Just a Game (One Direction Ho...

By Mikidoodle

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The day it happened..... My life was twisted in ways you couldn't begin to imagine. I can't stay here much lo... More

Just a Game (One Direction Horror)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Authors Note

Chapter 11

352 14 7
By Mikidoodle

A/N IMPORTANT READ THIS WHOLE AUTHOR”S NOTE THERE IS VERY IMPORTANT STUFF IN THIS THING!!! I know that I said that I’d do this at 25 but I couldn’t resist. I was too bored not to write and post this. So my lovelies, I kind of didn’t take into account the different words British people use compared to Americans. I’m from America, and I can barely spell things the American way let alone the British version. I’ll try to go through and change the words that are different. Oh! Michaela, Olivia, and Lelah are also all from America.  So everybody will find each other very soon. Just another Lelah and Liam chapter and then, you have the person bitten chapter which is this one. Well this isn’t really the person that got bit completely, it’s kind of like a finding out situation. Trust me, its better the way I’ve decided to write it. You’ll find out who the person is at the end of the chapter, it just might be a little vague up until the end. There is a lot of unknowingness but it will all clear up by the end. This is kind of a short one, and currently right, now I am debating who I want to kill. Vote Comment Follow Fan do what ever ~Mik


*Michaela’s POV *

As we walk into the store, Harry starts assigning tasks, but I realize that Livy and me don’t have one. I decide to make myself useful and start looking through the aisles for any food and supplies that may be useful. I take the duffel bag full of food with me as I trudge down the aisles.

I manage to scavenge up a few canned items along with some lighters, and some medical supplies. I just wish Lelah were here. She’d know what to do. I don’t think it was a good idea firing off all of those guns. I think she’s right.

I spot Niall sitting against a shelf, munching on a bag off chips. I think I should go keep him company. He does seem really alone, and could use some comforting. I make my way over to sit next to him and he looks up at me. His beautiful, Niall eyes, don’t really have as much sparkle as they use to. His bright blue eyes are, dull and carry this sort of icy quality.

“Are you ok?” I ask, sitting down behind him.

He crumples up the bag of chips throwing it across the room. He runs his hands through his hair. “Do you want an honest answer or do you want me to lie?” He asks, but he sounds conflicted over something.

“I want the honest answer. Vent to me. My brother Johnny rants to me all the time I’m use to it.” I say trying to comfort him.

“It’s just I want to go back to before this happened. If we hadn’t left Lelah behind maybe I wouldn’t be so stressed, partially because she seems pretty educated when it comes to zombies. Firing all of those guns makes me feel uneasy, because that’s exactly what Lelah told us NOT to do. It’s just ugh. Then not having Li here makes it worse ya know? I shouldn’t have left him behind either. We leave behind both of our best leaders and replace them with Harry. Don’t get me wrong Harry is a great mate just I don’t know that he’s the best to lead. I just can’t stop thinking about Liam.” He says. “I’m sorry I’m usually not like this.” He says with a sigh.

“I know, I mean you are my favorite, besides Louis of course.” I say chuckling.

“Really? Thanks. Who are the other girl’s favorites.” He questions.

“Well Livy use to be like in love with Harry, but I don’t think that’s true anymore because she seems to be pretty upset at the moment.” I say gesturing to Olivia yelling at Harry, at the other side of the store.

“Yea, they seem to be getting along pretty well.” He says sarcastically. “And Lelah?”

I scoff. Not at him, but because of Lelah’s growing detest of One Direction. “She doesn’t really have one honestly.” I say, I didn’t want to make it sound like she totally hated them, even though she does and has made it pretty clear for herself.

“Oh so she loves us all equally?” He asks.

“More like hates you all equally. She did say she didn’t completely hate you though, because your accent is slightly less annoying than the others.” I say with a shrug.

Niall chuckles letting a small smile appear upon his face. Soon though he goes back to his gloomy state.

“I’m sorry you’re so sad. Is there anything that I can do to cheer you up?” I ask with hope.

“Not unless you can get Liam and Lelah back, and Nandos. That’s probably the only thing I can stomach at the moment.” He says with a laugh.

I glance toward Olivia and see her storm off towards the back of the store.

“We should go get her.” I say under my breath before standing up.

“Guys get some sleep, I’ll take the first watch.” I hear Harry say. I just glance at him before turning back to Niall.

Niall quickly pops up next to me, and picks his gun off the floor. “Stay, I’ll go.” He says before walking off towards the back of the store. I think Olivia went to the manager’s office. Probably for some peace……I hear a yell come from the back and then immediately following a gun shot. Oh no. An anxious feeling immediately forms at the bottom of my stomach.

I see Niall run out towards Harry, but stops and gives me a sorrowful look, tears running down his face, before running out to Harry.

I run to the back tripping over my feet as I run into the small office. Olivia’s face is full of sorrow and she’s choking back tears.

“Olivia what happened!? Oh my God. Please tell me you weren’t bitten.”

She shakes her head no, but the tears still remain. She raises her shaking arm and points directly behind me. I turn around and complete horror, comes across my face. I can only see part of their body. The upper part of their body is hidden behind a desk. I look down at their calf. The pant leg is rolled up exposing a bite. A huge chunk is missing from his leg, and it’s bleeding like crazy. I hear a whimper come from behind the desk.

I venture toward the body and peak my head over the side. I can’t recognize their face at first because of the light. All of a sudden I realize who it is.



A/N Ha bet you didn’t see that coming. I honestly changed who was going to die like 3 times.  Well my lovelies hope you enjoyed. Vote, Comment, Fan, Follow do what ever ~Mik.

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