Twilight One Shots

By X0starstruckgurlX0

34.3K 268 21

a series of diferent one shots there are mainly twilight oneshots that i have written in the past but im cont... More

Twilight One Shots
Jasper One Shot: Starstruck
Emmett One Shot:
Just A Dream Ms. Brightside
Falling For You; an Edward Cullen One Shot

Let This Go; A Jacob Black Love Story

4.4K 71 6
By X0starstruckgurlX0

Name:Aira Call ( Embry's twin sister)
Age: 17
race:(human/ Werewolf)
looks: green eyes,olive skin,carmel hair,full lips
personality: sweet,kind,brave,athletic

*Aira’s POV*

-”Aww come on Embry?”



-”I said no Aira?! No more stalling!”

Ok I bet right now your wondering what the hell is going on, right? Well as you can tell I, Aira Call, am arguing with my twin brother, Embry. Right now I bet your all wondering, well what exactly are you arguing about? Well unfortunately for me I am the youngest of the two and Embry has made it his obligation to look after me. He goes big brother mode on me and daddy protection, since my good for nothing father knows nothing about either of us. Although it’s ok. I have my mother and my brother and I’m fine just the way life is. Now back to the argument shall we?

-”I can’t Em…” I whispered now in tears. “I can’t tell him……you know he loves Bella.” He sighed as he stopped his arguing. He rubbed his face with his palms, obviously tired of this topic. You see just like Embry and Quil, I am Jacob Black’s best friend. Just like Bella I have been his friend since childhood, but the one thing that differs from me and that human girl is, just that. She’s human, I, am not. I was there for Jake the whole time he transformed. Was Bella there, no. I was by his side when he was upset. What was Bella doing, causing him this dismay.

I love Jacob Black with all my heart enough to let him go. To want him to be happy. You see there lies the problem, he isn’t happy. Jake is constantly obsessing over this pale brunette. I could easily see why he liked her. Petite frame, big doe-like eyes, bouncy brown curls and a down to earth personality. Me? I didn’t stand out from any other La Push citizen, well…except for my eyes. I am a werewolf, so the gigantic, yet feminine build comes with the territory. I have the normal olive skin, the normal caramel colored hair, and normal full lips that any one in La Push is graced with. Although, my eyes is where I stand out the most. I have a set of bright green eyes that you can tell right off the spot when you first meet me. Yet I’m less, what’s the word, fragile, then Bella. I’m brave and athletic, yet sweet and kind. I’m not boasting, honest, that’s just what the others say. Even Leah.

Me and her can relate with heartbreak and wounds of the heart. We have doubts as to whether or not female shape shifters can imprint. Leah hopes so, I on the other hand, don’t think we can. I have been by Jake’s side practically my whole life. When me and Embry changed, we did it simultaneously. I had him to lean on and vise versa. It crushed me that in the short time that I distanced myself from my best friend, he had grown so close to Bella. One would think that I would grow jealous of the pair, but I didn’t. If you truly love something, let it go.

After a while of just hugging and crying, well I cried, Embry just hummed and rubbed my back as he rocked us back and forth. I know pathetic right. Soon my sobbing died down to whimpers which in turn just turned into silent tears. In a few more minutes I felt much better.

-”You good now?” asked my brother. I nodded as I smiled. He smiled back and kissed the top of my head.

-”Thanks Em.” I mumbled as I hugged him once more before standing up.

-”Can I ask you a question though Embry?” He looked at me, interested in what I had to say. “Why do you care so much?” He looked shocked. “Is it because I’m your sister? Or because he’s your best friend?”

-”Both…I just-I know how much you care for him.-I can see it in your eyes. I think it is possible for you to imprint-maybe, maybe it’s just not as strong.” I nodded. I was about to leave. It was almost my time to patrol. “Wait…now it’s my turn.” I didn’t turn to look at him. I just waited patiently for him to continue. “I can here your thoughts, sometimes-when we patrol alone-you think about not being able to let him go. What do you mean by that?” This time I controlled myself as silent tears began to run down my face again. I tried to make it unnoticeable, but I could tell that he already caught the scent of the salty liquid.

