My Story

By Kasper14

429 0 0

Life isn't easy. Never has been, never will be. If someone tells you their life is easy then they are lying b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 30

9 0 0
By Kasper14



I get out of my car and lock it before starting the walk up to Nate's office. Nate had told me to take some time off but I am fine after a decent sleep so I told him I was coming in. Liam knows how stubborn I am so he didn't even try to convince me otherwise which I was thankful for.

I get up to my desk and put my bag down then make my way to Nate's office. I got here 10 minutes earlier today so I could talk to him about yesterday. I nod at the two guards standing outside Nate's office before knocking and entering.

"You definitely are stubborn." Nate comments as I close the door and make my way over to his desk.

"Of course I am. I got here early to talk to you about yesterday, about what you found out about me and Liam." I say as I take a seat in front of his desk.

"How did you become a quarter human and three quarters vampire?" Nate asks.

"I was full human but then I was kidnapped and injected with vampire blood. A lot of things have happened in my life which has made me tough, stubborn and strong but my only weakness is being slightly human. I am happy to still have the human part of me but it's just not the same. I have a protective instinct over those who are close to me, including yourself. I hope that me not being fully human doesn't change things too much." I answer and he smiles.

"It doesn't really change anything. You are still the same person as you were before I found out, I just see you in a different light now. You are definitely a strong person, Becky, and I admire you for that. You have helped me so much in the time that we have known each other and I thank you for that. You brought Monica and I together, you kept us together, you have saved my life twice and in work you have sacrificed more than you should have to to make sure things run smoothly and stay afloat. I am happy to call you a friend and even a sister." He says and I stand up.

"Thank you, Nate." I reply with a nod before turning to leave.

"Wait. I want a hug." He says and I smile then turn around and walk over to him. He wraps his arms around me and I do the same. Nate gave brotherly hugs that I have missed since losing my family, I got the same feeling with Dave but I haven't seen him as much lately.

We pull back from the hug with smiles then I turn and walk out of the office to start my work.

"Becky, Jace wants to see you downstairs to go over the security plan." One of the guards, John, says and I nod.

"Let Mr King know where I am if he asks." I reply and he nods so I make my way down to the security office.

"Hey, sweetheart, how are you feeling?" Jace asks as I walk into the office.

"I'm good, sleep helped a lot." I answer and he smiles.

"Ok so the security plan is guards for Nate, higher security around the building and at his house. A guard has also been set for Monica because if they want to hurt him the easiest way would be through her. I want a bodyguard for you but I know you don't want one plus you have Liam with you most of the time and I'm sure he is more than capable of looking after you." Jace says and I nod.

"Sounds good. Do you have more security cameras to see if we can see these people? Also can the footage from the last couple of days be sent to my computer please?" I asks and Jace nods.

"We did put more cameras in and it has already been sent to you." He answers.

"Is that all then?" I ask and he nods so I kiss his cheek then make my way back up to the office.

I'm about halfway up to the office when I sense a gunman pointing straight for Nate so I teleport to the office and get shot straight in the stomach.

"Oh shit." I mumble as I fall to the ground.

"What happened?" Nate asks.

"Get under your desk." I demand, slightly breathless.

I knew I hadn't been shot anywhere important but I need to be careful. I carefully take the bullet out and drop it on the ground before getting on my hands and knees and willing my vampire healing to kick in.

"Becky, you're hurt, you need help." Nate states.

"Just stay under the desk. Someone wants you dead and they aren't giving up easily." I reply and he nods.

I swear on my life that I will get whoever keeps going after Nate. 

Finally I am healed and I feel empowered so I stand up strongly and teleport to where the gunman is. I draw back my fist and punch him straight in the face before he can react.

"Tell your leader or whoever wants Nate dead to stop trying because as long as I am alive he is safe." I hiss and the man gulps.

A menacing chuckle sounds from behind me and I turn around to see Michael standing there. My jaw drops at the shock of Nate's own father being behind all this. My shock quickly turns to anger and I clench my jaw.

"Why?" I ask angrily.

"He has always acted like he is better and as soon as he took over my company he only got worse. He didn't get the company by me passing it down how I planned, he threatened me. He wanted the power and the money but he couldn't get that until I gave him the company so he threatened me." Michael answers and I roll my eyes.

"No he didn't, you just don't like that he is better than you and has taken this company further then you could. He never did anything wrong but use his personality to get him where and what he wanted. You are just a jealous man who needs to be taken down a peg or two." I state and Michael glares at me.

"Fine you got me there but where some fathers are happy that their son does better than them I am the opposite. I don't like that he went further than me and I know that Peter nor Tracey could ever do more than what I did so if I kill Nate then one of them can take over and things will be back to normal." He says.

"You think that if you kill your own son things will go back to normal? Your company will fall over, your family will be sad, depressed even at his loss, you will have a guilt heavier than anyone and you won't be able to tell anyone without being rejected and put in jail, your money won't save you if you go through with this. I'm not going to let you kill Nate when he doesn't deserve it. Focus on your wife and how happy your children are, focus on how well they have done to impress you, stop being jealous and be happy. Things will only get worse where you think they will get better and there will be no one to blame but yourself." I reply and Michael looks down.

