Lunar's Death

By MarzeofFlame

162 9 11

Lunar was just a kittypet until her owners moved and forgot about her. She tried to live in the house as long... More

Warrior Code PetalClan Allegiance and the One-Shot

162 9 11
By MarzeofFlame

1. Defend your clan from any intruders. There are bears, badgers, and foxes out there and we can't let them destroy our clan.

2. Warriors eat first. Then it is the queens and kits. The apprentices eat next and if there is anything left over then the elders get that.

3. Prey is to be killed and eaten. There is no playing with it.

4. A kit must be at least four moons before he/she can be an apprentice.

5. Newly appointed warriors must watch over the clan for three nights. They may talk if they need to but they need to stay quiet.

6. Any warrior or apprentice can challenge the deputy for his role. They will fight. If the apprentice wins the battle then he/she gets his/her warrior name.

7. The deputy will only become Clan leader of the leader has no heirs.

8. After the death of a deputy, his heir will be able to take his spot. The heir will only not take it if he/she is a kit. If there is no heir then the next warrior in line shall get to be deputy.

9. Boundaries must be checked daily and marked. Do not challenge all trespassers. They are welcome to join PetalClan.

10. No warrior should neglect the pain of a kit. They are the future of the clan.

11. The word of the leader is the law. If a cat breaks it then he shall be punished by whatever the leader decides will be fit for punishment.

12. Apprentices can have mates but they are not allowed to have kits. If they do have kits, those kits will be killed by the leader.


PetalClan was a regular clan at one time. It had two bordering clans. Those two clans were very hostile. They attacked PetalClan one day and they chased them out. PetalClan has wandered for many moons until finding its new place to live. They now live on the side of a desert. On the other side are some mountains with some trees and a lush forest on the other side of them. PetalClan lives in a cave on the side of the mountain.

PetalClan cats usually hunt whatever they can find. They sometimes go to the desert to hunt some of the desert prey but most of the time they hunt birds. Sometimes they will even go to their lush forest to hunt the forest prey if they have to.

The enemies of PetalClan are mostly bears since they do live on the mountains. Other enemies are eagles, foxes, and badgers. Badgers and foxes are rare on the mountain since they mainly live in the forest or even the desert for the foxes.

The ancestors of this clan are called DarkClan and LightClan. DarkClan is the place were the evil cats go to. It is very dark in DarkClan. LightClan is where the good cats go. It is very bright in LightClan and there is no darkness. Both can send prophecies to PetalClan.


Leader: Smokestar- a dark grey tom with light grey eyes. His mate is Quietheart, his son is Clearpaw, his sister is Lionhowl, his father was Jaggedstar, and his mother was Sleekfeather.

Deputy: Nettlerunner- a dark brown shecat with blue eyes. Her mate is Brackenclaw, and she has no kits yet. Her father was Brownpelt, and her mother was Sageclaw.

Medicine cat: Berrywhisper- a calico shecat with amber eyes. No family that we know of.


Quietheart- a light grey shecat with green eyes. Her mate is Smokestar, her son is Clearpaw, her father was Sparkstorm, and her mother was Heatherflame.

Brackenclaw- a light brown tom with green eyes. His mate is Nettlerunner, he has no kits yet, his father and mother are unknown.

Leopardpelt- a spotted shecat with blue eyes. Her mate is Oakcloud, her sons are Treepaw and Beepaw, and her father and mother are unknown.

Oakcloud- a dark brown tom with yellow eyes. His mate his Leopardpelt, his sons are Treepaw and Beepaw, his father was Mouseblaze, and his mother is Icefur.

Blackeye- a black tom with dark blue eyes. His kin are unknown.


Clearpaw- a light grey tom with green eyes. His father is Smokestar, and his mother is Quietheart.

Treepaw- a brown tom with blue eyes. His brother is Beepaw, his father is Oakcloud, and his mother is Leopardpelt.

Beepaw- a spotted tom with yellow eyes. His brother is Treepaw, his father is Oakcloud, and his mother is Leopardpelt.


Wildclaw- a white and brown shecat with green eyes. Her mate was Tinysun, her sons are Coalkit and Shockkit, her daughters are Winterkit and Plumkit, and her father and mother are unknown.


Coalkit- a black tom with blue eyes. His brother is Shockkit, his sisters are Winterkit and Plumkit, his father was Tinysun, and his mother is Wildclaw.

