LOVE SICK: The Chaotic Lives...

By iamLovesick

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Summaries of the last five chapters + Complete Chapter 61 + The 5 Special Chapters of Love Sick (Novel). Not... More

LoveSick: Chapter 61
LoveSick: Chapter 62
LoveSick: Chapter 63
LoveSick: Chapter 64 + 65
LoveSick: Final Chapter
For Readers :)
LoveSick:Special Chapter I
LoveSick: Special Chapter II
LoveSick: Special Chapter III
LoveSick: Special Chapter IV
LoveSick: Special Chapter V

LoveSick: Complete Chapter 61

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By iamLovesick

Chapter 61

Close to 8.30 p.m., it’s almost time to leave. Train is not late but …… Palm was late…. (Who ask you be so arrogant!) But impossible he caught up and just before the engine fires, he jump on board. That thing is not the school hurdles damn… Got reprimanded harshly by the staff members. So humiliating. Don’t tell anyone we know him.
You have to be responsible for your lateness to everyone and face the punishment! The minute he steps in, that welcoming senior from before dash over. That’s right. That’s the one forcing me to smell my armpit. An unpleasant experience float in my mind! Can I just forget that?
“Banana Orange!!!! Banana Orange!!!! Banana Orange!!!! Hahahaha” We can’t help to join in the cheers. Because what Palm will face next is seriously… Hahahaha I can’t hold back the laughter. Almost got thrown off by the train to underneath it. Yet this P still continues to sing apples, papayas, bananas and oranges. Forcing Palm to move towards a transgender, who’s mouthing “Banana Orange! Banana Orange! Banana Orange!” They prepared to force him to the end. Hahahahaha seems everything is fixed now. Palm has no choice but to join in their dances. Who knows, that huge figure came beside them, the more we see it, and the more pathetic he is. Hahahaha come on!!!!!!!
“Banana Orange!!!!” P is pressing hard on the other hand. Chuckles. We sat at the end of the cabin clapping away in jovial. Palm is planning to escape (hahaha). He avoids the big guy and dash straight in our direction, assuming we will save him. But for friends like us, we certainly get up to our feet and escape right away. (It was merely a matter of brotherhood). Palm at the moment is boiling with rage, and the entire cabin is reverberating his curses (Laughs). He takes a glance both ways, wishing he could bury himself in some cracks. Yet the big guy pounce over........................
... The innocent Phun is swept up in this.
Hahahahahahahhaha his face is totally blank! Everyone passing by please don’t miss this opportunity, hurry up and look here. That expression... can’t be put into words. Hahahaha. The eight of us (including Palm who just had a close shave) rolled on the floor in uncontrollable feats of laughter. That dude, in that particular scene, our Phun Pumipat simply enveloped by the big guy in a tight embrace. The air is overwhelmed with sound of bursting firecrackers and the din of clashing gongs and cymbals, fused with the cheers of everyone in the camping group (How brutal! Haha.)
“I want to dance ‘Banana Orange’ with this nong~” The big guy pleads, while the tightly grasped Phun come to his senses at last. He shakes his head in pity which send us laughing off our feet again. Finally when the other staff can’t stand to watch, they scrambled over to rescue Phun from the terrible situation. (What a close call!)
Phun, who finally got free, scrambled to the last row of chairs and sat down. But is still suffering from shock. Laugh. Guess he’s scared if he will run into mishaps again. Pong and I are still helping Palm (the one who escaped successfully) to drag the suitcase to the empty space in front. Just then, I saw Yuri sitting in this cabin as well, with her two - three friends beside. To be frank, there’s actually nothing strange about it. The seniors have buyout the same cabin for all students attending the camp leaving from Bangkok to Khon Kaen. I steal a few glances over at the familiar smiling face, who is sitting with her friends around some tidbits and chatting happily. Haha you’re the same, still can’t survive without tidbits. However the only change is.. I will never be in those eyes again.