-”I ask myself that everyday Em…I’ll let him go as long as he’s happy. He’s not himself anymore Em. If you ask me he’s hurting himself and that in turn hurts me…I don’t even know him any more!” I shouted towards the end. I could tell he was startled. He took a step towards me and I opened the door, he stopped. I cleaned my face trying to be as subtle as possible. “I use to say that maybe if my heart stops beating, the pain will stop too” I whispered, well aware that he could hear me. I herd him in return gasp at my comment. “I’m not stupid though, it won’t work…I’ll be causing grief for others, like you and Ma, I don’t want that.” I stopped as I herd a loud howl, it sounded like Jake. I sighed. They were waiting on me. “I don’t wanna be alone, I don’t wanna let him go, but I have too. So in a way, I’ll let him go while still being able to hold on.” Embry looked like he would soon be in tears if he saw me in so much pain. Being twins gave us this uncanny connection towards each other. I sighed. “Forget it Em, Don’t wait up. Cover for me?” I asked as I turned around now smiling. He smiled sadly, seeing right through my fake one. He nodded nonetheless.

-”I’ll tell Ma your at a sleep over.” I nodded as I ran into the woods to shift. Before I did I made sure to clear my head of ALL thoughts. I stripped off my clothing as I was away from view and shifted, letting my beautiful silvery grey fur shine in the moonlight. I looked a lot like Embry in wolf form too, except that the grey in me was more of a silvery color at night. I shook it as I felt at peace for the time being. ‘I’ll never let this go’ I thought as I sighed/

-’Let what go Aira?’ I jumped and herd a round of barking laughter. I could easily identify the russet wolf in front of me along with the sandy colored one at his right. I gave him my best wolfy grin.

-’Oh! Hey Jake…Hey Seth!…It’s nothing! I was just talking to myself…well thinking, you get what I mean!’ I thought still smiling. They nodded.

-’So Aira how’s it going?’ I looked at Seth as we began to run. I ran at a steady pace seeing as I was slightly faster than the two boys.

-’Not much kiddo just...being myself ya know? Trying to get as much outta life while I still can.’ I said nonchalantly. Seth nodded and we began to have a conversation as we split up to survey the lands. We were talking about school in general. About how me and him were bummed out because Sam wouldn’t let him join football and I could not join track.

-’See! You get me! Sam said something about not being fair to the humans!’ shouted Seth obviously upset. I herd him sigh in his head. ‘But I suppose he knows best…’ I nodded my head even though he couldn’t see I knew he could comprehend that I in turn did understand what he felt.

-’ Yea I know what you…Jake? Hey why’s Jake so quiet?’ I asked Seth.

-’Oh he’s just upset cause Bella..’

-’Seth!’ We herd someone growl in our heads. I could almost hear the kid whimper at the tone of Jacob’s voice. ‘I think that’s enough patrolling!’ we herd him continue. It sounded almost like if he was baring his teeth at someone. I shuddered. Jacob must have sensed our fear and immediately calmed down. ’Sorry…tired…’ we herd him mumble.

-’Hey there Aira?’ Were our two hours done already?

-’Lee-Lee!’ I shouted happily.

-’Does everyone remember that today we meet the Cullen’s for their…training session?’ we herd as Sam entered our thoughts.

-’Yep!’ I herd Quil shouted. I herd him and ran to him. I instantly nuzzled into him as my greeting. I stopped I herd someone growl and Quil became stiff as he backed off. I tried reading everyone’s thoughts to see who growled at us, that wasn’t very nice.

-’Aira…enough, Quil…’ We herd Sam warn. They were all trying very hard to avoid something, what, I’m not sure. I knew Sam knew about my thoughts on Jacob because he was alpha, but there was something else. Same with Leah, and Quil was acting strange too. I’d ask Seth later. ‘Aira remind Embry tonight will you? Quil you remind Paul, Jacob Jared. Understood?’ We all agreed. I flinched as the others groaned. Jacob was thinking about seeing Bella soon. Good thing my shift was over because I don’t think I could take much more of this torture.