Shockkit- a black and white tom with green eyes. His brother is Coalkit, his sisters are Winterkit and Plumkit, his father was Tinysun, and his mother is Wildclaw.

Winterkit- a white shecat with green eyes. Her brothers are Coalkit and Shockkit, her sister is Plumkit, her father was Tinysun, and her mother is Wildclaw.

Plumkit- a brown shecat with blue eyes. Her brothers are Coalkit and Shockkit, her sister is Winterkit, her father was Tinysun, and her mother is Wildclaw.


Icefur- a white shecat with yellow eyes. Her mate was Mouseblaze, and her son is Oakcloud.

Cat outside the Clan:

Lunar- a white shecat with light grey eyes. Used to be a and now is a loner. Kin is unknown.

Lionhowl- a ginger and grey shecat with light grey eyes. Her brother is Smokestar, her father was Jaggedstar, and her mother was Sleekfeather.


The white shecat walked outside of her house. She had finally ran out of her twoleg food. Now she either had to go hunt in the wild or starve to death. She would rather live than die so she decided to try to hunt. Thankfully her owners had lived in a lush forest so there must be something for her to eat in there. She carefully walked out into the forest and looked around with her grey ears pricked up so she could tell if anything was near.

The shecat kept walking through the forest until she couldn't remember which way she had to go to go back to her home. She couldn't hear anything either. That didn't help her.

"Help!" She yowled at the top of her lungs making some birds fly off into the air. The shecat crouched down low to the ground as she got more scared of the wild. Her stomach grumbled since she was hungry.

"Who's there?" Asked a voice. The shecat slowly got up but trembled. She didn't want to move. "I said who is there?" Asked the voice again. The shecat blinked her grey eyes and got the courage to say her name.

"Lunar. I just need food." She said quietly. Her voice shook a little. Soon the cat who had asked her who she was stepped out from the darkness in the forest. He had a light grey coat and lush green eyes like the green paper that hung from the viewing glass on the side of her house.

"You need to come with me then. Do you think you can make it?" The tom asked her as he blinked his green eyes. She nodded slightly and followed him through the forest.

Thankfully he didn't run so she was able to keep up. They soon got farther into the forest but what Lunar didn't know was they were getting closer to the mountains. She had never been to the mountains. When they got out of the forest they met two other cats. One was dark brown and the other was black. They both were toms.

"Who is she?" The black tom asked the light grey tom that stood next to her now.

"Her name is Lunar, and you know we are suppose to take all loners to Smokestar to see if they want to join PetalClan." The light grey tom told the other two. Lunar stepped back a little and dipped her head scared.

"Alright fine. Let's take the quicker route then." The dark brown tom said and started to run up a mountain path. The black tom went next.

"Come on, can you run?" The light grey tom asked her. Lunar nodded and started to run after the black tom. It hurt a little as she ran but she dealt with the pain.


They got to the cave that the light grey tom, who Lunar found out his name was Clearpaw, was talking about. The dark brown tom, Oakcloud, and the black tom, Blackeye, walked into the cave and headed toward the back. It took Lunar a second to get adjusted.

Inside the den were seven dens. The one in the front had one big shecat in it with two smaller shecats, that Lunar guessed where kits, and two smaller toms, Lunar guessed they were kits too. Next to that was another den that had two toms about the size of her in it. On the other side of the cave was two other dens. The one closest to the entrance just had one white shecat in it. Lunar kinda felt bad for her. The one next to that den had two cats in it. The last three were in the back of the cave and were bigger then the other ones. The one in the middle was the largest and had two cats inside that looked like Clearpaw. Lunar guessed that they must of been his parents. The one to the left was smaller then the middle one and that had two cats inside of it. The one on the right was the smaller of the tree and had a strong scent of mints and had a lonely cat inside of it too. To the right side of that den was a pile of prey. That made Lunar's mouth water a little.

"This way, we are going to see Smokestar, my father." Clearpaw said softly to Lunar. She nodded her small head and walked after him as he headed toward the big den in the middle.

"Will I be able to eat after this?" Lunar asked as she kept her grey eyes on the pile of prey. Most of it was birds but she didn't mind. She just wanted to eat right then.

"Oh! I forgot. I'm so sorry Lunar. I'll go get a falcon for you. Are you fine with that or do you want something smaller?" Clearpaw asked as his green eyes gazed at her.

