Grester: How it all began

By Cecilia-Ari

7.7K 137 31

Grace is in the middle of her 2nd book, a no filter tour and a busy schedule. When the holy trinity sets out... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Not a chapter
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 13

149 2 0
By Cecilia-Ari

We went out for lunch and talked about YouTube and Chester's career in music.   He payed and we went home, it was a quiet ride home. I was staring out the window while Chester hummed the tune to the songs on the radio, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat. "So what did you want to do for your birthday?" Chester asked. I had forgotten the date was fast approaching. "Surprise me." I didn't know what I wanted to do but anything Chester is going to do for me will be enough. We got home and I went to my office, closing the door behind me. I just wanted to think. I'm no good with emotions but I seem to be overflowing with them. 2 hours has past  and all I was doing was sitting in a chair looking at a wall. "Grace honey, are you alright in there? Nothing in that room has made a sound for the past two hours." Chester said knocking on the door. "Uh uh yea I'm fine." My voice cracked. Chester opened the door. "What are you up to?" He asked. "Oh nothing. Just wanted to clear my head." I said "By looking at a wall?" Chester asked jokingly. "Well yeah." Finally pulling my focus away from the wall and towards Chester. All of a sudden my phone buzzed. It was Mamrie.
- Grace do you remember when Goose came to one of the no filter shows?
She sent. I replied.
-yea why?
-uh well you called Chester babe and I guess someone got a video/audio of it. Well you're screwed.
I didn't text back. I checked my Twitter. Everything was now about Chester and I. "YouTube star Grace Helbig has been said to have been dating Chester See. GRESTER confirmed. " we're the titles on many tweets, followed by the link to a video of me saying it. "I'm so stupid." I said aloud not meaning to. "What?" Chester asked moving towards my phone which I set down on the desk. He picked up the phone. "Oh, I'm guessing you didn't want that to happen." He said. "Well no duh. I can't believe I said that." I got up from the chair and started pacing the room. "Grace it's okay. Who cares if they know. It's just a relationship." "Just a relationship? Is that all we are? Just a relationship?" I was getting angry. "No I didn't mean it like that. It's not like it's a big deal." He was trying to calm me down. "Well it is to me!" I was mad, whatever he was saying was not working. "Grace. I meant that it's not like they uploaded a video of you saying you are pregnant or anything. I didn't mean to offend you. You've been very moody are you..." I knew what he was trying to say without saying because it's an awkward subject for him to talk about. "You know me so well Chester See." I said dryly while walking out of the room. "I'm going to go take a run. Clear my mind, I'll be back in 15 minutes." I headed up stairs to change. When I came down I noticed Chester was gone. So was his car as I exited the house. 'Dang it. What did I do?' I thought to myself. I put my earbuds in and started on my run.

I came back 25 minutes later and Chester still wasn't back. I went upstairs and took a shower taking my time even though there was already a drought happening. 30 minutes later I was cleaned up, wearing sweatpants with my I don't know sweatshirt and a beanie over my damp head. I sat down on the couch with my laptop editing tomorrow's video. It was 5:30 and I had just finished editing my video. I was going to have to make dinner for myself because it didn't look like Chester was coming back. 'Maybe I should text him.' I thought. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. It was Hannah. "Oh hey Hannah what are you doing here?" I asked after opening the door and inviting her in. "Is Chester here?" She asked. "No why?"
"Oh no reason. Listen I broke up with Mamrie."
"Look we are still best friends. Mamrie actually figured out she is straight so I let her go. She said she liked Flula for the longest time. She is heading to his place right now."
"Oh. Cool. But you could've just texted."
"I couldn't have done this if I texted."
She grabbed my arms and pulled me into a kiss. I was shocked at first but then I accepted it kissing her back. She threw me up against the wall and we started making out. We moved to the couch. "I love you Grace." She said then she took my shirt off. But I thought of Chester. I couldn't do this, here I was complaining about him going off with another girl while I already have. "Hannah, I can't, I'm sorry." I said trying to let her down softly. "It's okay Grace." She slid off of me and handed me my shirt. "Real housewives?" I asked. "Let's do it." So for the next 3 hours we watched real housewives while sitting on the couch playing with Goose. It was 9:30 and Chester still wasn't back. "I should be going it's getting late." Hannah said looking at the time. "Oh okay." She got up and grabbed her jacket.
"Bye Hannah."
"Bye Smellbig."
She closed the door behind her and me and Goose went upstairs to bed.

I woke up the next morning and went downstairs. Still no Chester. I took Goose outside and fed her when we got back in. I grabbed some cereal, put it in a bowl and sat down at the table going through my Instagram feed. One of the posts in my feed was a grester post. I commented on it. 'Don't even get your hopes up. Even I don't know if grester is real.' I pressed send and turned off my phone. "When is he coming back Goose?" I said. Then I remembered I hadn't called him. I dialled his number and waited.
- Hello?
- Chester?
- Grace?
- Where are you?
- Uh I'm at my apartment.
- Why did you just leave yesterday without explanation?
- Yea uh well I don't know. I mean I had something important to do. I'll stop by today okay?
- Okay, I love you.
- I love you more. Bye Grace.
- Bye.

Was I ever going to tell him about Hannah? I don't know what to do. I got up and walked into the bathroom to examine myself. "I'm such a bad person." I said to myself. I looked in the mirror for a little while longer then went upstairs to change. Simple jeans and a shirt. What was Chester doing? It was 10:30 in the morning so i thought I would upload my video. I was just about to take a nap when my phone buzzed. It was Hannah.
- I love you Grace.
I couldn't bring myself to answer. She knew I was with Chester. But so did i, yet not even 24 hours ago I was on the couch with Hannah making out. My phone buzzed again. I thought it might have been Hannah again but it was Mamrie.
- Hey you wanna come over and film a YDAD?
- Yea sure I'll be right over.
I got in my car and left for Mamrie's house. 10 minutes later I pulled up at her door. "Hey Grace!"
"Hello Mamrie."
"Well come on let's get things going. Today I was thinking something along the lines of the upcoming Grammies..? What do you think?"
"Yea sure lets do it. I'll set up."
"No need Hannah already did."
"Hannah's here? I thought th-"
"That we broke up? We did, but we're still the holy trinity, 2 Harts and a Helbig and all that jazz."
"Uh yea I guess. Where's Hannah?"
"Oh well she left. It's just you, me and Beanz."
"Cool lets start."
We shot the YDAD and sat down to lunch. "So did Hannah text you?" Mamrie said.
"No she came over. I kind of wish she hadn't."
"Why not?" Mamrie questioned.
"Well.. Never mind. She came over and we watched housewives for three hours. But Chester and I.. He left yesterday. Hasn't come back. Said it was important business but that's all I've heard. We sort of got into a tiny argument."
"Yea I saw the posts and tweets about you and him. Sorry it had to leak."
"See he wasn't even sympathetic, he said it's just a relationship." I put quotes around that part. "Oh my. Does he realize what it means for you?"
"Well I told him. But then I just went upstairs to change because i was going for a run, but then when I came downstairs he was gone." All of a sudden my phone rang. "It's Chester!" I said. I picked up the phone.
- Chester?
- Grace? Hey. Are you home?'  He said it kind of depressingly. What was going on?
- No I'm not. I'm at Mamrie's.
-HEYO!!!' Mamrie said into the phone.
- Can you come home I need to talk to you.
- O-Okay. I'll be right over.
I hung up the phone and rushed out the door.

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