The Real Me || Book One

By miraculousduo

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((COMPLETED)) Graduation night, they promised each other they would stay in touch, but things don't always go... More

Chapter two: Finding Out Is The Worst Part
Chapter three: Same Class
Chapter four: Liar
Chapter five: Is It Too Late?
Chapter six: Best Friends
Chapter seven: Let The Games Begin
Chapter eight: First Signs
Chapter nine: Skin Deep (Part One)
Chapter ten: Skin Deep (Part Two)
Chapter eleven: Skin Deep (Part Three)
Chapter twelve: Confrontation
Chapter thirteen: Growing Up
Chapter fourteen: No Longer Kids
Chapter fifteen: Her Birthday
Chapter Sixteen: The Reveal
Chapter seventeen: It Wasn't Supposed To End Like This
Chapter eighteen: Mason and Marinette
Chapter nineteen: Everything is not as it seems
Chapter twenty: The Wedding
Chapter twenty-one: Marry Me, Here And Now
Chapter twenty-two: The End Is Just The Beginning
Book Two!!

Chapter One: Graduation

17.2K 459 883
By miraculousduo

One year earlier...

Marinette's POV

It was Graduation night, everyone was nervous and eager to get out into the real world. But first we had to face graduation lock down, where the teachers lock the graduates in the school for the entire night, so they don't go to a party, get drunk, and possibly die from a car accident. It was one of the many traditions seniors had at the end of the school year.

This would be the last time that I would see Alya. She would be going to the US to travel the states, something she's always wanted to do. I was proud of her, she was making her dream come true. Since senior year started, Alya always said one quote:

"If you want your dreams to come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up."

She referenced it from one of her favourite childhood movies, "Cinderella".

I was really going to miss her. I kept telling her how I would never find another friend like her in college and she would always stop me, and tell me to live in the moment instead of rambling about the future.

As for my dream, I was already one step ahead of everyone when I applied to my dream college: IFA Paris!! (real school in Paris) It was one of the biggest fashion schools in the world and I was lucky enough to be accepted! There was only one problem; I hadn't told Alya about it yet, and I have to tell her soon before she leaves.

"Alya?" I ask and she looks up.

"Hm?' Her full attention turns to me and I look down at my hands. I began fiddling with my fingers as I tried to think of what I should say.

"I know that you keep telling me that I should apply to my dream school before it's too late..." My voice trails off. I look up to see her face fill with concern.

"But there's something I've been keeping from you." I take a deep breath. "I've been accepted into IFA Paris..." I close my eyes and wait for her response.

"Marinette! That's awesome!" Alya jumps up, taking me with her. She wraps me into a tight hug.

After Alya placed me down on the floor again, a few boys ran past us with cans of paint and brushes. They ran towards the large windows in the front of the hallway.

"How long have you known?" She asks, and I gulp. When I tell her that I've known for a while, she's going to be pissed! What am I gonna' do? Calm down, Marinette. The best thing is to tell her the truth. That way she can't be mad at you for lying, but that won't stop her for being mad period.

"At least three months." I look down, ashamed. Now's the time when Alya starts yelling. I flinch as she rests a hand on my shoulder. I open my eyes and look at her hand, then at her.

"Y-you're not mad?" I stutter. She shakes her head.

"No, I'm not mad. I completely understand. You were worried about how I would take it, so you pushed it off. I would've done the same."

I smile widely and pull her into another hug. "Thanks, Alya! I couldn't have done it without you!"

She chuckles and hugs back. "Yes you could, you just had to wake up!"

I let go and laugh. "True!"

The boys who ran past us earlier, came running back, laughing wildly. Out of the boys, I spotted Adrien and Nino. He notices me looking and smiles then waves. I do the same, and quickly turn away.

All of a sudden, I felt a nudge in my side. "Hey!" I rub the spot she nudged.

"You know what you have to do, don't you?" Alya asks, and smirks. I shake my head, confused.

"It's graduation night, Marinette."


"So? You have to tell him! Don't you remember the promise you made in sophomore year?"

I do remember the promise I made, but I didn't want to go through with it. Which is why I secretly hoped that Alya forgot about it. But she didn't.

"Oh, yeah. I remember now." My shoulders slump and I sit back down on the floor, in front of the lockers. Alya sits down next to me, smiling.

"Oh come on, Marinette! All you have to do, is go up to Adrien, tell him how you feel, and walk away! It's that simple!" She crosses her arms, and closes her eyes. I raise a brow and look at her.

"Easy for you to say! You're not the one who has to do it!"

She giggles and opens one eye. "It's either that or I tell him!"

I shake my hands at her, making her chuckle. "No, no! I'll tell him!"

"Okay! Good luck!"

"Wait, you mean right now?" Alya nods her head. "I can't do that now!"

"And why not?" She looks at me and uncrosses her arms.

"Because! There's people around!"

"Ladybug wouldn't be scared to!" Alya teased. Ever since she found out that I was Ladybug, she kept teasing me about how Ladybug wouldn't be afraid to tell her crush she liked them.

"Alya, Ladybug hasn't been around for a while."

"And why is that, anyway?" She asks and sits up. I shrug.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because Hawk Moth has been defeated!"