"Can I get something smaller?" Lunar asked. Clearpaw nodded and started to walk to the pile of prey. She soon found out a tiny white shecat was following him. Lunar tilted her head a little but waited for him to get back. Some of the other cats came out of their dens and stared at her. That made her really uncomfortable.

"Here." Clearpaw meowed when her got back. It was a little muffled since he had a mouse tail in his mouth.

"Thanks, now can we go to Smokestar?" She asked as she didn't like all the cats around looking at her. Clearpaw nodded and started to walk back to the big den in the middle. Lunar got the mouse by the tail and followed after him.


Lunar had been accepted into the clan. Since she was six moons old she was put into the apprentice den. She had wanted to keep her name so Smokestar allowed it. She had been slowly learning everyone's names and tonight was the day that the four kits in the nursery got their apprentice names while Treepaw and Beepaw got their warrior names. Clearpaw was a little jealous of his two friends getting to become warriors before him but he was kinda fine with it since he got to teach Lunar more stuff.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather before the leader's den!" Smokestar yowl echoed out through the cave. Clearpaw got up right after Treepaw and Beepaw padded out of the den. Clearpaw looked at the sleeping form of Lunar and smiled to himself.

"She's so nice." He whispered to himself and nudged her awake. She poked her head up and blinked her tired eyes.

"Yes?" She asked her voice layered with tiredness.

"Come on. Clan meeting." He told her. She nodded and got up stretching. He waited for her outside the den and gave his chest fur a couple licks.

To be honest he was kinda scared. He would have Winterkit in the same den as him. He kinda liked the shecat but she was annoying. Smokestar, Clearpaw's father, kept saying to him that she should be his mate. Clearpaw had just been ignoring his father since he had his eyes on a different shecat. The shecat he was thinking about was a lot nicer then Winterkit and less annoying.

"Are you coming?" Winterkit's small meow snapped him out of his thoughts. Clearpaw nodded not wanting to say anything to the white shecat.

Lunar walked out and smiled softly to him. He smiled back and headed toward the leader's den with her right by his side. Once they got there he sat in the back with Treepaw, Beepaw, and Lunar. Beepaw was on his right side and Lunar was on his left side. On the other side of Beepaw was Treepaw.

"Today we have two apprentices that have completed their training and four kits that have reached their fourth moon. Without further notice let Treepaw and Beepaw step forward." Smokestar said as he sat in front of everyone. He didn't have to stand on anything since there wasn't a lot of cats in the cave.

Treepaw walked forward with a huge smile on his face. Beepaw stepped up slowly and reluctantly. It seemed like he didn't really want to be a warrior yet. Then why would he of tried so hard to pass his test? It made no sense to Clearpaw.

"Treepaw, do you accept to live by the warrior code and defend your clan from any intruders at any cost?" Smokestar asked the brown tom.

"I do!" Treepaw's voice boomed. Smokestar nodded with a small smile.

"Then, by the powers of LightClan I give you your warrior name. From this moment on you shall no longer be called Treepaw but be called Treeblaze. PetalClan welcomes you as a full warrior." Smokestar smiled to the new warrior.

"Treeblaze! Treeblaze!" All the cats cheered while Treeblaze shone with courage.

"Beepaw, do you accept to live by the warrior code and defend your clan against any intruders at any cost?" Smokestar asked as he turned to Treeblaze's brother.

"I-i do." Beepaw stumbled his words a little. Smokestar took one more look to the spotted apprentice then looked to the rest of the cats.

"Then by the powers of LightClan I give you your warrior name. From this moment on you shall no longer be called Beepaw but be called Beewing. PetalClan welcomes you as a full warrior." Smokestar smiled at the new apprentice.

"Beewing! Beewing!" All the cats cheered while Beewing looked down embarrassed.

"Coalkit, Shockkit, Winterkit, and Plumkit please step forward." Smokestar meowed as the cats quieted down. Soon the four kits were in front of him with clean coats.

"Coalkit, from this moment on until you become a warrior you shall be called Coalpaw. Oakcloud will be your mentor." Smokestar meowed.

"Coalpaw! Coalpaw!" The cats cheered. Clearpaw had never understood why they didn't just wait to cheer all the cats' names at once but he didn't say anything.

