Fantasy request

By msbeautifulnightmare

480 2 2


Fantasy request
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 *finish*

Chapter 5

27 0 0
By msbeautifulnightmare

We ended up spending the entire tutor lesson talking and I was starting to grow closer to him again, no matter how much I wanted to hate him I couldn’t. The bell went, signalling after school classes and clubs were to end. I stood and grabbed my bag. “See you tomorrow” I said before leaving without another work. I got out the school gates before the rain started to pour. I pulled my hoodie up and zipped up my jacket as I held it tighter around myself. I heard a car horn honk and turned around to see Sean’s car. He stopped just beside me on the road and opened his window. “Hop in, I’ll give you a ride” he said. I smiled and nodded thankfully before getting in the car. I rummaged through my bag but couldn’t find my keys. “Damn…” I muttered. “What’s wrong?” Sean asked from beside me. “I forgot my keys and no one will be home for hours” I frowned. “Well, come to mine and you can stay there until someone gets home, you can also change out of those wet clothes” he replied with a smile. “Ok, thanks” I replied with a slight smile. “No problem” he replied smiling back and parking when we got to his. I got out of the car and quickly followed him to the door.

He unlocked it as fast as he could and held it open for me. I stepped in and moved out of the way so Sean could get in and out of the rain. “Nice place” I smiled as I looked around. “Thanks” he replied with a small smile of his own. I followed him into the living room and stood slightly awkwardly as I waited for him to get me something to change into. He walked back down the stairs with a pair of boxer shorts and a t-shirt. “Thanks” I said taking them off of him. “The bathroom is just down the hall, second door on the left” he replied, I nodded showing I understood and walked down the hall and into the bathroom before I stepped in and closed and locked the door. I quickly changed into the clothes he had given me and took my wet clothes back out after I had tied my hair up. “I’ll put them in the tumble drier for you” he smiled taking them from me and adding them to his own clothes that were already in the drier. “Thanks” I smiled and followed him back into the living room. He sat down on the sofa and motioned for me to sit with him; I did so and looked around again before my eyes drifted to his shirtless torso. He really did have an amazing chest, he was well built and had well defined abs but I quickly tore my gaze from his torso and back around the room, not wanting him to see me staring.

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