blue eyes and I recognize the person standing in front of me in an instant.

"Evangelina. . . you work here?" I interrogate, appearing dazed on the spot.

A smile adorns her face, although it seems forced.

"Yeah," she affirms, "I started working here a couple of days ago. It's really good to see you."

"Likewise," I say in return before scrunching my eyebrows in confusion. "I've been in here for a while and I didn't really see you."

Evangelina signs in exasperation while rubbing her temples. "You have no idea how customers can be so burdensome. I've been stuck with this customer. . .she's been so demanding and usually, I don't complain but in this case, I'm fed up. And now she's gotten her boyfriend to menace me if I didn't get his girlfriend the latest collection of embroidered dresses, which are sold out by the way."

"Hey, why don't you take a deep breath." I propose as I try not to find her distress amusing.

She proceeds to inhaling before exhaling deeply, in a theatrical way.

Before she can open her mouth to say something, I watch as her eyes instantly drift from mine to something behind me.

Upon following her gaze, I catch a glimpse of a middle aged woman standing a couple of feet away as she's attired in a perfectly tailored small dress. Her face holds a look of spitefulness and standing in front of her, appears to be a champagne socialist. The man who seems to be of the same age as his partner, garbed in an Amarni suit, rubs the woman's shoulder tenderly before he pulls her in a quick kiss.

I diverge my gaze back to Evangelina's, with a quirked brow. "Is that the lady you're talking about?"

Evangelina darts her eyes back to mine before nodding her head in affirmation. "The one and only, she's such a bitch and her boyfriend is much worst."

Chuckling in amusement, I direct my gaze back to the man and catch a full vision of his face.

"I have to go and see what the queen wants now." Evangelina says monotonously. "See you at school on Monday." Once we exchange farewells, she marches towards the couple's direction.

Natalie rejoins me right after my encounter with Evangelina. By the looks of things, she seems to like the jeans she tried on.

"The jeans looked good on you, I presume?"

A smile etches onto her tiny lips. "They fit me perfectly."

"That's good to hear."

After going through another pile of clothes and proceed to trying them on, we pay at the cashier and exit the store with loads of plastic bags in our hands.

"I don't think I'm going to buy more clothes," Natalie tells me as we sit on a nearest bench once we toss our bags on the floor.

I nod my head in understatement. "Me neither."

"Where do you think Aaliyah is?" Natalie suddenly queries. "She's been gone for an hour and a half now."

An amused expression paints my features. "She probably got distracted by the first sale sign that caught her eye. "

Natalie erupts into laughter. "Typical Aaliyah."

Our conversation dies out and that's when I spot two approaching figures.

Startled, my eyes widen once I make sense of Aaliyah accompanied by Noel, strolling in our direction. Natalie seems perplexed by his presence as well.

"Hey guys," Aaliyah trails off once she's in our earshot. "I know we were supposed to shop together but I just had to stop by at H&M and Rue 21 since the sales were unbelievable." Aaliyah gestures to her hand full of shopping bags.

Natalie and I briefly exchange knowing looks before I throw Aaliyah a mocking gaze. "We figured."

Natalie regards Noel with a nod and he returns the gesture.

"You're really just going to pretend like I'm not here?" Noel queries in amusement.

I'm forced to meet his gaze as he wears a roguish smile. "How did you even know the exact time I'd be here?" I ask in an incredulous tone.

Before he can respond, Aaliyah interjects. "I told him. He confronted me during lunch period since he wanted to know."

Noel throws Aaliyah a look of appreciation. "Thanks again for telling me, lord knows Emery would never have informed me on when she'd be here, since she's one tough cookie."

"Don't we know it?" Natalie and Aaliyah say in unison before the three end into a pit of laughter.

My upper lip curls in irritation. "Thanks a lot Aaliyah."

Peeking on the sarcasm in my voice, a playful expression overtakes Aaliyah's features. "Sorry Emery, I wouldn't have told him originally, but it sounded like he genuinely wanted to spend some time with you."

"Well, I didn't need you to tell him."

Enjoying the banter all too much, Noel chuckles as he looks down on me. "Come on Emery, lighten up. The fact that I came all the way here should mean something."

The strong urge to snap at him suddenly diminishes.

"And this is our cue to leave," Natalie says enthusiastically once she gets into a standing position before dragging Aaliyah by the arm in the opposite direction, "we'll just leave you two alone."

"See you later." is the last thing Aaliyah says before she and Natalie take their retreat.

How can they entrust me in the hands of Noel Anderson alone for that matter?

Almost immediately, Noel makes a move to sit next to me.

"You know, I could really use a burger right about now." Noel insinuates as he lolls back onto the  bench. "Wanna go grab a bite?"

A bewildered expression paints my features.

Is he implying that we eat together. . . just the two of us?

Upon inspecting my reaction, he chuckles. "Relax Buttercup, I'm not asking you out on a date."

I shoot him a lethal glare at his new nickname for me and my hands arise from my laps before they head for his throat.

"If you call me that again, I'll be forced to kick you where the sun doesn't shine." I attempt to squeeze the life out of him in order to teach him a lesson but to my utmost surprise, Noel bursts out laughing so hard that he doesn't even try to put up a fight.

Fuming, I withdraw my hands as I sign in defeat.