"Why do you protect him? Why do you risk your life constantly for him? Why do you keep coming back? Why do you care so much?" Michael asks.

"Because I have seen so many bad things in my life that if I can prevent them I will. Nate gave me a job when he didn't have to and he has been a great friend ever since. I protect those close to me, including your son because that's part of what I do. I risk my life because I know that even if I die I will have died for a good reason. I keep coming back because when I get knocked down I get right back up again. I care because that's part of who I am, I care because I see the good in everyone, I care because I would want someone to do the same thing for me if they had the chance." I answer strongly and Michael scoffs.

"You see the good in everyone? What's the good in me?" He asks.

"You built up your father's business once you took over to provide for your family and give them a good life, you protect your family because you love them, you brought three beautiful children into this world and gave them love in hopes they would do the same to their future families, you are a good person but you are blinded by unnecessary jealousy." I answer and he sighs.

"What am I supposed to do?" He asks, sounding vulnerable.

"You call off the quest to kill Nate, you find a way to control your jealousy and change it into something positive, you go home and focus on the good things in life, you take responsibility for everything you've done and handle the consequences that follow, you do the right thing." I answer and he nods.

"What if that's too hard? What if I can't do it?" He asks.

"You can do it, you just have to try." I answer.

Michael starts walking backwards and my protective instincts kick in. I run forward and grab his arm so he doesn't fall off the building.

"Killing yourself is not the answer." I state and he looks at me sadly.

"I'm not the same man I used to be and I don't want to live with this one." He replies.

Suddenly a chopper hovers above the building and picks Michael up then someone grabs me and handcuffs me.

"You are under arrest for the attempted murder of Michael King." The man holding me says and I sigh.

Wrong end of the stick dumbass.


"My daughter would never try to kill someone!" Jace yells from down the hall outside my cell.

"Becky isn't that type of person!" Liam yells.

"Becky has always protected me with her life, I do not believe she would try to kill my father." Nate states strongly and silent tears start falling down my face.

"She was holding him over the side of a building, we know what we saw. She is guilty until proven innocent." The officer who brought me here states.

Footsteps start coming towards my cell but I don't look up from my hands laid in my lap. Tears still silently streaming down my face at how crappy my life is. The wave of sadness and depression that I have managed to stay on top of finally dragging me under with a strong, powerful, unforgiving force.

"Becky?" Liam's soft voice asks from the other side of my cell bars that separate us.

"Becky, I know you didn't do it." Nate says softly but I still don't look at them.

"Dammit, Becky! Please say something." Jace yells but I don't have the strength to any more.

"Fuck this." Liam says and suddenly my cell door flies off it's hinges.

Liam runs over to me and scoops me up in his arms. I hug him tightly as I cry on his shoulder.

"I didn't do it. I was trying to stop him from falling. He was the one who was behind trying to kill Nate and when the gunman on the roof was there I took the bullet for Nate then teleported up there. Michael showed up and we talked, he admitted it. Then he tried to walk backwards off the building but I wouldn't let him, I was only trying to prevent him killing himself and now I'm being charged with murder. I'm not a murderer, Liam." I sob and Liam just holds me tighter.

"I know you're not a murderer, baby. I believe you. I will get you out of here, I promise." Liam whispers and I hug him tighter.

"I have proof she didn't do it and if you don't let her go I will sue you into the ground." I hear Alex's voice hiss angrily and I tense.

"Liam, you're going to get in trouble for being in here." I say, trying to push him away but his stubborn ass wouldn't move.

"Please, Liam." I whisper brokenly.

Liam pulls back enough to look me in the eyes and grabs my face in his hands, "I'm not letting you out of my sight."

"Just go on the other side of the bars so you don't get in trouble, I can't handle any more yelling." I say and his eyes soften slightly.

"Fine." He sighs before kissing my forehead and then putting the cell door back and standing with Jace and Nate.

Alex appears beside Nate and frowns when he sees the broken look in my eyes. He walks past Nate, Jace and Liam then opens the cell door, obviously using his mind powers.

"You'll get in trouble  for being in here, Alex. I already told Liam to stay on the other side of the bars." I state but Alex ignores me.

"I want you to close your eyes and listen to only my voice, nothing else." Alex says and I nod knowing I'm not going to get anywhere with him.

I close my eyes and the image of being underwater, drowning with no way of getting to the surface because of the huge waves crashing down on me.

"Imagine a hand, a strong hand, reaching down to where you are, Becky. Take hold of that hand and hold it with a firm grip." Alex says. I do as he says and it feels as if I am actually holding someone's hand. 

"This hand is your lifeline and no matter what happens they will never let go of you." Alex states and I squeeze the hand lightly.

"Now imagine being brought up from the water and let your lungs fill with fresh air." Alex instructs and I take a deep breath.

"Open your eyes and see your lifesaver." Alex instructs and when I do Liam's handsome face is in front of me.

I look down to my hand to see it connected with Liam's in a strong grip. I look back at Liam's face and breakdown. Liam quickly scoops me into his arms and I cling to him. Liam is my lifesaver, my tall, strong rock above water that will keep me safe, Liam is my life, my oxygen, my everything and he will always be here.

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