
By YandereJabami

24.4K 442 188

He's 18, she's 16. They may be young but they are deadly serious, they are undercover. What about if it wasn'... More

chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

B O N U S C H A P T E R !

377 7 0
By YandereJabami

So guess who's back for one final chapter?!

Before I start, I just want to say thank you all so much for the amazing 8.6k views, 209 votes and 95 comments, this book was the first one I ever actually completed and actually spent time with so this book is a part of me, both physically and mentally and emotionally because... Why not?

You all have been so supportive so in memory of actually creating this book... TWO YEARS AGO! I wanted to post one final chapter since I deleted the sequel book :3 ...yeah, I have way too many books published right now.

So without further ado, here's the next chapter.

They tell you that before you die your life flashes before your eyes, but my life flashed before my eyes and I knew I was a safe distance from heaven for now. That's because I know for sure I'm going to hell. But still, it's a long time away.

I was walking through the corridors, my heavy footsteps echoing around me, stopping me from knowing if anyone was behind me, because I could just simply mistake their footsteps for my own.

I get to the cafeteria and I smile as the sweet and sickly smell of Dauntless chocolate danced it's way to my nose. I let out a silent groan in satisfaction before heading over to the Dauntless leaders table.

"Hey, Tris, how's it going?" Max asks, holding hands with mom while also shoving some French fries in his mouth.

"I'm alright thanks, you?" I reply, sitting down at the table.

"I'm doing just fine, how's the little one?"

"Scarlett's fine, thank you, although she's getting scared a little. You know, her being thirteen and all, only three more years until the choosing ceremony."

"Eric's getting a little irritable at the minute I've noticed," mom comments, slyly stealing some of Max's fries.

"Yeah, Aaron's messed up his sleeping pattern and because I've been doing most of the paperwork he's being getting up with Aaron."

"How old is he now?"

"Two next week," I say with a smile.

Two years ago, we was all blessed of the presence and birth of little Aaron Prior. We were going to have Eric's last name, but he wanted closure from his past life so we stuck with my last name and when we got married, he took my name too.

The wedding was beautiful, since me and Eric are two of the most respected leaders in the faction system, all factions worked together to plan the wedding.

We had the wedding at the fairground, some of Erudite's best workers fixed the repairable rides and designed and replaced any that couldn't with new and better ones.

Just before the Ferris Wheel we had a massive archway made of wood that was painted white covered in lilies (Eric's favourite flower) and also with five balloons. And on each balloon had the different faction symbols.

My dress was beautiful, It was floor length, but the weather was perfect so my dress wasn't ruined. I didn't want to be traditional, I wanted something else. So I went for a dress that was black, red and white. The chest part of the dress was made out of red lace -which matched the colour of my rose bouquet- with the designs in white lace, and the skirt of the dress was black and smooth, soft to the touch.

Everything went perfectly and after the exchanging of vows and tears, we sealed our marriage with a kiss and a ride on the Ferris Wheel.

The day was perfect.

I feel a pair of hands slip over my eyes and a patch of stubble scratched at my cheek, a gruff voice started to talk in my ear.

"Guess who?" He says.

I smile. "Eric?"

"How did you know?" He asks, removing his hands and sitting down next to me.

"You're the only person brave enough to remove one of my five senses," I reply simply.

Everyone laughs and I just smile and rub my head, all the paperwork I had completed half an hour before had gave me a major migraine and now I'm suffering.

"You alright?" Eric asks, worry laced in his voice.

I give him a strained smile. "Just a headache, I'll live."

"You sure?"


"Alright then, I'm going to get us both food, you can catch me up on what you've done and then we'll do our hour of training before we have to pick up Aaron and Scarlett."

"Scarlett is going to her friends house today,"

"Oh yeah, well anyway see you in a minute." He says, kissing my forehead before standing up and leaving to get our food.

I smile as I watch him walk off. I love him.

I'm currently twenty-nine years old, I am a Dauntless leader and initiate trainer, I have two children one of the age of thirteen and the other two, I am happily married and surrounded by those who I love.

I couldn't be more happier.