-’Well I’ll just be going…if you don’t need me anymore Sam…’ I began to run home. I herd the patting of paws as they slammed against the ground. I stopped thinking it was Sam. ‘Ooofff!’ I huffed out as someone rammed into me. “Jacob! Ugh…man your pretty heavy…’ I whined playfully. I herd him laugh. He stopped as he stared into my eyes. I could slightly hear his thoughts. I assumed he was trying to hide something from me as well. ‘Umm…I think I should go…Embry will be worried and…’ he nodded as he stood up. He placed his muzzle under my stomach helping to hoist my body up. I smiled at him, grateful. I walked towards a tree to change.

-”Listen um if you want I can walk you…oh shit! I’m soo sorry!” shouted a now human Jake.

-”Jake!…Uh…excuse me!” I shouted as I was shirtless at the moment. I was quick to cover my chest with my arms. I was blushing and what made me blush more was the fact that so was he.

-”Ugh…my bad I thought you were done……great now Embry has an actual reason for killing me.” I herd him mumble. I laughed.

-”Ok…you can look now.” I told him. “Don’t worry it was an accident…non-intentional.” I told him smiling. “Besides…he tries to kill ya and I’ll keep him in line” I said now grinning as we walked side by side. He swung his arm around my shoulder. I could feel the heat come to my cheeks. ‘Great like the werewolf heat wasn’t enough?!’ I asked myself.

-”Thanks Aira. You’re a good friend you know that?” My blush left just as fast as it came as my smile faltered just a little.

-”Yea…you’re my bestest fwen evaz Jakey.” I told him in a childish voice. He flashed me a smile. My heart melted there. Whether it was because we were just friends and I felt hurt, or because his smile always did that to me, I wasn‘t sure. ‘Probably both.’ I told myself. The whole way home Jake kept his gaze ahead of him, arm still over my shoulders and deep in thought. Most likely thinking about Bella. I sighed inwardly as I saw my house. I would have to sneak in through the window again.

-”Ugh…see you guys at two Aira.” I nodded as he removed his arm. I felt a cold breeze pass through it making me shiver almost, almost. Which is stupid considering I run at 108.9 degrees! I nodded smiling. I kissed his cheek goodbye like I always do. I have no idea what possessed me to, but I let my lips linger on his cheek. I pulled away without a word as I began to go around to locate my room’s window.

As soon as I found it, I notice the window was opened. Embry. I smiled, I loved my twin. I jumped through and landed gracefully without making a sound. I looked over to my bed then to the clock next to it. It read 12 am. I sighed. That meant I only had two hours of sleep before we needed to head out. A loud snore broke me of my thoughts and I looked towards the arm chair I had near my door. I told him not to wait up. When will he stop being so, so,…brotherly. Wow talk about lack of words. I thought it best not to wake him so he could be well rested. I went over to my bed and pulled out one of the large pillows behind the stuffed animals to place behind Embry’s head. I then went over to my bed to sleep.


It was strange. I was in a dark enclosure. Was this a dream? I don’t remember how I got here. I was looking around when I herd laughing and a motor running. I looked to my left. Nothing. My right? Once again, nothing. The sound was coming from all around me. Then I herd a male’s booming laughter. I recognized it immediately.

-”Jacob?!” I called out. The laughter grew closer. “Jake?! Come on now! Your creeping me out!” nothing. Now I was in hysterics as I turned in every direction trying to find the source of all the noises. They were everywhere. I dropped to the ground covering my ears as I screamed out. “Jakey!!!!!” Then it stopped.

I slowly released my hold on my head and stood wide eyed. Slowly the darkness began to show the familiar land of Washington as I witnessed what was in front of me. I could smell and feel the tears. There stood Jacob leaning against a motorcycle as he embraced and kissed Bella lovingly. Then the sun began to set and I was enveloped in darkness all over again. The images began to change and it was like I was invisible to everyone. There was a fight. Not just a fight. THE fight. The one that was to go underway tomorrow night. I noticed the Cullen’s first since a spotlight was held on each of the pale figures. They were doing fine. It looked like the odds were on their side. Then slowly I began to hear howls. Again I turned to look for my fellow pack members. In frantic search the howls grew more agonizing. I was scared beyond my mind, but not for me, no. For the sake of my family, my friends, my pack, my….Jake. I now understood why they were in so much pain. There before me stood Jacob curled up looking bloody and broken. I then herd screaming. Loud terrible agonizing screams that hurt my ears incredibly, so much to the extent where I was cowering on the ground covering my ears. It took me a while to realize it was I who was wailing. I covered my mouth and tried to run to them. The whole time shouting out to Jacob. Yet as soon as I was close enough the image began to disappear like smoke. The last image to vanish was Jacob as I could almost touch his mangled fur, but instead my finger tips passed through the grey haze.

