To Be Away From You

By Yourlostlove

7.8K 346 287

Megan and Sarah are twins. They were inseparable but now, there seems to be arguments between the two all the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 4

361 29 22
By Yourlostlove


As promised :3  I uploaded! so ive decided to leave a random question at the end of every chapter I upload so that i can see what you guys think :) The question is in the end of the chapter, please answer :D 

Hope you enjoy this chapter! 


I couldn't think anymore. All sounds faded and my vision started to blur with tears. Calm down Megan, take a deep breath. Mum said he is fine now. 

Taking a shaky breath, I looked up to see Eric trying to comfort me. "I'm sorry, I overreacted. Mum called, and she said that Grandpa is in the hospital but that he is fine now. I still don't know why grandpa is in the hospital though."

"Don't apologize. It's okay to be worried. We're almost at the hospital and Mrs. Blake did say that he is fine now didn't she? I'm sure everything is fine now Meg." he said patting on the small of my back.

"We're here." Eric announced. Soon, I was running through the hospital corridors with Eric following close behind trying to keep up. As soon as we reached the door to the room in which my grandpa was, I knocked softly and entered. What I saw inside calmed me down immensely. My parents were there laughing and talking to my grandpa and another man whom I could vaguely recognize. Grandpa looked healthy and it was hard to figure out what was wrong with him until I saw his right leg propped up and bandaged. 

"Meggie! Eric! It's great to see you two!" My grandpa exclaimed pleasantly. Everyone turned around and smiled at us. I gave a small wave and smile, making my way next to the bed in which grandpa was resting. 

"Grandpa, I was so scared! What happened?" I asked him holding one of his hands.

"Oh, I was just climbing down the ladder in a hurry and slipped. It's nothing big, just a minor sprain honey."

"Does it hurt?"

"No, now that you're here, I can't even feel it." he winked at me. I smiled warmly at him when mum said "Honey, I'm so sorry for scaring you. I didn't know anything except that grandpa had fallen down but I was just too stressed out so I forgot to tell you."

"It's okay mum, I understand. Did you call Sarah too?"

"Yes, in fact, she should be here any minute now."

I nodded and giving grandpa a kiss on his cheek, made my way towards my parents and the man. My dad said to me, "Megan, this is Robert McLaren. He has been my best friend since the 1st grade. You remember him don't you?" 

Robert McLaren. I knew about him. My parents would talk about him sometimes, and dad would tell us about their times together when they were little. From what my parents had told me, I knew that he was a very sweet and kind hearted person. I had met him when I had been 5 years old, so the memory was vague.

"Hello Mr. McLaren, it's a pleasure seeing you again after so long!"

"The pleasure is mine, Megan! Please, call me Robert." Robert replied in an English accent.

"Megan, Emily and I were just talking to Robert about you moving away for a temporary time. Robert has offered to let you move in with his family in Miami. They moved to Miami from London last year. Would you like to move in with them honey?" dad asked me.

"We would love to have you with us Megan. I will have everything necessary taken care of in the house. I'm leaving the day after tomorrow to return to Miami so if you want to move in, you could always come home with me." Robert said very sweetly. 

I knew Robert was daddy's longtime friend and that both mum and dad trusted him as well as his family.

"Robert, I'd love to move in with you in Miami!" 

"That's great! I will discuss the arrangements with your father then." Robert told me.

"Okay, well I have to go now, Bye!" I called out as I held Eric's hand and dragged him away from there. We had to get to school soon.


It was finally lunch recess and for the first time, our table was silent. I looked at Eric and he cleared his throat. 

"Megan, I'll miss you so much! What will we do without you? It's not that Eric isn't a good friend but he is still a guy. Oh Megan, I can't believe you're going!" For the first time Lisa whined. Lisa Bass WHINED at me with tearful eyes. 

"Megan, school won't be the same without you. We will miss you a lot!" Nicholas said to me.

"Come back soon, and don't forget to keep in touch. We'll miss you!" Louis told me. 

I gave them all a grim smile and said "I'm going to miss you all a lot! But it's a temporary move and I will be back soon again so that we can get done with our final year of high school together guys. You know I love you all. You can't get rid of me this easily, I'll be back!" 


School was finally done for the day. I slowly made my way towards the parking lot where Eric said he'd meet me. Looking around, I tried to remember every little detail I could of my school hallway before going to a new school in Miami. I walked out to the parking lot to see a few cars around. I spot Eric leaning against his sleek Mercedes with his hands folded against his chest. 

"Eric!" I called out and as soon as he saw me, his face lit up. I quickly walked to him and got in the car. Eric was a gentleman; he would always hold open the car door for me. 

Once he got seated and started driving, I reached over and put some music on. A song I wasn't familiar with started playing. I bobbed my head up and down to the beat as Eric smiled.

"How was your last day of school in New Hampshire?" he grinned at me. 

"Hey, don't say it like that. I'll be back soon mister, but school was nice. I'm going to miss this place!" 

"And I'm going to miss you." he said to me. 

"I'm going to miss you too Eric." I told him honestly. 

It was only a 5 minute drive from school to my house so we reached home soon. Once we got to my driveway, he parked the car behind my own white convertible and we walked in. 

"My room, race ya!" I called as I dashed up the stairs.

"Not fair! You started running before even telling me!" Eric called from a few steps behind me. Laughing, I ran into my room with Eric just a step behind me. 

"I win! Loser!" I childishly stuck my tongue out at Eric.

"Oh you did not just call me a loser!"

"Yes I did!" I laughed and watched as a sly grin covered Eric's face. Without warning he tackled me down and pinned me, holding two of my hands over my head with his one hand while tickling me with the other. I squirmed and wiggled trying to get out of his grip but he was too strong. Laughing uncontrollably, I tried to tell Eric to stop.

"Oh my gosh hahaha. Eric stop- Hahaha! Gosh, Stop, too much, can't breathe!" I said in between laughs. Eric stopped tickling me for a moment and I quickly tried to get away but instead he fell over me while his one hand still held my hands over my head. Our faces were inches away and both of us had our eyes locked. Without breaking his gaze, his other hand tucked a stray strand of my hair behind my ears while I just looked at him. I could feel the sudden change in the atmosphere. Eric and I had always tackled each other and had tickle wars, but this had never happened before. I couldn't say anything and I just held my breath. We still had our eyes locked when suddenly-



CLIFFHANGER! Lol I wanted to see if i could make this interesting :3 You guys have no idea how hard it was for me to write this chapter! not because i didnt know what to write >< i was writing but all of a sudden, my chrome closed! D: I was just left there staring at my laptop in shock. Fortunately, I had saved half of my work so even though i still had to rewrite the story, it wasnt too much work.

This chapter is dedicated to @RainbowSkittlesRkewl for her comment and encouragement :D

Okay, so question: What  do you think happens "suddenly"? :D

Pic of Megan and Eric Joking around in Megan's room ;D

Until i reach 10 votes, I wont upload the next chapter so please please pretty please vote :D 

 If i get 10 votes, i'll upload the next chapter by Monday. 


-Aditi <3

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