Not His Typical Girl

By phantazein

62.8K 1.7K 118

Chace Morris is the President and CEO of Morris Group of Company Incorporated. He is a prominent bachelor sla... More

Not His Typical Girl
Chapter 1: When a door closes, windows will open.
Chapter 2: Not Again
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (part 1)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 16 (part 2)

2K 66 4
By phantazein

After my Mom and Dad left, the mansion cleared up. The guests left already but me while Laura's sister, Lilly and her husband will be leaving tomorrow morning. When will Chace plans to get me back to the city? I thought to myself. His father, Mr. Arthur Morris calls his attention after mom and dad leave; talking about business as it is. Since then, I never saw him. I look for him around the house but he's nowhere to be found, it's a huge mansion after all.

After somewhat half an hour of searching for him, I went to the kitchen to find something to drink. I got thirtsy looking for this him. I made my way to the main kitchen only to find Jake and his baby Ashley at the wide island counter. I am about to abort my plan of entering the area because of course, I don't want his baby momma sniffing around me and interrogating me about things I don't have any care about. But I'm too late. Here he is, my very faithful ex-fiancé darting his hazel brown eyes on me.

"Blake." He utters.
There's no way in hell I would make a conversation with him. But I don't want to be rude. Plus I'm freaking thirsty! I need a freaking glass of any sort of liquid that can be drink and soothes my now dry throat.

"Oh. You're here.. and Ashley." I glance at the brown haired baby sitting on the countertop fidgeting something on her tiny hands.

"I'm just gonna grab some water to drink." I add, grabbing a glass on the side counter.

"Sure. Don't mind us." Jake politely replies.
Sure I won't. I open the two door stainless steel fridge and grabs a pitcher of water and poured some in my empty glass.

I glance Jake through my peripheral vision and saw him playing with his baby. I wonder why he's always baby sitting his baby. It was only once that saw Lilly taking care of her baby the entire time.

I drink up the glass of water and emptied it. Ahh. Refreshing. Thirts quenching.

I place the empty glass at the sink near me and was about to go back on searching my boyfriend. I mean, my fake boyfriend. When suddenly,

"What do you want? Your wife must not see me around you or either near you. I'm in so much stress for this day and the last thing I want is having your wife bitching around me." I jerk a little when Jake get a hold of me. He's actually looking a bit startled by my tantrum. Good for him.

"Why would she do that?" Jake asks as my words hit him up now in his consciousness.

"It's not me you should be asking." I blab.

"Stop! Wait. I am just going to give this back to you. I think it's yours. You must have drop it at the bathroom." Jake mumbles and hands me what seems to be a piece of jewelry. It's my tennis bracelet that Chace had me to wear. I must have dropped it in the bathroom when I tried to block Lilly's evil attempt of slapping me. I didn't even notice it missing. Gosh! Chace will kill me if I happen to lost this expensive jewelry. I get a hold of the bracelet and scans my ears momentarily if my earings aren't missing too. Thankfully they're still on.

"Oh my gosh! Jake! Thank you. Chace will surely go crazy once I lose this for sure." I sincerely thank him for giving it back to me while he carries his baby on his arm. He's really good with his baby. I never seem to picture him doing these sort of things when we were still engaged. Erase erase! Erase that memory. I must not think of anything about our past.

"No problem." Jake simply replies with a hint of a smile on her lips.

"Wait, how did you know it was mine?" I ask curiously.

"Well, I just assumes actually since it matches your other jewelries." Jake simply utters while pointing out to my earrings. Pft. Of course. I just smile a little as he try to tickle baby Ashley with his mouth.

"You're really good with that ha." Okay. I wasn't supposed to say that.

"With what? Taking care of Ashley?" He further asks. Okay. Now we're having this convo.

"Yeah." I simply reply. Then out of nowhere, here she is. The last person I wish to see, stomping directly to me. Holding daggers in her blazing eyes. Now what?