*End of dream*

I woke up panting and covered in sweat as I placed my hand over my heart. It was beating at an alarming rate. I thought I would get a heart attack by it’s pace. I got frantic and looked at my surroundings. Ok…my room. Embry….What date is it?! I picked up my cell phone that was charging next to my clock. Ok…the day of that fight hasn’t approached yet. I sighed in relief. I looked at Embry who was still snoring. I rolled my eyes. I looked to the clock again. 1:55 am. I had 5 minutes to cool odd. I went downstairs, careful not to wake my mother. I got a cup ice from the freezer and poured water into it. I downed it all, feeling slightly calmer. I then poured some over my face. I went upstairs since my heat would take care of the droplets on my face. I nudged Embry and he grunted. I covered his mouth to prevent him from making noise and waking Ma. I made a ‘shh” motion with my finger and motioned to the clock. He nodded and we headed out my window. I left it open enough where it still looked closed from far away. I was still concerned over my mother’s safety after all.

By the time we got to the clearing we figured we’d be the late ones. We weren’t we were second to show. One guess as to who was first to arrive, more importantly WHERE they were seated. I laid my head over my paws. My brother, knowing how I would feel placed his head over my neck. I laughed. Nudging him to get up as the others arrived.

-’Get off Em…we look like Siamese twins!’ I shouted laughing in my head. I saw the mind reader look towards me and smirk. He whispered something to Bella who was standing next to Jake and I herd him growl. It was too low for me to catch, but obviously not enough for Jacob.

The rest of that time was spent prepping for the fight to come. It was mostly the leeches, but I was paying very close attention. That dream had scared me shitless and I didn’t want anything to happen to anyone. After a while they asked if we understood. Sam nodded. Then they asked if anyone would like to try. Everyone was skeptical. No one really fully trusted them. I rolled my eyes as I stood up from my place to head up to the blond male, Jasper. I felt someone’s jaws snap onto my tail and pull me back. I turned to scowl at who ever it was. It was Embry, he was whimpering in protest. Quil was on my left side and nudged me to not go. I rolled my eyes and stepped next to Jasper. I wanted to make sure I understood. We began and I could hear the thoughts of the others as they were all clearly nervous about my safety. I herd someone say something like, ‘if he hurts her I‘ll rip him to pieces!’ I figured it was Em and smiled. I could almost feel the hairs on THEIR necks stand on edge when he almost swiped at my side. I dodged and bit his leg, careful not to clamp down on it. We pulled apart and continued. This was actually fun. The others grew more confident and soon Quil was by my side nudging me back. Again I herd a growl and, again, Quil stiffened stopping his actions.

When we were told to leave by Sam. I was pushed forward by Embry. Yet I wouldn’t budged. I whimpered calling Jacob over who refused to come just yet. He just smiled and wagged his furry tail as the brunette sleeping beauty leaned against him half asleep. I whimpered again and he ignored it. Embry growled softly getting my attention as he tugged softly on my neck to pull me forward. I shook him off and ran at full speed home. Right now I just wanted to sleep.

The whole next day I didn’t exit my house. We had school, but the pack was excused from attending. The others thought it best to either practice on our own, spend time with your imprint, or go out to enjoy the day. I did neither. I stayed in my room all day. Embry protested saying he should stay with me, but I won that argument, saying that I was just tired. All day I either slept or ate. Leah came over near seven telling me about how Jake wasn’t worth it. The whole time my dream replayed itself in my head. I shook it off. He was worth it. My FRIEND was worth it. I was doing this to help a FRIEND. Not …I sighed out loud. I just went to the store to get some ice cream and came back. I felt really down. Jake came by as well seeing if I wanted to practice with him. I told him the same story as Embry. Only thing is he’s more stubborn…

-”Bullshit. I know you. You hate sleeping in. You love playing around.” He glared at me. “You know Quil said he was just gonna eat all day to regain his strength. What a coincidence. The both of you alone huh?” I raised my eyebrow.

