Allies with the enemy

By WolfywolfXMikaelaw21

319 10 11

Kaela & Comet, best friends from birth and joined at the hip. One chilly night Kaela meets Cam, short for Ca... More

Allies with the enemy
Allies with the enemy - chapter 2
Allies with the enemy - chapter 3
Allies with the enemy, chapter 4
Allies with the enemy chapter 5
Allies with the enemy chapter 6
allies with the enemy chapter 8
Allies with the enemy chapter 9
Allies with the enemy chapter 10

Allies with the enemy chapter 7

17 0 0
By WolfywolfXMikaelaw21

Chapter 7

Comet and Drake sat with us at lunch, until Tiffany came up to them and announced that she was going to bump Comet down to Omega or something. I don’t really know that much about wolf hierarchy, but I was pretty sure Omega was the lowest of the low.

Comet stupidly agreed, making Drake angry for some reason, he got up and left without a word. The rest of lunch was spent trying, unsuccessfully to cheer her up. But she just sat there picking at her sandwich, while Cam and I ate our cafeteria meat loaf, drank our water bottles of blood and made stupid funny faces at her in a last ditch attempt to get her attention away from Tiffany.


After school Cam and I stood in the parking lot, waiting to see Comet. Finally I spotted her with Drake and Tiffany and Tiffany’s mob, walking towards the forest. I tugged on Cam’s sweater, and pointed to them. We quickly made our way to the trees and trailed them. Once they had all changed, aside from Drake, they ran to a clearing, we stood in the shadows, silently.

Comet was winning, she was doing extremely well and I had no doubt she would win if Tiffany’s mob hadn’t came at Comet when they saw their almighty leader losing. They were ripping her to shreds mercilessly, it took everything in me to not run into it and kill them all.

Finally! I thought as Drake stepped in, pulling them off, I noticed, with more force than necessary. Comet looked like hell. She ran from the clearing, and I knew she would want to be alone right now so I didn't bother following. 

As Drake walked out slowly, giving them all a warning glance, we appeared.

I ran at that bitch, Tiffany, first. She was the one who made Comet try this in the first place. She was Comet’s almost murderer.  So I charged at the blonde wolf and before she knew what was happening I had landed on her back and tore her head off.

I crap! I thought to myself, killing one of the pack members, even the Delta, (third) to be, was going to mean starting a war. I really couldn’t bring myself to care though. Instead, I sprung to the next of my victims. It was a large reddish/brownish wolf with brown eyes quickly turning midnight black. That might be my new favourite colour, only because with it came the smell of his fear, it was a scent that made me very happy. It was sharp and startling at first. It smelled unbelievably sweet but at the same time tart, it was a scent that said, I'm venerable, and I'm scared as hell, so I should be an easy target.

I stood inches in front of him and decided to play with his fear. I dropped into a crouch in front of him and looked into the dark, dark eyes. He snapped at my face, I grabbed his face in my palms and squeezed, hissing. The dark eyes widened and there was a wine of pain. I smiled wickedly and twisted, his neck snapped and I felt deeply sinister as I took joy in the fading life in his eyes.

I dropped it and stood. “Who’s next?” I asked. The remaining three wolves cowered back. I saw Cam was behind them, making ideas pop into my head. I knew as wolves they couldn’t read so I pushed words to appear on my forehead; the one on the left.

He slowly walked over to it, snuck up behind and lunged, landing on its back and squeezing around its lungs until it was dead. The other two wolves howled out. Scared out of their minds and frozen in terror. I doubt either one had ever seen a Vampire in action before.

My tattoos spelled; The one on the right. And I watched as the wolf was flew up and hit a tree, crashing down dead. The strange thing? Cam hadn’t touched it. He smiled at me, realization hit me full force. Not once had I asked Cam what his gift was, we had just focused on mine.

‘telekinetic?’ my forehead read. He nodded. I laughed to myself, ‘Do it again!’ he looked at the remaining wolf, sandy blonde, and threw it at another tree. He looked at me and we both started laughing.


“So, we have to go then,” said Cam as our laughing died.

“Where?” I asked.

“Home, we need to think up some battle strategies, we just killed five high ranker to bees’ we have just declared war,”  


 “URG! Oh my god! We should just give up! There are HUNDEREDS of wolves in that pack, three quarters of our school and that's just kids, what about the elders! There are TWO of us! We are NOT going to win!” I screamed! I was pacing at Vampire speed, not pretty.

Cam came up behind me and grabbed my shoulders, messaging them. “Just because we don’t win, does not mean we have to lose. One thing’s for sure; we are not going to give up!”

It was ten o’clock, I really wanted to call Comet, but she probably hated me. I mean, come on even though they had attacked her, it was still five of her pack members that we killed. I leaned back into Cam, who was surprisingly comfortable. “How do we not lose? That's basically impossible, if they win, what do we do?” I asked him.

“Simple, nobody wins, we tie,” he said like it was that easy.

“No way, we killed five of them, they will definitely be out for blood,” I sighed,

“Call Comet, see if she doesn’t hate you. It might be good to have an ally on the enemy’s side,” he said.

I grabbed my cell and plopped down into a red bean bag chair. I dialled Comets number and she answered on the third ring.

“WAS IT YOU?!” she exclaimed.   

“What? No hello?” I joked.

“Hi, now I ask again, WAS IT YOU?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Good, now tell me where you are, we need to talk about this,”

“Why would I tell you? You’re a were wolf!”

“SHHHHH!” she hissed.

“What, what?”

“Bill is listening!”

                                                                      “Who the hell is Bill?! I exclaimed.

