BURN •jb•

Von beyfore

195K 8.6K 4.3K

[SEQUEL TO HEAT] It's been nine months since Justin and Charlie saw each other, both of their lives are comp... Mehr

Copyright & Description
2~Pool Party
3~Expect the Unexpected
4~The Wedding
5~Hotel Room
10~Moon'lit' Kisses
11~Momma Drama
12~LA Love
13~Bathroom Floors
15~Baby Talks
17~Small Thumps
20~I Love You
22~Moving On
24-"Hate You"
29~The M Word
30~Baby Shower
32~Jacob or Eva
33~Tiny Tears (LAST CHAPTER)
Epilogue~The Beginning

26~13th March 2014

3.6K 188 82
Von beyfore


"It's Christmas!" The loud cheers chant the words over and over a duo of voices filling the bedroom waking me up from my half-asleep relaxation. The baby had been kicking fron around five thirty and I'd found it hard to get back to sleep, nevermind the fact I was majorly craving poptarts for some bizarre reason. "Justin it's christmas!" The voice yells again and I now recognise it as Jazzy followed by Jaxons cheering.

They run over to our bed, feet pounding against the dark wood floor, climbing on top and jumping wildly around us. This seems to wake up Justin who was previously just muttering things to himself but is now looking down a little wide eyed. He sits up a little his eyebrows furrowing as he reaches out a little. "Woah woah woah. Watch the baby!" He warns firmly whilst ironically grabbing them both in his arms and tackling the two of them down to the bed.

Both of them crawl up the bed so that theyre lay inbetween Justin and I. They're buzzing with excitement (I mean literally almost shaking with excitement) "Did santa bring you guys any cool gifts?" Justin asks softly brushing some tatted hairs away from Jazmyns face as she breaks out in a smile meanwhile the both of them shrug.

"We don't know yet." Jaxon admits speaking up on his own for the first time. "Dad wouldn't let us go downstairs until you were awake."

"Well that needs to change!" Justin declares loudly and the both of them squeal happily as Justin quietly instructs them to go to their rooms and get their slippers and hoodies for downstairs since it would be a little cold. As he talks to them quietly his eyes meet mine and we grin at eachother.

There's something about these kids which makes Justin all gooey-hearted and constantly happy. It's so beautiful to see and watch. It makes me feel like a teenage girl all over again and I'm all heart eye emojis like 'have my kids'. Only I'm 22 and actually having his baby. I bite my lip in content and sigh. He's perfect and he's going to be an even more perfect father. Jazzy and Jaxon run out of the room and Justin falls back onto the bed shuffling up so that he's beside me a crooked grin on his face as he places his hand on my stomach and rubs small cirlces over my bump. "Goodmorning." I smile and his smile stays just the same.

"Morning baby," Justin mumbles leaning over to capture my lips in his. "Merry Christmas." He whispers against my lips as we pull away from our kiss and I can't help the smile which breaks out on my face. Our first Christmas together, our first real family holiday. My heart flutters at the realisation.

"Merry Christmas." I reply quietly turning my back on Justin so I could do a sort of teddy bear roll out of the bed since Marshmallow was starting to get really in the way when doing normal everyday things.

"Where are you rushing off to?" Justin asks me a smirk evident on his face as I stand with a small huff and stick my tongue out at him.

"I'm going to see what santa brought me." I reply quickly sliding some of my fluffy socks over my feet the best I can and reaching for one of Justin's hoodys which were hanging up inside the wardrobe. Justin scowls as I throw the hoodie over my body, the loose fitting material on him only coming down to my mid thighs and keeping me warm as though it was a big fluffy blanket.

"Santa didn't get you anything." Just stated quickly rolling out of bed and walking towards me as I bite down on my lower lip. Fuck me, like literally, fuck me please. "You've been very very nau-" I cut Justin off from his most probably cheesy line with my lips, my hands weaving into his hair and tugging on it slightly.

"I guess you've got nothing either then if I haven't?" I ask raising my eyebrows at Justin before walking away from Justin as he stares at me blankly.