I smack on my head hard to prevent further thoughts, and continue to help Palm shift the suitcase into the empty cabinet. Then walk to the end of the cabin and sit back at my place. Before long, piggy Pong can’t withstand further and take out bread and pineapple jam -_-…. Gosh.. making sandwiches on the noisy train, you’re something! I sighed in defeat. I’m craving for blueberry jam (Laugh..) But that’s all right, I can eat anything right now because I haven’t had any since this morning. Famished! Our sandwich party begins amidst the noisy train. Then a staff from the camp walk over with a lucky draw box in his hands.
What will it be? Thinking so, I put my hand in the box and start to feel around. The staff member reminds us again and again not to mention anything after the pick... Could it be some prank? With the question wavering in my head, I unwrap my paper. There’s the word ‘villager’ written in it..........
Is there anyone named ‘Villager’ here???.... I’m lost.
At last do I finally realise that’s not some prank games, rather the seniors want to play a game of Pop (flesh eating ghost). Sounds scary. But I can’t refuse either Y_Y The regulation of the game is everyone in the camp is prohibited to move, except for the person who picked ‘Pop’, and that person can tear up Villagers (for example me). If the Villager is roaming randomly alone (or to be more disastrous, your partner is a Pop), the seniors will send ‘Kill’ command to those already have their nametag torn (so scaryyy). The one who was torn by the Pop is denounced to be ‘Dead’ Y____Y As an ordinary Villager, do I have the life to last this camp! However, don’t think the Pop is better off. Because other than Villager and Pop, there is another one that can kill the Pop called Shaman. If he sees the Pop roaming randomly, hehe…. But who’s the Shaman? I’m sticking with you till the end, not moving an inch! With that thought, I glance over at Phun with hope.
“Phun ............. What’s yours ......”
“Hehe ..........” This chuckle makes me shudder… seeing his awkward face, my hope turns anxious.
“What? Bastaaarrrrrd. I swear I won’t tell anyone!” If he is the same as me, we can at least move together. But if he’s the Pop.. Damn I better run. But… but... what if he’s the Shaman……..
I’m so going to fucking loveeeeeeee you!
“Not telling!” Shit…. fuck!!!!! It’s the camp here, do you still take it as the student council? Why are you so rigid! I throw him a death stare, but he’s still not showing me his paper.
“Fuck you! You’re definitely Pop. I’m not staying with you here!”
“Heh…. Do you think you will be safe staying with someone else?” Oh yeah…. I starts wondering if it’s better for me to just jump out from the train. Why do I have to play such a scary game? Better I just jump down. Anyway I can’t die from that. I’ve researched, the speed of train is not even 180km/3month. Hehehe, such slow speed, must have been powered from wind.
“Fuck you!!!!! What about you guys? Come let me take a look!” Almost forget these guys are here too. Another danger alert! Now, I’m terrified. Ohm, who is sitting back, starts to create trouble again. I immediately grab my paper and throw it out of the window.
“Not telling!!!!! Get lost!” I’m insane to tell you!
Ohm can only chuckle and breaks into sneer. “Can it be ......... you better don’t tell me hehehe…” Damn shitttttttttt…
Friending Ohm is more tiring than thought sometimes.
Our camp group played games leisurely with the staff members (we’re just doing what the seniors are asking us to do). Time past (no sign of stopping), and I start to suspect the water given to us is not just plain water, but 300 cans of RedBull Xtra! Finally the seniors let us rest! Yay! (You guys must have been too tired to continue). Yet if you’re staying with Ohm, don’t even think about resting well. Right after the senior’s words, he........
Take out a deck of cards and starts playing!!!!!
How can I let him do such things!!! Not sitting quietly in train, still think of playing poker! I smack him hard right on his head, and distribute the cards myself (Hah…) What? Can’t I?! Ohm is a cheater! How do you think we can be if you do it instead!
We simply ignore the rules and make lots of noise. Palm mentioned too, that the police can’t catch up with us as the train is moving. Even if they were to catch us, we are already outside their jurisdiction. That’s my friend.. acting like a genius at dumb things like these.
