Doodles And Drawings

By danofthedead2014

978 74 26

This is my doodles/announcement book that I mainly use to post drawings. (You may request one of you like) I... More

1) first entry
3) doodle page
4) excited babe
5) positive?
8) Carter
9) proud of the shading


182 10 3
By danofthedead2014

Ok so here I have a spoiler chapter for later in Pastel Clouds. If you don't like spoilers don't read it. I'll let you enjoy it if you want it though. Thank you for sticking around and reading / looking at anything on my profile. I hope you all like it.
(Also thats my old art Instagram if you're interested my new one is ze.queen.bean)


--- Austin's POV ---

Deckards sick today. He woke up this morning with a fever and he was ready to vomit. So I told him to stay in bed. I'd take care of the kids today so he could rest up and work on the album tomorrow.

I was making breakfast for Hasley and Alec who were off doing their own things. Hasley was playing with a doctor set we got for her a few days ago while Alec tried to color and be her patient at the same time.

"Alec! Alec! You need a shot! Or else you're gonna die!" She whisper yelled trying to be somewhat quiet in the morning.

"Hasley can I just finish this picture? Then I'll play doctor okay?" Alec asked. I could just see the pout she probably gave.

"But you're gonna die!" She whined. I heard Alec sigh and shift at the coffee table.

"Alright Doctor Hasley. Gimme the shot." He sighed. I heard the click of the fake shot and the small cheer of Hasley going 'all better.' I chuckled to myself as I finished cooking some bacon and set it aside.

"Poppa! Is daddy gonna get up soon?" Hasley asked pulling the base of my shirt. She jumped up and down in place, full of energy as always.  I bent down and picked her up setting her on my hip playfully ruffled her crazy orange curls.

"Sorry pumpkin. Daddy's not feeling good. You're stuck with me today." I chuckled. She grasped onto my shirt as I continued to cook eggs. Leaning over and peering at the cooking with wide brown eyes. She always thought the appliances were magic like we loved in The Wizarding World Harry Potter. Which just so happened to be her favorite movie. She loved Ginny.

"Poppa?" She asked pulling my shirt collar.

"Yeah Pumpkin?" I asked glancing at her.

"What's wrong with daddy?" She asked swinging her legs in the cute way kids do.

"He's just sick Kiddo. Once I finish this I'm gonna bring him some breakfast and check up on him if you want to help." I said. She nodded quickly as I chuckled setting her on the ground. She quickly ran over and grabbed a chair from the kitchens island, scooting it over to the counter and climbing to stand on it.

"Wash your hands." I said as she reached to grab a mug from the cupboard. She reached over the sink and did so quickly and held her hands out to me. I chuckled and grabbed the towel that hung from the oven and dried her hands.

"There you go m'lady. Now would you like to help?" I asked she giggled and nodded as I treated her like the princess she was.

"Alright you want to put the toast in?" I asked grabbing some of Deckards nasty whole wheat bread. Like really? Who likes whole wheat?

She nodded and took two pieces dropping them in the toaster and pushed the lever down. I placed some of the eggs for Decks on a plate and set the rest aside for the kids and I.

"Poppa! Poppa! Look!" I heard Alec cheer as he jogged up to me proudly showing me a color book picture he did.

"Wow! That's amazing Alec! We might have to frame this one!" I said holding the picture in my hand. It was a color page of Micky Mouse And Friends colored very well, as always. Alec beamed up at me a wide grin across his freckled face and a glimmer in his gray eyes.

"Hm. Too bad the art museums closed. We could have put it there. It's better than the Mona Lisa!" I rambled.

"Poppa I think the fridge is good enough." He said laughing. I widened my eyes in surprise.

"The fridge?!," I gasped and looked over dramatically at the post-it note, color page, covered freeze box.

"Are you sure? I mean, I'm sure the museum would take it on Monday." I said. He laughed and nodded as I took a alphabet magnet and pinned it to the fridge. Another color page to our growing collection.

"Poppa the toaster is over-magicing." Hasley stated. I turned around and saw the toaster billowing smoke.

"Agh! No no no." I hurried and popped the toast out as it sprung in the air I tried to grab it, but singed my fingers.

"Ow!" I yelled dropping the black bread to the ground. A ball of calico fur named meandered out and scurried up to the bread sniffing it but quickly decided even he wouldn't eat it.

"Darn cat. Can't even eat toast. This. Is why I wanted a dog." I grumbled shooing the cat and picking up the now bareably warm bread, tossing it in the trash.

"I'm sorry poppa." Hasley wimpered quietly. Her eyes glassed over. I looked over and crouched before her eye level with her.

"It's alright Pumpkin, daddy eats nasty bread anyway." I chuckled. She smiled at my little joke and wiped her eyes.

"Let's try again and not let the toaster over magic it. Okay?" I said grabbing two more slices.

"Poppa can I help?" Alec asked peering over the counter.

"Sure Bud." I said, handing the bread to Hasley letting her drop it into the toaster.

"Alright, I need you to go into the garden and find your dad some nice flowers, you know which ones he likes, right?" I asked. He nodded and rushed to the doorway throwing on his red jacket and light up sneakers he just learned how to tie; before rushing to the back door.

"Be careful!" I said as he ran past the doorway.

"I will!" He called before the back door shut.

"Okay Kiddo, you wanna make daddy's coffee?" I asked. She nodded as she opened the cupboard. No doubtably needing to pick the perfect mug for him before she even considered coffee.

"This one!" She cheered, handing me the shark mug we got in the mail a few weeks ago; (at Hasleys request.) I nodded and grabbed the things Deckard likes in his coffee; being creamer and sugar of course.