"Lilly. We aren't doing anything." Jake explains. Why would he needs to explain. It's clearly we are not doing anything. He seems so under her spells!

She slaps Jake's face. I could here how loud and heavy it is from where I am standing. The baby starts to cry so loud but Jake seems like trying to hold his stance. He's carrying baby Ashley for mad sake! His jaw tenses as he tries to ease the pain in his now reddened cheeks. He's controlling his anger. I know it for sure. He's still holding Ashley who is really crying so loud because of her mother's impulsive actions. This bitch! Seriously! She slapped her husband who is holding their baby. What kind of personality she even possessed. The baby won't stop crying and for sure in shocked of her no-brain-cells-mother.

"Really. You're gonna do this in front of your two years old daughter? Is that what kind of mother you are?" And in just a snap, my eyes burn. She slaps me, she slaps me too, really hard. It stings through my left face. I'm in total shocked right now. Before I could even get away of the after shock of the mad slap, I feel someone pushes me back, away from the mad woman. I could feel the rage of this person who is now blocking me off of Lilly. Who is this big man. My sight is blurring from her slap. Gosh! This woman can hit. Once I got back to my composure, dazzling blue eyes met mine.

"Chace." He checks me first if I am okay. I could feel his body tenses as he lay his hands on my face very carefully. After assuring himself that I'm fine and not bleeding, just blinding though, he darts toward Lilly.

"What the hell do you think you are doing? Slapping everyone, especially in front of your daughter!" Chace tries to compose his voice but still as stern as a mad man while lashing out to Lilly. He saw the slapping incidents and I didn't even notice him coming. Jake, on the other hand, was also in shock at the sudden advancing of Lilly to me. With an open mouth, it's clearly written all over his face.

Chace still has his grip on my wrist and is blocking me protectively from this crazy woman. Yes. I will call her that. I was about to teach this Lilly a lesson of what she does to me but I could feel Chace tensed muscle. Maybe he could teach her instead. At some point, I also provoke her to do that slapping thing to me. But that's only because she's out of her mind.

Lilly seems to gets a little frighten with Chace's sudden approach as she backs out a little inch away from us. Jake, on the other hand, don't know what to do. Whether to go and grab his hulk of a wife or to take care of the crying baby. Poor Ashley, she's so so innocent to witness this things around her.

"Well, your whore-of-a-girlfriend started these!" Lilly comes back to being wild and is now calling me whore.

"Whore!?" I yelp and smirk in disgust. This is too much! She's being an over-the-top bitch! I can't take it anymore! I jump to her only to grab by Chace in the waist! Argh! She's inch away! I will take her evil tongue and shove it in her troat!

But Lilly just laugh at me, making my blood fumes. Jake puts down Ashley on her high chair to prevent and stop Lilly from making anymore impulsive stunts.

"Call her that again or I will forget that you are a woman!" Chace darts toward Lilly while still holding me at pace. "Don't forget where you stands right now woman! I could easily throw you out here!" Chace adds in a very authoritative manner that send chills even through me. Wow, he's angry.

"Stop now Lilly! You're scaring our daughter!" Jake screams at the now stunned Lilly but got the nerve quickly and fires back again. This woman got the nerve! Really!

"Stop siding with this woman! Can't you see this slut is trying to seduce you!" Lilly points out at me that made me yelp again and this time Chace wasn't able to catch me as I advance towards her and slaps her harder than she could. Everyone is stunned. Including the bitch who didn't anticipates me. Gotchca bitch!

"Who the hell do you think you are calling me names!? You don't know who you are messing with, Lilly! Don't you dare ever call me slut when we both know who's the real slut between us. You don't know me, really! That's why you're acting so bitchy around me when I am supposed to be the one bickering you!" Chace tried to calm me down, but he can't. Jake, on the other hand, felt really uncomfortable with the current situation but doesn't stop me anyway. It's good that he knows better so I continue my rant on her.
"You know what? I'm actually surprise that untill now you still don't know who I am in your life. It's kind of frustrating you know? When I, I know who you are in mine." I'm still not finish with my words with Lilly when she decided to speak again that makes me even fume with anger.

