The Demon Within

By BlondePower10

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In the ages of the samurai, an Empire uses its samurai to ensure their secure rule. The only threat to the Em... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Three

333 19 2
By BlondePower10

"You ready to go yet?" Mei looked up and saw Setski standing at the doorway with a bag thrown over his shoulder, an annoyed expression plastered on his face. She finished putting on the robe that was way too big for her and tied her blonde hair up into a ponytail, matching Setski's look. Setski was fourteen years old now, but he was starting to look more and more like Hintani. She ran over to Setski and both of them started out towards the town. They were low on food and other various supplies so it was about time they took a trip into the village's marketplace. Mei had always been excited about going with Setski, since it gave her the chance to actually go outside.

"Just stay by my side okay?"

"I know the routine, Setski. I won't talk to anyone either," Mei said, looking sadly at the ground. The fact she had to hide herself made her irritated. Setski told her about what had happened with her father and how the elites were after her. It was eight years ago when those men came for her and she thought by now they would have forgotten about her. However, a couple days ago the Emperor's men came into the village looking for a lost girl. It was Mei's idea to disguise herself as a boy. She didn't have much of a figure yet and if she rubbed dirt all over her face, she could pull it off. Mei had difficulty talking Setski into it, but she was finally able to get him to accept the idea. They made their way into town and towards one of the least crowded stalls. Setski pulled out his pouch full of coins and gestured to Mei to stay put as he went inside. Mei just stood on the outside of the stall watching the people pass by. She liked people watching, since she was never able to see how a normal life was actually like. All Mei got to see was the basement during the day and the house during the night. But sense she could pull off the disguise of a boy, she figured she would have no trouble convincing Setski into letting her outside more.

Mei turned her head to the side and saw the elites from the capital walking a few feet down, but they were paying no attention to her. Instead they were bullying a young boy who had apparently stolen something from them. Mei watched as they shoved the boy up against a wall and started beating him with the hilt of their swords. Anger started to rise inside of Mei, but knew she could do nothing about it. It annoyed her the elites could do whatever the hell they wanted just because they were the Emperor's men. The Emperor sounds like a pretty messed up guy, Mei thought to herself. Mei forced herself to look away from the elites, knowing she didn't need to draw unwanted attention to herself. The last thing she needed was to have those elites breathing down her neck. She could hear the young boy start to cry out, and Mei bit her tongue hard, drawing a little bit of blood. Something inside of Mei told her she shouldn't just sit around and let that happen. She stood up from her lean and was about to head down that way when an arm grabbed her shoulder, pulling her back.

"Don't think about it," Setski said as he came back out of the stall, releasing Mei's shoulder.

"What?" Mei asked, looking away from him.

"Don't get involved with the capital. I know it looks bad but there is nothing we can do. They have swords and we don't. Plus you don't need to draw attention to yourself."

Mei looked over at him with a sly smile. I bet I could wield a sword, she thought.  Swords don't win every battle, you know. She grabbed one of the bags Setski had brought out and they started making their way back to the house. She struggled lifting the bag, but she knew she lacked the physical strength boys had. She was strong, just not as strong as she would have hoped. As she followed Setski back, her mind drifted back to the elites and the young boy they were bullying. It always occurred to Mei the elites were supposed to protect the people, not torture them. Something is wrong with the world, Mei thought bitterly. She shook her head violently, trying to get the idea out of her head.

"What's that look for?" Mei looked up and saw Setski looking over his shoulder at her, a small smile on his face.

"Those elites really irritate me," Mei said with a huff. Setski started laughing and Mei smiled. Mei walked a bit faster so she could walk right beside Setski. She looked up at him, expecting him to say something.

"That's how the world is at the moment. Elites are at the top along with the Emperor. As commoners, we can do nothing about how we get treated."

"It's still wrong," Mei argued. "They act like they can do anything they want."

"Well, they can Mei. They belong to the Emperor. But I don't think they're all bad. They protect us from demons, you know."

"That's what the clans are for," Mei said haughtily. "Besides, demons don't pick on everybody."

"Heh, I guess that's true, since they mostly like to pick fights with people who can fight back. The clans do the dirty work for the elites, which can make the elites irritable."

"Doesn't seem fair to me," Mei mumbled.

"Life isn't always fair," Setski said smiling down at Mei. Mei kept walking in silence, taking in what Setski said. In Mei's opinion, they were far better off without elites.

As they neared the house, Mei caught sight of a horse standing off to the side, its reins tied to the fence surrounding the house. Setski put his hand on her shoulder and they both stopped. Mei's stomach tightened with the thought that it could be one of those elites whom she had seen in the marketplace. Observing closer, she spotted a flag on the side of the horse, and recognized it to be the Shin Clan's insignia. Mei dropped the bag, which landed on Setski's foot, and ran towards the house, ignoring Setski's yells. She burst through the door and saw a samurai, hands on his sword, turning to look at her. His eyes were cold and his face was expressionless. He drew his sword and pointed it at her, as if he intended to run her through. Mei froze and studied the man, her heart nearly stopping in her chest. She looked at the man up and down, taking in the small details. The black hair, the hazel eyes and the Shin Clans insignia. There was only one other person Mei knew who looked identical to Setski.

