His Darkened Wings

By Kentastic101

25.2K 261 176

Crisann is an angel , no not a happy go lucky white winged angel but a fallen angel. Due to her parents going... More

Whats the Score now(2)
Detention (3)
Keva doesn't play nice (4)
And The Winner Is... (5)
Electric-Indigo eyes
Arix is a inspirational idiot (7)
Showdown At Flyboys House (8)
First Date...Thats Not Really A Date (9)
Somethings Wrong With Momma (10)
Marked (11)
Sneak Peak of whats to come (Sorry for being grounded)
Bitches Be Crazy (12)
Clubbing In Hell (13)

His Darkened Wings

6.6K 54 19
By Kentastic101

Here is it the first Chapter of my new story.

 This Dedication goes out to my very awesome Momma Crisstactic because shes the inspiration for Crisann, and most definitely lives up to her level of Badassness.

So without Further Ado? ehh however you spell it Let the Life of Crisannthamum Evangeline Aeron Kali..COMMENCE!!!

P.S. this is not yet edited




I heard a tapping on my chamber door, a rapping rapping at my chamber door....... and I wish it would fucking stop. I thought in my head


"Lady Crisann, the Elders would like a word with you" Serena stated in her calm serene voice.


"Got it Serena, tell them ill come to the hall when im ready, so about half an hour, and for the love of all that's holy stop banging on the fucking door." I not so kindly replied. Yeah I guess you can say I am not a morning person.

"As you wish Lady Crisannthamum." Serena finished, as I heard her retreating footsteps. Her voice was always calm, come to think of it I never heard her raise it above barely a whisper.

Fuck, waking me up at ...3:30am are you serious! 

I finally dragged myself out of the bed, ugh my sweet sweet black silk sheet having bed, And stepped into my shower.

My shower has spray nozzles on either side and a top nozzle so it relaxes me as well as makes me feel like a queen. I let the hot water cascade over my body as I slowly cleaned myself. I really needed this shower, theres no better feeling than hot water on skin in the morning.

Sadly all good things must come to an end, abet reluctantly I got out of my shower but not before I kissed the wall. Yeah weird but this is my baby for me and me only.

Walking out of my showering room I let my wings fly open , yes I am-well was an angel so I have wings. My wings are black if another mortal sees them but in their true form they are a deep violet, call it camoflague if you will. 

After letting them. Out for a bit, I sat infront of my mirror and started putting my makeup on not much justt some dark eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow. My piercings are where I shine, I have an eyebrow ring, spiderbites, and a tongue ring. After I finished that I ran a comb through my purple streaked black hair.

Ugh about 5 minutes left, screw it, I settled on a Avenged Sevenfold tee, angel or not those guys fucking rock, black leather pants, and black converses. Since I had no time to put on anything else I grabbed my black necklace and lazily threw it on. No matter how god awful my parents were, I loved this necklace because it reminded me of the days before my parents went psycho.

Ugh 2 minutes left,  I sprinted down the corridor as I tried to make it to the conference hall. Come on come on, a quarter of the way there I thought as I passes other members of the fallen, being greeted by the countless "good morning my lady",haah as if I would reply, idiotic fools.

Curse the fucker who made the place so damn huge. I took a left by the giant fountain and a right at the end of the long corridor that followed, my purple streaked hair flowing out from behind me. Ok halfway there, soo close, im gonna make it.

Ok there's the stairway I immediately picked up my pace and kept running towards it. 15 seconds im gonna make it "Lady Crissann a word please." I look behind me to see one of the warriors in training waving out to me, I kept running full speed towards the stairway. "Gahh im busy," the idiot kept waving me down. "Fucking wa-" I collided with a solid body. We both fell and skidded to a complete halt.  He was carring a box of supplies to the armory, which were now splattered out all over the ground. I quickly sprung from the ground, what no pain no gain.

"Lady Crissann, my apologies, I didn't see you there." Ithureil spoke, as he regained his composure.

"Ithureil, next time we should both watch where we are going, then accidents like this wouldn't fucking happen would they. I said severely pissed Im now late.

He gave a low chuckle, the muscles in his shirt becoming more prominent as he vibrated. "Yes that would be most pleasant to avoid accidents like this." He said.

