Young God ϟ Marvel [1]

Bởi -marvel

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❝Do you feel like a young god?❞ [across the marvel cinematic universe] [thor - age of ultron] [book one of... Xem Thêm



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Bởi -marvel


Iron Man

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After Maria pointed her to her new, temporary room, Ana thanked the Commander and entered the free space, immediately spotting her new uniform that was neatly folded on the table positioned in the centre of the room. She closed the metal door behind her for privacy and walked over to the table, letting her hands touch the black fabric. She smiled, Fury must have listened to her this time when she asked for less Natasha and more Clint. She didn't like the way her old suit was so tight she could barely breathe, with this new one it was more loose fitting.

Ana held it up and nodded approvingly. "Sweet."

She didn't waste any time and changed into it, placing her previous outfit on the single bed. As she walked over to the small bathroom, she tied her hair into a high ponytail and looked in the mirror. She furrowed her eyebrows, leaning closer when she saw a glow of silver in her eyes. She blinked, shaking her head and looked back to see her normal hazel eyes.

Ana let out a breath and reached out for her gloves when she felt energy pool around in her palms. She gasped then unintentionally shot out a silver pulse of energy, hitting the glass of water off the metal sink. She cringed when it shattered to pieces of the floor, and glanced at her palms.

"What the hell?" She whispered, eyes wide. She slowly lifted her hands seeing the silver light fade as if it was never there in the first place. The door to her room opened and she clenched her fists, dropping them to her sides. She walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her to conceal the broken glass.

"Steve." She acknowledged, somewhat confused.

Steve was fiddling with his new helmet, and Ana began to smile when she realised he was already in his new uniform. He tried to hide his own smile, but failed when Ana clasped her hands together, placing them underneath her chin. She had a look of pure admiration in her eyes. Growing up, Steve Rogers was someone Ana looked up to. He was a big part of her interest in history, and seeing the real thing standing in front of her was a moment she would never forget. Steve recognised the look in her eye, and smiled to himself.

"How's the suit?" Steve questioned, opening his hands at his sides.

"I think Phil knew what he was doing. You look great, Cap." Ana said truthfully.

Steve ducked his head, smoothing down the material on his chest with one hand. "Thank you. We've got a mission. Stuttgart, Germany. It's Loki." He said, facing hardening slightly.

"Really, Germany? What's he doing there?" She asked as she cleared her throat, shakily handling her daggers.

Steve noticed this and looked at her with concern. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked.

Ana nodded giving him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine. Come on, let's go." She quickly placed her weapons in the pouch attached to her thigh and walked out with Steve.

"It feels good to wear the uniform again." Steve muttered, glancing at the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that passed him, sporting similar looks of admiration Ana had given him seconds ago.

Before Ana could reply, Natasha shimmied her way in-between them at looked at her partner with a smirk, giving her a once-over. "Nice suit. You told Fury to make it less tight, huh?" She asked when she pulled at the material.

Ana blushed and swatted her hands away. "Any louder, Nat?" She whispered when Steve cleared his throat awkwardly.

Natasha just flipped her red hair and tugged at her gloveless hands. "Mr. America doesn't mind. Where are your gloves?" She asked.

Ana sighed and rubbed her hands together. "I forgot them in my room." She told her. Natasha chastised her and gave her a smile, "There should be a pair on the jet." She said. Natasha walked ahead of Steve and Ana, turning her head back for a second.

"Now hurry up. We've got a god to take down."


"There he is."

As the quinjet slowed to a stop above the plaza outside the grand museum, Ana let go of the wheel in front of her and pointed down at Loki. She was sat in the co-pilot seat with Natasha handling the controls beside her. There was a large crowd kneeling down around Loki, lowering their heads as their bodies trembled with fear. Ana noticed how his attire changed. His golden horned helmet made him look menacing and a little bit ridiculous at the same time. But his spear made everyone think twice.

Ana reached up and flicked the button that opened the back door ramp. She removed her headset and nodded at Natasha, signalling her to take care of the weapons system if anything happened.

"Careful down there, Ana." Natasha told her seriously.

"You got it." Ana mumbled back, patting her shoulder.

Steve took his shield off his back and nodded at Ana. "Ready?" He asked.