I make my way down stairs which takes me a little while until Justin meets me halfway and scoops me up in his arms with ease. I squeal in surprise and yell at him to put me down until I'm set on the ground in the middle of the living ground and pulled down onto the floor to sit between Justins legs. Jeremy enters from the kitchen a mug of probably coffee in his hand, he looks exhausted which makes me wonder Jazzy and Jaxon have actually been awake as I glance to them excitedly tearing open the paper on their presents.

"You go first." I urge twisting around and grinning at Justin who was busy packing my neck softly sending little chills around my body.

"Okay little miss bossy." HE grumbles as Jeremy comes over to sit near us a small tired on his face as he watches his kids open the presents.

"Merry Christmas Jeremy." I smile and he repeats my words back to me a small smile on his face. I kind of got the vibe that something was up but kept quiet anyway deciding not to say anything today since it was Christmas after all.

"These are all mine?" Justin asks from across the room looking a little wide eyed to the stack of neatly wrapped presents at his feet. I nod with a smile biting down on my lip butterflies swarming in my stomach as I worry about whether he'd like them all. I know he probably will but, I stress so much about gifts.

I shuffle to the side a little as he picks up the stack of gifts and brings them over to where we're sitting and basically starts tearing the wrapping paper (which I'd spent hours on) apart. After all of my shopping I'd decided to keep the yeezy clothes and shoes which Justin was currently opening with his mouth slightly agape as he holds each shirt to his body checking it would fit properly. I'm not sure what kind of person he thinks I am, of course I know his size.

"Why have you bought me all this stuff?" Justin asks his cheecks turning a slightly pink colour as he pushes his shirts to one side and lifts the next present closer to himm his eyebrows furrowed.

"You deserve it." I shrug smiling as he tore the corner of the paper up. "This one isn't directly for you." I admit twisting my face up a little nervous that he'd be thinking I haven't bought him much. I watch as Justin takes the paper away revealing the 2 baby grows I bought about a month ago. '#1 Dad' printed on the front of them. I Justin looks to them wide eyed holding them in the softest way which makes my heart melt slightly.

"Char," He mumbles softly as I laugh at him. It's not mean or in a rude way, it's all I can do to not become an emotional wreck, damn hormones making me upset 24/7.

"There's some another thing too." I mumble pushing the final one towards him as far as my hands would let me. "I-it's not much but, it took a while and you're really hard to buy for because you have everything and I was really stu-" I'm cut off by Justin's lips. He takes me completely by surprise and I gasp surprised before kissing back.

"it's prefect." He says as I squint at him.

"You haven't even opened it." I point out and Justin shrugs mumbling a 'doesn't matter' as he leans back to his spot just across from me as he rips the present open quickly. He holds the brown covered photoalbum in his hands and I nibble on my lip butterflies swarming in my stomach. I wince at his reaction. "I know it's really boring but,"


"Excuse me?"

"Charlie stop doubting yourself." Justin grumbles bringing a finger up to his lips and making the 'shh'ing gesture at me. "Come here." He tells me and I wiggle my fat ass over to him sitting in the spot he pointed to between his legs. His body is pressed against my back, legs either side of me and his head resting on my shoulder. I take the photoalbum out of his hands and hold it so we can both see. "Tell me about it." He says and I nibble on my lip once more.

"Well I take photos everywhere." I say in a duh tone. "You never see half of them but everywhere I've been with you I have pictures." I explain sheepishly my cheeks heating up as I opened the first page of the book. "This to me, is... us. I have things from our first date back in Dubai all the way up to yesterday morning." My cheeks are burning and I feel slightly nauseous but Justin's small pecks against my neck for encouragement keep me talking. "I-if you really hate it I'll buy you a boat or a jetski or some shi-"

"Charlie!" His voice grumbles in that 'dad' tone I recognise making me breath out and try not to laugh.

"I'm sorry." I squeak turning the cover page of the album revealing the first photos. They were taken half way up the Burj Khalifa, a photo of the view, my outfit, one that Justin probably wasn't aware was taken and then the fountains. All of them were printed on small pieces of photo paper and arranged neatly with a label on the top with the date '13th March 2014'.