I smiled as I calmed down a little Ithureil and I were long time friends." Well I have a meeting to get too, and I am now late soo see you later."I said giving him a small wave.

He scoffed " what no help it'll take forever to clean up." He said gestering to the now scattered pieces of metal and other materials

I looked back as I ran towards the staircase "Ithureil pal im not the leader for nothing, I get what I want and right now that is not to help you, good luck." I replied as I waved. What, was that wrong...I was in a rush and plus I said "good luck" and waved soo yeah....I don't have to fucking impress you.


When I finally reached the conference room everyone was already there, the chandelier casting a low glow throughout the room. 

"Lady Crisann , I see punctuality wasn't on your morning to-do list"  Arix spoke , his eyes glinting. Ha, the irritating bastard himself.

"Arix, I see being  irritating bastard was on your list...as it is everyday." I replied in the same tone.

"Lady Crisann, that is no why to speak to an elder." Arianna spoke up.

"Well Elder Arianna in regards to your souls other half, I think the old fart should keep his opinions to himself before he gets his teeth kicked in." I spat back.

"Is Crisann getting mad." He taunted. Ugh I would give anything for a few minutes in the arena with him. Alas, he is an elder, killing him Is like killing your mother. oops I forgot.... Ive already done that.

I grabbed a dagger I kept hidden in my shoe and threw it at his head purposely missing  by mere centimeters  "your lucky your an elder or you would have been curbstomped a while ago!" I yelled, loving how he took a giant gulp and turned his eyes away from me.

"Lady Crisann, why we don't doubt your combat skills, you shouldn't make threats like that." Arianna replied while she while she send a a thoughtful look to Arix. 

Idiotic lovesick fools, I swear finding your souls other half is the worst thing to happen to fallen angel.

"Look can we just explain why we bought Lady Crisann here." One of the other elders said, I think his name was ....hell I didn't know but I was starting to like him.

"Well get the fuck on with it!" I yelled after silence ensued. I waited until Arix sighed and began speaking.

"Your going to school." Yep he just told me those dreadful words, no emotion just that.

"No the hell im not!"I screamed, school...with those pathetic litttle pop prep.....people...gahh!

"Look Crissann, there have been dozens of attacks from the angels within the past month." He replied slamming his fists down onto the long obsidian table.

"And who took care of them single handedly,uhh...hmm I think her name was Crisannthamum Evangelin Kali!"I retorted while twisting the pendant on my necklace around my hand.

" and let's not forget who they were after, oh.. I think her name was also Crisannthamum Evangeline Kali, and interesting I think she's also starting school in a few hours." he said in a low tone. 

"Ugh, im the dam leader here, sure I have advisors and my elders but I run the fucking show, and I say no school." I seethe, I smile as I see everyone in the room flinch. 

"im sorry my lady but it has been decided, you will be going to a local high school in the area. You wont be staying anywhere, as it would be too dangerous and risky but you are required to attend all your classes." Said Emile, the eldest of the elders.

"Ug can I go to, like some high school in france or maybe italy? I mean come on...a local freaking freaking high school that's glorified bullshit!" I replied in a hushed tone.

"Laguange Crisann, and Reveire high is one of the best universities in the world. The area is nice and it includes a wide diversity of education."

"You know that that makes alittle more than zero sense to me because its not like im going to socialize with them!"

"Look Lady Crisann I think this will be a good experience for you and with the coming revolt, I think you need all the knowlege you can gather."

I apparently wasn't going to win this argument especially with all the elders on one side "Fine I'll go to the damn school, just don't expect me to become nice all of a sudden and befriend everyone there."

"Lady crisann the last thing we would ever expect you to do it befriend someone." Arix replied, ha seems the smug bastard is back out.

"Then its settled, you shall report to Xhia Crest Academy first thing this morning, you have already been enrolled." Emile said.

"What the hell, when did this happen!" Enrolled , I let out a big sigh... I thought I had atleast two weeks.

"erg around three months ago." Arix replied in a bored tone.

"Three months ago...and I am just finding out now!" I yelled back at them all.

"We knew if we told you earlier you would've found some way to get out of going" Arianna said.

"Damn straight I would've,  but since I have no time I guess I have to go. Meeting ajorned" I replied

"but Lady Crisann, you didn't call the meeting."she stated.

