She's Too Naive

By Megnets

28.5K 1.3K 151

What is the definition of a perfect summer? For small town girl, Ellie Charleston, a perfect summer includes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45


546 22 5
By Megnets

Here it is... 

The rhythmic sound of continuous beeps was what finally dragged me into consciousness. Blinking my eyes against the bleariness, I came into focus with white. Or more accurately, a white ceiling. My whole body felt numb and sore at the same time. The exhaustion in my limbs was so thick, that I found I didn't even have the energy to look around.

Unfamiliarity slithered through my blood, and a spike of fear shot through me. I opened my mouth to speak, but my throat was like sandpaper and all that came out was a hoarse cough.

I jerked when a face suddenly appeared above me, an older women with caramel blonde hair and graying roots. She peered at me with blue eyes, wide with shock.

She started speaking but retracted her words, saying an entirely new thought.

"I'll get the doctor," she said quickly and scuttled out of view. The whooshing sound in my ears made it hard to hear her, and I realized it was the sound of my own heartbeat.

Mustering up my energy, I managed to turn my head to the right, a cushioned chair and a set of unfamiliar machines coming into view. The room was as blank as an empty canvas. The only color came from the blue cushioning on the chair, and even that was bland. But then I lifted my head up, and saw the table in the far corner of the room, only a few paces from the closed wooden door.

The generic table was filled with bright flowers and cards. There was even a balloon that had been tied to the leg of the table. The flower vases took up a majority of the space, creating a rainbow of color in the small space. I squinted my eyes, trying to make out the words on the cards, but the letters seemed to blur together and were unreadable.

I jumped when the door creaked open, an older man wearing a white doctor's coat slipped inside. Behind him followed a lady dressed in blue scrubs. They closed the door behind them as soon as they were inside.

"Hello, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked. He smiled, and the wrinkles around his mouth became more prominent. I felt uneasy, eyeing both people in the room. The nurse was shuffling around the room, and then proceeded to hand the doctor a clipboard. They whispered something to each other that I couldn't hear.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions if that's alright with you?" The doctor said, flipping through some papers. I nodded, although my throat was so dry I wasn't sure I would be able to speak.

I coughed again, trying to get rid of the scratchiness but it only seemed to make it worse. The nurse grabbed a cup of water from somewhere and held it up to me. I dragged in the cool liquid, quenching my thirst. She only allowed a few sips before taking the cup away.

"Do you know where you are?" The doctor asked,a friendly smile still plastered on his face. I shook my head.

"No," I croaked, fear coating my tongue. I felt a sense of panic rise in me at the fogginess that was clouding my brain.

"Do you know who you are?" he continued. I opened my mouth, ready to reply with my name when my throat closed and I stopped. Searching through my thoughts, I tried to find my name. Why couldn't I remember.

"My name," I mumbled groggily. My hands twitched at my sides repeatedly and the blood in my face was roaring. My name. What was my name.

Who was I?

Panic laced my veins and I inhaled, eyes darting all over the room and searching for a clue. But I found no answers in the flowers.Why was I here?

Who was I?

"Relax, and take your time," the doctor said, sending a look to the nurse. I clenched my hands into fists. The sound of my own breath was ragged and sharp, cutting through the air. The beeping that had faded into the background became more prominent, only furthering to increase my sense of alarm.

"I don't-" I stumbled over my own words, and I felt my body tremble. The taste of rust coated my tongue, making me nauseous.

"What is your name?" The doctor asked again. He gave nothing away in his facial expressions. I searched through my brain, trying to grip onto anything I could remember.

I came up with nothing.

"I don't know."   

And that's the end!! Wow it's been a crazy yet awesome journey and it feels so good to have this finished! I know a lot of you probably have questions, so stay tuned because i'll be posting something else that will most likely answer them! Thank you all who have read this and followed me along with this story <3 i've had so much fun. 

Until next time xoxoxo

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