Hood Love 1

By NaeBbyXo

2.5M 56.6K 17.2K

Janiyah is young and wants to enjoy a carefree life. No worries at all. She's books, beauty, and brains. She... More

Hood Love 2


119K 2.7K 1K
By NaeBbyXo


"Janiyah. Niyah. C'mon Ni wake up".

My eyes fluttered opened to the sound of my name being called repeatedly.

"Oh my god why are you in here"?

I immediately began trying to cover my body with my hands but there wasn't much I could do. The bubbles were no longer in the tub and my towel hung on the towel rack, which was by the door.

He smacked his teeth stepping away from the tub a little.

"We need to talk".

"Get out".

He turned to leave making my body calm down, but the heat in my cheeks still remained.

Once he was completely out of the door I rose out of the tub and wrapped my towel around myself. Draining the water out of the tub and cleaning up the bathroom, I made sure everything was still in place.

"And you're still here".

I sighed sitting on my bed. Trevan looked up at me from his phone and sighed.

"I said we needed to talk. And you left this in my car".

He said pulling out my phone from his pants pocket. How did I leave it?

"Damn, I didn't even notice".

"Yea you was so busy mad at a nigga".

He walked over towards me and sat next to me on the bed. The smell of his cologne made me almost melt, but I didn't let it show.

We sat in silence for about 3 minutes before her broke it.

"Look man. I'm sorry you had to see that shit earlier. I should've never even brought you there with me. But I'm not sorry for what I did to dude".

I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"How could you say some shit like that? He was a person"!

"He was a nigga that owed me money! I'm supposed to pat his back like a bitch"!

He yelled but not loud enough to scare me like he did earlier.

"Whatever. I'm done talking to you".

I turned to walk away from him only for him to grab my arm, preventing me from doing so.

"Why you keep shutting down like that"?

"Cuz what you did was wrong and you can't even see it like that".

"Alot of shit I've done is wrong. But this how a nigga able to eat everyday".

I looked into his brown eyes and almost felt bad for him. I sighed stepping out his hold and sitting down on my bed once again.

"So Trey does this shit too"?

He sighed sitting down beside me. He put his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands.

"I can't speak for him ma. That's a conversation you and him gone have to have. But for me, it's what I do. I've been in this shit since I was 13. I'm 21 and not trynna stop this grind til' me and my moms straight foreal".

I didn't know what to say. But I couldn't judge him, for the simple fact that my cousin does the dame thing. I couldn't be mad because this is the life he's been living before he'd met me. I could only choose whether or not I wanted to continue liking him. And honestly I don't even think I could do that.

I looked at him, from his eyes to his lips. To his defined jaw line and the tattoos peeking on his neck out of the jacket he wore.

He leaned up and stood tall in front of me making me look up at him.

"You still mad"?

He asked. I shook my head from side to side indicating no. I couldn't be. Especially by the way he was looking at me.

A smile adorned his face making me blush slightly. I stood up, clutching the towel around my body.

"Thanks for bringing my phone".

"It ain't shit. I'm starting to think you leaving it on purpose now just to see me".

I rolled my eyes but couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

"How'd you even get up here"?

"Yo mom's. She told me you were up here and to knock first but yo ass was knocked".

He laughed and began walking towards my door.

"Whatever. You probably wanted the peek anyways pedo".

I joked following him to my door. He smiled staring down at me. I furrowed my eye brows looking back at him.


I blushed still smiling like a school girl. I leaned my back against the door frame as he trapped me with his body.

"Nothing you just beautiful as hell girl".

My face began turning beat red making me look down. He picked my chin up, only bringing our faces closer.

"Stop hiding that smile".

He pecked my lips as if it was nothing. Like it was something we did all the time. Doing it again he pulled me closer. My heart beat sped up and I placed my arms around his neck.

What started as a peck turned into a full blown make out session. His hands slid from my waist towards my butt. Taking both cheeks in his hands he squeezed making a moan escape my lips.

He pulled away which I was thankful for because no matter how hard I tried I knew I couldn't. His lips were too soft and tasted too good.

"I gotta go ma".

He stroked my cheek while looking down at me.


He pecked my lips again, still not letting me go.

"What you doing tomorrow night"?

