Chapter 8- Embarassing Reveal

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I come to school, ready and pumped up for the day. I see Cameron walk in, with a really upset look on his face. I look at him, and he looks at me even more upset. His eyes looked a little red and puffy, almost if he was crying. He isn't allowed to go to my desk, since Mr. R doesn't really like us doing that... I sit and wonder what happened, and he doesn't say anything to me.

We go to Physical Education and we play soccer. I was put on Cameron's team and I walked up to him. We decided with the group, we'd be the people who guarded the goal in front of the goalie. I figure we'd be able to talk. The game starts, and the ball is mainly on the other end. I walk to him and ask him what happened this morning.

"Kids on the bus were messing with me. They saw us behind the hill last Friday. The whole thing. They posted a video on Instagram and now everyone knows!" He says, almost crying again.

"It's okay, they are gone now, and now we don't have to tell. Look at the bright side!" I say back, trying to cheer him up, not really helping, though.

"At least we didn't find it, right?" I say. I don't have social media, I'm not allowed and my parents would kill me if I did. Both of us don't have any social media, so telling us about it was kinda best. Thinking about it, now I know why those kids were making kissing noises as I walked by this morning... I didn't think anything of it...

"Ya, you're right."

"I know I am." He laughs, and I smile.

We never get the ball near us, so we pretty much talk the whole time. We go to lunch after recess, and the whole time, the kids were mocking us. Kissing noises, comments, songs about kissing, the whole deal.


"Cameron and Brooklyn, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"It must be true love!"

It was like an attack, an extremely embarrassing one, too. I was so upset, and Cameron and Natalie are the only ones that talk to me besides making those comments. It was so crazy, and I couldn't believe how fast word got around. Even Mr. R found out!

" For this assignment, I want you in groups of two! Oh, and I'll group you guys this time. How about the lovers together, then Summer and Emma," he'd say. Whenever anyone would talk about us, we'd be "the lovers" or some kind of ship name... It was insane! I'd even be at Wal-Mart and sometimes a kid that I didn't know would call me The girl from the kiss video or something stupid. It was insane and I don't know how word didn't get around to my family...

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