"Shockkit, from this moment on until you become a warrior you shall be called Shockpaw. Leopardpelt will be your mentor." Smokestar meowed.

"Shockpaw! Shockpaw!" The cats cheered. Lunar was a little quieter this time as she had her head tilted a little.

"Winterkit, from this moment on until you become a warrior you shall be called Winterpaw. Quietheart will be your mentor." Smokestar smirked a little as he announced Winterpaw's mentor. A small growl rose up in Clearpaw's throat.

"Winterpaw! Winterpaw!" The rest of the clan cheered except for Clearpaw, since he didn't really like her that much, and Lunar, since Clearpaw wasn't cheering for her.

"Plumkit, from this moment on until you become a full medicine cat you shall be called Plumpaw. Berrywhisper will be your mentor." Smokestar meowed then slumped down a little as he looked tired.

"Plumpaw! Plumpaw!" All of the clan cheered except for Beewing. He looked really sad. Clearpaw wanted to see if his friend was okay or not but didn't know what to say.

"Meeting dismissed!" Smokestar said then closed his light grey eyes and started to fall over. Clearpaw for up just as his father fall on the ground not moving. He rushed forward to his father. Quietheart found her place next to her son. Berrywhisper stepped up and looked at the grey leader. The medicine cat hung her head down. She knew the leader was dead but didn't want to say it.

"What happened to him? Why isn't he getting up?" Clearpaw hissed a little angry. He needed his father to be there with him. He wasn't ready to lead. He might do something stupid. He had to learn still.

"H-he-he's d-dead!" Berrywhisper choked out with a quiet sob. The clan went silent. The solemn faces turned to Clearpaw. He didn't want to look up.

"He can't be." He whispered. Quietheart put her tail on his shoulder while Lunar made her way up to Clearpaw.

"I'm sorry." She said softly. Clearpaw turned to the white shecat and leaned against her just wanting to have someone except his kin to talk to.


Clearpaw finally started to act normal again. He didn't want to go the first night so he stayed in the cave mourning for his father like the rest of the clan. Winterpaw had been worried more and more about him. He had even made Lunar his personal apprentice! Winterpaw couldn't stand that shecat. She got all the attention from Clearpaw.

"Come on Clearpaw. We need to go to the LighCave. You can pick two cats to come with us if you wish." Winterpaw over heard Berrywhisper meow. The smaller white shecat smiled a little and kept listening to her crush, Clearpaw, and Berrywhisper.

"I think I'll take two apprentices. It will be a good adventure for them." She heard Clearpaw meow. She smiled as she tried to figure out which one of them would be going.

"Okay, which two should I go get?" Berrywhisper asked the new leader.

"Go get Lunar and Winterpaw." Clearpaw meowed. Winterpaw smiled and darted back to the apprentice den. The bigger white shecat was already in there. Winterpaw waited a while then Berrywhisper came into the den.

"Clearpaw told me to get you two so come on." The medicine cat meowed looking to both Winterpaw and Lunar. Lunar got up slowly while Winterpaw got up quickly since she had been expecting it.

"Okay." Lunar meowed as she walked out of the den.

Winterpaw was already waiting outside with Berrywhisper. Clearpaw had just been getting out of his den as the three shecats headed outside the cave. He caught up with them and started to walk next to Lunar. That made Winterpaw's blood boil inside of her. She couldn't stand Lunar. She wanted her head. She just had to find a way to get rid of her.


They soon got to the LightCave and Clearpaw had told Winterpaw and Lunar to wait at the entrance for them. Winterpaw had told Lunar that she was going to hunt for the two of them so she could think of some way to kill her.

Maybe I could poison her. I'm sure there are some nightshades out here I can find. Then after I give her food she will choke on them! Perfect! Winterpaw thought and started to look for the red berries of poison. It wasn't very hard to find the berries. They stood out like a sore paw. Winterpaw carefully plucked a couple off of the branches then laid them on the ground next to the bush.

"Now I just have to hunt. A robin would be perfect." Winterpaw meowed to herself and started to look around for one of those annoying red birds. That took her longer this time but she soon found one. She knew a little hunting but not a whole lot. She crouched down low and stared at the bird. She made sure she would have enough power to leap up and kill it. Then she did! She even killed it right before it got away.

