My Story

By Kasper14

429 0 0

Life isn't easy. Never has been, never will be. If someone tells you their life is easy then they are lying b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 32

11 0 0
By Kasper14



I look at myself in the mirror and smile. My long white wedding dress that is tight waist up and then flows out from the waist down. It's strapless with a sweetheart neckline and has diamonds covering the top half of the dress. My white heels are very comfortable and simple yet beautiful, hidden under my dress. My hair in half up, half down, straightened with slight curls at the front where little bits have been left to hang down, framing my face. 

"You look beautiful, sweetheart." Jace comments with happy tears in his eyes.

"Please don't cry, dad, you'll make me cry." I reply and he chuckles.

"It's time." Tracey says, popping her head in the room.

I take a deep breath before linking my arm with Jace and walking outside. Liam and I are finally getting married and have decided to have an outside wedding. I look down the isle at Liam who is standing with a smile on his face, dressed handsomely in an expensive black suit with a white button up underneath.

The music starts and I smile the whole way down the isle, looking only at Liam. We stop in front of the altar and Jace takes my hand then gives it to Liam.

"Take care of my little girl." Jace says and Liam nods.

"Always." Liam answers.

The priest clears his throat and starts the ceremony properly, "Do you, Liam Alexander Mason, take Rebecca Ann Woods to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Liam answers, looking straight at me.

"Do you, Rebecca Ann Woods, take Liam Alexander Mason to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." I answer, looking straight at Liam.

"Vows." The priest says and Liam clears his throat.

"I could go on for hours about how beautiful and amazing you are but I'm sure most people here would fall asleep so I'm going to keep it simple. I love you, Becky, and I always will. I loved you from the first moment I laid eyes on you. You are such a beautiful, amazing person and you probably deserve someone better than me but I'm going to be selfish and keep you all to myself because I couldn't bare to see you with anyone else. You make me feel like the happiest man on Earth to be marrying someone as special as you. You are the strongest person I know and I know a lot of people, you are one of a kind and I love you for that. I promise to love you for the rest of my life and treat you like a Queen, my Queen. Through sickness and health, for richer or poorer, through good times and bad, through the laughs and the tears, I promise to be there for it all. I love you, Becky, so, so much." Liam says and silent tears stream down my face. I'm so glad I'm wearing waterproof mascara.

"You dufus, you made me cry." I say as I wipe my tears away causing everyone to laugh.

"I'm your dufus though so that makes up for it." Liam replies and I smile.

"You are my dufus and you always will be. I love you so much, Liam. I have had so many bad things happen in my life but ever since meeting you it all seemed worth it. You are more than enough for me and I wouldn't want anyone else. You are my lifesaver, my rock, my oxygen, my everything. You can't live with out oxygen, no one can and it's the same for me, I can't live without you and I never want to have to try. The four years you were away I wanted nothing more than to sneak in and see your handsome face because even in my darkest times you make me smile. When you came back I didn't hesitate in jumping into your arms because that's where I felt safe and I knew that's where I wanted to be for the rest of my life, in your arms. I could live without a house or money or warm clothes as long as I have your arms to run to when I need them. You are such an amazing, handsome, sexy person and I love you more than life itself. I don't even need to tell you I'll be there through sickness and health and so on and so forth because you know it and that's what matters. I love you, Liam, my dufus." I say and Liam smiles widely.

"Rings." The priest says and Liam reaches into his jacket pocket to get them out.

"I love you, Becky." Liam says as he slips my ring onto my ring finger on my left hand.

"I love you too, Liam." I reply as I slip his ring onto his ring finger on his left hand.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest says and Liam is quick to capture my lips with his own.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist and he dips us for effect. We pull back and everyone starts cheering, clapping and whistling.

"Now you're my dufus forever because I'm never letting you go, you're stuck with me now." I whisper.

"I wouldn't want it any other way." Liam whispers back then presses his lips to mine again.

"They are so going to have sex tonight, you can see it in the way they act." Tracey whispers to Monica as we pull back and Liam and I laugh.

Tracey blushes when she realises we heard her but winks at me anyway.

"Happiest day of my life, hands down." I comment as we walk to the ballroom in Liam and Alex's castle.

"What about the day we met?" Liam asks with a smile.

"That a great day but this is the happiest because I can call you my husband now." I answer with my own smile and he kisses my cheek.

"My sexy Mrs Mason." Liam says and I giggle.

"All yours, Mr Mason." I reply and he chuckles.

The rest of that night was absolutely magic.


"So, wife, how does it feel to finally have lost your virginity?" Liam asks as we snuggle on the big king sized bed in our room at the house on the private island.

"It feels great but I'm a little sore because of how you thrashed the life out of me." I answer with a giggle then kiss his bare chest gently.

"We made hard, passionate love and you enjoyed every minute of it." Liam states and I nod.

"I did." I reply and he presses a soft kiss to the top of my head.

I sudden wave of sickness washes over me and I quickly get out of bed and run to the bathroom. I empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl until there is nothing left. I then wash my mouth out and sit on the cold tiles.

"Baby, are you ok?" Liam asks as he comes into the room with only boxers on and his shirt in his hand.

