Princess and the Pea? No no...

By XxDontmesswithmexX

67.2K 1K 374

Avery June, meet Ian Corlett; Your prince. Now, don't mistake him for a REAL prince, Avery. He'll just throw... More

Chapter [1]
Chapter [2]
Chapter [3]
Chapter [4]
Chapter [5]
Chapter [6]
Chapter [7]
Chapter [8]
Chapter [9]
Chapter [10]
Chapter [12]
Author's SADDD Note :'(
Chapter 13
Chapter [14]
Chapter [15]
Chapter [16]
Interviews!!! :D
Last Chapter(':
Final Chapter

Chapter [11]

2.8K 45 6
By XxDontmesswithmexX

Hey hey! This chap is gunna skip a few days yeah? When Avery's feeling a little better, and their romance get's a little...Steamy-er(;

Pfft, you knew it was happening. Close your mouth and stop gasping! St-op it...You knew she was gunna get pregnant too! Jeez!

OMG JAYKAY. THAT WAS A JOKE. I PROMISE! SHE IS NOT PREGNANT! Ahahaha(: Im such a joker!...Not the scary kind though(:

Aight let's start this.

Dedication to Sister76! She's a real sweetheart, and her stories are good! Props to her, because she broke a boys heart. Let us all applaud to her! We should all look up to her(; Lmfao nahh, she was really sweet and chatted me(:

Conga line members: Me, LactoseFire, and Sister76.

Oh yeah, we're having so much funn!!!

Tell me if you wanna join, now(;

Goal: 3 pages


[Avery POV]

"What are we going to do?!" Ian hisses.

"Open a cook book or something!" I say hopelessly. Ian shakes his head.

"No cook book around here." He states. I start panicking. No firetrucking cook book?! Ian suddenly laughs.

"I can't believe we're in this mess." He says, and drags me towards him. I grab the drawer nearby, and refuse to let go. I don't want to go in his arms right now!

"Ian!" I shriek. He pulls my shirt a little harder, and I start laughing. Then coughing.

He let's go because he - well obviously - hears my hysterical coughing.

"Are you okay?" He asks in concern.

"Yeah." I reply as Ian pats my back gently. I cough a little more, but then eventually settle down. I let go of the drawer in the kitchen, and get back to work.

"Alright Ian. Let's do this!" I say in a determined tone.

"Wash your hands first!" Ian orders, his gray eyes sparkling.

"Why? They're not dirty or anything." I say innocently. Ian rolls his eyes, and chuckles.

"Just do it Avery. Here, I'll do it with you." He offers.

"No!" I whine.


"Ian!" I mock.

"C'mere bab-,"

Stop. So, let's start from the beggining of this whole mess shall we?

After I had fallen asleep on Ian's shoulder for the second time, it was pretty...I don't know, weird after that. Don't worry, a 'good' kind of weird. We started laughing together more, hugging more, and we also have been pretty open to each other often.

I know right? Pretty crazy?

You don't know the half of it.

I met Ian's siblings, and they're all funny; I swear. Flora is the cutest ever. Her large gray eyes always go wide when she sees Ian and me talking and laughing. I know this, because she asked us one time if we were in love like her mommy and daddy.


The answer was an immediate no, but my heart sunk a little. I mean, maybe I had small feelings for Ian? Maybe?

Anyways, let's move on. Quickly.

Violet; She's pretty steamy, like me. She back talks a lot...Like me, even though I hate to admit it. And Jones's pretty funny. His blonde hair keeps getting in his sparkly gray eyes and it annoys the hell out of me. Ian and his family...All friggin have gray eyes. Except for the dad. Ian's dad has sky blue eyes. It's quite funny how only he has blue eyes and everyone else has gray eyes. Even I have gray eyes!

Ian skipped - or should I say ditched - school for a week now, and he didn't seem to mind it at all. His parents actually let him so he could 'take care of me'. Do I look like I need a man-sitter? We were cooped up in the house all day while everyone else is out doing something fun and exciting. The children are at school, Ians dad's at work, Ians mom's always out with friends or shopping. So we were all alone...At home...Together. We never actually did much. Ian would always talk to me about his past, and I would talk about mine. We laughed a lot these days, and always made fun of each other. 24/7. And on romance...Well...Ian actually almost kissed me...Yeah, until his mother called him down.