"Alright I'll pour the coffee in. Don't want you getting burned." I said pouring the dark liquid. I handed the creamer to Hasley who popped open the cap.

"Only a little alright? Daddy's not feeling good remember." I instructed watching as she carefully poured the cream.

"Poppa poppa look! It's all swirly!" She gapped watching the light and dark clouds swirl beautifully.

"Wow pumpkin! How'd you do that? I can never get it to swirl like that." I fake pouted. She smiled and grabbed a spoon for sugar.

"Only one scoop okay?" I said. She nodded and scooped the sugar into the mug stirring it carefully.

"All done!" She cheered handing me the mug.

"Good job Pumpkin." I said.

"Poppa!" I turned and saw Alec with a bouquet of flowers filling his small hands. Ranging from Black-Eyed Susans to Foxtail Lilies.

Yes I learned the names from Deckard don't judge me.

"Great job bud. Dad will love them." I said gently taking the flowers from him.

"Go put your jacket away alright. Then we'll check on dad." I said cutting the stems of the flowers and placing them into a glass vase. I poured a little water into the vase and handed it to Alec to carry while Hasley carried his coffee. I took his breakfast and we carefully walked to Deckard and I's room.
I carefully opened the door and looked in. Deckard sprawled across my side of the bed his arm hanging off the edge limply, showing his inked fore-arms. I chuckled at his disheveled brown hair that hung in his sickly pale face.

"Deckard?" I called. He stiffened and propped himself on his free elbow twisting slightly and allowing a crack to emit from his spine.

"Ew." Alec said to the crack.

"Cool!" Hasley cheered jumping a bit.

"Careful honey." I set placing a finger to the rim of the shark mug. Effectively making Hasley reconsider her action.

"Sorry." She whispered.

"It's alright." I replied.

"Hey..." Deckard groaned out peering over at us in the dimly lit room.

"Hey Darling. Look the kids and I got you some stuff." I said. Hasley bounded forward and jerked the shark cup forward.

"Look daddy I made you coffee!" She cheered. Deckard smiled and grasped the cups rim with his right hand then grabbing the handle with his left as usual.

"Thank you Pumpkin, that was really thoughtful of you." He said taking a sip.

"You did a good job." He said with a smile ruffling her curly hair. She smiled brightly and climbed onto the bed next to him and gave him a side hug, being her reach wasn't long enought to give him a full hug.

"Dad I got you some flowers from the backyard." Alec said setting the case on the night stand.

"Thanks Buddy. They look great." He said pulling Alec in for a quick hug.

"They're perfect." He said looking at the flowers, then glancing over at me smiling.

"Absolutely perfect." He stated again without breaking eye contact. I smiled and came over pecking his cheek.

"I got you breakfast. Khoshehk wouldn't eat the toast I burnt though." I said. He chuckled and gently grabbed my chin pulling me down to peck me on the lips.

"Thank you Love." He said taking the plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. He set his cup of coffee down and picked up the fork eating a few eggs. He smiled and set the fork down.

"Egg-celet." He said making a pun. I rolled my eyes and sat on the other side of Hasley.

"I hope you get better daddy." Hasley said breaking the silence.

"Don't worry baby, I'll be better tomorrow." He said patting her back.

"Oh, wait!" She said scooting off the bed and running down the stairs.

"Baby be careful!" I yelled, fearing my little princess would trip.

"I'll be careful poppa!" She yelled before bounding up the stairs. A few moments later she held her doctor set and ran into the bedroom. Deckard smiled and played along.

"Hello Doctor Hasley. Can you help me today?" He asked a smile growing across his face. Hasley smiled and dug into the play doctor bag and dug out the play needle.

"You will be all better before dinner if you take this." She said in a fake official voice.

"Oh, I don't know Doctor Hasley... I'm awfully scared of needles." He said furrowing his brows in fake worry.

"Hm." She pondered to herself. I smiled at how adorable she was.

"Oh, Poppa! Tell daddy it'll be okay! Like when we got our shots!" She said pulling my hand. I smiled and sat next to Deckard who smiled brightly for how sick he was feeling.

"Take the shot dear. It'll be alright." A said pecking his cheek. He smiled and looked at Hasley.

"If he says it'll be okay I suppose. Give me the shot Doctor Hasley." He said holding out an inked arm.

"Alright. It might hurt a little bit." She said pressing the rounded fake needle to Deckards skin.

"Ouch." He said in fake pain. Hasley dig into her kit and took out an average bandage placing it where she gave him the "shot."

"Thank you Doctor Hasley." Deckard said with a smile.

"You're welcome daddy!" She cheered giving him a hug.

"Now," she said getting back into character.
"Get lots of rest. And make sure you let Hasley stay up to watch scary movies with Alec." She said. I chuckled.

"I don't know. Maybe if Hasley is good today we'll let her stay up." I said she smiled and packed her doctor set and walked out the door.

"Hasley wait for me!" Alec yelled following her down the stairs.
Deckard chuckled and gave me another peck on the cheek.

"We did good, huh Austin..." He said leaning on my shoulder. I pulled him in and looked down the hall of our home.

"Yeah. We did." I said.

Suddenly a loud shatter was heard. I jumped, then sighed.

"So much for that." Deckard chuckled.

"I didn't do it!" Hasley called.

"Nuh uh! Poppa she's lying!" Alec yelled soon after.

"Am not!"

"I better get down there." I sighed getting up from the bed leaving Deckard.

"Love you." Deckard sarcastically yelled.

"Love you too Decks." I said as I waltzed down the stairs.

"Alright tell me the truth! Who did it!?"

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