I Found You {Jeff The Killer...

By XxTheFairyQueenxX

292K 8.5K 11.5K

『 #8 ɪɴ ᴊᴇғғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪʟʟᴇʀ 』 The blood rushed over my body, heart beating, world spinning. It was a whole new wo... More

Him and Her
The Tall Man
The First Test
The Meadow
Day One
The Third Test
Day Three
The Fifth Test
Failure My Savior
Authors note

The Second Test

15.6K 567 168
By XxTheFairyQueenxX

I follow BEN to Slender man's office on the 3rd floor.
"What were you doing in our dorm?" BEN asked, curious.
"Jeff left the party upset, so I followed him to the room. And I hope you don't mind that I cleaned up the place." I say, embarrassed.
"Nah, it's cool to see the place cleaned up every once 'n awhile. So, what was Jeff upset about?"
I didn't want to tell him exactly why, they may be best friends but no ones really seen that side of him. Just like everyone hasn't shown no one what they're truly feeling. I don't want to ruin his 'bad boy' reputation.
"Oh you know, he couldn't stand the noise and the people. Just got too loud and it annoyed him." I lied.
"Ah, makes sense. He never liked parties all that much." BEN said. Suddenly the image of Jeff burning at the little boys party flashed through my mind.. But I shook it off.
"Alright, go in." BEN said, giving me a reassuring smile.

"Welcome back, (Y/N). And welcome back to the next test." The Slender Man said greeting me.
"Hah.. Yeah.."
"What is the matter child? Are you not confident in your chance of winning?" He asked gazing straight at me. Well, I could feel his gaze at least.
"Well, I'm not that good at, being what you'd call a killer.." I say ashamed.
"But your mother and that man-"
"I don't know what I was thinking- I wasn't thinking.. I was just tired of it all. Scared, helpless. I can't kill an innocent person, what kind of freak being gets pleasure of seeing others in pain?!" It was silent.
"My children get pleasure. You're a strange one (Y/N). I see so much potential in you, but just can't seem to find the motivation." He said and moved toward the chair filled with wires and plugs.
"Do I have to do this test.." I complain, the fear of the First Test crawling back.
"If you wish to live, then yes. Now come." I walked over to the chair, and hopped in. He tied the straps on my arms, and around my chest and waist. Then my ankles.

"Now, for this Second Test, you have 30 minutes to out run the cops while in tremendous pain. To heal your self, find a house and care for your wounds- without waking the family. Then you run back outside, and into the woods, to the well you first encountered when you arrived here. Only then, will you pass." I take deep breaths and reassure myself.
"Okay.. I'm ready." I say determined. I have to do this, for Jeff. I have to.
"Alright.." He begins sticking needles in my veins, putting in the metal strainer-like helmet on me, and turns on the power. He finally puts on a mask giving anesthesia...


"OW GOD DAMN IT-!" I scream. I look around me, I'm lying on the concrete street. I'm dripping in blood, bruised and I can barley see- I feel like I'm going to cry from the pain!
"I heard something!" I heard a voice.
Shit. I forgot- I'm being chased! I can't fail- I can't fail Jeff! Damn! I hold my side, and start running to a nearby house- well more like crawling. I swallow up some of my blood escaping my mouth- I can't leave a blood trail. I spot a home- a home that seemed so familiar.. Like I've seen it before, in pictures or something. I go to the front door, barley able to stand. Of course it's locked- shit. Okay, calm down. I get a hair pin from my hair- and try to open the bottom lock. Please please work! I hear a click- Thank God! I sigh and open the door.
I peak out the window, and see the cops knocking on houses. Won't be too long until they reach this one- 4 houses away. Still.. This house seems so familiar..

"(Y/N)!" Sharon says walking over to my desk.
"What's up?"
"Okay- me and my friends were talking about that psychopath, Jeff the Killer- and guess what!" She smiles.
"What?" I ask, slightly curious.
"Jack's dad, you know, the police chief, worked Jeff's case 2 years ago. Well turns out they're re-opening that case because- he's been spotted again!" She says in her try-to-be-scary voice.
"A-are you serious. That's no joke Sharon- he's a cold blooded killer!" I say trying to knock some sense into her.
"Yeah- I know. But look, Jack took some photos from his dad's office- it's pictures from Jeff's house! Of course, no ones bought the house since, so it's still for sale- but here- just take a look!"