I averted my eyes from his and began thinking. I did have an essay to do but I could do it while in other classes since it isn't due until the end of the day Monday.

"Nothing. Why"?

"I wanna take you out".

I smiled placing my hands on his chest.

"Like on a date"?

He chuckled finally letting go of me.

"Yea something like that".

The smile on my face wouldn't fade as I opened my room door.


"Imma hit yo' line".

I nodded and he kissed my cheek before walking completely out of my room.

"Goodnight Tre".

"Goodnight Ni".


"Yes bitch like a foreal date".

I told Kiera holding my phone up to my face while searching my closet for something to wear for tonight. It was only 12:30 but I wanted to have my outfit ready so that all I would have to do is slip it on later.

"That's so cute. What you wearing"?

"I have no clue. Thats what I'm trying to figure out now".

I continued pushing over clothes that were hung up on hangers in my closet. I wanted to wear something simple but not too simple just in case we went somewhere fancy which , I highly doubted.

"Oh ok. Well I'll leave you to that and call you later boo".

I looked down at Kiera's face on the screen as she ate hot cheetoo puffs and sipped a Kiwi Mistic. I giggled and shook my head.

"K bye Sis".


I hung up the phone and placed it onto one of the shelves in my closet. Sighing I stepped back, looking at each item of clothing I owned.

"What to do what to do"?

I asked myself biting my cuticle. I still needed my nails done and had to do something to my hair.

Finally deciding to wear something simple I pulled out grey high waisted jeans, a simple black tank top and a pair of black heels I had stored in the back of my closet.

I smirked laying the outfit on the bed. Thinking of the many possibilities of tonight I couldn't help but to get butterflies.


The night arrived sooner than expected. After getting a simple french tip on my nails and toes I went home to get in the shower and straighten my hair.

Now I was putting finishing touches on my outfit and hair. It had gotten a little chilly outside so I placed on a leather jacket fluffing my hair out of it.

My phone dinging on my dresser stopped me from putting a coat of nude gloss on my lips.

Tre 💙 : I'm outside

I text back an "ok" and grabbed my Chanel cross body purse placing over my shoulder.

I carefully stepped down the steps after closing my room door and walked towards the front door. I left the house after locking up and placing my house keys inside my purse.

Turning around I noticed Trevan standing in front of me in a burgundy colored button down shirt and dark wash Balmain jeans. On his feet were a pair of black Givenchy sneakers. It'd looked like his low fade had gotten a fresh shape up and his lining was so damn crisp. He had a gold rolex adorning his wrist and a diamond earring in his left ear.

"Wassup baby".

I smiled stepping down the short steps that lead from the porch to approach him.


I spoke with the brightest smile on my face. He placed my hand into his and walked me towards his shiny car. I could already tell tonight was gonna be a good night.


Sticking my fork into my mouth I moaned at the taste of the grilled steak I ordered. My eyes closed the entire time I chewed because it was just too delicious.

"You really gotta moan and all that"?

Trevan asked sitting at the opposite side of the table as me.

"Its so good".

I admitted scraping up some potatoes. Trevan had taken me to this amazing restaurant about an hour and 45 minutes away from my home. Because of Trevan's silly personality the ride didn't seem long at all. He had me giggling the whole ride.


I sat my fork down picking up my glass of lemonade and taking a sip.

"Tell me about you".

I stared at him as he took a bite of his steak. He wiped his mouth with his napkin and licked his lips.

My god those lips.

"Whatchu' wanna know"?

He asked with a look on his face I couldn't really read.

"I wanna know like personal stuff. Your childhood, parents, I don't know stuff like that".

It took him a moment to speak but when he finally did I was relieved for some reason. I knew he was contemplating on whether he wanted to open up to me or not.

"My dad was a lot like me. Even though I have a very vague memory of him I can remember small things. I still have pictures and old recordings of him".

He explained and the entire time I couldn't help but listen. He was so interesting to me.

"He always held these hard ass mugs on his face".

He spoke while shaking his head.

"Damn y'all really were alike then".

I laughed picking up my fork again. He smacked his lips making me look up at him.

"Can't tell me I'm lying".

I giggled and he let a smile creep onto his face. Fine ass.

We took turns going back and forth telling small details of our lives. I told him a couple of things about my family and me being the only child.