Ana did a quick weapons check, making sure her handguns and daggers were on her person. Once confident, she nodded at the Captain and they both ran, jumping out of the quinjet. Steve landed in front of an elderly man, protecting him from the energy bolt Loki sent his way. The shield rebounded the bolt, sending it back into the God of Mischief. Ana landed, hands on the ground in front of her to balance herself. She immediately began assuring the civilians they would be safe as Steve addressed Loki.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing." Steve said as Loki recovered from the energy bolt that hit him square in the chest.

Loki eyed the Captain, and chuckled darkly. "The soldier. A man out of time." He spat.

"We're not the ones who are out of time." Ana spoke up, walking to Steve's side. The people on the ground got up and cleared the area when Natasha flew over their heads, unleashing a machine gun from the underbelly of the quinjet, aiming it at Loki.

"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down." Natasha voiced through the quinjet's speakers.

Ana threw her hands over her head when Loki suddenly shot at the quinjet using the sceptre. Sparks flew from the energy bolt's trail, descending down on her and Steve, though the Captain was well protected with a shield. Natasha manoeuvred the quinjet out of the way just in time, allowing Steve the moment to throw his shield at Loki. Loki then attacked Steve and Ana, proving to be a worthy opponent from his strength and speed.

While Ana was in the middle of a punch, she felt her hands pool with the familiar energy again, making her pull back, alarmed. She didn't want Natasha or Steve to witness her unusual symptom from the sceptre's energy, and stepped back. Loki noticed her back off, and knew instantly what was running through her mind as the sceptre's gem glowed brightly. He grinned and pointed the weapon at her, firing another round of it's energy. Ana wasn't ready for the blow, and was forced back into the concrete steps surrounding the plaza. Steve threw his shield at Loki in retaliation, trying to strike him down, but the Asgardian forced him on the ground, placing his sceptre on the back of Steve's head.

"Kneel." Loki commanded.

Ana wheezed out a cough, feeling her hands shake from the energy blast. She rolled off her back and used her hands to lifted her up. She could hear Natasha talking to her frantically through her earcomm, but she just held a hand up at the quinjet and turned around just as Steve flipped up and kicked Loki away.

"Not today!" Steve exclaimed.

Suddenly, Shoot To Thrill by AC/DC started playing through the quinjet speakers. Steve, Loki and Ana all look up at the sky. Tony Stark — the famous genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist — flew over the plaza in his red and gold Iron Man suit, firing blasts from his repulsors at Loki. Iron Man touched down just as Loki fell on his back. Tony stood up and deployed every piece of weaponry the suit contained.

"Make your move, Reindeer Games."

Loki put up his hands in surrender, his armour materialising away into his civilian clothes. Ana watched, starstruck, as Tony retracted his weapons back in his suit. "Good move." He mused.

Steve nodded at the metal man. "Mr. Stark."

"Captain. Who's this?" Tony asked, raising his metal finger and pointing at Ana.

Ana rolled her eyes and gave him a gentle smile, offering her hand. "Agent Katiana Michaels. You can call me Ana. Pleasure to finally meet you, Stark." She introduced, shaking his hand.

"Pleasure is all mine." Tony charmed, smiling at her behind his helmet.

Ana tilted her head at him before walking towards Loki. He watched her intently as she eyed him with hostility. There was something familiar about her, he thought to himself. Ana pulled him off his feet harshly, and he chuckled. "You don't have to fear me, Warrior." He said as Natasha landed the quinjet. Steve and Tony trailed inside with the sceptre while Ana dragged an unmoving Loki along.

"I'm not scared of you." Ana replied through gritted teeth. When he wouldn't budge, she used her strength to push him into the quinjet. Loki took note of her ability.

"Maybe not of me specifically, but the things that are happening because of me." He smirked slightly, turning around to face her. Ana took the reinforced handcuffs specially designed for enhanced individuals and locked them on Loki's wrists while he watched her, grinning. She glared at him before shoving him down on the seat.

"Stop talking." Ana told him and he just smiled, leaning back on the metal as the quinjet lifted off.

Steve touched her shoulder gently and she turned around, looking up at him. "You alright? He gave you a bad blow." He said.

Tony took off his Iron Man helmet and hit Steve on the arm, "She can take it. I've seen the videos, and can I just say you, my little lady, are awesome." He smirked.

Ana chuckled and looked at his red and gold armour, recalling the moment he revealed to the world that he was the Iron Man. "Thanks, Stark. Heard you almost died, how did that go?" She raised an eyebrow. Steve widened his eyes.