"Where the hell are you going to with your rant? You talk like you're the one who got her candy taken away! Whatever you say, you are husband-stealer you son of a b-"

"Stop it! Lilly! Stop now!" Jake dismisses his wife's blabbering and I thank him for that because if Lilly calls me names one more time, she'll surely choke to death.

Lilly send daggers to her husband for stopping her but Jake continues his speech. I think I know where this would go.

"Stop now Lilly! For the sake of Ashley!" Ashley still cries on her sit. She looks exhausted and pitiful.

"Stop fighting Blake! Because she's not stealing me from you when in fact it's the other way around! You remember two years ago? When We met at the club? I told you stop flirting me because I'm already engaged. You didn't listen to me and get me drunk. You told me it doesn't matter that I'm engaged to someone at least I'm not yet married so it will be fine to cheat. I told you I can't do it but you seduced me and the next thing I know is that we're having a baby!" Everyone in the room stay as quiet as possible, waiting for Jake to continue his most awaited speech while Lilly starts to get a clear picture of what this is all about and is now trying so hard not to burst in to tears. Really!?

"She's that girl Lilly! The girl I left because you hitched me! She's supposed to be the mother of my children. But it changes when you came along and dipped in. She's no other than the woman we broke in to pieces. I don't say that I regret marrying you and have a family with you. Because I love you and Ashley. I love our little family. But you are getting out of control. You are attacking Blake and acting the way you shouldn't. She never wrong us even despite the things we did and here you are acting like a total impulsive bitch in front of everyone. What's wrong with you? You started acting this way ever since after the wedding rehearsal. You stop taking care of our two years old daughter because you're busy watching Blake's every move. Put your pace back together Lilly. This is not the woman I signed to be with the rest of my life. And just to set the record once and for all, just because I cheated on my past relationship doesn't mean I will do it again. I've learned my lessons. I have no intentions of breaking my vows to you. I won't ever let Ashley live in a broken family just like me. So please. Please Lilly, for the sake of our family. Stop. Just stop."

After Jake's somewhat very long speech, Lilly stayed stunned in her place as she should be. Jake got Ashley, which is now sleepy after crying for so long. The poor baby lays her head in to his Daddy's shoulder. Lilly moves closer to them and hugs her family. She kisses Ashley and felt sorry for letting her little angel to experience this stressing circumstances. I actually felt bad for her. But what can I say, she made all of these to herself. She's afraid of her own ghost I must say.

After a matter of second, Lilly walks towards Chace and I.

"What I have done is beyond forgiveable." She reaches out.

"Chace, I'm sincerely sorry for the way I acted in your place." She apologizes to Chace. But Chace stood still. He is now relax but I could sense he still has his anger, although not as intense as a minute ago.

"Blake, I know how bad I have became. Acting too evil when I don't really have the rights to be. If only I knew that you were the Blake two years ago I must have ask for forgiveness a long time ago." Lilly also apologizes to me but I can't seem to have a word for her. My heart pounds so loud that I actually shivers. Maybe from anger. Chace squeezes my hand a little to remind me that he's with me no matter what. I can feel his heavy stares to me but I thank him so much for being right here by my side at this moment. I don't know how would I handle this situation if he's ever not here beside me to cool me down and put me back to my senses. He gives me strength and courage.

