holy grail

By -deathlyhallows

207K 6.1K 4.3K

in which Mary, a sex driven teenage virgin acquires a taste for her school's campus priest. ... More



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By -deathlyhallows




"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Of course we've been waiting for this for a long time." Julian cocked an eyebrow.

"What if I hate it? Will you stop and comfort me?" I bit my lip.

"Of course baby love, don't be such a pussy." He rolled his eyes at me; most likely irritatedly, but I just ignored him.

I nodded in response as I tucked a piece of loose hair behind my ear and prepped myself for what was coming next. I wasn't ready at all, but I just pushed my thoughts to the side and decided just to let it go.

I leaned over while I bent my knees slowly, letting the cool November air fully engulf me. I started out in a slow 's' formation, gradually making my turns sharper and increasing my speed a little more. I couldn't believe I was actually doing it; boarding on a double black diamond without Agnes.

Not that I wanted to her to come, I just felt a little more comfortable when I knew someone was around to break my fall if I needed it.

Julian, I and the rest of the crew had been out all morning hitting the fresh powdery slopes before anyone else could and it felt great; out on the slopes with the fresh smell of pine lingering in the air was the best thing Utah had to offer me, so far.

"You wanna grab some lunch after this?" Angelo broke the silence, glancing between Julian and I.

"Sounds good mate."

"I'm cool with that." I nodded in assurance as I kept my eyes on the path in front of me. Even though I had been snowboarding all my life, now would not be a good time to fall.

Angelo shot me a quick smile before he took off ahead of us on his skis doing all of these crazy tricks one could only dream of learning. I hate to admit it, but the kid was the best skier I had ever laid my eyes on and I hated skiers more than I hated Agnes.

Some of them were alright, but the majority of them seemed to bitch and moan about snowboarders, yet they continued to show up at predominantly boarder resorts, how ironic.

I shook my head lightly, clearing my mind of all those thoughts about skiers as I neared the end of the mountain. Julian was right behind me while Cheryl and Blake were back somewhere near the top of the mountain and Penny and Angelo were already down at the bottom awaiting the rest of our arrival.

To say the least; Penny, Cheryl and I weren't really on speaking terms. They were aware I was still holding a grudge and I made it very clear to them by ignoring every text, call or invite Julian passed along to me.

It was awkward to be around them and all the rest of the boys since none of them really knew what the beef was about, but I made the best of it and just pretended to be happy and fake.

Once Julian and I both made it down the mountain we both made an abrupt shift on our boards and sat down on the cold snow to unstrap our feet while Angelo and Penny walked towards us.

Cheryl and Blake were the last ones down because Cheryl was scared and clung to Blake every second of the way. Blake— who looked annoyed had gotten this bright idea to take his girlfriend on this giant mountain (knowing she had just barely mastered medium level snowboarding) and "teach her" how to board a double black diamond, but in the end I think he finally learned that it wasn't a good idea.

Inside the cafeteria it was practically dead, it was barely noon and people were just hitting the slopes which meant the cafeteria was all ours for the time being.

Angelo ordered all the food he dreamed of eating while Penny got a soup and a salad, Blake got a large pizza to share with Cheryl who apparently wasn't hungry at the moment and Julian and I got the same thing we always got—a chili cheese bread bowl and something fruit related.

"Hey I'm gonna go wash up really fast. I'll be back in a second." I whispered into Julian's ear before I got up and headed for the restrooms.

The restrooms were cabin styled with a hint of coziness about them. The reddish-brown wood was fitting to the deep green wallpaper and even more fitting to the chairs that were set up in the lounge area right in front the restrooms.

I sighed in content and looked around as the warm water ran over my cold hands. I was satisfied with the whole aura of the place; it was nice and relaxing.

When I finished up, I dried my hands on a paper towel and threw it away prior to walking towards the door where I was lucky enough to run into Penny and Cheryl.

"Can we talk?" Cheryl stepped in front of the door.

"About?" I responded.

"You've been avoiding us. Don't play it off Fran." Penny said as she crossed her arms across her chest.

Don't be petty. Don't be petty. Don't be petty.

"You couldn't of been sleeping the whole day."

"I wasn't, I was chilling with my new roommate." I retorted, unabashed by the whole conversation.

"Listen, I know you're pissed. We deserve that one, but me and Penny have been texting you relentlessly and stopping by your room to apologize, but your puppet will barely let us get a word in," Cheryl huffed, "I fucked up, we fucked up okay? But Blake and I talked about it last night-"

"Angelo and me too." Penny interrupted.

"And both of the boys are willing to share a room with Julian, so we can have you stay with one of us."

"We're super sorry, we miss you and we hate this!" Cheryl looked over at me.

I really wanted to stay mad, I had the intentions of staying mad even when I was aware I would most likely get cornered in the women's bathroom, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Yeah I was angry, mad and bitter, but I couldn't be petty with them and hold a grudge like I wanted too; mostly because Cheryl rarely ever apologized for anything, so if she was apologizing and was sincere about it, she meant it.

I sighed, deep in thought. "I'm still sore about it, but it's not just that I was mad. I was hurt that you both couldn't take me in when you know he hurts me almost every time I interact with him," I remained stern, "But I'm gonna ride it out since I'm already settled in and I like the hot tub."

"Are you positive? We don't want the same thing to happen like last time. . ." Penny mumbled under her breath.

"Don't worry, he's been really chill and nice. Nothing to worry about." I assured her.