"I think so." I answer and he nods before slipping his shirt over my body then he picks me up and carries me back to bed.

We then lay on the bed cuddling for a little while more, just embracing each other. I love being connected to Liam in every way possible, it's a great feeling.




"Push, Becky." The nurse instructs and Becky nods before pushing.

Becky didn't make a sound, just heavy breathing as she pushes out our beautiful babies.

"You're doing well, baby, keep going." I encourage her and she nods as she continues to push.

I expected yelling and screaming but no Becky has taken the whole process of being pregnant as if it were normal. She has just adjusted and floated through this whole thing. We're having twins, two boys.

"Your first little boy is out." The nurse says and then the little cry of our first baby sounds.

I can't even describe how happy I feel at hearing that little cry and knowing my first baby has been born.

"Push again, Becky." The nurse instructs and Becky does as she's told.

When we found out that we were having two boys I thought that Becky might be disappointed that she wasn't getting a little girl but instead she was the opposite. She was just happy that we were having two healthy children, that's all she cared about. I have a feeling that these boys will be mumma's boys so I'm hoping to get at least one girl so I can have someone to spoil apart from Becky of course.

"Second little boy is out, well done and congratulations." The nurse says and the little cry of our second boy breaks through the air.

I kiss Becky's forehead then her cheeks and then finally her lips as to show her how grateful and happy I am for her bringing these little boys into the world.

"I love you, Becky." I whisper against her lips.

"I love you too, Liam." She whispers back then connects our lips again.

We pull back and the nurse brings over our little boys who are bundled up in little blue blankets. I take one from the nurse and hold him gently in my arms while the nurse passes our other little boy to Becky.

"What are we naming them?" I ask softly as I rock the little boy in my arms.

"I was thinking Robert, Richard or Alexander." Becky answers and I smile.

"I think Robert and Alexander for these little boys and then our next little boy can be Richard." I say and Becky nods.

"This little one is definitely a Robert." Becky comments and I chuckle.

"Looks like I'm holding little Alexander then." I reply and she smiles.

"Our beautiful baby boys." Becky whispers and I can see the slight tears in her eyes, happy tears.



"Liam, we need to consider stopping." Becky says as she sits in my lap as I work in my office.

"I have finally got the little girl I have wished for so I totally agree but if we have more we have more." I reply as I place my hands on her six month round stomach.

We now have four sets of twin boys so eight boys all up, all two years apart and all mumma's boys. Becky is now pregnant with a little girl so I am finally getting the little girl I wished for. Becky and I don't look a day older from when we got married nor do we feel it but I know that eventually we will feel it.

"Mum! Mum! It's tummy time!" Alex yells as he comes into the room with Rob close behind him. 

"Yea, mum, come on!" Rob yells and Becky smiles.

Tummy time is when Becky sits on the couch and all the boys crowd around her on the floor and tell stories to the little baby. We hear all sorts of interesting things but the main goal is so she recognises all their voices when she comes into this world.

"Becky!" Tracey yells as she comes running into the room.

"What is it?" Becky asks softly.

"You're having twin girls, we looked over the video scan and saw another little girl in there." Tracey answers and huge smiles spread onto our faces as well as the boys'.

"That's great news, thank you, Tracey." Becky says happily.

"10 kids, Liam, we are definitely stopping after these two." Becky tells me as we walk out of the office to the lounge.

"I can agree with that." I reply and she smiles.

I sit on the couch and Becky sits on my lap then lifts up her top to expose her round belly. All our boys then take turns at telling their stories and kissing the baby bump. Our youngest two are only two years old but they talk a lot.

"Life is good, Liam." Becky whispers, leaning back against me and watching our little boys interact with her baby bump.

"It is, baby, it is." I whisper back then kiss her forehead, letting my lips linger slightly.

So with a family of eight boys and two little girls on the way we are doing pretty good and are all very happy. Life has had it's ups and downs but overall things have been great.

Nate got a new PA because Becky kept getting pregnant and wanted to be a stay at home mum but we are still very good friends with him, Monica and their two kids.

Dave and Trinity are doing great and keep in close contact with us. They have four kids now and they are all very happy and healthy.

Jace and Diana got married and are happy living together as proud grandparents.

My dad is a very happy, proud grandpa and couldn't be any happier for how things turned out for us.

Peter and Grey are doing well and act as if they are married, they have a little girl and boy that they adopted and they are very happy.

Nick and Sarah have four kids now, including Lachlan and they are happy. They keep in good contact with us.

Nate's dad went to jail for five years but is out now and turning his life around but Nate and his family still don't talk to Michael.

Overall things are pretty good and we couldn't be happier. I have my beautiful wife and beloved in my arms and she has granted me eight beautiful boys and now two little girls. I love all my kids equally and spoil them all but we teach them good morals so they don't grow up to act like spoilt brats.




So overall my story was kind of bumpy but it ends happily.

I have eight beautiful boys who are all mumma's boys. Two little girls who are only a month old but definitely showing signs of being daddy's girls.

I couldn't be happier with my life and my family. Liam is definitely the love of my life and he has given me everything I could possibly ask for.

This was My Story and this is my happy ending.


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