The white shecat now climbed down the tree carefully and padded back to the bush with the nightshades. She started to put the berries into the bird from the holes she left with her mouth. It soon had all the berries that she would need to kill her and carefully padded back to the LightCave entrance where Lunar was waiting.

Lunar saw Winterpaw coming back with a robin in her mouth. She didn't see any other prey but she was hungry. Maybe the two shecats could share it. Winterpaw padded over to her and placed the robin in front of her.

"Here, I ate before I came back." Winterpaw told her and went to sit on the other side of the entrance.

"Thanks Winterpaw." Lunar smiled softly to the smaller white shecat. She didn't mind her that much. It was just that the apprentice spent so much time with Clearpaw.

"Your welcome. Now eat. You must be starving." Winterpaw meowed with a small smirk. Lunar didn't notice it yet.

She bent down and took a big bite from the robin with her eyes closed. She didn't open her eyes until her back was straight again and she wasn't leaning over the robin. She chewed the bird and realized it tasted a little strange. Lunar couldn't quite place the taste. After she swallowed pain erupted all over her body.

Lunar fell to the ground and felt like she couldn't breath at all. Her whole body twitched rapidly. She still couldn't breath either. She felt the life draining out of her. She started to see black spots.

"Clearpaw!" She choked out then closed her eyes for the last time. Winterpaw had a huge smirk on since she knew that her enemy was dead now.


Lunar opened her eyes and felt no pain. Could she still be alive? No. She wasn't. She was in a much brighter place. She was in LightClan. She looked around and noticed that she was in the background watching Clearpaw's nine live ceremony and it was just beginning. One cat came over to her and looked down to her.

"You will be giving him his last life. You will know what to give to him when it's your turn." The cat meowed to Lunar. Lunar looked down and a quiet sob escaped her lips. She was dead.

Clearpaw saw the LightClan warriors gathering around him. Berrywhisper stood next to him tall and proud. The first cat that padded to Clearpaw was a tan-furred shecat that looked proud.

"Hello young one. I am Petalstar, the first leader of PetalClan. I am your great great grandmother. I am here to give you your first life. With this life I give you power. Use this power to over come struggles and enemies." The tan-furred shecat, Petalstar, meowed to him and touched his forehead.

With the touch he felt power running through his blood but he also felt pain in his heart as if he just watched one of his loved ones die in front of him. He dipped his head to Petalstar after all the pain was gone and waited for the next cat.

The next cat looked like Petalstar. She also had tan fur just like Petalstar. The shecat looked down to Clearpaw and had a small smile on.

"Hello Clearpaw. I am Greenstar, the second leader of PetalClan. I am also Petalstar's daughter and your great grandmother. I am here to give you your second life. With this life I give you knowledge. What is a good leader without knowing what to do?" The tan-furred shecat, Greenstar, meowed to Clearpaw. She the touched his forehead with her nose.

With the touch Clearpaw had a clear mind and knew what to do. He may of been just an apprentice but he was going to know what to do. Once again pain was in his heart as if he just exiled one of his dear friends. After the pain was gone he waited for the next cat to give him his next life.

The next cat looked more like Smokestar. He had dark grey fur and light grey eyes. Clearpaw would of been able to tell if it was Smokestar. It wasn't his father. Not yet.

"Hello, Clearpaw. I am Jaggedstar, the third leader of Petalstar and your father's father. I am here to give you your third life. With this life I give you wisdom. Use this life to give good calls." The dark grey tom, Jaggedstar, meowed to Clearpaw and touched his forehead with his nose.

With the touch Clearpaw felt like he knew exactly what to do. It wasn't knowing what to do it was knowing that he should do it even if it was wrong. With this life he felt no pain in his heart. He dipped his head and waited for his next life.

The next cat he knew right away. It was his father, Smokestar. Clearpaw wanted to run to him and never leave his side but he knew he shouldn't.

"My son, you are growing up so much. I am here to give you your fourth life. With this life I give you mother's love. Though you are not a shecat you can still love your clan. A mother's love is a special thing and I hope you get to see it one day when your mate has kits." Smokestar smiled to his son and touched his forehead with his nose.

Clearpaw saw his clan this time. He saw everyone he loved. He saw Lunar, Winterpaw, Quietheart, Beewing, and Treeblaze. His heart was warm with this life. He never wanted to give up on his clan. Clearpaw finally dipped his head and waited for his next life.