"Ian, you're such a creep!" I say, smacking Ian's arm playfully.

"Pfft!" Ian says, and smiles bigger.

"When are you going back to school?"

"Why do you ask?" Ian says, raising an eyebrow.

"I mean, you've been here for a while!"

"Oh I see how it is! I see how it is!" Ian mocks fake hurt.

"I-an!" I croak, my voice cracking. I was still a little sick, but still heaps better.

"Av-ery!" He mock, and sticks his tongue out at me. His full lips smile, and I just feel like jumping on him.

"What's wrong Avery?" Ian asks, all silly-ness gone. He worries too much!

"N-nothing!" I stutter. Ian scoots closer to me on the bed.

"Don't lie Avery! I know when you're lying!"

"I'm not lying! Nothing!" I say defensively, and stare at him. His smile turns into a serious line, and his eyes gaze down to my lips. I can tell he's clenching his jaw, because his muscles are moving up and down.

He slowly bends down, and I mean slow. I can feel his hot breath on my lips now - That's how close we are - and he bends lower. I see his lips partly open, and I open my lips slowly...His breath quivers, and I can smell a hint of vaninlla swirled inside of his breath. I intake the smell, and continue to stare at him. He stares back at me, and I can see his iris by now. Ian puts his hands on the sides of me, and I lean backward on the bed. He shifts his weight on his hands so he doesn't crush me, but still comes in contact with my skin. Wherever our bare skin touches, it burns with pleasure. My breath quickens, as I see his eyes burst with lust. When we come really close again, I smell the familiar scent of vanilla, and close my eyes. God that smelled so good. [A/N: HOW'S THAT FOR A PARAGRAPH HATERS????!!!!]

Just as I feel his lips barely touch mine, we hear an ear piercing scream, and then a,

"IAN AND JONES! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" I hear Mrs. Corlett scream from downstairs.

Ian jolts up from his position, looks at me once more, and yanks open the door without saying anything to me. My heart's beating a million miles an hour, and the only thought that glues to my mind from that experience with Ian was,

"Damn it."


On Thursday, we got a call from Mrs. Corlett.

"Honey?" I hear Mrs. Corlett say to Ian over the phone.

"Yeah?" He replies back, leaning on the counter in the kitchen. It's around eleven, so we were about to make lunch.

"Jones told me that you guys met at baking class?" I hear. My eyes go wide.

"Uhh...Yeah." Ian lies, staring at me in panic.

"I need you guys to bake three cakes for me by the time I get home! Audrey is having a baby shower and tons of people are coming! I'll be home in three hours. Okay? There are ingredients in the fridge, so don't worry about anything! Got it?!" Mrs. Corlett's voice sounded in panic when she was speaking.

"But I-,"


And then the droning tone sounded as the call ended. Ian touches end, and stares at me. I stare back, and we start laughing awkwardly at the same time.

"Uhh..haha, Ian?" I say in a strained voice.

"Yeah?" He asks, his voice quavering.

"Wanna hear something funny?"

"I'd love to." He murmurs.

"I think I just heard your mom say she needed us to bake three cakes in three hours. Isn't that funny? Whew, glad that's not true."

"Yeah, well...Too bad it's true."

Silence surrounds us, as we stare at each other in panic.

"Do you know how to make a cake?" I ask Ian hopefully.


And here we are. This is what we're into right now. FUn situation huh?

"Don't call me babe!" I shriek. If we weren't boyfriend/girlfriend, then we shouldn't call each other babe.

"Sorry. It just comes out."

"Yeah, okay. So, how are we going to do this? Have you ever baked a cake on your Xbox or whatever the hell you cook on?"

"Sorry, I got BlackOps other than Cooking Cakes 101 alright? I'm sorry!" Ian says, rolling his eyes. I mock him, and put my hands on my hips. I quickly think of something, and roll my sleeves up to my elbow.

"Right. Move it. I got this." I say, and start washing my hands with soap.

"Wait no, I'll help you. It's just you have to tell me what to do." Ian says. He looks so vunerable not controlling this situation.

"It's okay, I can do it alone." I tease. I've always known since the day I met Ian that he was a control freak and always needed to handel the situation.

"Wait, no, c'mon Ave!"

"Fine." I say, and dry my hands. I walk up to him, and he takes a shaky step back.