"I think I'll stick to the nickname," Noel says in a mocking tone once his laughter dies down. "Besides, it's very fitting. You and Buttercup possess the exact same personality. You easily get enraged, you frown most of the time and you're stubborn and difficult just like her."

Suddenly I feel an exhilaration of victory. "You do realize that you just confessed to watching a girly kids cartoon right?"

"Oh come on," Noel says exasperatedly, "my younger sister made me watch it when I was five, cut me some slack." he tries to justify but it's now my turn to laugh.

"Uh-uh, whatever you say." I say between laughs. Noel tries to resist the urge to smile but fails.

"You're so immature."

I stop laughing once my stomach rumbles.

Noel seems to have heard the unpleasant sound which results to him releasing a snicker.

Talk about embarrassing.

"We should go eat." he suggests with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

My cheeks aflame as I sink lower in my seat. "If we're going to hang out, I get to choose what we eat and right now, I'm craving for tacos."

A grin creeps onto Noel's face.

"Almost forgot about your obsessive preference for Mexican food."

➴ ➵ ➴ ➵ ➴ ➵

We decide to eat dinner at a food joint a few minutes later. Noel was unenthusiastic of my decision to eat some Mexican food earlier however, he didn't seem to complain once he took the first bight of his taco.

"You're enjoying your meal?" I tease him as he eats in a fast pace motion.

Noel gulps down his meal before throwing me a smirk. "You've won me over, these are delicious."

I give him a genuine smile after I finish chewing a mouth full of my taco.

All of a sudden, Noel's eyes drop to my lips and in a slow movement, he reaches forward to gently brush my bottom lip with his thumb as he gazes at me intently while doing so.

My eyes widen in horror as I lurch backwards.

"What the hell?" I vociferate.

"You had a little sauce on your mouth." he explains before winking in my direction.

Dumbstruck, I fold my arms across my chest. "I was going to wipe it off eventually and don't fucking touch me."

"Well, if it isn't the new couple of the week, Noel and Emery."

Rapidly, my eyes dart from Noel's to Dean who's standing a few feet away from our table as he's assessing us with nothing but anger and pure hatred in his eyes.

Oh Dear, what is he doing here?

"What are you doing here?" Noel voices my thoughts in a rigid tone, once he's averted his gaze towards Dean's direction.

Eyes narrowed, Dean's jaw tightens. "I'm supposed to meet Evangelina here since she's on a break soon and what are you guys doing here?"

Before Noel can reply, Dean interjects. "No need to answer that cause from the looks of it, seems like I'm interrupting your precious date."

I shoot Dean a furious glare as the distance between us decreases. "It's not like that."

"Please, " Dean's voice is ruthless. "You can stop with the act now, everyone in school is aware of the fact that you guys are fucking."

I clench my fists, pinning him with a lethal glare.

Noel bangs his hand on the table causing me to slightly lurch upwards. "Dude, why don't you just get your shit together and figure out what you want? You haven't been the same since Emery returned and you always act like a dick when you see her around me."

"Piss off Anderson." Dean warns him menacingly causing Noel to get into a standing position to affront him, appearing unintimidated by his words.

A couple of people from other tables, pause their discussion to examine the scene.

"Guys please don't do this here," I plead, "people are watching."

"No, you piss off." Noel thrusts his fingers against Dean's chest, barely taking my warning into consideration. "I'm sick of you acting like a girl on her period with your fucking mood swings changing day in day out. If you're acting like this because you're jealous then why don't you just fucking say so, and stop wasting everyone's time, including mine?"

An air of outrage surrounds Dean. "Why on earth would I be jealous? By all means you two can do whatever the hell it is that you do. I'm not even bothered the slightest, just as long as Emery is aware of what she's getting herself into. And I hope she knows that she's nothing more than just another one of your conquest on the list, that you plan to get rid off." Dean chances a last look in my way before he stalks off to the opposite direction.

My insides clutch in pure resentment.

The level of hatred I have for him goes beyond words.

"Emery, I hope you didn't think that any of what he said was true. " Noel stares down at me after turning around. An apologetic expression covers his features.

My eyes flicker up to meet his gaze. "I think I'm going to head out now." I declare as get around to stand on my feet.

Noel's hand captures mine in an instant. "Please don't listen to a word he said — he just wanted to mess with your head and I'd never do that to you."

Before I can respond, the sound of my ring tone resonates. Noel withdraws his hands from mine so that I can pick the phone from my pocket. Upon retrieving it, the caller ID implies that my mother is calling.

"Mom?" I answer the phone straightforwardly with Noel's curious glance fixated on me.

"Emery, I'm calling just to let you know that I've arranged for you and Christopher to meet tomorrow around ten in the morning." I hear her say on the receiving end.

I furrow my eyebrows in annoyance. "Why couldn't you have told me this much earlier?"

"Just stop asking questions and listen to me when I say this," she starts off impatiently, "I would like for you to be on your best behaviour once you meet him and don't try to do anything stupid, are we clear?" she doesn't even wait for me to answer before she hangs up the phone.

Once again, she succeeds in pissing me off.

➴ ➵ ➴ ➵ ➴ ➵

What team are you guys on #teamNoel or #teamDean ?

Love you guys and thanks for the support.

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