Broken Together

By NiallsJournal

58.2K 1.7K 332

Sometimes our lives change when we least expect them to. We meet our best friends in when we're unprepared to... More

Chapter 1: Leave Me Alone
Chapter 2: Londons Teen Rehabilotation Center
Chapter 3: You Dont Love Me
Chapter 4: I Understand
Chapter 5: Just Talk
Chapter 6: Give Up On Me
Chapter 7: Just Trust Me
Chapter 8: Consequences
Chapter 9: What Did You Do
Chapter 10: Dirty Little Secrets
Chapter 11: Im Coming Home
Chapter 12: You Left Me
Chapter 13: I Could Be Safe
Chapter 14: Loving Through The Hate
Chapter 15: I Didn't Want This
Chapter 16: Tattoo Anyone?
Chapter 17: It Will Get Easier
Chapter 18: The World Stops Turning
Chapter 19: We'll Be Your Family
Chapter 20: Not Ready To Be Alone Again
Chapter 21: Home
Author/Character Q&A & Sequel?
Lost Boys||Sequel


1.9K 92 14
By NiallsJournal

"Niall we're on 15 you ready?" I turn around seeing Liam in my dressing room doorway

"Yeah I'll be there in a second" he nods and walks away

I grab my water bottle and start to walk out when my bracelet catches my eye. I look down at it reading over the fading print

Patient: Niall J. Horan
DOB: 9/13/93
Conditions: PTSD, Suicidal Depression, Claustrophobia
Patient Number: 27372916

17. I was 17. That was only four years ago but it feels like an absolute lifetime ago.

I'm not exactly sure why we still wear the bracelets. We all do. We all wear them and never take them off. Of overuse we have them adjusted so they actually can come off now but we never take them off.

I guess they're sort of like reminders of where we have been, of how far we have come, of the place where it all started. A reminder of our "humble beginnings" that keep us grounded.

I walk out making my way backstage already hearing fans screaming making a smile spread on my face.

I throw my guitar over my shoulder and stand in the lift with the boys. "Ready boys?" Our stage manager asks

"Always" Louis says smugly making us all laugh and roll out eyes

The lift goes up and the blinding light hits us and I immediately feel that rush of adrenaline move through out me that over the years I've become completely addicted to.

Screams ring in my ears and I smile walking out of the lift playing my guitar along to the music. I watch as the boys jump around happily. I look out into the crowd seeing every seat in the huge stadium filled with fans singing our songs back to us.

Never in a million year would I have pictured this to be the life I'm living. I never would have imagined seeing Harry so out going and no longer shy hiding behind Louis. Never would I have pictures Louis so willing to talk to anyone he met and not afraid of touching people. I never would have imagined Liam so in control the voices in his head no longer a daily struggle.

And myself Never Ever Ever would I have pictures myself with a mother and father who love me, a beautiful nephew or three of the greatest in the would whom I consider brothers. Mostly I would have never pictured myself standing on the huge stage in this massive stadium singing with my best friends in front of thousands of screaming fans.

I can't really explain how we ended up here. How we ended up so lucky cause I'm sure it's a vary long story and honestly I'm not entirely sure how we ended up here. Maybe it was by the crazy twist of fate we all ended up in that rehabilitation center together or our XFactor audition really did blow the whole world away like mom tells me it did or maybe it was the constant hard work for years that got us here, I honestly have no clue, but whatever it was I'm so damn grateful for it.

"Hello everyone! We're One Direction and we have a great show for you all tonight!" Harry starts talking to the crowd while I sit down on one of the ramps on the catwalk

I look out reading fans signs. My favorite ones are always the ones that say our 'stories' helped them in their own personal way. People know how we met. Of course they don't know the gory details of what went down before the Center or in the Center but to think every terrible thing we went through could help our fans in someway is an incredible thought.

People describe us four as "Broken" especially in interviews or articles bout us, they always say we're "Broken" people, that we come from "Broken" homes and "Broken" families. And maybe that's true maybe our pasts did break us and now we're just a band of four broken boys who are trying to pick back up the pieces of our broken lives. But I'll tell you one think about being broken. It's a hell of a lot easier to be Broken Together...

A/N: Well this is it! The final part of Broken Together! So this was a vary Carroty ending but oh well! I really hoped you guys enjoyed this book and share it with all your Directioner Friends! Please tell me your over all thoughts of the book I LOVE hearing you guys' feedback!

Also the Q&A chapter will be published as soon as I have enough questions from you all! Details about the Q&A in the Authors Note Chapter!

Also please vote for my books for the Fanfiction Awards! Details in the Authors Note chapter!

Also I'm so happy to announce that thanks to Horan3044 this book is available in Spanish!!!! So go check out Broken Together in Spanish on Horan3044 's account!!

Thank you guys so much for your incredible support and love for the this book since the day I started it, it seriously means the world to me! All the love always!!😘😘😘 ~HXx

Can't get enough of my books? Follow me on tumblr for bonus chapters and unpublished scenes from my books @NiallsJournal

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