Alya's eyes light up. "Oh yeah! Didn't he turn out to be Adrien's dad?" (I don't know if that happens in the show, but that's how it is in this book)

We both look over at Adrien. Ever since his dad was put in jail a few years ago, he hasn't really been the same and since then, I haven't seen Cat Noir (or Chat Noir) either. Maybe they're connected some how.

"Yeah, he was." I look down.

Alya looks back at me and puts her hand back on my shoulder. "Hey, it wasn't your fault that Adrien's dad was Hawk Moth."

"I know, but I was the reason why he was put in jail. If Adrien knew that I was Ladybug, he would hate me forever!" I sigh and stand up to stretch my legs.

"I doubt her would hate you, Marinette. Have you seen the way he looks at you?" I shake my head.

"No, how does he look at me?"

A big smile grows across Alya's face. "He's totally got hearts in his eyes!" I roll my eyes.

"No he doesn't. I think we both know that he would never look twice in my direction."

Alya cocks her head at me. "Marinette, any guy would be LUCKY to have you. You're just looking in the wrong area." I sigh.

"There's only one guy that I want." I look back at Adrien, who was laughing with Nino.

"Then go talk to him!" I look back at Alya and nod.

"Okay! I'll go talk to him!" I stand up, fix my shirt, and begin to walk his way. I hope this goes well.

Adrien's POV

(Before Marinette walks over)

"So Adiren?" Nino asks and takes a bite of his pizza. I raise a brow at him.


"Since it's practically the end of the year, who do you have a crush on?" He takes another bite and wipes his mouth. I stop chewing on the piece of pizza in my mouth, and stay silent. Nino raises a brow when he realizes that I hadn't responded yet.

"Adrien?" He asks.

"Yeah?" I swallow and take a sip of my soda.

"Who do you have a crush on?" My instinct was to look over at Marinette, and yes I have a crush on her, but how could I not? She's smart, funny, and... beautiful, oh and she's very talented with designing fashion. I tried to contain myself from looking over in her direction, but fail miserably. Nino catches the hint.

"Dude! You like Marinette?!" I look at him and my cheeks turn slightly red.

"Yeah... I, uh, I do." He raises his hand for a high-five. I raise mine, confused and he slaps his across mine.

"You should tell her!" My eyes widen.

"Are you serious?! I can't do that!"

"And why not? This might be the last time you see her." Nino gulps his drink and finishes off his pizza.

"It's not though. We're going to the same college..." I look down at my uneaten pizza and sigh. He stops drinking and looks at me.

"Does she know?" I shake my head and continue looking down.

"No. She has no idea."

"Are you going to tell her?"

"No." I sigh and look back up.

"Well, I wish you luck man." He pats my back.


My thoughts cause me to disappear from reality until Nino nudges me with his elbow.

"Hm?" He points at Marinette, who was walking over. I could feel my cheeks turning red as she got closer.

When she was standing in front of us, Nino stood up. "I'll leave you two alone." He walked away and Marinette sat down beside me.

"Hi." She smiles. I smile too.


Marinette looks down at her hands, her smile staying.

"Since we're at the end of the year, I, uh..." Her voice trails off. She lays both hands down on the tile floor.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" She nods. Without even thinking, I lay my hand on top of hers. We both look down and smile. Neither of us moved, so I guess whatever she had to tell me, was about how she felt, which was going better than I thought it would.

"I wanted to tell you how I feel about you." Marinette looks up at me. Our eyes met, and our cheeks turned bright red.

"Ever since I can remember, I've always had... had a crush on you..." She doesn't break eye contact, and searches my eyes for a reaction. My smile only grew larger.

"That's a relief." I chuckle softly.

"What do you mean?" She furrows her brows in confusion.

"I've felt the same way, Marinette." Her blue eyes light up as the words left my lips.

"R-really?!" I nod.

"That is a relief." We both smile.

We sat there for a few minutes, in silence, looking at one another and waiting for something to happen. I've always heard that if you're ever in this situation with a girl you like, then you should make the first move. But Marinette isn't like that. She's her own person, so it would be perfectly fine is she made the mo--- My thoughts get interrupted as her soft lips were pressed against mine.  My eyes were wide in shock, but I quickly closed them as the kiss became more passionate.

Am I dreaming? Was I actually kissing Marientte? This had to be just my imagination, but it feels so real... and so right...

The kiss lasted for a few minutes, until we both parted, slightly panting.

Our eyes stayed on each other's, and we were both smiling like fools.

"Adrien?" She asks.

"Yes Marinette?"

"Promise me something."


"Promise me that you'll stay in touch. I don't want this to be our last encounter."

My smile widens a little and I nod. "I promise, I don't want that either." She giggles. We weren't technically a couple, but it felt like we were. I wrapped my arm around her as she came closer and nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck. I wish I could freeze this moment, and live in it forever, but I can't, and she couldn't either.

Guilt started coming over me as I realized that we would be going to the same school, but I haven't told her. She would be ecstatic to find out, but there's no easy way to tell her. Maybe she won't see me there. I know that I'm digging a hole, but I have no idea how I'm going to tell her. This is really going to come back and bite me in the arse, but it's the price I'm going to pay if it means I can stay in this moment with her for a little longer.


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