"Charlie..." Justin mumbles to himself, turning the pages seeing things from everywhere. Dubai, Brazil, New York, Cali, Atlanta, Canada; everywhere we'd ever been. Justin turns the pages quickly, muttering things and questions about each page. My eyes were probably glistening with tears by the time Justin had flipped over every page.

"That's beautiful." He murmurs pressing soft kisses to my neck and cheek whilst he closes the book and places it on the floor beside him. I smile blinking my tears away as I turn slowly so that I can kiss Justin again. His lips are like heaven and make my head spin the moment they touch. I melt into him grasping his shirt tightly.

Sadly Justin pulls away and wiggles from behind me walking over to the tree and picking up a pile of 3 presents from underneath it. Justin sits himself across from me and picks his phone out of his pocket, I glare at him quietly reaching for the first present.

"Wait wait." Justin grumbles squinting his eyes as he looks at his phone and presses the screen.

"You need to get your glasses." I scold and Justin quickly flips me the bird checking to make sure Jazzy or Jaxon didn't see him. I snort rolling my eyes at his childish behaviour rubbing my bump slightly as I wait for Justin's eyes to focus.

"Are you ready now?" I ask laughing at him as Justin's eyes look to me with a slight glare. He's such a grandpa sometimes it's cute. I wish he'd just wear his glasses.

"I'm always ready baby." He replies quickly winking at me with that cheeky grin which makes my tummy flip and my laugh to fill the room. "Just open them." He instructs nudging his head towards  the pile in front of me . I rip open the corner of the large box and immediately grin. "Okay, I know you can't wear them now but, soon you can okay?" He asks and I nod quickly tearing the rest of the paper off revealing the classic sandy coloured box with white writing on the top.

My fingers fumble with the edges of the box to reveal a pair of white shoes. They were different from any ones I've seen before, they were white and in my favourite style with the high heel and pointed toes. There was small leather detail around the edges of the leather and that's when it clicked. I gasped my hand pressing against my chest "oh my god" I mumbled lifting up the shoe and pouting. These were from the wedding collection. My body tenses and Justin smiles hopefully at me. I really hope he's not doing this again.

"Hurry up and get to the good part." Justin hushed me causing me to scowl at him which makes him laugh (yes laugh) at me. "You're so pregnant and grumpy." He comments as I close the box on my shoes and move onto the next present which was a lot smaller in a deep rectangular prism kind of shape. Justin flicks my foot as though trying to annoy me more and laughs when I stick my finger up at him along with a fake smile. "I love it." He adds quickly his voice raising an octave or two making me snort and start laughing.

When I recover from my laughing fit Justin makes me open my other presents quickly. One was a Chanel watch and in the larger box was some branded box was some clothes which would actually fit me despite my new whale size.

"Thank you so so so much." I gush looking down at the white and gold expensive looking watch which was fastened around my wrist.

"Oh wait." He mumbled his eyebrows furrowing as he reaches behind him and pulls out a white envelope. "I almost forgot," He shrugs looking to me and pulling an overdramatic 'whoops' face. I grasp the A4 size envelope from his hands assessing it cautiously. "It's not going to attack you Char,"

"You're strange." I announce unpeeling the seal on the envelope and reaching for the papers inside. My eyes were all squinty and Justin's nervous yet beaming smile had me slightly on edge. I ignored the jingle inside the envelope and looked at the papers in my hands. The word Alvorada was printed at the top of the page before a picture of a large sandy coloured house. Green trees and bright pink flowers decorated either side of the driveway which led up to a big brown door.

"What's this?" I ask pursing my lips looking at the sheets. Justin smiles balancing his phone on the floor against a box so it's still pointed at me. He stands and walks so that he's sat in the same place as before. His chest against my back and head on my shoulder, one hand protectively running over my stomach.

"Okay so, turn this over" He instructs and I turn to the next page looking at the page full of writing.

My eyes scan the paper and the first lines catch my eye. Wait, what...

'Dear homeowner, We would like to welcome to your new home.'

"Justin" I gasp grabbing his hand and squeezing it tightly. "What the hell have you done?!" My voice has went squeaky as I look at the top corner of the page and skim reading the letter. The Emaar logo caught my eye and made a wave of excitement wash over me. "It's not." I whisper to myself flicking through the pages.