“Oh, wouldn't you like to know! Anyway, just tell me where you are. We need to talk ASAP and our words aren’t safe over the phone!” she babbled.

“Meet me on the corner of fifth and third in five!” I sighed frustrated.

“KK,” she said, disconnecting.

I stood at the corner, tapping my foot impatiently, of course she was late.

“Calm down!” Cam said. “She probably is still hurting, so she can't run full speed,” I sighed, he was probably right, but I hated waiting.

I saw her run up with Drake. They were holding hands... interesting.

“Hey, sorry we’re late, that’s his fault!” she said, smacking Drake. 

“Was not, I mean come on, are you seriously going to say I did this?” he asked.

She flipped. “YOU DID DO THIS!” then she turned to me smiling. “Are we just going to stand here all night?”

 I laughed. “No, let's go.”

“OH MY GOD!” Comet exclaimed. “Cameron,” she said sweetly. “Can I have your house?”

We all burst out laughing. I had a feeling Comet was going to grow attached to this house very quickly.

Just as we got inside my phone rang. “Hello?” I answered, stupidly not checking caller id.

“Kaela! Where are you? I've been worried sick!” it was my mother.

“Mom, calm down. breathe. I love you okay. I'm not coming home,” and with that I hung up before she could freak.

“Okay! So let’s get some things out in the open,” I suggested, Comet wasn't paying attention. Instead she was laying on her stomach looking out though the floor.

“Dude! You’re going to get nose smudges on my floor!” Cam whined. I hit him.

“COM!” I called, catching her attention.


“Do you hate me for killing your pack members?” I asked.

“Heck no! They almost killed me, just tell me. Was it you who killed tiffany and not, that?” she asked nodding in Cam’s direction.

“No it was me,” I told her, Cam didn't look offended in the slightest.

“Drake?” I asked.

“Nah, we’re good,” he said.

“Okay, now the second thing. Who in the world is BILL?”  

She cracked a smile. “Don’t you remember, the summer between grade seven and eight? BILL?”

I burst out laughing. “Oh, my god! That was PHIL, you idiot!” the boys watched us curiously as we both laughed uncontrollably.

“Anyway, back on topic,” Cam cut in. “We we’re kind of hoping that when it came time for war, that you wouldn't kill us...” he started.

“Well,” Comet said. “I definitely won't kill Kae, but for you I make no promises, I really should kill you as pay back for when you tried to kill me,”

Drake’s whole body began to quiver and shake. He looked at Cam murderously, “You tried to kill her?!” he growled.

Cam sank into a crouch, ready to fight. “Yes, when I thought she was planning on killing my mate!” Cam hissed back at him.

“I don’t care what she was doing, no one tries to kill my m- I mean... friend!” he snarled, stumbling over the last bit.

I looked at Comet. We exchanged a glance and intervened before things got ugly. “Boys, boys!” we said at the same time. “Settle down!”

I looked at Cam, I could tell he was still furious. I kissed him lightly on the cheek and made him look at me. “Be the bigger person, be civil, remember, we want them as friends, not bones,” I whispered. He nodded.

 I turned and watched Comet. Drake was still shaking, but not as bad. Comet had her hand on his chest and was looking into his eyes; it almost looked as if they were communicating with no words.

I took Cam’s hand and decided that some blood would be good for him. I pulled him to the fridge and poured him some, forcing him to drink even though he said it was fine.

“Okay,” I started, calling everybody’s attention, “Now that that's done, we seriously need to talk,”

“About what?” Comet asked.

“Well, first we need to know, is there any way we can get your pack to like... not kill us?” I asked.

“Hell no, the pack wants blood.” Drake said, I noticed he didn't say our pack.

“So, we can't like negotiate a truce or something?”

Comet burst out laughing. “Please! They hated your guts before you killed them, all you’ve done is given them a valid reason to tear your heads off!”

I turned to Cam. “Now can I whine about us failing at life?”

He thought for a second. “Yea, knock yourself out,”

Well, this sucks, were going to die there is absolutely no hope of us living. I shouldn’t have got our hopes up. I suddenly remembered a part in a book that I had read last summer. “Hope, on the other hand, is a pointless emotion if I've ever saw one. What good did hope ever do us? I think that never expecting anything good to happen is a good philosophy, and most of the time, I am proud to say that I am able to see the worst of most people and most situations.”  That was from You, maybe, by Rachel Vail. And even though Josie was stressed about guys and I was stressed about dying, I still think she had a point. Why work yourself up, believing some miracle was going to happen only to be slapped in the face by the disappointment of reality?

Comet waved a hand in front of my face, “Hello? Did you hear any of what I just said?” she asked.

“No.” I replied.

“I said, that you should fight back, and at least try not to get killed,”

“How?” I asked. There was no way we were going to come out on top, no matter which way you spin it.

“We make an alliance,” Comet said.

“An alliance?” I said sceptically.

“Yes, an alliance. We work together, Drake’s father is alpha, so we have access to information like when or how the pack was going to strike. if you guys made more of your kind then you could use them as a shield, there is strength in numbers,”  she explained.

“What kind of sick person makes children as an army!?”

Every one stared at me. “HAHA! You would think of that! But no, I was actually talking about making Vampires” Comet laughed.

I felt sincerely stupid. OF COURSE she had meant vampires! I wanted to slap myself repeatedly.

“Well, yes or no?” Drake spoke up. “Enemies or allies?”

Cam and I exchanged a look. “Allies,” we said at the same time.



Hey, finaly i uploaded! omg. i know its taken for ever but i just couldnt get the words to flow properly! any way please vote, comment and fan!


-Mikaelaw_21 <3

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