We almost finish playing all the ways of poker that this tiny space could accommodate. Pok Paet Pok Kao, Poker, Gop Dam Gop Daeng and Kaoke Dummy. The penalty is drink water. But the last game is the most hilarious! Because Eoen keeps on drinking water, drink and drink! Until his bladder is about to burst, and it’s the peak time for toilet break. So he...... stand along the corridor to pee out of the train! Haha.
Just as I mentioned this, Pong and Nant went to release themselves too. Saying it’s not worm but dragon spitting fire. Fuck!!! Too exaggerated! Perhaps my curiosity got the better side of me, Phun smack my head twice. (Damn!) Why are you smacking only me! Ohm, Palm, Jook.. which one of them is not desperate!!!
We laugh along for a long time, while the train stops to pick up students from other school to join the camp together. By the time we arrive at Khon Kaen, it’s almost 5 p.m.
Once we reached stop, the seniors gathered everyone and send all of us on the bus. The bus will send us to the school accommodating us, where we will spend our 3 days 2 nights…. That’s right. You hear me right. We are sleeping in school, not hotel Y___Y
It’s not so bad. Although the place is incomparable to our school in Bangkok (especially private schools like ours), it’s not too poor. At least there is still water and electricity available, as well as signals. There’s no problem calling home at all (By the way, why haven’t I seen the toilet…)
The bus drove us away from the train station and send us to somewhere that is super-duper far away from the city. This takes up 2 hours. Although it’s already very late by the time we arrive at our destination, there are still full of people waiting for us at the entrance to the village. Even Ohm who’s complaining the whole journey shuts seeing this sight. The villagers enduring mosquito bites and wait for us regardless how late it can get.
The villagers serve us steamy fragrant rice, and add in plenty of minced meat! (All restaurant in Bangkok will never do such things). All of us had two bowls of rice and were chased by the seniors to pack our things upstairs. Because it’s activity time (Why do we still have to do activities when it’s close to 10p.m.!?)
We went up to the second floor of the school with bloated stomachs (due to the porridge, not any gluttonous feast) and walk to our so-called bedrooms (This school is constructed with wood and there’s only two storeys) which are segregated into male and female. While walking past the female bedroom, I spot Yuri unwrapping her things at the side. But she didn’t look at me standing outside the door. On the other hand, the girl, whom I simply can’t recall her name (just knew it’s someone from the band in the Convent) give me a smile so wide it’s going to break her face. I have no choice but to return a nod and exchange greetings.
I heave a long sigh and trudge my way into the male bedroom. I put down my bag and place it next to Ohm’s bag that has the school crest embroiled.......... But why does it seem so flat!?
“Fuck!!!!! What the fuck did you bring!?”
He uses a jackass tone to shrug me off. “Clothes for 3 days 2 nights. Shirt 4 pieces and pants 2 pieces. Can wear them again too. Hehehe…” Tsk disgusting! But that’s not the main point.
“Just............ share with you then. Hahahahahahahaha.” Asshole!!!!!! Exposing your shameless nature once again!!!! Go find a tree and rub against it. Don’t you dare to think about using mine! Going to leave my towel wet after using it for me to clean myself? What kind of friend are you!!
"Fuck! I’m showering first this time! What the bloody else have you not brought!?”
“Ohh…. I brought my toothbrush hehehe.” Except for that, you’re all using mine again right. What a sight you are. I lift my fist wanting to beat him until he goes back. But another friend stop me.
“Damn. Why are you two still biting here! Hurry up go down now. The seniors are calling.” Damn another troublemaker! We are human beings not dogs! I turn my head towards Pong and Nant and snarled at them. The two of them wreck my plan. Phun and the rest must have gone outside waiting (so annoying..)
Ohm fish out his handphone from his bag and put it inside his pants pocket. Then says,”Er go. By the way I’m going to fucking put on this name tag. Fuck… this colour makes me want to trample it every time I see it!” Laughs. His expression almost killed us in laughter. At the thought of this vicious pink hanging over his neck, it’s going to be the most stunning beauty in this world!