"It is." Justin coos in my ear.

"What the hell?" I repeat my hands shaking as I look through the pictures of the house in Dubai. "You bought a fucking house!" I whisper using a quieter tone so that the kids didn't hear me cursing. "Justin," I gasp hitting his leg playfully.

Justin laughs holding my hand to stop me from abusing him anymore as my eyes fill with tears. "It's fully furnished, near Studio City and has 4 bedrooms then a pool in the garden." Justin explains before picking up the white envelope and taking the keys out from the envelope, a smirk on his face.

My heart fluttered in my chest, the love I have for Justin pouring out of me all at once. I want to do nothing but love him forever and it's then that I realise I've been doing it all wrong. The marriage proposals and endless love Justin shows me; it finally makes sense. If marriage is what it takes for Justin to feel secure in this then I understand why he's so persistent. That's not saying I believe in marriage but it still makes sense.

If Justin proposed right now it would only be my pride which might stand in the way of me saying yes.

"I love you." I whisper, holding his hand tight the other gripping the papers in my hand. "I love you so much." I gasp wishing I could spin around as easily as I could a month or two ago and smother him in kisses. It takes a moment or two but I eventually get there, turning around so that I'm facing Justin my lips crashing repeatedly against his. "Thank." kiss "You." kiss "So." kiss "Much." kiss.

I pull away beaming with happiness, pulling myself from the floor with Justin's help and go to see what Jazzy and Jax got for their gifts. I sit with them for twenty minutes as they both show off their new gifts. Jaxon pours out the pieces of his new Jurassic Park Lego set and Jazzy shows off her new iPod instantly downloading all of Justin's songs and making me listen to them whilst helping Jax set up his Lego.

I was mid-brush of Jazzy's hair, plaiting it neatly whilst listening to Justin's music and reading out Jaxon's next instuctions when Justin walked in the room. He'd been in the kitchen with Jeremy and his new girlfriend (or something I'm not really sure of the set up) before walking in. I watched as both the kids faces lit up as he walked in, I think it's the cutest thing I've ever seen. They literally idolised him, Jazzy adored him and the whole family is just so proud of him it makes my heart beam.

I'm feeling very emotional today.

What I didn't notice straight away was the stern look his face was carrying and the sad glimmer in his eyes. "Jaz can you leave Char for a minute?" He asks his eyes closing briefly. They're suddenly filled with a tint of sadness which has my heart leaping out my chest and a million different questions filling my head.

"But she's plaiting my ha-"

"I'll finish it in 10 minutes." I promise Jazzy quickly, her lip pouting in an attempt to change my mind before I shake my head and she goes to join Jaxon on the floor.

Justin wordlessly hands me his phone and I look at the screen to see there's been somebody on the line for the last three minutes. "Hello?" I question slowly looking to Justin questionningly as he sits down beside me looking tense.

"Char? Charlie?" A voice calls through the phone and my eyes squint at the wall infront of me.

"Yeah it's me. What's going on? Dad why are you calling Justin?" I ask quickly anger bubbling up inside of me. If he's called to tell me that this relationship isn't going to work or make any attempt to ruin christmas for me I swear to all that is good in this world I will...I will...do something really horrible to him.

"Char it's Jamie." At the sudden mention of Jay I notice the tone of his voice. The slight wobble in every other syllable, the fast pace of his words and small gasps.

"What do you mean 'it's Jamie'?" I ask quickly my back straightening as I sit upright in my seat. Justin sits beside me and runs small circles on my back making sure he's close to me.

"T-there was an accident."



uhm so like....that happened! Whoops 😕 Uhm yea The top picture is the house JUSTINS bought 🌚

Imma keep it short and sweet with this note lmao ❤️ thanks for reading ily (but you know this already like pls) and 80+ votes and 70+ comments for the next chapter

OH YEAH....Please Check out my one shot story called 'It's Okay To Be Happy' for wattpad project #iGotCancer. Read and votes for it please BC I actually quite like it and think it's good. You can find it straight on my account 💖

Tanks, love you byeeeeee....Liv🍑



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