"Hintani?" Mei cautiously asked. The man lowered his sword and looked at her with confused eyes. Just then Setski rounded the corner and saw the man, and his face twisted into a smile.

"Hintani is that you?" Setski asked excitedly. The man's eyes darted towards Setski, then back to Mei. His eyes hardened and the grip on his sword tightened to where his knuckles were turning white.

"Setski, where is Mei? Where is mom?"

Setski smiled and shut the door behind them and then gestured to Hintani for them to go into the back room. Mei eagerly followed and stood at the doorway as Hintani and Setski sat down on the cushions surrounding the table. Hintani placed his sword at his side, then crossed his arms, waiting for Setski to start explaining.

"That is Mei," Setski said, pointing at Mei. Hintani looked from Mei to Setski, his eyes narrowing. "Sorry we weren't here to greet you, we had to go to town and—"

"What the hell were you thinking taking Mei into town?" Hintani hissed furiously at Setski.

"I'm not going to just leave her here with the capital's swordsman running around," Setski said, his eyes narrowing at Hintani. "They're everywhere nowadays!"

"Hintani it was my idea," Mei said calmly, placing her hand on her chest to emphasize the point. Hintani looked over at her. "I wanted to help out so I disguised myself as a boy. It works out for now so I won't stop until it gets really obvious. I get tired of being locked in that basement anyway."

"Did mom agree to this?" Hintani said scowling. Silence filled the room. Hintani looked at both of them but he was unable to read their faces.

"Mom's gone, Hintani," Mei said quietly, the sadness filling her voice to where it cracked.

"What?" Hintani said bewildered. "What happened?"

"It was that demon Ryou," Setski snarled. Hintani slowly turned to look at Setski, anger bubbling up inside of him. "It was about a year ago, he came to take Mei away, saying it was payment for helping us all those years ago. When mom reminded him he took dad away as payment, he slit her throat. Then he just left, saying he did his job and he would get the results later. He cut down mom right in front of Mei."

"That bastard," Hintani growled. He closed his eyes tightly and gripped his sword. Once again, Hintani was unable to do anything against that demon. Hintani looked slowly over at Mei, whose eyes were on the floor. Could that demon have figured out something about Mei? Hintani looked to Setski, who slowly nodded his head. Hintani's eyes widened, fear starting to grip the pit of his stomach. If that demon did, then we are in a deeper hole than I thought we would be in. I'm going to have to end this quickly, Hintani thought. Hintani turned his attention to Setski, determination sparking in his eyes.

"Where did he go afterwards?" Hintani asked.

"Towards the mountains to the back of the village, but I doubt he's there anymore," Setski said. Mei looked from Hintani to Setski. She watched as Hintani stood up and started walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Mei asked.

"I'm on a mission, Mei. That's why I came back. I'm sorry I can't stay longer."

"You're leaving already?" Mei asked, her eyes widening. "Hintani that's just rude!"

"I have to let my clan know. We have orders to kill this particular demon."

"But you just got here," Mei said sadly, her eyes starting to fog up from the tears.

"Don't worry Mei, I'll be fine. I'll be back before you know it," Hintani said gently. Mei was still unhappy about it, but she said nothing more, knowing it would only upset Hintani more.

"Can you at least stay for tea or something? Let us know how everything is going?" Setski questioned, getting up from his place on the cushion.

"I'm afraid I can't. The sooner we eliminate this demon the better." Mei snorted, angry that Hintani had to leave after she hadn't seen him in years. Mei knew it was his job, but she didn't like not seeing him. Sighing heavily, Mei followed Setski and Hintani out the door. She watched as Hintani mounted his horse and, adjusting his belongings, turned to go. Hintani looked back at Mei and smiled.

"Take care of yourself Mei. Watch out for Setski as well."

"I always do!" Mei called out, waving as Hintani turned and raced away down the path. Her hand dropped to her side, memories resurfacing when Hintani would come home and teach her and Setski swordplay and tell them stories of his adventures. Mei wanted desperately to be a part of Hintani and Setski's world, a world where she didn't have to hide her identity and could walk around freely. A world that wasn't as messed up as this one was. Mei wanted nothing more than to know how the world use to be before the Emperor ruled this land. She was tired of seeing the inside of the house when she knew a whole world was out there to see, and she was the only one who couldn't be a part of it. Mei watched as the dust faded from the path and Hintani's figure disappear into the trees, without knowing this would be the last time she ever saw Hintani again.  

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