"I know that asking for forgiveness right now is already too late especially after what I've done and said to you just a moment ago. I don't know what else to say to you just to make you see that I am really sorry for everything. Hit me if you like. If that's would make you feel less angry at me and Jake and to the things we did to you two years ago. Just to make your hatred to us, to me, subside even just for a little. I would let you do anything. I know you think I'm crazy right now but I don't care anymore, call me slut or whore or bitch or whatever names you what to call me as long as you hear out my applogies. We can't live in lies and hatred. I can't raise Ashley in this life full of betrayals, lies and hatreds. I want her to live life the way it should be. I want her to be the woman I never became. I don't want her to suffer and experiences the things I had to get through just to be here to where I am right now. I want her to live free. Free from all the pain that her parents have caused. I'm really, sincerely sorry for everything, Blake. I just hope our sorries isn't too late." Lilly kneels in front of me as she cries. I never saw this coming and it felt surreal. She even ask me to call her names or do whatever I want to her just to forgive her. Surely, if I am evil I will definitely burry her below the grounds to where we are right now. But of course I won't. I'm not that wicked to aggrieviate anyone who wronged me. I mostly get my temper but I won't do such things. I'm not raised by my good parents to become evil or do wrong to others.

I hold Lilly's arms and help her get up. Even though she wronged me in the worst way possible, I am no God for her to be kneel to.

"Who am I to not forgive you. I am no God to forsaken anyone who wronged me and not forgive those who asks forgiveness from me." I simply answer Lilly who is now facing me, still shedding tears lightly. She tries to hugs me but I stop her.

"I choose to forgive, but I never forget." Lilly bows her head a little. Maybe in embarrassment. But I don't care anymore. What's done is done but I can never act like nothing happened. I hope, what I said is enough for them to understand where to put themselves.

Chace helps me to walk my way out of the kitchen. When we got out,  I sigh. A sigh of relief as I relax my breathing.

It's a little windy outside, making me feel cold.
Chace removes his coat and cover it around me. Such sweet gestures, it made me blushed a little.
"It's cold out here." He says.
"Thanks." I smile to him. Chace, no matter how  much he possess this authoritative-dominant image is still as gentle as he can be.

"I admired you out there." Chace confesses as soon as we stand side by side at the foyer of the house. I don't feel like talking so I just nod and smiles at him. He smirks.

"If I were you, I could have done the worst." He adds.

"Of course you would." I speak, finally. As usual, he smirks at my reaction.

"You're a brave woman Blake. I admire you for that," says Chace.

"Thanks. For standing up for me out there." I reply.

"I don't tolerate that kind of attitude in my house. She's a mad woman." Chace smirks as he recall the incident.

"She is. And she slaps real hard." I add as I caress my face which is already looking fine now I assume. I don't feel the stingy sensation anymore.

"Let me see your face." Chace lowers his head to check me. His grey eyes are soft now but seems mysterious as usual. He brushes his fingers to my freshly-slapped face it made me cringes a little.

"Does it hurts?"

"Hm. No. It's just a little sore I think." I answer him.

It does really sore a little.

"I think you're good. It wont bruise on your face."
Chace confirms.

"Thanks." I reply.

He just nods.

It feels light outside, breathing fresh air. I just realise now how heavy and intense the feeling inside compared to the light ambiance here. Chace decides not to talk for a while and feel the fresh air envelopes us while he still holds me by the hand. At that moment, I never felt more at ease. No more past that's blocking my way to where I want to be. I feel free again.

"I'll have the chopper ready." Chace utters.

I glance up at Chace.

"Oh, We're going back tonight?" I ask for confirmation.

Chace bow her head to me. He didn't say a thing but I could see him smirking. He's so handsome especially when he do his signature smirk, showing off his dimple.

In that moment, I felt relieve and excited that I jump to him and hugs him. He's strong warm arms reciprocate my embrace. He hugs me back.

"Or we could just do this here if you want." Chace whispers to my ear, his lips touching slightly at my earlobe. It made me shiver a little but I think he's not aware of it. I break in our embrace as I shoot him dangerous glances.

"I'm just kidding." He put his arms up to tell me he's not fighting back as he displays puppy eyes to give him mercy. I burst in to laughters. He's so silly.

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