"That's why im ending it, not saying "I've called this meeting for..yada yada yada", understand." I retorted whilst walking out of the conference room.

After a few minutes of walking everything sunk in..






Kill me now!

I need something to punch though looking around the now empty hallway I see there is nothing.


‡‡‡‡Ezra's POV‡‡‡‡

(A few hours later)

Beep beep Beeeeep

Half asleep I pushed the off button on my alarm clock, and dragged myself out of my bed. Ahh morning time, I open my window and let some light in, ah there we go.

I walked out of my room and into the bathroom to brush my teeth. The toothpaste I use isn't mint, its cinnamon, because mint is just disgusting to me. Ive never liked it so when Colgate came out with cinnamon toothpaste guess who snatched it up, this guy. Yep cinnamon toothpaste equals delicious.

After I finished brushing my teeth and removing any traces of morning breath I may have I strolled over to my closet and picked out a black aerial city tee , a pair of light grey skinny jeans and a pair of 106 vulc black sneakers.

Walking out of my room I headed to the kitchen to make a quick breakfast. Before hitting the kitchen I looked in on my mothers room to check if she was there. Nope, not at all,  she must've had an early call into work. My mother was one of the most suscessful doctors in this part of our state. She owned he own hospital and athletes, the wealthy, ambassadors and the like got helicoptered there sometimes. She didn't really charge anything, in fact she paid for most of everything with her own cash.

She didn't want a traditional house so she had a cabin type house build in a slightly woody area near a giant cliff near a waterfall. Yes my mother had style thtough she taught me not to take things in large amounts, to appreciate simplicity.

The aroma that trailed from the menagerie of foods in my small breakfast pulled me out of my thoughts as well as making me drool a bit. Ok well pancakes, omelets, coffee , bacon, italian sasuage, toast, and freshly squeezed orange juice doesn't count as small to most people but its pretty small to me, and I'm not ashamed to say I ate most of it.

Like my mother always said " Je peux manger comme un camionneur, mais ne peut pas gagner le poids d'un"(I can eat like a trucker, but can't gain the weight of one) and that's true.

Woah look at the time, seven thirty already, grabbing the last slice of toast from my plate I hurry out the metal door and head to my car. The first day back at school, gotta love it, I thought as I walked over the small bridge that connected out to the garage. I swear one day architects are going to learn a few things from my mother, simplicity at its best.

My drive to school takes about maybe thirty minutes or so, since our house was built far away from town. Its actually a nice view driving down the countryside watching the trees fly by and the low growls from the waterfall getting fainter as I drive farther and farther away.

Sadly all things must come to an end because I pulled up to school. Good ole Xhia Crest Academy, where the mascot is the raven and tuesdays always spaghetti day. Taking a deep breath I step out of the car am immediately ambushed by Tanner. "Her dude what's up?"

Tanner had gotten taller than last time id seen him which was before summer, now he's almost as tall as I am. "Not much, just helped my mother at the hospital,practicing a new breathing technique." I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

" what the hell is that Ez, some kind of weed joke?" He retorted giving me a "what the hell" look. This guy has some bad thoughts coming out his head.

"meditation sort of thing, but weed seriously dude we did that once and we both know what happened" I stated raising my voice a bit.

At the mention of that last incident he started cracking up "Yeah I remember Ez, you were all like "Let me out this box Tan, Seriously I gotta get home its late, hey you stupid dam cars help me out...KIDNAPPERS!" that was classic!" He spoke, his hands wrapped around his sides. 

Seriously if you ever smoke weed....never let your friends try the box trick on you. 

Oh second thought never smoke weed, so the chances of that are nullified. " Yeah yeah yeah, that was one time and its never happening again." I said as I began advancing towards the school, him trailing close behind.

One time dude...one time I get high and now you will never let it go. I grimace as I remember the look in my mothers eyes when I came home higer than a kite. Instead of killing me. She said "exhalted warrior pose for 3 hours, half moon hold each side for one hour and twelve hours of meditation. That doesn't seem that bad does it? Yeah well try haveing to do that for two weeks plus being grounded for a month


My mother never needed punish me much, but dam when she did she got creative. One time she forbade taking showers for two weeks and then in a twist of events made it so that only people who had showered that day can stay in the house, guess who had the tent in the woods, smelling like a freaking decaying animal?