"Well my dad works in some bug time company I forget the name. He leaves early morning and comes home late at nights so I barely have the chance to see him".

I explained.  The interior of the restaurant really helped set the mood. Nice soft music played not too loud but at a level where you could still hear. Small laughs and conversation of teens to older people filled the room. Waiters dressed in nice white button down shirts and black pants. The restaurant was very nice and the food was delightful. No wonder it was so far away from where I lived.

We finished our food and left the exquisite building after Trevan paid our bill. I was literally stuffed from all the food I ate and was scared that my button on my jeans would pop.

Getting inside Trevan's car i kicked off my heels and sat with my my knees to my chest.

"Crusty ass toes".

Trevan commented started the car and backing out of his parking spot.


I rolled my eyes checking my face in the mirror to make sure my makeup was still in tact.

"Don't have my car smelling like feet".

He scrunched up his face.

"You know you're really ugly when you make that face".

I joked with a giggle. His face fell straight and I couldn't help but to laugh harder.

"I'm fine as hell".

He stated pulling up to a red light. My laughter died down and I pulled out my phone from the pocket of my jacket.

"So where are you taking me now little boy".

I asked once the light turned green and he sped off down the smooth concrete

"Little? Boy"?

He asked in this weird voice making me laugh.

"Nah but I'm taking you to my crib. If that's cool".

He glance over at me with one hand on the steering wheel. I bit my bottom lip and shrugged.

"Yea that fine".

The drive to his home was surprisingly short and filled with more laughs. He pulled into a 2 car garage (his car being one of them) and turned of the car.

"You know what would be lit"?

I asked him before he could get out the car. I grabbed my heels and let them dangle from my fingers by their straps.


"If you carried me in".

He stale faced me and got out the car making me laugh.

"Tre c'mon boo. I'm not even heavy".

I whined opening the passenger seat door. I almost thought he wasn't gonna do it until I saw him coming around to my side of the car.

"Stop all that whining shit".

He stated looking at me. There was so much bass and dominance in his voice I almost let "yes daddy" slip from my lips. Thankfully I'd stopped myself just in time.

He turned his back towards me and I climbed up the seat before getting onto his back. He grabbed ahokd of my thighs and closed the door behind him.

"Damn girl you heavy as hell".

He began walking acting like he was struggling. I hit his back and smacked my teeth.

"Put me down then I'll walk".

"I'm playing Ni damn. Sensitive ass".

I rolled my eyes as he began walking like normal. Once he got to his front door he told me to reach into his jeans and grab his house keys.

I reached down to grab them out of his pocket bypassing the large roll of money I felt. Handing him his keys he opened the front door to his home.

Walking inside I the fairly spacious home I could tell it was clean. The floors were so shiny that I could see our reflection as Trevan walked.

"Your house is so nice".

I said jumping down from his back.

"It ain't shit but a lil sum. I'm Im Trynna move my moms in something bigger".

I sat my heels onto the floor near the door and followed Trevan towards a very large stair case.

I slipped off my jacket once he stepped towards a room door that was locked. He took out its key and began unlocking the door. He walked in and I followed like I'd been doing.

Inside was what I'm assuming is his room. It was surprisingly really neat aside from afew clothes piled up in the corner.

"My bad about his lil shit hold on".

He spoke walking over to the pile of clothes and walking passed me out of his room. I sat on his bed once he left and looked around. There was a closet door that was cracked open only a little. If it weren't I wouldn't have known that it was a closet.

Adjacent to the closet door was another door thats was opened and lead to a bathroom. I could see the all of the details but I knew by the toliet and sink bowl that it was a bathroom.

Directly across from his bed was a large flat screen tv screwed into the wall. Beneath it was a glass stand that held game consoles, controllers, and different remotes.

Trevan stepped back into the room shortly after with a smile on his face. I looked at him with a look of confusion but also a smile of my own.

"What're you smiling for"?

I asked standing from his bed leaving my jacket on it. Now I only had on my jeans and top.

"Come downstairs. Our date not over".

He grabbed my hand and led me down the staircase as fast as he could without dragging me.

"Why you walking so fast".

"Cuz I wanna see the look on yo face when you see this shit".

I giggled and kept following him. Not like I had a choice anyways with the grip he had on my hand.