The next cat was a runt. He had black fur and blue eyes. He kinda reminded Clearpaw of Coalpaw. Could that of been his father, Tinysun?

"Hello. I remember when you were just a little kit. So tiny. I am Tinysun if you didn't remember. I am here to give you your fifth life. With this life I give you adventure. Use this life to always seek out something to do and new lands." The black tom, Tinysun, meowed to Clearpaw and touched his forehead with his nose.

Clearpaw saw himself running through the forest with Treeblaze and Winterpaw by his side. He would of guessed that those two cats had the most adventure in them. He was a little sad that he didn't see Lunar with him. What had happened to her?

Clearpaw dipped his head and waited for the next cat. This cat was a dark brown tom with green eyes. He kinda reminded Clearpaw of Nettlerunner but with green eyes.

"Hello Clearpaw. I am Brownpelt, the father of Nettlerunner. I am here to give you your sixth life. With this life I give you mercy. Sometimes you will need mercy on even your friends." Brownpelt meowed then touched Clearpaw's forehead with his nose.

Clearpaw saw himself in front of a group of cats. Strangely he saw Winterpaw in front of everyone else and in front of him. It looked like she was sad too. He didn't know why or anything. He felt heartache as he looked at it. He dipped his head after it vanished and waited for the next cat.

The next cat was a light brown shecat with blue eyes. She looked nice and Clearpaw kinda remembered her. He believed that she was Sageclaw, the mother of Nettlerunner. She had been an elder when he was born. She had always told the best stories.

"Hello Clearpaw. Do you remember me? If not I am Sageclaw, the mother of Nettlerunner. I am here to give you your seventh life. With this life I give you pride. Do not let any cat hurt your pride. You are a leader and don't forget that." Sageclaw purred to Clearpaw then touched his forehead with her nose.

Clearpaw smiled then felt pride in himself. He was no longer a weak apprentice. He was a leader and he wasn't going to forget that. After he got his next two lives he would be Clearstar. No one could do anything about it. Clearpaw dipped his head and waited for the next cat.

This cat he knew. It was Heatherflame, Quietheart's mother. She looked younger then he remembered. Her green eyes sparkled with youth.

"I am here to give you your eighth life. With this life I give you youth. Be as curious as a kit and as lively as one too." Heatherflame laughed a little then touched Clearpaw's forehead with her nose.

Clearpaw saw himself as a kit again. He was smaller and loved to play. He was always playing games with Beewing, Beekit back then, and Treeblaze, Treekit back then. He smiled to himself and dipped his head.

The next cat he didn't expect. His eyes watered a little as the white shecat stepped forward from the crowd of cats around them. His heart ached as he saw her.

"Clearpaw..." She started with tears falling down her cheeks.

"Lunar, yo-your dead! This can't be. Who killed you?" Clearpaw choked out as he saw the shecat that he loved the most. After he got his nine lives he was going to ask her if she wanted to be his mate.

"I was poisoned. Please don't get angry!" Lunar meowed and padded closer to Clearpaw.

"I won't. Who did this?" Clearpaw meowed with a calm voice. Inside he was in raged. He was going to kill whoever poisoned her.

"It was Winterpaw. Please, she is a good shecat, just doesn't know how to handle herself." Lunar meowed and buried her head in Clearpaw's chest fur.

"I won't. You have to give me a life don't you. You can do it my love." Clearpaw purred and licked her ear.

"Okay... I'm here to give you your ninth life. With this life I give you love. This is different then a mother's love. This is just love. Love who you want to love. I loved you too and I wished I could of lived longer. We would of had beautiful kits." Lunar purred softly. Clearpaw nodded as she touched his forehead with her nose.

Clearpaw felt more love for Lunar then he ever felt before. He pictured a family, but Lunar wasn't in it. Instead of Lunar was Winterpaw. He did love the small shecat a little but now he had to love her.

"I now give you the new leader of PetalClan! Clearstar!" Lunar yowled out and shrank back into the crowd of cheering LightClan cats. Clearstar couldn't hear any of the cheering. He was to over come with grief.


Okay, now this is finished. I might just add some pictures of the cats at the top so you can see what the look like. Also, I'm sorry for doing this but I had to make it a one shot. Word count: 5250 without this little author note.

Now there you go WattyClans #WattyClanWriteComp1 I should be fine now. I wish everyone lots of luck even though I'm super nervous.

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