-”What are you talking about?” I asked confused.

-”Don’t act stupid! I’ve been seeing how the two of you act around each other!” he was shouting. I sighed. I didn’t want to fight with him. Not today.

-”Look Jake…Me and Quil are just friends…JUST….friends………like me and you” I whispered the last part so low I doubt he herd it. “Quil’s always hungry lately anyways… and I am sleepy…I didn’t get much sleep last night….ask Embry.” I told him. He just stared at me. He was acting like I did something wrong. He looked skeptical. I sighed again. I hated what I was about to say next. “Why don’t you just ask Bella if she wants to hang out before the fight.” His facial expression didn’t change for a long time. Soon he smiled and nodded as he headed out the door. *sigh* This is going to be a very, very long day.

Time of the fight was here. I was nervous. Everyone was confused since I’m usually as upbeat as Seth. I was nervous for three reason. One, my dream. Two, Jacob and Bella where together at the moment. Three, I was afraid of loosing someone… The others hearing most of my thoughts tried to make me feel better.

-”Their almost here.” said the smaller of the leeches. Sam nodded to me.

-’Go get Jacob.’ he told me. I was fastest, same as Leah. We tied in that category, so it seemed reasonable as to why he would choose me. I nodded and with great speed took the corresponding paths to get to Bella‘s camp sight. When I did, I wish I hadn’t. In front of me were Jacob and Bella kissing intensely. I felt the tears stinging my eyes and all I could do was watch. I herd the voices in my head telling me to just come back. I didn’t I stayed and watched as my best friend, and, dare I say it, imprint. Yes imprint, I’ve grown to accept that fact, make out with another. At that instance my heart broke. The leech herd my thoughts and was going to separate them. He understood my pain. He didn’t stop them earlier because he loved her, but I loved him. He herd my thoughts, and understanding that we had the same opinion on this back off the two leaving inside the tent. Seth came soon. I guess Seth was told to snap ME out of it. Seth’s whimpering brought Jacob back and he pulled apart, shocked. He looked at me. He stared into my green, broken eyes an I think he saw all the pain because he wouldn’t look away.

-”Aira…I” I ran off back to my position, not wanting to hear it. He was happy so I should be happy too right? I told myself that yes, I was right. I kept running right when I did the others told me to prepare myself and to clear my head. I did it for my pack and concentrated. Jacob on the other hand…He tried to talk to me, but when he got there so did the others. And so…the battle began.

Many times during this fight I would get luck and burly miss a hit from one of these leeches. I was dodging as best as I could. It looked like we were winning. I was smiling again, having fun. So far so good. We could win. Everyone felt the relief coming from me, and I think that encouraged them as well. Yet when I turned to look around after finishing off my opponent, I saw Leah being cornered. My eyes widened as I saw her back hit a boulder. Then, if possible, the size of my eyes increased as I saw Jacob race to try to help her out. I don’t know how or where the instant speed came from, but I felt it. The adrenaline pumping through my every vain. I felt this anger over power me as I remembered the dream. This time the others saw it and they all called for the sake of their friends. Suddenly the leeches pounced, ready to strike Jake. Leah stared in shock, wide eyed as I pushed him out of the way. Taking his place. I howled in pain as I felt them crushing my bones. I yelped as I tried to struggle free. I could see the small dots filling my vision. Soon like a pixel image, it all turned black. I was unconscious.

Dead. Yep I’m dead. Where ever I was it was so dark, it made my dream look like it was in color. Stupid yes I know, but seriously it’s dark in here. Even my werewolf vision wasn’t helping me see through anything. It was strange I couldn’t move. I was floating in the black void. Just floating as I was laid down. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t here anything. Only my own thoughts penetrated the silence. My lips were paralyzed as well. I figured this is where werewolves go when they died. ‘So much for all dogs go to heaven.’ I thought bitterly. Suddenly I could hear a small noise. It sounded like sobs. Was I crying? I wouldn’t know I can’t feel a thing! Then I felt something. A rain drop? It had landed on my finger, allowing me to move it. Suddenly I was no longer floating, no, I was falling. Then I could hear it. It wasn’t one person. It was many. There were many sobs echoing in my ears.

