Many Mistakes, No Regrets

By siobhan_greene

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Rikki's life has been upturned. She has been moved across the country. She isnt allowed to go outside during... More

Chapter 1: Starting Over
Chapter 2: School's Here
Chapter 3: Well, This Stinks!
Chapter 4: I Can't Even Hide for 24 Hours?
Chapter 5: Settling in to my new life
Chapter 6: Meeting the Band
Chapter 7: Living Life Wide Open
Chapter 8: One Truth + One Slip = One Confession
Chapter 9: A lot of Dancing and A little...
Chapter 10: Thanksgiving alone? Or Maybe Not?
Chapter 11: Too Close for Comfort
Chapter 12: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Fight
Chapter 13: A New Year and a New Friend
Chapter 14: New Season, New Friends
Chapter 15: So Long For Now
Chapter 16: Good Girls Are Bad Girls That Don't Get Caught
Chapter 17: Hello. Goodbye.
Chapter 18: The Power of Peer Pressure
Chapter 19: Pain is Inevitable; Suffering is Optional
Chapter 20: You're My Best Friend
Chapter 21: Bizarre Things Happen
Chapter 22: Time Flies and Friends Lie
Chapter 24: It is Summmmma!
Chapter 25: I've got a pickle!
Chapter 26: Are you going to kiss me or not?
Chapter 27: I'm gonna steal your heart away...
Chapter 28: Adults Ruin Everything
Chapter 29: Another New Start
Chapter 30: No Hope, No Love, No Glory, No Happy Ending
Chapter 31: Goodbye

Chapter 23: Forgiveness is a Virtue

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By siobhan_greene

Chapter 23: Forgiveness is a Virtue

Jake’s POV

            That light is so bright. Why is the world so cruel?

            “Morning Jake.”

            “No need to yell.”

            “It’s not my fault you got drunk.” The pounding in my head got worse.

            “That pounding is… I don’t even know how to say it.”

            “That’s not your head. It’s the door.”

            “Oh.” I looked over and in came Liz and Amber followed by Matt.

            “Catch.” Liz threw something towards me. I didn’t even try to catch it. It just fell in to my lap. It’s my phone.

            “Why did you have my phone?”

            “How drunk were you?”

            “Apparently, very. But why did you have my phone?”

            “You seriously don’t remember?”

            “What did I do?”

            “You drunk dialed your brother. Then you called Rikki 5 times. We stopped you from leaving messages but that didn’t stop you from trying. So you said them out but she’ll never get them. After all of that, you were sure every pole we pasted was person. You went up to each one.” She was laughing too hard to finish.

            “Quiet, please?” She stopped laughing.

            “Sorry. But so you walked up to each one and started having conversations with them.”

            “I did not.”

            “Fine. Don’t take my word for it. Matt, show him.”

            Both Matt and Amber came over at the same time. Amber was carrying a Gatorade and some pills. She handed them to me as I mumbled thanks. In Matt’s hands was his phone. He turned it towards me to show me the screen. 

            A video was playing and I was the star. I walked right to a pole and started talking to it. “And it goes on for another 5 minutes.”

            “Please delete that. I will do anything.”

            “I don’t think I will. Maybe this will stop you from getting drunk again.”

            “Just don’t let Rikki see it.” The second I said it, I knew I had made a mistake. Now that he knows I don’t want her to see it, he’ll make sure she does.

            “Oh. Maybe I should send it to her right now.”

            “No!” Liz, Amber, and I all said together. Chad and Matt stared at the three of us while I stared at Liz and Amber. Why are they against her knowing?

            “Why not?” I can’t tell them. It’s not my story to tell.

            “We can’t tell you. Only Rikki can and she doesn’t want to talk about it with anyone. But trust us when we say that sending that would be a very bad idea. Rikki cannot know he was drunk. Please.” That was the most I have ever heard Amber say at once.

            “If she doesn’t want to talk about it, how do you three know about it?”

            “Izzy told Liz and me. I’m guessing she told Jake.” I just nodded.

            “Well, if Izzy told you then it’s already being told by someone so why not just tell us?”

            “Because Izzy is involved in it too. Just please promise me you won’t ask her about it? And please delete that video. For me. Please Matt.”


            “What about you Chad?” Liz spoke up again.

            “I won’t say anything. For you. I promise you Liz.”

            Good. Now that is settled. How about we go get some lunch? We’ll meet you in ten minutes in the lobby.”

            They turned and left. The door closing snapped me back to reality. I ran out to the hallway. “Liz. Amber. Thank you.”

            They smiled and kept walking. I went back in the room to get changed.

            We went out to a diner down the street. Everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves. But something wasn’t right and I knew it. I was trying to remember last night and I could remember some stuff. Like calling Austin, but then I remembered something else about the call. Rikki was in the back ground. And Austin probably told her I was drunk. Crap. I need to talk to her. I need to explain.

Rikki’s POV

            UMass Amherst is amazing. The campus is gorgeous. But the whole day has been ruined by last night.

            He was drinking. He had agreed with me when I said alcohol is a dangerous thing and should be avoided.

            “Rikki? You okay?”

            No. But that is nothing new.

            “I’m fine.”

            “No you’re not.” I looked up at him in disbelief. He saw through that? How many people every day fall for that but he doesn’t. “Is it because of Jake?” How does he know everything? He really needs to stop being so observant.


            “Sure, it isn’t.”

            “Just drop-” I didn’t finish as my phone started ringing.


            “Rikki, can we talk?”

            “Jake? I-I don’t know.”

            “Please. I was stupid and I know you know about last night. I learned my lesson. I don’t know why I did it but please forgive me. Believe me when I say I am never drinking again. The hangover was awful.”

            “You promise?” No. You can’t forgive him for this. He lied to you. He already said he wouldn’t drink.

            Bu you lied to the band and they forgave you.

            But that was different.

            A lie is a lie.


            You lose. Forgive him.

            “Yeah, I promise.”


            “So, what are you and Austin up to?” Umm…

            “Oh, you know. The normal stuff.”


            “Just hanging out.”

            “Oh. Rikki, what are you guys really doing?”


            “You’re a terrible liar. I don’t know how the band believed us for so long. But what are you guys up to?”

            “Don’t be mad I didn’t tell you. Okay?”

            “Yeah. Alright.”

            “We are looking at colleges. I’m going to done with high school by this time next year.”

            “Wow. How?”

            “I have been doing extra work and basically I just speed up high school.”


            Neither of us said a word for a few minutes. Awkward.

            “So… How’s Cleveland?”

            “Good. Umm, hey. I’ll talk to you later. Okay?”

            “Yeah. Bye.”

            I hung up and Austin came over. “So you told him.”

            “Thank you captain obvious.”


Another chapter. It’s kind of short. I just couldn’t focus on this. I don’t know if Irene will knock power out or not but I’ll try to write some over the weekend. Song on the side is Karma Chameleon by Culture Club. Awesome song and video. And it has absolutely nothing to do with the chapter. I just love it. Anyways… Thanks for reading!


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