"Sit in the chair, and talk to me. Alright? That's all you do. You just entertain me. I know how to bake cakes." I've seen my mom do it, so it can't be that hard right?

"Ugh...Fine." Ian finally agrees, and sits down. I grab the cake mix and dump it into a bowl. Then I pour water into it. Then I start mixing it with all my strength I had.

"Uhm...So, I was thinking; We should probably go back to the house soon. Maybe tomorrow." Ian says while I mix the cake batter. After about five rounds of stirring, my arm falls asleep.

"Yeah okay. Ian can you mix this?" I cry. Ian gets up, and in a flash he's behind me. Talk about vampire skills!

"Sure Avery!" He says happily, and corners me in the kitchen. Ugh, was I that weak? Ian has his front pressed up against my back, so this looked extremely innapropriate. I tried to get out of it, but he just cornered me more. I sigh impatiently until he's done with the stirring. He dips his finger in the mix, and pops it into his mouth.

I scoff.

"Did you even wash your hands?!" I ask.

"Of course!" Ian answers, and dips his finger in the mix again. Fat ass.

"Okay whatever. Now get out of here." I wave him off, but he doesn't budge.

"Here," Ian dips his finger into the mix AGAIN, and offers it to me. I turn around and give him a, are-you-serious look.

"Seriously?" I say in a flat tone. Ian nods, and smiles. The mix is swirled with colors. Dark brown for the chocolate and white for vanilla. Then there's carmel colors, so it looks really good.

"Ugh, if I do this, will you leave me alone?" Ian thinks about this, but nods. I sigh dramatically, and open my mouth. He enters his finger in my mouth, and I use my tongue to lick his caked finger. I make sure to suck his finger a bit just to tease him. And it works, because his knee's start to shake and his eyes close for half a second more than the usual blinking. I smile, and bite softly on his finger, and he closes his eyes a little more. When there's absolutely no more taste on his fingers, I open my mouth again for the new visitor in my mouth to leave.

"Now can you leave?" I ask simply, and turn around to the cake. I smile softly in victory. I can still see Ian there in the same position. Annoyed, I turn back around about to tell him off.

[Warning: This may have some mature scenes that are inappropriate for children under 13. Please proceed under caution.]

But as soon as I turn around, he grabs me by the hips and lifts me up on the counter.

"Ian!" I shriek, but he has that hungry look in his gray eyes.

"I can't take this anymore." I hear him mutter, and brings my head towards his. His lips crush onto mine, and my eyes widen. He forces my lips open with his own soft lips, and slides his tongue in. I let him do all this stuff because I wanted it to. He seemed to know this fact. Our tongues battle for dominace, and my eyes close in pleasure of his tongue swirling inside of my mouth. Guess who won the tongue fight!

Me. Of course.

I taste everything inside of his mouth, and come in contact with a taste like chocolate and vanilla. Oh right, the cake mix. I wrap my legs around him, and squeeze him with the power of my legs. See, even when we're doing something like this, I don't fail to hurt him. He groans, and kisses me harder and fiercer. I moan when his hands slide up and down my body. Gosh...This boy...

"A-...Avery..." Ian moans my name when I pull at his messy blonde/brown hair.

"What?" I ask, still kissing him. I slowly kiss down his jaw line, and then keep going down to his neck. Then to his shoulder blades. He shrudders when I slowly bite his soft skin. His grip comes a little tighter on my waist, which causes me to bite a little harder on his neck.

"Ah..." He moans, and brings my head towards him. He kisses me more softly and passionately now, and I ease up on my grip on his hair. He goes to the bottom of my lips and bites softly. A moan escapes my lips, and it rings into Ian's mouth. He chuckles, and gives me a soft kiss directly on the lips.

I guess that was the end of the kiss...


"Hey, we should get to the cake." Ian whispers in my ear. I sigh dramatically.

"Help me then." I whisper back, and grab his hand. He laughs, and hugs me. I cough lightly, and he let's go.

"Whoops, sorry." He says apologetically.

"It's okay." I say, and smile. "Now help me make the cake. Or else we're screwed." I say, and straighten my hair. While Ian and I were making out my hair got a little messy.

Ian opens the fridge and bends down to get something. I giggle, and try to hold in my laughter. But when I'm about to burst into tears, I give a shaky wolf whistle. Ian laughs without turning back, and grabs the eggs.

