| The Confessions of a cake s...


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The diary of cake shippers, where a bakery full of cupcakes confess their beliefs in cake. Beware; no muke al... Еще

The Confessions of a Cake Shipper
ten facts about moi
introduction and whatnot
Hiya :)
hello bitchez & dick carriers
dramatic fanatics
april fuckin fools
the world of gay
One-Word Prompts
luke af
new AU¿
Future Hearts
Poor mikey :(
sHiP rAnT {mostly muke lmao}
nice guy
imagine thIS
I'm okay i promise
countdown to cake
Cupcake Bakery Meeting
Cake Debate: Otp questions
Cake thingies: imagine your otp
WOULD U RATHER {cake af}
Bake me in a oven bc i'm still cake af
Squad reinvented
Real bands save fans, real fans save bands.
new year's nostalgia
it's gonna be alright
jayden is v anger
'Happy birthday to me, we're gay af'
guess who's back back again heather's back tell a friend
*sigh* music tag
Cake and SLFL
Fan art
Cake Community AU?
dog w a blog
Cake is ALIVE thanks
Kneel for me
listen this is the only proof I am still alive
the ballad of me and my brain
have mercy on my soul
shamless self promo lol

everything is going to be okay

198 33 16

Hello this is hellen and i made a short quick cake oneshot that inspired from jayden and destiny's previous posts so enjoy yayaya (i think)


Luke couldn't sleep.

He already tried so many times to get himself to sleep. He already tried so many things too, for examples were like, counting cows from one until one hundred with his eyes closed, covering his eyes with pillows whilst his hands were resting against his chest to keep his breathing steady, and even, he took sleeping pills after he eventually gave up.

But, everything that listed above were merely changed nothing. He still couldn't sleep. His eyes managed to open widely as blue, luminous ocean colored were spraying perfectly around his irises as he looked around the dark room, confused why the hell he still couldn't sleep after he had done all of those things.

Sighing deeply, he stepped out from his bedroom and trudged downstairs, quietly and carefully. Considering he was living with his another three best friends, of course some part of him didn't want them to wake up. Just because he couldn't sleep, and somehow needed someone at the moment, didn't mean he would wake them up to accompany him at the middle of the night.

His eyes were wandering around the room, eyeing every detail that had already been there since the first time they had moved, like everything was suddenly became interesting, since he didn't know what to look at. He stepped his feet little by little, still careful, and quiet as he cautiously walked toward the kitchen, thinking that perhaps he needed a cup of hot chocolate or tea to make himself calm, and relax at the same time.

Before he could reach towards the kitchen, he heard a sound of light clank being made as he stepped his feet more little by little, wondering who was in the kitchen right now, seeing that the clouds were already shielded with a black paint, moon displayed beautifully at the sky, saying that it was a midnight time already.

But, Luke felt grateful that it was someone he knew really well after his gaze caught a very familiar figure. It was one of his best friends. The other boy who stood there, was pouring a hot water inside the mug, leaving some steamy tendrils coil around the air after. Luke thought maybe that was a coffee, remembering the raven haired boy wasn't really a fan of a tea. Luke smiled slightly at the sight.

"Calum?" Luke called with a whisper, yet loud enough for Calum to hear.

The maori boy turned his head to see Luke stood there with his knee kinked a little bit and eyebrows raised questioningly, curiosity clearly written across his face. Calum only smiled, grabbing the mug in between of his palm before walking out from the kitchen, leaving Luke with more confusion as his gaze trailed over Calum who plopped himself onto the sofa.

He really looked so cuddly like this, with his soft, straggly black strands of hair that piled one against another, and a grey shirt engulfed his body, Luke thought.

"You're not coming?" Calum inquired, thick eyebrows rose up in question as a small playful smirk curling on the corner of his full lips, making Luke let out a chuckle.

Without another further thinking, the blond immediately made his way towards Calum, plopping himself down onto the soft, comfortable sofa beside the maori. He stole a quick glimpse at the older boy under his lashes, watching his strong features slightly before opening his mouth to speak something, trying to make a conversation with his best friend. But somehow, he got beaten first after he heard a familiar soothing voice filling both of his ears.

"So, what's wrong?" Calum asked, taking the remote that laid spindly onto the small table in front of them with one grab and clicking on it, showing a random show from the tv. "You couldn't sleep?"

Luke, for some reason, already expected the question would be coming from Calum. Because he couldn't help but admit it, that Calum was the one who cared more about him than the other boys, that Calum was always here for Luke when he felt alone, lonely. But, the thing that he didn't want to admit, although he couldn't help it, he slowly gained these weird, lovely feelings for Calum. But he only kept it inside, alone, locking the feelings inside the small box with so many padlocks, didn't want them to come out from its cage.

"Yeah," Luke managed to answer, shrugging his shoulder like it wasn't a big deal.