Once we finally made it ti his destination, which was the kitchen, there were candles everywhere and the lights were dimmed. I could see many different things on top of the countertop but I couldn't see exactly what they were yet.

Also around the floor were pink rose petals. Blue balloons sat tied up on the bar stools around the counter and I couldn't help the large smile on my face.


I whined turning to look at him. He smiled rubbing his chin.

"I know. I'm that nigga aint I"?

I laughed walking towards him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You are just a little".

He smiled leaning in a kissing my lips. Our lips moved in sync as my hand stroked the nape of his neck.


I moaned as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. We wrestled for dominance for a bit until the kiss ended with me biting his bottom lip. Once my eyes flittered open he was already staring into them. I pecked his lips one last time before letting my hands fall down his chest and to his hand.

Leading him over to the counter there was deserts everywhere. Ice cream, strawberries, melted chocolates, pineapple, kiwi, brownies and cakes colorfully decorated the counter top. Even though I just ate I was not about to allow this food to waste.


"I had a good time tonight Tre".

I sighed as we both laid on our backs on his bed. Both of our stomachs were full because we ate everything. Literally everything while we talked and stole kisses here and there.

"I'm glad you did".

He grabbed my hand that was rested on my stomach and brought it to his lips to kiss it. I smiled rolling over so that we were fave to face.

Leaning in we began to kiss for the upteenth time tonight. Once I pulled away I was breathless and didn't want to leave him.

"I don't wanna go".

I mumble on his lips. He looked me in my eyes while stroking the side of my face.


He bit his lip still looking at me. I looked at him as if he gad lost his mind.

"You mean stay here"?

"Yeah shit. Why not"?

"Because my parents will flip the fuck out".

I sat up and sighed getting up out his bed and reaching for my jacket. Ge grabbed my arm pulling me back towards him once he sat up himself.

"Wait wait wait. Jus' stay tonight".

He pulled me onto his lap. I straddled him and sighed.


"I can take you home in the morning before yo' parents even know".

I looked away from him looking at nothing in particular. Was I really about to spend the night with him? What was the worst that could happen? Plus I could jus tell my mom I spent the night at Trey's. Daddy's never home anyway.


I sighed and he smiled pecking my lips.

"Rise up right quick".

He tapped my thigh making sit in the empty spot on the bed next to him. He walked to his closet and pulled out a t-shirt throwing it over to me.

"You can sleep in this and no panties".

He grinned making me roll my eyes.

"You wish boy".

I laughed getting up off of the bed and going towards the bathroom so that I could change.

"You gone stop calling me a boy".

He stated right before I closed the bathroom door. I laughed stripping out of my jeans and top before placing the over sized shirt over my head. It fell down to my knees making me feel like I was wearing a dress.

I folded my clothes and exited the bathroom walking back towards the bed. Trevan was sitting up rolling a blunt on top of a book. His shirt was sitting next to him leaving his toned chest and upper body exposed.

Something inside of me gave me the courage to get in the bed behind him. I slide my arms down his chest rubbing his shoulders and arms.

"You smoke"?

He asked holding the finished blunt up to me. I thought about the 3 times I smoked with Trey before but none of them were recently.

I nodded my head taking the blunt from him and grabbing the lighter from his lap. Holding the blunt between my lips I cupped my hand around it as I flicked the lighter.

As soon as the blunt sparked I inhaled smoke and blew it back out. I took one more hit before passing it back to Trevan.

He put the blunt to his lips and hit it twice blowing it back out. All I could do was watch. Damn he was so fine.

"Come here".

He spoke taking another hit of the blunt. I climbed over onto his lap as he took yet another hit of the blunt. His eyes were starting to get low and red.

He leaned in to kiss me with smoke in his mouth and I already knew his goal. He passed the smoke to me and let it out through my nose while kissing him back. He pulled away but kissed my lips again before speaking and saying something that would change the both of out lives forever. Something that we both didn't even realize how great of an impact it would have on everything.

"Be my girl".

He mumbled against my lips but was it even a question? I was almost sure he knew the answer before what he said could even register in my mind. Ut that was the thing. He had my mind so far gone and didn't even know it yet.

Breathless I kissed his lips again as he fell back onto the bed. I laid on top of him while his hands slid down to squeeze my round bottom.


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