***Three year le time skip***

I sit among the sea of black who were making more noise than any other of the sea of other colours, obviously the sea of grey weren't making a sound at all, sitting up stiffly to live up to their nickname of the 'stiffs', they won't make a noise until one of them are called and they wish their teenagers good luck.

How would I know all of this? I was one of them.

"M-mom, I'm scared." Scarlett whispers from beside me.

"What are you scared of? Being Dauntless, or leaving?" I ask her gently, totalling understanding the stress and anxiety she was under.

I was the exact same way seventeen years ago.

"I'm not leaving mom, I'd never leave Dauntless. Dauntless is my home, I'm just scared of not making it."

"Sweetheart, your father and I are currently undergoing a meeting about banning the law of cutting off initiates for good. As well as it may have been working the stress of trying to make it went to some extreme measures that we never want to see. Suicide and murders were raised by twelve percent since that law was in place, we want that number to zero. Honey, I would help you any way I could to help you get through initiation, but you know everything, you know enough and that's all you really need. You'll make it."

"Thanks mom,"

"No problem,"

"You've given me so much, a life, a home, a mother.When Olivia left you were there to care for me even though you were only sixteen years old yourself. And for that I'll be forever grateful because you and dad gave me a life worth living, you both gave me a life to start with even though technically only dad did half of that. I just want to say now just how happy and thankful I am."

Four stands on stage with an intimidating look, but a contradicting smile on his face. His smile was perfect, his straight pearly white teeth were on show and it was dazzling. He made a speech about the history and what the choosing ceremony means.

"Don't choose because you want to become someone you're not. Choose because your heart,
Your mind and soul belong to the faction because once your choose there is no going back. You need determination to be in your chosen faction, no matter if you transfer or stay, you still need determination. I hope you all the best; let's begin."

One by one names were called and I find myself grabbing onto Scarlett's hand that was resting on her constantly bopping leg. A action my mother once did with me.

"I love you no matter what." I tell her.

The words are similar to the ones I was told before.

"I know,"

"Scarlett Prior,"

She stands up, squares her shoulders after a trembling second and she flounces down the stairs, accepts the knife before cutting open her hand, letting the blood pool in her hand. She turns around and faces me, shooting a smile my way before letting her blood spill into the Candor bowl.

"Scarlett Prior: Candor!"

I smile at my daughter who sits among the sea of black and white. She catches my eye and I give her a thumbs up and she blows me a kiss then waves.

I wave back.

I was happy for her, that's her decision and I have to respect that, just like my mom respected my own. There's still and always going to be that Abnegation part of me, help and respect others decisions and thoughts.

After the ceremony comes to a close, I wave at my daughter one last time before I leave running for the train, a faint smile still evident on my face. When the train flies by Dauntless I jump from the train carriage with the rest of Dauntless, both members and initiates and the transfers.

I introduce everyone to Dauntless and I recite the same speech Eric gave me when I was just a feeble sixteen-year old Abnegation girl.

One by one, the initiates jump down the hole and their screams decrease as they get closer to the net. It's been a tradition for any Abnegation to jump first since the year after my choosing day, nobody said it out loud, I didn't make it, it's just every Abnegation would volunteer to jump first, all because they grew up hearing the story of the Amazing Tris Prior: Former Abnegate.

Finally, I stand looking at the hole. I turn around and close my eyes, counting to three before jumping and propelling myself backwards into the darkness.

I see a line of hands and I grab one and they help me out of the net, even though I don't need help, I'm thirty-one not disabled. I brush myself up and smile at Four.

"We have to stop meeting like this," he says with a smile.

"Ah, the memories," I say with a smirk.

I look around and I see Eric look around the initiates with a frown on his face, he caught my eye and I just shake my head, a smile still on my face.

"Where did she go?" He asks quietly.

"Candor," I say softly.

He chuckles. "I always knew that girl was too honest for a reason,"

"Come on, let's go pick up Aaron quickly, Lauren and Four's got this," I say, waving at Lauren who smiles and waves back.

"Alright, let's go. Oh, and let's get cake too. I'm hungry." He says and I chuckle.

"Me too, baby, me too."

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