-”I-I think she moved!” someone shouted happily. “Aira…Aira, come on babe.” babe? I tried to lift my eyes open, but I couldn’t.

-”Jacob…she hasn’t moved for two weeks, even I’m starting to loose hope.” Embry?….wait Jacob?!

-”No! She’ll wake up she has too.” I herd the husky, hoarse voice shout.

-”Your giving up on her?! She’s your sister!” a feminine, yet hoarse voice shouted.

-”I’m not! It’s just-two weeks? I want her to wake up too, but…she hasn’t” I hated hearing them argue. I pulled myself together and with all my strenght managed to move my arm. Just them My eyes snapped open, along with my mouth.

-”Oww ow owwww!” I shouted “My armmmm!” I whined.

-”Aira!” I looked to see Leah and Embry running to me. I shook my head no, but too late.

-”Owww! Too tight! Owwey!” They let go.

-”I’ll go tell the others!” shouted Leah and Embry at once smiling. That just left me and Jacob. I looked down. I didn’t want to explain myself. I was in too much pain to make up an excuse. Both physical and emotional. He placed him hand on my face as he rubbed it with his thumb. Tears rolled down his eyes as he smiled softly.

-”Aira…” he mumbled. I was about to open my mouth when he hugged me lightly, careful of my injuries. I hugged him back figuring this was as good as it’s ever going to get for me. I frowned when he abruptly let go and angered expression on his face. “Don’t ever do that again stupid!” he shouted. I looked at him like he was crazy. He then embraced me again.

-”Jake? Are you having mood swings again?” I asked laughing lightly. He began to sob. I patted his back. I noticed my other hand was also bandaged, but not completely in a cast. “Shh…aww Jake…it’s ok…I’m fine…I’m sorry.” he shook his head.

-”No…no it’s not! I thought I lost you!” he shouted. I wanted to tell him so much. He didn’t loose me, I lost him. I didn’t have the words to tell him how I truly felt. I just don’t want to be alone, to be away from him. Don’t get me wrong, I would let him go, as long as he’s happy, but…*sigh* “Why’d you do it?” he asked me. I looked down as I played with a strand of hair. I couldn’t help it. I did it when I lied or was nervous. At the moment both were going on.

-”I was trying to help out the pack…what would we do with out our Beta?” I told him. He let stood up with an angry expression, the tears never once ceasing to a stop.

-”Bullshit Aira! Tell the truth….please…..tell me…why would you be so, so stupid. Don’t you know we can’t live with out our imprints?’

-”Well I just couldn’t-I had to-wait…..what…did…you…say” I was so shocked.

-”My imprint…you’re my imprint. That’s why I was so mad at Quil and why I was mad at Seth and the others because they found out…I love you Aira.” he told me. The tears ran down my face now. I shook my head.

-”No…no. No! You love Bella! I saw you! You kissed her! You LOVE her! You said so yourself!” I was shouting at him now. I stood up off the bed, ignoring the immense pain going through my body.

-”I…lied….I did, but….when I kissed her, I felt nothing. It just proved that I was THAT in love with you. I NEED you Aira.” he told me as he cupped my face in his hands. The both of us in tears. I shook my head, not believing him. He was trying to look into my eyes, but I just shoot hem tight. He then tried to search my face of my answer. When he didn’t find one…I felt him crush his lips into mine. The kiss was fierce, yet pleading. Fierce as he was enraged with himself for taking so long. Pleading for me to understand and to love him back. As the seconds ticked by I found myself give up and kiss back. He pulled me closer as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Our tears mingling together. “Now do you believe me?” he asked softly. I smiled as the emotions ran through me. I nodded and we kissed again this time sweetly. It felt so warm as it sent the butterflies in my stomach off as they fluttered in there like crazy. We pulled back as we smiled at each other.

I may have had to let go in the beginning of all of this, but that doesn’t change anything now. I still have to let go. To let him go. But I’ll be letting o of a friend, to make room for my love. And let me tell you, I was NEVER going to let him go…never.

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