No wonder.. This house- is Jeff's?! I look over to the clock- 25 minutes left. Crap- I have to hurry.. But.. I look up the stairs. I mean I have enough time..
"Ngh.." I groan. The pain is kicking back it- 3 houses left till ours- I run into the kitchen, looking through cabinets and drawers- and I spot some pain killers inside a first aid kit. I grab the bandages and wrap them around where my ribs are. I take some pain killers, and put ointment around cuts and bruises. It burns like hell but I have to keep quiet. Finally I'm done, I look out the window again, 2 houses. I look at the back door- then the stairs.
"I have to see him!" I run up the stairs- still in pain. I see 5 doors, I look through one, but it was the parents, then another, but there slept a blonde boy. If I recall, by the pictures, Jeff had brown hair.
Third times a charm.
I open the door- and there he was. Sweet, 13 year old Jeff..
"So this is how you looked like 2 years ago.." I whisper. I crept up to his bed, and looked at his every feature. Brown hair, soft peach skin, a childish face. Next to his bed was a picture of him and his brother..
"Oh Jeff.." I say softly. He looked so happy..

But then I heard a knock- shit they're here! I see the lights turn on from across the hall- the parents! No no no no no! Jeff's eyes flicker, and I see his blue ocean colored eyes... He notices me- just about to scream, but I cover his mouth quickly.
"Shh.. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. I just need to get out of here- would you mind helping me?" I ask.
His eyes bulge in fear- but he calms down after realizing I'm not someone to be feared. I could hear the cops- I don't have much time to loose.
"W-who are you?" He asked.
"I'm- I'm no one.. Listen In 2 years time we'll meet again. You'll be a new person- and I mean new. I just need your help- I need to get to the forest, I only have 15 minutes, please!"
"W-what? O-okay! Hold on-" he gets up and puts on his white jacket and converse.
"Look, there's something about you.. You seem different, and I'm here to help you. Don't worry, I wouldn't leave someone hurt alone. I don't know if your from the future or what- but I trust you. I don't know why.. But I do." He smiles at me. He looks so different.. Even his voice sounds unfamiliar.
"Thank you.." I grin.
"Margaret! Why is the kitchen a mess!?"
"No- maybe the killer is in here!"
I hear two voices.
"Ma'am, please let us in- to protect your family-"
"Please- go! Peter, the kids!" The mother yelled.
"Crap- c'mon!" Jeff pulled my hand and opened his window. We both hopped out and ran across his roof to the back yard.
"Okay, we have to jump on the trampoline, let's go!" Jeff said and pulled me down with him. This reminded me of when Jeff saved me from the police and helped me escape when I killed my- my-...
"Thank you Jeff-"
"How do you know my- damn no time. Alright exit from the back gate-" he opened the gate and I could hear the police,
"She's got the child! After her!"

We ran, down the corridor. The woods were about a couple minutes away. But we kept running for 5 more minutes.
"All these damn trees!" I yell.
"Why do- you-" Jeff can barley breathe from all that running. "Need to- come here-?" Jeff asked, puckered out.
"Because, there's some people I need to meet." I huff. I can see the well, and with 3 minutes to spare.
"The people, are down there?!" Jeff asked.
"Yeah.. Hey.. Why don't you come with me?" I suggest.
"M-me?!" He stutters.
"Yes! Look, I know all about you. You don't belong here, you hate school, and everyone in it. Join me." I say.
"But my brother.."
"Will be safe. If you join me, your brother- no, your family- doesn't have to die." I say.
2 minutes left.
"D-DIE?!" He screams.
"Hey! I heard something!" A cop shouts.
"Listen, you'll be charged for assistance. For helping me escape- and yes, Jeff you kill your family; if you stay here!" I say, trying to speed it up.
"If I don't- go w-w-with you.." He shivers.
"Please.. Let me help you escape now." I whisper and grab his hand.
1 minute.
"Okay! Let's go!" Jeff yells and I grab him and take him down the well with me.
"Thank you." He said.


"JEFF!" I yell and wake up in the Slender man's office again. Jeff was there, smiling, because he saw the whole thing.. Again.
"Not bad, (Y/N). Most of my other children finished with 10 minutes to spare, but you did good. You passed." He congratulated me while untying the straps.
"You always surprise me. You could've failed if I took longer, you took the time to see me again- and you wanted to save me." Jeff said smiling.. He may have carved his face, but I could tell this was a genuine smile..
"I know it was fake, all a virtual reality, but I couldn't leave you, I needed to feel as if I saved you."
"I know you couldn't. Just like how I couldn't leave you when you needed me. Hell, I could've screamed.. But you.. Hah. You're my friend." He said blushing. My cheeks also turned scarlet.
"Oh.. And, you're welcome." I whispered.
And he smiled, brighter than ever.
"C'mon- I want to show you something." Jeff takes my hand and we run out the room.

"Children.." I could hear slender groan, but I just laughed. Because there's nothing better than happiness. Something we haven't felt in years...

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