Adopted By Rebecca Mader

By ouatSlover1229

820 29 2

Caroline has been though so much. With her parents dying to transferring to a new foster home with Bex be abl... More

Why me?
Caroline Leigh Tomson
Adoption part l
Adoption partll
What are you doing
Meeting the cast


99 4 0
By ouatSlover1229

Caroline's POV
I quickly run upstairs and quickly start to pack my things.
Ouat shirts,vans and converse,pants,dresses,other shirts,shorts, a few skirts, my first foster home bedding,my combat boots signed by Emilie de Ravin from along time ago. Then I hear my door open and close and I said not looking at the person who had walked in "Hey Mom what's up I'm almost finished" the person quickly grabbed my waist and put their hand over my mouth. "MOM WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" I muffled into the persons hand.
"Mommy isn't here to save you this time." As the person slammed me into the wall with my OUAT poster. I look up and I see two figures but the same person. Clara, great and Haley comes out behind her they are Devils dressed as Angels no joke.
They start kicking my stomach and they finally leave I stay on the ground and hold my stomach I here a person walk in and scream please don't hurt me the person picks me up and places me on my bed.

Bex's POV
"Caroline,sweetie whoever hurt you is gone now." I say
"And please tell me who they are so I can beat them to the ground."
She giggles and says the names " Clara and Haley".
"I'll be right back" I say as I get up "they are down the hall first door to the left" I hear.
I go where she told me where they are and walk into the door.
The two girls are one Twitter and going though Lana and Jens posts.
"God they are ugly,fat, needy people and that Rebecca Mader b**** is ugly as poop.
Oh man I lost it...

Hey guys sorry for not updating. School is eating me alive right now
Vote,follow and I will write some more tomorrow

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