"That's rare," Calum said, chuckling a little bit without disconnecting his gaze on the tv. "You're a fuckin' sleepyhead."

Luke rolled his eyes at Calum's statement, but still, he couldn't help the smile that sneakily crept upon his lips as he shamelessly snuggled over to Calum, resting his head on the maori's chest. Calum seemed caught his drift, he slung his arm around Luke's shoulders, letting himself to have a comfortable position whilst having Luke inside his embrace. Calum smiled at that.

"How about you? Couldn't sleep too?" Luke asked, like it was his job to ask back. Calum only nodded.

Time passed second by second. They didn't talk, even a single word, or a syllable never came from their mouths. Yet they felt comfortable, warm, and happy just with having each other presence. It was nice of course, they could enjoy their time without talking, just cuddling and feeling their fingers reciprocally brushing on one another.

After felt like forever, Luke finally parted his lips, intending to have a small talk with Calum. "I'm scared you know, sometimes," he admitted with a murmur under his breath, closing his eyes for a moment to produce more words from his brain, letting the lashes fanning against his cheeks as he breathed out. "Of my future."

"What's wrong?" Calum asked, surprisingly nonchalant. But, Luke knew that he slightly worried about the blond, considering they already knew inside out perfectly due the friendship they held after such a long time. Yes, ten years was a long time.

Luke sucked a breath, exhaling it in one sigh. "Just - what would I become in ten years? In twenty years or more? I know we have the band and the fans, but sometimes, I wonder if we're going to do this forever, or what? I am worried, I am scared, Calum."

"It's okay," Calum responded with a small smile tinting on his lips. His mocha eyes were glowing brighter under the lamp's light, flecks of deep brown shading across his irises, giving a warm, strong gaze through Luke's blue ones. "It's okay to worry about your future, our future. It's okay to be scared of what would you become. Because, you know, I'm like that too, I'm scared because years always passed too quickly. I'm not going to be young, wild teenager anymore, I'm not going to be the same anymore because I will grow up and change. And you know, It scares me."

Luke nodded, agreeing on Calum's words that he had just said. He was glad that he wasn't the one who worried about this too. And for the first time in forever, those feelings that already locked up deep inside his heart, slowly- little by little, escaped from its cage and flew throughout his entire body, sending some shivers and sudden vibrations on his pulse.

It wasn't like Luke was shy about it, but he was afraid that things would change between them when Luke confessed these weird feelings for Calum. Afraid if the future would become worse than he already presumed inside his head. Afraid if Calum would reject him, mock him, and the worst part was, that the band possibly would break just because of his silly feelings he held for the maori boy.

Luke's eyes that were blue, ocean alike, drowning inside Calum's brown ones that always reminded him with his favorite sweet chocolate flavor, that melted under the heat of the bright, luminous sun. He smiled after he felt himself drowning more and more, trying to focus on what words he should use to respond Calum.

Instead, he couldn't help it but blurted out a, "Can I kiss you?"

Calum's expression said it all. He was nonplussed, eyes widened in shock, like he just heard something wrong. But, it likely seemed after he took a look at Luke who was fidgeting, fiddling with his fingers everytime he got nervous, he loosened his features up a little bit and murmured a quick, "Sure."

"Wha-" Luke of course would respond to that word with shock, but the next thing he knew, that his words already got cut with a pair of full lips collided against his thin, pink one, and it nearly knocked all the wind from his lungs.

The kiss was sweet, gentle, and passionate. It wasn't rushed, but slow, and once again, gentle. Gentle felt like a perfect word at the moment because seriously, Calum's hand that unconsciously dropped onto Luke's thigh was gentle whilst the other one was working to hold the nape of his neck, that once again, gentle too. Luke smiled in between of the kiss, joyful and happiness erupted from the center of his heart.

The blond boy needed this. He needed Calum for his life. Maybe he was afraid of his future, of everything, but now, he thought if he had Calum in his life forever, he would be okay. Totally okay.

After they both disconnected their lips to breathe, their eyes felt like they were burning onto one of another, locked, glued and couldn't look away from the intense gaze that they gave for each other. But, second passed and Calum smiled fondly, giving Luke a quick peck on his forehead.

"Everything is going to be okay, Luke. I promise you. Even if it won't be, I will be here for you and make it okay, tell you again that it's okay, and make your world better than it already is," Calum said, smiling. The sentence made Luke want to burst out into tears, with his eyes already wet because he was touched by Calum's words. He was very very grateful having Calum in his life, "Now, go to sleep. Okay?"

After that, they both fell asleep right there, with Luke being held inside Calum's embrace until the sun was going to show its light once again in the morning.

Everything is going to be okay.


Ya, idk but how was it.

This is my first post btw so hello everyone ehehe.

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