7:06 p.m.

By InspireMe

91.4K 2.3K 714

On January 4th, at exactly 7:06 p.m. Stacey Marone, Jordyn's best friend, died. She was shot, alongside her t... More

7:06 p.m.
7:06 p.m. (part 2)
7:06 p.m. (part 3)
7:06 p.m. (part 4)
7:06 p.m. (part 5)
7:06 p.m. (part 6)
7:06 p.m. (part 7)
7:06 p.m. (part 8)
7:06 p.m. (part 9)
7:06 p.m. (part 10)
7:06 p.m. (part 11)
7:06 p.m. (part 12)
7:06 p.m. (part 13)
7:06 p.m. (part 14)
7:06 p.m. (part 15)
7:06 p.m. (part 16)
7:06 p.m. (part 17)
7:06 p.m. (part 18)
7:06 p.m. (part 19)
7:06 p.m. (part 20)
7:06 p.m. (part 21)
7:06 p.m. (part 22)
7:06 p.m. (part 23)
7:06 p.m. (part 24)
7:06 p.m. (part 26)
7:06 p.m. (part 27)
7:06 p.m. (part 28)
7:06 p.m. (part 29)
7:06 p.m. (part 30)
7:06 p.m. (part 31)

7:06 p.m. (part 25)

2.2K 53 11
By InspireMe

He led me down a staircase into the basement. It was dark, with an extremely old couch and chair pushed against the wall. In the corner, a computer was turned on. It glowed eerily in the darkness.

“This was your friend’s home for the past few weeks. Would you like a tour?” he asked.

I stayed silent.

“Well then. Here is where she slept…” he said, showing me the saggy, dirty old couch, “and here is where we did our business.” He said, showing me the computer.

A chair was pushed against the wall next to it, and I noticed a roll of duct tape near the legs of the chair. “She talked, and we typed. We didn’t want her sending any suspicious messages.”

I looked around the dark basement where my friend had spent the last few weeks. But then it struck me. “You…you said it WAS her home….where is she?” I asked, eyes wide.

He smiled. “Curious?”

I nodded, afraid of what he might show me. He grabbed my arm and roughly led me over to the closet, yanking open the door, and turning the closet light on.

I let out a piercing scream. There, in the closet, was Stacey. She was curled up, her legs twisted and mangled. Her eyes were closed, and I couldn’t tell if she was alive or not. Her hair was matted, and if I didn’t know any better, I wouldn’t have recognized her. I began to sob uncontrollably at the horror that was before me.

The man was staring at me in satisfaction. A cruel smile spread over his face.  I was speechless.

“Is…is she…dead?” I asked, heart pounding.

“Let’s see,” Said the man. He walked closer to her, and then, without a warning, kicked her in the side.

“Please, please, don't!” I yelled, trying to move to stop him. But my arms and legs were tied, and it didn’t do much to struggle.

He ignored me. “Your friend is here,” He said to Stacey, who was still not moving. He kicked her again.

I stood there, heart pounding, hoping for some reaction from Stacey.

Suddenly, her eyes fluttered.

“Stacey?” I said quietly, hoping she would respond.

Slowly, her eyes opened. She seemed dazed, unsure of what was going on, until she finally focused on me. Her eyes became huge in disbelief. Her mouth opened, but no sound came out.

“That’s right, I got your friend. You didn’t think I would let her go, did you? Oh no, you know this was all part of the plan Stacey. You almost thought you would get away with it, your little plan, didn’t you?” He then looked towards me. “She tried to run away, or call the cops, several times. Almost got away with it. After the 3rd try, we locked her up in here. After she learned how to open the closet? Well, let’s just say we had a little accident,” He said, looking pointedly to her mangled, broken legs.

I couldn’t speak. I was horrified at what he had done, what he was accusing us of doing. But at the same time, I couldn’t help but feel happy that my friend was alive. At least, for now she was. She looked like she could die any minute.

He bent down, roughly lifting her by putting his arms under her armpits and hoisting her up. She winced in pain, her mouth pressed into a thin line, eyes squeezed close. I could tell she was trying not to scream out in pain.

He dragged her over to the chair and roughly sat her down.

“Well, now that you two are finally reunited, I think I’ll give you a little time to talk. Maybe Stacey can tell you about her stay,” He said with a smirk. "I’ll be back down here tomorrow morning. Don’t try anything funny. Leo is guarding the door,” He said, pointedly looking at me.

I assumed he meant the other man when he said Leo. He walked up the stairs, shutting the door behind him. I could hear the lock click, and then it was silence.

I turned toward Stacey.

“Hey,” I said, managing a small smile. “Long time no see.”

She smiled back weakly, and hoarsely replied. “No kidding.”

All I really wanted to do was reach over and hug her, but she looked so weak and fragile, I was afraid to.

She must have noticed me staring at her injuries nervously. “I look like hell, don’t I?”

“Seems like you’ve been through it,” I said quietly.


A/N: YAYYY Ive uploaded! To be honest, I dont know if it is short or not, because I just typed it all up and they no longer have the preview button to show me how many pages it was. I really hope you liked the chapter. Stacey is ALIVE!!!! FINALLY YOU KNOW! More explaining will come later in the chapters, especially about the man who is behind all this. Hes a bit....insane, in case you cant tell. I will talk about his past later on.

Again, Im so sorry for the wait for this chapter. My life has been crazy- thankfully next weekend is Labor Day weekend..WHICH MEANS 3 DAYSSS! So Ill probably be uploading then. Please comment on opinions, feedback, and theories about the rest of the story. And If you like it....comment, fan, and vote!

Also, special note to all my new fans! Ive been getting so many new ones lately, and I really appreciate it. And to my old fans, THANK YOU TOO!!! :)

<3 InspireMe

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