Tony pointed at Natasha while still looking down at Ana. "She shot me with something."

"I gave you something to keep the edge off, Stark." Natasha remarked.

"She still shot me." Tony smiled.

Steve looked back at Loki warily. "I don't like it." He whispered to Ana and Tony.

Tony quirked an eyebrow. "What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily?" He asked.

"I don't remember it being that easy. This guy packs a wallop." Steve said.

Ana shrugged a shoulder at his words. "Well he is an Asgardian. And the God of Mischief." She told him pointedly.

"Still, you're pretty spry for an older fellow." Tony said to Steve. "What's your thing? Pilates?"

Steve just looked at him confused. "What?"

"It's like calisthenics, gymnastics exercises." Ana elaborated for Steve.

Tony smirked at the war hero. "You might have missed a couple things, you know, doing time as a Capsicle." He joked.

Steve gestured to himself and Ana. "Fury didn't tell us he was calling you in."

"Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you." Tony shot back, making Ana frown at his vagueness.

Before Ana could move to the pilot seats, thunder and lightning boomed around the jet, almost striking it. Ana grabbed Tony's arm when he almost fell over as the quinjet shook from the force, and set him upright. Steve smirked slightly as Tony looked at her in amazement. "You just keep surprising me." He said and she chuckled.

"Glad I keep you on your toes, Stark." Ana winked.

Steve saw as Loki looked out the window intently, almost expecting. "What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?"

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." Loki said.

Ana looked at him, widening her eyes in realisation. A blinding light then hit the jet. Well, not a light. A prince. Thor — the God of Thunder. Tony placed his helmet on and opened up the ramp, ready to fly out and deal with the uninvited guest. Thor dropped in, surveying the people inside the jet. When his eyes landed on the familiar brunette from his last visit to Midgard, they stopped for a brief moment. Tony walked in front of Ana, wrongly assuming she was Thor's target, and held his hands up, readying a repulsor blast. Thor stomped forward, eyes hard and jaw clenched, and pounded his hammer against Iron Man's chest. Tony flew back from the strength behind the hit, slamming into Steve. Ana had just sidestepped away, and put one foot forward, hands out as a gesture of surrender.

"Thor, whatever you plan to do, don't." Ana said, making sure to keep her voice soft and level. "Loki has to be detained."

"I wish to quarrel not with you, Lady Ana. But Loki is my responsibility, and I shall detain him myself." Thor replied. He grabbed Loki by the throat and flew out without another word.

"Now there's that guy." Tony sighed as he got to his feet with the help of Ana. Steve thanked the agent as she lifted him to his feet also.

Natasha looked back at Ana. "Another Asgardian?" She asked.

Ana nodded. "His brother, Thor. Clint and I met him a while back." She revealed.

"Think the guy's a friendly?" Steve asked.

"He's not like Loki. He can be reasoned with." Ana told him.

"Doesn't matter." Tony added. "If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract's lost."

"Stark, we need a plan of attack!" Steve yelled at him over the loud crackling of lightning outside the jet.

Tony stopped and looked over his shoulder, "I have a plan. Attack." Iron Man jumped out of the jet and chased after Thor. Steve grabbed a parachute to follow.

"I'd sit this one out, Cap." Natasha said. Ana was contemplating on going with him or sitting out.

"I don't see how I can." Steve replied as he tightened the strap.

"These guys come from legend. They're basically gods." Natasha told him.

"They are gods." Ana muttered.

Steve placed his helmet back on his head. "There's only one God, ma'am. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." Ana watched as he then jumped out of the jet, following after Tony.

Ana and Natasha sighed and shook their heads. "Men." Ana said.

Natasha laughed softly and pressed the button so the ramp can close, but nothing happened. When she realised the ramp may have been damaged by the attack, she looked over her shoulder at Ana. "Ana, can you..." Ana nodded already knowing what she was going to say.

"Sure." She walked over to the ramp, careful not to get too close to the edge and bent down, grabbing the edge and pulled up. The ramp door creaked as she hauled the heavy metal back into the jet, closing it. Ana went to her co-pilot seat and placed her headset on as Natasha flew them in the direction where the rest of them were. Natasha sent Ana a side glance,

"Did that blond guy just call you Lady Ana?"

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Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed and please comment, I want to see what you thought about it!

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