Palm who had blue name tag stabs again. “Isn’t it great? Who tops who bottoms, it’s clearly evident.. Hahaha.” Hahahahaha everyone take a look at Ohm’s face, it’s ghastly beyond words.
We cheer as we head down the stairs. Seeing that homo pink makes us feel great. But we’re no match for his thick skin. “Oh oh that’s right! Red is definitely bottom.. I know that.” Not bad huh, asshole! But where have I provoked you!!
I shrug pretend not to care and continue attacking. “Fuck you stop changing to topic to Eoen, bastard!”
“I’m cursing you. You’re the one changing topic!” Oh is that so! Hahaha. I rub my head which suffered a smack from Ohm and we argued and teased while making our way to the centre of the school.
We scrambled to the meeting place. How great. Only ceilings and no wall. Completely exposed for mosquitoes to feed. I start getting itches all over…
“Aww!!! Sit according to your colour!! Yellow sit there, pink sit there, purple sit there, and blue sit next to yellow. See that? As for red, sit on the right hand side of the stand!” Ok… I’m dizzy -_-… I scratch my head and finally see a group of red. Damn.. There’s a whole stretch of red at that corner (practicing politics?) We will be long dead if we do that for real..
“Er I’m going then.” Ohm shouts and head to his pink army (I can clearly spot that girl from the band in Convent whom I can’t recall her name sitting there as well). Pong and Nant also found their purple group. As for Palm and Jook, they are amongst the blue…
“Then… I’m going now… Take care of yourself.” Phun stays by my side unwilling to leave, and turns over to whisper to me. His face is so disappointed, while smiling at Eoen, before following Peet go the yellow team. Yuri is there too…
I can sense once again that joining the camp with us will make her feel very awkward.
I take a deep breath and follow Eoen to the stretch of red. I can recognise none. Perhaps I’m seriously too pessimistic, to the extent of forgetting who I have followed after (Hah…)
Who else can it be other than the Cheer Leading president Eoen! Hmm… before we settled down, the waves of girls screaming washed over us. Many of them attended the soccer tournament this year. I had known some of this dude’s fame last time. The thought vehement me. Eoen only show up once, unlike me who attends annually. Holy shit. No one notices me. All the cheers and screams are for this Cheer Leading president. Heh… you better remember this!
We exchange greetings while doing introductions. (Now then I knew our group has 30 people, 12 male, 8 katoey and 12 female. What a great number…) Who else is more competent for the leader position other than Eoen who had arranged the cheer leading performance this year at the soccer tournament. (All the girls agree. Tsk. That’s because you didn’t compare him with the Music Club president. Laughs). The seniors ask the leaders of each group to introduce themselves. After all of them got on stage, I realise that our school excel exceptionally in nurturing leadership. Because other than our Cheer Leading president, the Student Council Secretary also became the leader for the yellow group (Oh what a beauty favouring world.. I knew it.)
After the leaders of each group have finished their introductions, it marks the start of various games. Basically I have played all these before. Be it breaking through the walls (The players are assigned two colours and both side have to grab the colour from fortress of the opponent team. The team that gets the most colour wins the game); or mime game (imitate the action of the first person in the line in each group.. damn… which house send a katoey out, the actions are too much. I’m too embarrassed.); or amoeba rock-paper-scissors (start with rock-paper-scissor, the loser is a rabbit. The level advance from chicken, monkey, human, superman respectively and downgrade accordingly. If you are already a rabbit, when you lose you have to act like an amoeba. We have to guess who the amoeba will be, or else…. Even if someone like me were to guess right, there’s no use at all Y___Y Damn! Why am I so unlucky! After the game ends, I am dragged on stage to act as an amoeba before everyone. Just because the seniors fancy my cuteness when acting -_-"... Spare me please! So humiliating! Right now everyone from the camp calls me Noh-moeba.. Goodness gracious. My name is Noh please! Do you get it!?) Other than that, there’re still other games that I’m not going to elaborate at all. Anyway, I almost burnnnnnnt out. Even the reception is out of breath. (Just like army training.) The senior finally dismissed everyone, and we thought that’s a sign for bed. Little did I know the host introduce the grand finale game!?