Ezra and I don't know how many people have had this done to them but sleeping in a tent isn't as cracked up as you think it is. First off, there's zero light at night and although the sounds are peaceful having a squirrel piss on you isn't very great.

Walking through the double glass doors I stop to make sure my envelope was sealed since it contained my summer report, which was worth a huge chunk of my first semesters grade. Mmm the fresh smell of a new semester in school, you know...before all the drama starts and shit hits the fan.

Finally getting to the office I walk towards the back to speak to Zander the office aid to get my schedule while Tanner waits outside seeing as he got his early.

"What's up Zan Zan?" I say as I turn through the mahogany door, suprised that there arn't many students in here.

"Not much Ez Ez." He replies brushing some of his black hair out his eyes.

" yeah...let me come up with the nicknames, Ez Ez..seriously." I laughed.

Rolling his eyes he continued."Yeah yeah, you came here for your schedule right?"

"Yeperz, can I get that now." I agree.

"Mhm." Handing me my paper."oh rumor is we have a new student, a Crisann Kali."

"Cool." I say walking out of the office looking at my schedule.

Heading to my first period class I read out the rest of my schedule

First period -English

Second period - Calculus

Thi-i bump into someone fairly smaller than me losing my balance and falling backwards dropping my envelope, damn this persons strong. 

"What where the hell your going asshole!" A female voice yells. All I can make out from here is black leather pants she's wearing.

Letting out a long sigh I reluctantly grap my envelope and raise myself up to a kneeling  position."I apologize  I wasn't watching where I was going" I say taking her looks in. She wore a black avenged sevenfold tee, black skinny jeans, black and purple checkered converses and a metal studded belt.

"Yeah, whatever flyboy, and stop staring at my pants because your chances of getting in them are slim to none." Oh from this position it would seem that way wouldn't it.

"Umm I wasn't looking at your erg pants." I stammer out.

"Ahh so it was my crotch then Flyboy...you perv." She replys sending me a smirk. Damn, now I stand fully and take in her facial features. She wore black makeup but not that much compared to some of the other people in this school, had several piercings and her purple hair was flowing freely behind her.

"I wasn't looking at your crotch, I apologized, and my name is Ezra not Flyboy." I say putting my hand out for her to shake.

"Whatever Flyboy just watch where your going next time." She says staring at me. Wow this chick is unreasonable.

"Look I was just-" she cut me off "Whatever you were doing doesn't concern me but the fact that you bumped into me does."she said raising her voice. Ugh can she just let it go?

"And for that I said I apologize now if you can excuse me I have to-" at that moment Principal Slater walked in. " No mr. Zephyr excuse me, now what was this about?" He boomed in his deep voice.

"Umm well I was just walking out of the office aids ...umm Office and I accidentally bumped into this girl and she went all psycho after I apologized!" I rushed out.

He rubbed his chin and then responded " And your side Ms."

I watched as the girl rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest "This idiot walked out of the office aid area not watching where the fu-i mean freak he was going and fu- I mean freaking bumped into me," she sighed clearly hating to censor her words " then bastard fucking stared at me like a damn imbecile not to mention perving on me like a fucking idiot as if I was a damn project for his fucking sewing class." Wow shes very umm...blunt.

It took me a few seconds to realize she insulted me."I do now sew, or knit or anything of the sort!" I retort.

She snorted "You definitely could've fooled me Flyboy." She replied.

Principal Slater put his hand up "Enough you two, now hand me your schedules" he boomed.

I handed mine over a few seconds after he said it, taking a couple seconds to look at my schedule since last time I was rudely interrupted. The girl just stared at principal Slater arms folded, smirking at him.

I watched as a vein on his forehead started to pulse. "Ms I said hand me your schedules."

Her smirk got even wider "Oh you meant little old me, well by golly I better go on and hand you this here paper shuga." She said in a pseudosouthern accent before handing him the paper.

By this time I swear the vein in his head was going to burst as he took the paper.

Afte looking over them for a few seconds he said "Well it seems you two have a few of the same classes" he turned towards me "Ezra would you mind showing Ms Crisann to her classes?" Is he freaking serious....me....show.....her....her....classes!