Penny and Cheryl both nodded simultaneously as Cheryl moved over and allowed me to exit, the two of them following behind me silently.

I guess we just made up?


Some odd hours later after a few more runs on the slopes and a few drinks, the boys' were wasted off their asses and Julian had decided to host a jacuzzi get together in our suite.

So here we all were sitting in the hot tub, talking about pokemon and sex.

Cheryl was tipsy, but Penny and I were sober because we didn't want to show up with alcohol still in our system when Ms. Torres alcohol tested us on Monday.

"C-Cheryl," Blake said, dragging out the end of her name, "you look so sexy in that bikini."

"Blake you are so ugly." Cheryl teased as she shook her head childishly.

"He's not that bad," Julian shrugged, "I'd date him. . . If I was gay."

"You'd date anyone as long as you could fuck them." Penny retorted.

"Roasted!" Cheryl giggled, looking between Penny and Julian.

Penny was never really fond of Julian; she only put up with him for Angelo but in all honesty she probably hated him more than I did.

"That's not true, Mary and I dated." Julian spat back.

"And you see how that- nevermind."

He chuckled, "Angelo when you gonna learn to keep your dog on a leash?"

Angelo narrowed his eyes at Julian's comment, but didn't say a word in Penny's defense. Meanwhile steam was practically escaping from her ears. Penny was shooting daggers at the curly-haired boy and sure enough if looks could kill, he'd be dead right now.

"No wonder Mary dumped your sorry ass, what a blessing in disguise," Penny chortled, "I ship Mason already."

"Penny-" I started, but refrained from continuing. I knew what Julian said really offended her and Penny had a short enough temper already, so when he pushed her buttons I couldn't really complain about her bringing up Jason.

"Yeah, alright Penis; how about you go suck off Angelo since you're always holding out on him, but wait maybe that's a good thing. Your ugly ass looks like a man anyway."

"Julian, don't." Blake advised, shaking his head vigorously.

"I look like a man?" Penny smiled, "that's funny cause last time I checked you were sleeping with one."

"Alright cut it out both of you, Penny let's go." Angelo stood up and jumped out of the tub, guess he wasn't as drunk as I thought.

"No fuck that, this fuckboy is not gonna fucking talk to me like that I won't have it, you don't even have my fucking back like that Angelo; like are you serious, you're gonna let him talk to me this fucking way? Well fuck you!" Penny snapped, glaring at Angelo in the process.

Julian stood up as well looking like he was gonna lunge at her, but Blake staggered up behind him and tried to calm him down while Cheryl and I got out of the tub and rushed over to Penny's side.

"Don't be calling me no fucking fuckboy you dumb blonde bitch, I wasn't fucking a man you little cúnt, talk to me that way again and I'll fuck your ass up." His eyes were dark now and his nostrils flared, he was fuming with rage.

"Julian shut the fuck up, you're not gonna do shit sit down." I said in the most calming voice I could muster up. I wasn't in the mood for his shit, not tonight and I wasn't about to let him talk to Penny that way.

"You better be careful fucking around with this stupid fuck Frannie, might catch hiv from him. Better yet might catch aids instead." Penny yelled, just so Julian could hear it which caused  him to get out of the tub as well and charge at her.

"It's time to go, it is time to go." Cheryl said, trying to pull her back away from the tub and out of the room.

Blake caught up with Julian and swung his arms around his torso as he tried his best to keep Julian contained, but when Julian lifted up one of his arms to try and wiggle out of his grasp he smacked his elbow into Blake's nose and he fell back onto the tile and hit his head.

Cheryl immediately let go of Penny's waist and rushed over to Blake's bloody side, leaving only me to hold onto her small waist and Angelo—who was much scrawnier than Julian, to step in front of him.

"Julian you need to chill out man. Right now, don't act stupid." Angelo shouted, trying hard to remain stern, but Julian only rolled his eyes and took another step forward, getting in Penny's face and spitting directly on her.

Finally Angelo snapped, pushing Julian back into one of the walls while Penny wiped her face and I fumbled with the doorknob.

Angelo threw a few punches every now and then to Julian's face, but I didn't see the rest of it because I was pulling Penny out of the room and into the deserted hallway, running over towards her and Angelo's suite, but it was locked and Penny didn't have the key, so I pulled the fire alarm instead.

Thuds, crying, screaming, and the sound of furniture was heard coming from the room I stayed in with Julian and it didn't stop, not until law enforcement showed up and broke up the fight.

Blake was rushed inside an ambulance with Cheryl right by his side to a hospital about five miles off the resort. Angelo and Julian were separated by a trio of officers and taken to the local station, Angelo going first because it took a more officers to get Julian to relax and he had to be tased.

Penny and I were interviewed in the hallways by a few of the remaining cops who wanted to know the story. Everyone's parents were called and we were basically kicked out of the resort for "disrupting the peace," sadly, but the officers who took us back to the school were cute so it wasn't that big of a deal.

At least not to me.


ooooh snap shit is hitting the fan!
I wonder what's gonna happen next??
stay tuned!

Also I just want to say that I, in no way, shape or form, am condoning the violence and abuse that happened in this chapter, it was added in in only to advance the plot and that is all.

If you are being harassed mentally or physically please call 1-800-799-7233, it's anonymous and free!

I care about all of you guys very much and I hope you will all take this book as fictional, nothing more or nothing less of that. Be safe and smart!

until we meet again
xoxo ronnie
(p.s. Jason will resurface in the next chapter so hold on to your hats, it'll be bumpy from here on out.)

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