“Hey!!!!!! Nongs are tired right! (Everyone shouted “Yes!!!”) How can I let you guys go back and sleep (sigh........) but worry not it’s not going to be tiring! Because the next game each group only have to send two representatives. Leader with anybody else. Out, please!”
Oh....... our leader…. That’s Eoen…. Who can he pick other than....... the… unlucky me -_- The rock-paper-scissors game already gave me a big disgrace. What other trouble is he going to create now! I scratch my head and walk with Eoen reluctantly. Then met Phun and his partner (who’s that… I have never seen before. Why didn’t he come with Peet? Are you still my friend… oh… that guy is dozing by the pillar. Damn much.) Sigh. Why do I have to complain with brackets.. I’m just saying at the sight of Phun and his partner, my fighting spirit is ignited. Hah! Bring it on! I dare to challenge the student council. Although I’m no match for you in terms of studying, but you’re never going to win me in this low IQ game!!! I twitch my eyebrows at him in provocation. Yet he shrugs his shoulders and look away. Totally ignoring as his opponent.
Don’t get arrogant!! I’m going to get you later!
“The rule of the game goes like this. Each team consist of two person, they have to use a part of their body to transport the ping pong ball from the basket in front of me to the bucket on P’Wan side. Is that clear? To be fair, we will draw lots to decide which team should use which part of their body.
I smack the mosquito on my arm while listening to the seniors explain the rules. By the time I lift up my head, a ballot box is placed before my eyes. (It’s exactly the box for Pop game, which gives me creeps). Each team starts to draw lots accordingly. Blue team got forehead, yellow team (Phun’s) have to use their body (so hard), purple got shoulder (so hard too)… at last it’s my turn. I have butterflies in my stomach for fear of drawing something as difficult as Phun’s team… And we got........
With mouth!
Horray!!!!!!! Piece of cake!! I can’t help exclaiming ‘YES’! This is wonderful, whereas Eoen seems very shocked.
“Hey. What’s the matter with you?” Tired maybe?
“Ohhh nothing…” Eoen come to his senses while beads like sweat form on his forehead. So hot? It’s already late into night and I’m getting some chills. “Are you glad?” Shock! What kind of weird question is that?
“Ahh! Of course I’m glad! Isn’t it easy to use mouth? Much better than the yellow and purple team. Why not!” I start to worry if my thoughts were wrong?? Eoen’s face tells a lot. But after hearing my words, he shakes his head at once and replies, “Not…thing. As long as you're fine I’m fine too…. Hehe” Hmm. What a weird person…. I furrow my eyebrows and glance at him, but there’s not much time to think, because the whistle has sounded.
Beep beeeeep!!
Drums and cheering starts at the sound of the whistle. We frantically pick the ping pong ball with our mouth, Eoen bite one side while I bite the other. The both of us advance slowly to the bucket 20metres away from us.
What are those group of girls and staff cheering about! Eoen and I are merely trying to balance our ball. Yet each time we pick them up, the roar of scream will get louder (why so cooperative) -_-||… what the heck.. What evil things are girls thinking nowadays? I was forced to make-believe with someone, and then now became the subject of fantasies. Damn….!! I’m grumbling inside and have to hold back my laughter while meeting Eoen’s eyes, and advance balancing the ball with him face-to-face.
“Not much time is left!!!!!!!! 10! 9! 8! 7!”
Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh damn! Why does Phun’s bucket have so many more than us. Obviously they’re winning!!! Can’t be! Shit! Eoen and I ae going to be the laughing stock as Phun’s defeat. So it’s time to buck up and salvage our pride.
Faster!!!!! Eoen and I pick the balls one by one, as we race with time to drop them into our bucket. The ball is slipping out of our mouth and going to drop soon. This calls for an emergency, which leads to our mouth inching closer and closer with each bite.
