Deja Vu.

By lolaboa09

406 59 10

Haley Murray swears to remember her previous life, as Ashley Hendrix. She remembers living that life and dyi... More

1. letting go
2. Goodbye family drama
3. New Roommate.
4. (Not) A party girl.
6. Magical voice.
7. The Cafe.
8. The Game.
9. Kisses.
10. First date.
11. Surprise Call.
12. Guess Who.

5. Sorority party.

29 5 2
By lolaboa09

By the time we arrive, the house it's already crowed of drunken people. The music it's so loud that you can hear it from a mile away.

We walk to the front door, Taylor opens the door and we get inside. The room is full of people drinking, talking trough the loud music, dancing, and making out. The smoke on the air is so intense than you can't see right, and the smell of alcohol and cigarette lay heavy on the air.

I remember this entire thing used to annoy me when I was Ashley, but they don't seem so much of problem now, though. I mean, ones you get use to it, it's kind of cool. Sort off. You start to actually enjoy the sound of the music. And it's feels kind of good hearing the laugh and crazy talking of people; because that means that they are having a good time.

It's a weird thing to realize that I don't like the same things that before. I even start wondering way did I never went to a party before in this life. If only I had enjoy it like this when I used to do it all the fucking days. Then I wouldn't have to pretend, it would have been really me having fun.

- Hey, where did you go? - says Taylor shaking my arm. - You kind of zone out.

I give her a shy smile and answer.

- Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking that I'm kind of glad that you make me come to this.

- Me too. - She smiles at me. - Let's go have a drink.

We walk through people in search of the kitchen. We finally found it, and pour ourselves a cup of vodka cherry. I remember I used to like that one best.

- Let's go dance. - says Taylor graving my arm already taking me with her back to the makeshift dance floor.

Once we made it to the dance floor she starts to move her hips and arms in rhythm with the music. I drink quickly what's left of my cup and dance just like her.

A few couple of shots of tequila later, I feel myself losing up. My body same a lot less heavy, and my mind is so much relaxed. I keep dancing to the music with Tay, when suddenly somebody starts speaking trough a microphone.

- Hey everyone! We are the moonstones and we are gonna play a few songs for you. Hope you enjoy it.

Then the guitar starts playing, then the drums. And then the most magical voice that a ever heard in my life start singing. The band sound pretty cool, the lyrics are good too. But that voice. God, that voice! I wish I could take that voice with me everywhere, to hear it over and over again. I don't think that I'll never have enough of it.

Without realizing what I was doing, I made my way close to the stage. When I stop and look up, I'm only a few feet away from the body emanating the magical voice. And... OH. MY. GOD! His face and body are just as magical. He's body is full of tattoos, and he has his long hair on a messy bun. His dressed on black tight jeans and a black V-neck t-shirt. He looks like a rock-star. He kind of is, I guess.

I stare at him for another minute, and then I lose myself to the song again, dancing like my life depends on it. I'm enjoying myself so much that I don't realize that they already end it and begin two different songs.

- Okay. This one here it's our last song, hope you like it. - The singer, aka magical voice (and body), says with a British accent.

I look up to him only to find him looking at me. I hold his gaze, we stay like that a few seconds then he smiles at me and winks his eye. Then he begins the last song.

That smile, god. Is any part of him that is not so damn perfect?

I spend the whole song looking at him; I can't believe that he even notices me. Let alone the fact he smiled and winked at me. Oh. My. God.

By the time the song is over I made my way back to the kitchen to pour myself another drink.

I get to the kitchen, find a cup. I look around to try to find something to drink, but the only bottle left its scotch, which I don't really think I like. I look around again, but it's the only one for sure. I sigh and pour some on my cup, anyway.

I take a sip of it, and stretch my nose. Yep, it's disgusting. I swallow it, anyway. And pour the rest of my drink on the sink.

I hear a laugh from behind me. I turn around to found the singer and his beautiful smile.

- Too strong? - He says pointing to my now empty cup.

- Too disgusting. - I shrug while cleaning my lips with the back of my hand.

He laughs again, and step a little closer. I take a big breath, and hold it. He seems to notices and gives me a cocky smile.

- Cage Holland. - He introduces himself.

Holland... Why that sounds so familiar? I hear it somewhere..

- You are not going to tell me your name? - He says and snaps me out of my thoughts.

- Yeah, sorry. Haley Murray. - I reply.

- Well. Nice to meet you, Haley. - He gives me one sided smile. - You liked our music?

- Yeah. You guys are amazing. Your voice it's... - I bite my lip thinking a word to describe it. - Really beautiful.

Beautiful doesn't actually cover it, though.

He gives me another of his cocky smiles and says.

- Yeah, I got that you liked it from back there. You looked like in a sort of trance. - He say laughing.

Well, apparently his not that much of good inside as he is outside. Asshole.

- Ego, much? - I say rolling my eyes.

- I'm just aware of the reaction that I make on people that's all.

God, he really is a douche. Shame. I sigh and try to pass him by. He holds me cage between him and the counter. He is so close that I breathe the smell of his cologne and slight sweat on him. I look at his cocky smile and then upload my eyes to his green ones; they are like nothing that I've seen before. He holds my gaze, and start going even closer. His lips are only centimeters of my own. I hold my breath and look to his lips. They part a little bit, and get even closer. Just when his about to kiss me, somebody call his name.

He steps away and put his hand trough his hair, he looks really taking at back for a second. But then he recovers and looks at me. I'm still where he left me, breathing heavily. He gives me another of his cocky smiles.

Somebody calls his name, again. He sighs and yells back to them that he'll be there in a minute, never taking his gaze off me.

- See you around, Haley. - He says and turns around, his gone before I can give him an answer.

- I hope so. - I say in a whisper to no one in particular. I touch my bottom lip with my thumb and repeat - I hope so.

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