"Wait your the new student....your Crisann!" I shouted...ugh i thought she'd be totally different.

"In the flesh Flyboy!" She smiled.

Princepal Slater cleared his throat "Ezra, so would yo-" he began before I cut him off I cut him off. 

"Fuck yes I would!" I yelled before covering my mouth, damn this girl...making me curse out loud.

She started laughing, id never admit it to her but damn she has a sexy ass laugh. "Damn Flyboy curses." She barely got out between fits of laughter, I just glared at her.

Clearly principal Slater wasn't amused "Sorry Ezra but this is non negotiable, you shall show Crissann to her classes." He looked both of us over "And for your outbursts both of you have detention for a month. And walked out of the office, but not before adding "And have a nice day both of you."

"Well that's a little damn hard isn't it?" Crisann argued yelling out the office door.

He called back "You know what let's make it two months, is that better Crisann?"

I just stared dumbfounded as he said that, detention...for....two...months....with. . .her!! "Damn Flyboy guess ill be seeing more of you wont I. Crissann laughed as she started to walk out the door.

No way is she walking away while she just got me two months detention. "Dude!" I called out to her.

"What!" She replied turning around.

"Umm what the hell was that! Two months detention!" I yelled. The office attendant shushed me. Where the hell was she during the first arguement I thought.

"Relax Flyboy you act like he expelled us." She retorted, folding her arms behind her head.

"But...he just..umm...damn..... girl...gahh!" I jumbled. What the hell is this girl thinking, like how does her mind work.

She brought back her signature smirk "Well at that intelligent thought im leaving." She said as she began to turn away from me. Sadly she stopped halfway before turning back around and cocking her head to the side. "Oh, that's right you have to show me to my classes don't ya Flyboy."

"Yes!" I grumbled.

"Great!" She tossed he backpack towards me. Just barely catching it the damn thing  brings me to the ground from its weight. "You can carry my bag, and by the looks of it we can both benefit from it. She said laughing while I glared at her from the ground.

"Im not weak I just didn't think id be that heavy!" I tried to explain but sadly she had already left.I huffed out a breath and walked out the office. Who is she? 

Going through the black door i turn to see Crisann leaning on one of the walls smirking. "Took ya long enough Flyboy." She said moving some of her hair out of her face.

"My names Ezra!" I whisper shouted,She smiled in response.

"Ok so first period is english right?"she asked as we started walking. That's the first thing she's said that wasn't insulting I thought to myself.

"Yes it is."

"Cool, so tell me Flyboy what's that room over there?" She asked pointing to her left.

"That's the atrium, its where big announcements and performances are made." I replied.

"Interesting..." She trailed off

As we walked on around the school I stopped to tell her about the lunchroom,statues in the courtyard, the music room, and the gymnasium. The walk was actually nice and I have to admit I had alot of fun.

"So what was the whole Principal thing about?" I asked as we got to the room of our english class.

"What the hell Flyboy so its all my fault you know I wasn't the only one who dropped the F-bomb in there." She said folding her arms back over her chest. Wow bi-polar much?

"Yeah I get that but why the hell did you get the freaking detention time increased?" I said.

"Well its only fair since you fucking bumped into me!" She yelled.

"Wow your still on that, I apologized for it and damn if all you've done is throw it in my face!" I retorted.

"Fine, ok I accept your apology." She anwsered...wait when did i apologize!  "Come on give me a hug Flyboy." She said. Definitely mood swings.

"My name is Ezra for the last time." I stated rolling my eyes.

"Got it Flyboy now give me a hug." 

I huffed out another breath but gave in and hugged her.Damn she feels nice I thought as she wrapped her arms around my waist,her soft warm body pressing against me.God she smelled nice, almost like vanilla incredibly intoxicating.

Though as quickly as it began it ended. 

"frien-" I tried to say before being cut off by a full on smack.




Clutching my face I yell "What the hell was that for!"

She turned away from me "Why don't you ask your package Flyboy, my little perv." laughing as she grabs her backpack which is now laying on the ground and walks into the classroom.

What package is she talking about...my project? I take a step towards the door and realization hits when I feel a familiar tightness in my jeans.

That package.

"Who Is She !!"

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