Just a bit more… reaching soon…soon...... reached!!!!! Bingo!!!!!!!! Eoen and I had drop the ball in the nick of time just before the whistle goes off. It’s about to drop off initially, and we hastily drop the ball when we reach the finish point. Eoen and my lip accidentally touch each other..
We stare at each other blankly until the game ends. All that is left are the cheers from everyone.. Seems like no one notice what just happened between Eoen and I. Everyone’s attention are focused on their own team, cheering the end of the game… To be frank, I was shocked when that happened. But if you ask me do I care about it, I’m afraid… there’s seriously not time for that.
“The victory is........ pink team!!!!! Followed by red team! The third place goes to yellow team!!!!!”  That’s what I care about! YESSSSSSSSSS! No matter what it is, I have defeated Phun. Hahahaha!!! Damn great! I rejoice up and down like a monkey. And the people cheering for us, are exclaiming excitedly using the speaker, while not forgetting to tease the other team! Haha. You guys should think about who claim this victory for you!
I ran around hugging every team member (so excited as if winning world cup). All the other students rejoice with us. Just then, I finally senses Eoen’s exceptionally quiet behaviour… Although smiles are still hanging on his face, that pair of eyes seems strange.
“What’s wrong Eoen? Not happy!?” I squeeze through the crowd (it’s almost time for bed yet everyone is rejoicing in a victory ceremony! Aren’t you guys tired!?). I walk beside Eoen and gently give his shoulder a pat. Not knowing it scare the hell out of him. Did you lost your soul?
“Er Noh…. About just now… I’m really sorry… I didn’t mean to do that.” What???? What the heck… oh… seriously….
I have almost forgotten about that. I didn’t even think anything out of that. It’s just an accident. An accident is an accident. Furthermore it’s something so trivial. Anyway it’s not on purpose.
“What!! Why are you thinking so much? Did you take me as a girl or something? Seriously…. I didn’t take it serious. Whatever! Come on, let’s dance. Don’t let your Charlie dance alone. He’s so lonely hahaha.” I’m referring to the one of the member in the group of katoeys obsess with Eoen called Charlie. (If you look at his Identification Card, he’s called Suchadi). He’s from an all-boy school as well but his pants is black. Charlie leeches on Eoen and need him to help feed, drink, pee and sleep. (Charlie is huge built and much bulkier than Eoen). Eoen avoids him at all cost. Speaking of which, Charlie is really humorous, and we love to play with him.
Normally if I were to tease him with this, he will knock my head to relief his awkwardness. (You have that? Haha) But this time round he’s not saying a single word.. That pair of eyes staring straight at me, making me nowhere to escape.
“But I can’t be like you not thinking anything… you know that.. you know my feelings towards you..” Eoen reminds me with his deep low voice. His tone sounds soft yet firm as graphite…. I not for this reminder, I will have forgotten about it completely.. But why are you bringing this up? I meet his firm gaze and sigh escapes my mouth.
“Eoen… From the first day I’ve known you till now, my feelings towards you are the same.. I’m.. still treating you as a friend like before. And I will continue to treat you as a friend.” Even though these words can’t brighten your mood, it’s my real thoughts inside. After that, my face break into a bright smile and pat hardly on shoulder. I think I love doing that.
“Why this face? You’re lucky to be my friend. See, if someone else kiss me, I will tear up his mouth. I’m telling you these because I take you as my friend so don’t think too much! Even if I were to be kissed again by you, my mind won’t change. Not angry and not hate, OK!”
I told him half-jokingly and finally made him smile a little. But why does my back feel chilly…. I furrowed my eyebrows and look back, only to meet with..
… Phun Phumipat. Standing behind me not moving an inch. He eyed both of us with a not so friendly look, turned his head and walked away.
Come back here… Don’t just leave after hearing halfway!

*I own nothing except for sharing it here to others. So before I post the special chapters, ive decided to post this complete chapter 61 first. And sorry if there are alot of typos, or some wrong grammar. Its like that when the file was shared to me. Since its not mine, i didnt edit it at all.

Next post, special chapter of Phun and Noh ❤

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