"Ha ha, nice one. Wait Ave, can you get that butter down there? My arm won't fit." Ian says, and points to the bottom of the fridge. I shrug, and get it. I hear Ian chuckle, and give a wolf whistle to me. Then I feel a smack on my ass!

"Ian!" I shriek, and stand up. Ian smiles, and shrugs.

"It's only fair!"

"I didn't smack your ass!"

"...Kay. Go ahead then." Ian says in an amused voice. I groan, and grab some of the baking powder in my hand. I think of something quickly, and then smile evilly.

"Ian...C'mere...Babe." I say quickly in a seductive voice. Ian turns around, and smiles lazily.

"Yeah?" He asks, and puts his hands on my sides. I go on my tippy toes, and kiss him hardly. Then, I pour the baking powder over his head. He doesn't seem to notice, so I giggle.

"What?" He asks, parting a little. The powder tips and goes on the floor a little.

"Nothing!" I say, and pat his shoulder. He looked so weird with white powder all of his hair! I try not to laugh, but it's too funny. I giggle, but then quickly gasp. Uh oh.

"Okay, you're obviously not telling me something." Ian grumbles. I can't stop my laughter now, and laugh the other way Ian's standing so he won't see me.

"I'm just going to have to tickle you then." I hear, and I widen my eyes.

"NO!" I yell, but it's too late. I hear Ian's strong hands tickling my sides. I start yelping for help and and laughing uncontrollably.

"Ian! IAN! STOP!"

"You'll tell me?" He says, and stops tickling me.


"Av-ery..." Ian says in a threating voice, but humor overtakes his voice. His gray eyes glint with mischief.


"Why is there baking powder on the floor and your shirt?" Ian cuts me off, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Ohmygosh! What happened?!" I say in a fake surprised tone.

"What the..." Ian shakes his hair and baking powder erupts from his hair. I can see him thinking about how could that have ended up in his hair. Then something clicks.

"You put baking powder in my hair?" Ian asks. I shake my head no.

"No no. I think the baking powder likes you, and flew to your hair! Urgh, stupid baking powder ey?" I lie. Ian seems to know I'm lying, and shakes his head.

"Wait, Avery, come over here." Ian says seriously. I slowly walk towards him and wince when he raises his hand.

He's wouldn't slap me would he?

I guess Ian noticed this, and laughs.

"Turn around." Ian says.


"Turn around? Why?" I ask.

"Because when we were hugging I poured vanilla extract on you. I'm not as dumb as I look!" He says. I slowly touch my back, and see that my shirt is indeed watery.

"Ugh." I groan, and look at Ian.

"You're so weird."

"Hey hey hey, no name calling." Ian says, and mixes the cake batter some more. I laugh, and get to work on the next cake.

This was going to be a very long two hours.


So, yes, we had made the cakes. And we did it just in time, too. As Ian and I were taking the vanilla cake out of the oven, Mrs. Corlett came home.

"Hey kids." She says, and puts her purse down.

"Hi Mrs. Corlett."

"Hey mom." Ian says. Mrs. Corlett smiles as she looks at the cakes.

"Wow! You guys really did meet at baking class!" She says, clapping her hands happily. "And you guys made cake! Good job! Now go upstairs, because I need you out of the way." Ian chuckles.

"Love you too mom." He says, and grabs my hand. Mrs. Corlett's eyes jolt to our linked hands, to Ian, to me, then back to our hands.

"Get washed up, okay?" Mrs. Corlett says, still staring at Ian and my hands.

"Why?" Ian asks, ignoring her staring.

"Jones got a girlfriend. She's coming today." Mrs. Corlett explains. Ian guffaws.

"Pfft, really? What's wrong with her?"

"Ian." Mrs. Corlett says sternly. Ian shrugs, and takes me upstairs to his room.

"Okay, so after Ian's retarded girlfriend comes, we'll leave yeah?" Ian asks after he closes his door. I laugh when he says retarded.

"Yeah, okay." I agree, and start getting ready.

Wonder who it is!


Hey there(: Thanks for reading! Comment, yeah? Hahaha<3 Jk, you don't have to!

All of us: *Sneaking in the kitchen and looking at the cakes* Yumm.


All of us: AHHH!!!

Ian: *Chases all of us around the house*


Ian: *Catches all of us*

Me: ...Damn it.


Heh heh


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