My First Crush Story

By madisonrose3200

4.2K 172 24

Brooklyn Parker is in the fifth grade. She was dreaming of this year since kindergarden. The royalty of the c... More

Chapter 1: The First Week
Chapter 2: The Separation
Chapter 3- The Question
Chapter 4-During the Class
Chapter 5- Recess
Chapter 6- The Luau
Chapter 7 - Field Day
Chapter 8- Embarassing Reveal
Chapter 9- Devistating News
Chapter 10- His Last Week
Chapter 12- Final Good-Byes

Chapter 11 - The Last Day

147 12 1
By madisonrose3200

It's th e last day that Cameron is here before his move. Nobody cares, still. The stupid teasing and commotion still occur. I am the only one who cares. We are about to go to our music class and Mr.R makes an announcement.

"Today is Cameron's last day, so be nice to him and wish him well," Mr.R announced. Everyone looks at us in silence. Nobody had a clue. They didn't know what to do, say or how to act. We all walked to our music class in silence. Our music teacher has us get into our assigned seats and starts her class.

"Good morning class! This is our last class session until the end of the year!" Ms. Perry, our music teacher, exclaimed. We all stare in silence.

"We are going to play a game today!" She exclaimed. Everyone smiles, and I still sit without expression. The game had us walking around in the tempo that the teacher was playing on the keyboard. There were two people that were "it" and would tag people and they'd be out.  We play a couple of rounds, and for the last one, Cameron and I were picked to be the ones who were "it" and everyone gets all weird again. We played, and we did pretty well. It was fun, then the bell rang for us to go to recess.

At recess, we hung out together and treasured our last day. We went to lunch, and got our trays. We paid and made our way to our class's table. We ate our lunch, and talked about how it was cool to have eachother this past year.

He holds my hand under the table, and I feel small objects in his hand. He let's go of them, then my hand. I look down, and find a pair of dark blue earrings. I look back up, and I see him smiling. I put the earrings in the holes in my ears, and wear them all day.

We sit next to eachother throughout class, where Mr.R said it was okay. We were together the whole time. Now, the time has come where we say our final good-byes.

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