I See You... ;)

By otherviewsx

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Kelly Kelly thought she'd never forgive Randy Orton for saying what he did on that radio interview. But when... More

I See You... ;)
Chapter Two: Becoming
Part 2 of Chapter 2: Becoming
Chapter 3: Impression
Chapter Four: Retribution
Chapter Five: Armageddon PPV (*Part - 1*)
Chapter Five: Armageddon PPV (*Part - 2*)
Chapter Five: Armageddon PPV (*Part - 3*)

Chapter One: Spectator

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By otherviewsx

Friday Night Smackdown - Feb. 3rd/2012 

Being the WWE Divas Champion meant that I could show up on both Raw and Smackdown. Sometimes, I'd compete, sometimes not. But it was nice to be able to check out what was happening on Smackdown, instead of waiting for Raw to come around. Besides...a certain someone made me want to be here every Friday night more than I should....  

I know what you're thinking: How on earth can someone as sweet and innocent as Kelly Kelly fall for a serious guy with skull tattoos on both arms (and a beard?)  

Well, I can't really explain it. Yet. I'm sure it's just a harmless little crush. Randy is pretty cute actually. I've always seen that, but I haven't payed much attention.  

And after that (*shudder*) radio interview, he apologized to me on Twitter a well as in person. He showed me that he can actually be a nice, caring person when he needs to be. Maybe that's what I'm attracted to& ? Or is it just his body? That is a strong possibility. Then again, I tend to go after more than just a great body. But if so, then why does it feel like Randy Orton is the only exception?  

I remember when Drew McIntyre told me that he liked me& I didn't approve of his aggression in the ring, but how does that make Randy any different?  

Maybe I just think that Randy's aggression is more controlled& somehow. I mean& God, I don't know& I'm just so confused....  

The only thing I know is that a few years ago, we did something... And whether it was accidental or he "used" me just for that night... I can't stop thinking about it. 

So I told Eve. 

"Oh my God, Kelly," she said, surprised. "You're falling for him.... again?" 

"I know, I'm just as surprised as you are. I just.... can't stop thinking about him." 

"Well remember what happened last time you told him that? He called you pathetic...." 

"But that was - what - three years ago? We've grown up. And he's changed - a little." 

Eve smiled. "Why, 'cause of the beard?"  

"You know what I mean... " 

She put her arm around me. "Look Kelly, I don't want to see you get hurt again. So whatever you even think about doing... just be careful. Okay?" 

"I will." I hugged her for a long time. "Thanks, Eve." 

After having my match with Natalya (and winning), I was walking backstage when I saw him - Randy Orton. He was talking to Veronica Taylor, one of the Divas... I really don't like Veronica, she's a little too "out there." We even had a fight at a nightclub a few months ago over a guy we both meant. 

She and Randy are supposedly "best friends" they're almost always with each other backstage. There's even been rumors going around that they like to ..... you know... once in a while. 

Frankly, Veronica makes me sick. I looked away and walked back to my locker room.

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